THE PRINCIPLE OF ECONOMY IN WORD FORMATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
linguistics / word formation economy / formed words / linearity means / abrevation / shortening. / языкознание / экономика словообразования / образованные слова / средства линейности / аббревиатура / сокращение.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Ikramova, Zarnigor

The concept of economy in linguistics linguists often refer to the idea that "language cancels out", "language destroys something", "language seeks to get rid of something", "language tries to avoid heavy speech structures", and so on. puts forward. Of course, language itself, as a system of signs, does not have its own will and purpose. It is the speakers themselves who subconsciously seek to minimize the effort required in communication and pronunciation for speech movements, speech energy, and the effort expended to transmit certain information. The law of saving speech time, especially in the style of conversation, has situational and social limitations. Therefore, it often leads to harsh complaints from enthusiasts about the purity of the literary norm. But the law of conservation of language resources is the most controversial among linguists. Indeed, according to this law, many languages have “additional” grammatical categories and forms, for example, from the point of view of some linguists, a gender category because modern languages do not have a gender semantics. But this means that “asexual” languages like English and Turkish are better and more economical than developed languages with gender categories such as Russian, German and others. Russian linguist Budagov was critical of the law of economics, given the ambiguity of such statements. The principle of economics is universal because it serves as one of the main causes of change in all languages. This principle also demonstrates its multifaceted role in terms of perspective. That is, it finds expression at all levels of the language system. The means of implementing this principle at each level have their own characteristics and will be considered separately. The research made it possible to identify basic word-formation models of the English language. This results in affixal formations, which have the most important productivity in all parts of speech as they have come a long way in historical development. Methods such as word formation and word combination give the basic number of newly formed words. The study of effective practice of new term construction will help to identify external and internal laws, as well as trends in the process of word formation.

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Понятие экономии в языкознании лингвисты часто отсылают к представлениям о том, что «язык отменяет», «язык что-то уничтожает», «язык стремится от чего-то избавиться», «язык старается избегать тяжелых речевых конструкций» и т.д. выдвигает. Конечно, сам язык, как система знаков, не имеет собственной воли и цели. Именно сами говорящие подсознательно стремятся свести к минимуму усилия, необходимые в общении — и произношении — для речевых движений, речевой энергии и усилий, затрачиваемых на передачу определенной информации. Закон экономии речевого времени, особенно в стиле разговора, имеет ситуативные и социальные ограничения. Поэтому нередко вызывает резкие нарекания энтузиастов на чистоту литературной нормы. Но самым спорным среди лингвистов является закон сохранения языковых ресурсов. Ведь по этому закону многие языки имеют «дополнительные» грамматические категории и формы, например, с точки зрения некоторых лингвистов, родовую категорию, поскольку в современных языках отсутствует родовая семантика. Но это означает, что «бесполые» языки, такие как английский и турецкий, лучше и экономичнее, чем развитые языки с гендерными категориями, такие как русский, немецкий и другие. Русский лингвист Будагов критически относился к закону экономики, учитывая двусмысленность таких заявлений. Принцип экономики универсален, потому что он служит одной из главных причин изменений во всех языках. Этот принцип также демонстрирует свою многогранную роль с точки зрения перспективы. То есть находит выражение на всех уровнях языковой системы. Средства реализации этого принципа на каждом уровне имеют свои особенности и будут рассмотрены отдельно. Исследование позволило выявить основные словообразовательные модели английского языка. В результате образуются аффиксальные образования, которые имеют наибольшую продуктивность во всех частях речи, так как прошли долгий путь исторического развития. Такие методы, как словообразование и словосочетание, дают основное количество вновь образованных слов. Изучение эффективной практики нового терминообразования поможет выявить внешние и внутренние закономерности, а также тенденции в процессе словообразования.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Ikramova Zarnigor

Uzbekistan State World Language University, 2-course master's degree


The concept of economy in linguistics linguists often refer to the idea that "language cancels out", "language destroys something", "language seeks to get rid of something", "language tries to avoid heavy speech structures", and so on. puts forward. Of course, language itself, as a system of signs, does not have its own will and purpose. It is the speakers themselves who subconsciously seek to minimize the effort required in communication - and pronunciation - for speech movements, speech energy, and the effort expended to transmit certain information. The law of saving speech time, especially in the style of conversation, has situational and social limitations. Therefore, it often leads to harsh complaints from enthusiasts about the purity of the literary norm. But the law of conservation of language resources is the most controversial among linguists. Indeed, according to this law, many languages have "additional" grammatical categories and forms, for example, from the point of view of some linguists, a gender category because modern languages do not have a gender semantics. But this means that "asexual" languages like English and Turkish are better and more economical than developed languages with gender categories such as Russian, German and others. Russian linguist Budagov was critical of the law of economics, given the ambiguity of such statements. The principle of economics is universal because it serves as one of the main causes of change in all languages. This principle also demonstrates its multifaceted role in terms of perspective. That is, it finds expression at all levels of the language system. The means of implementing this principle at each level have their own characteristics and will be considered separately. The research made it possible to identify basic word-formation models of the English language. This results in affixal formations, which have the most important productivity in all parts of speech as they have come a long way in historical development. Methods such as word formation and word combination give the basic number of newly formed words. The study of effective practice of new term construction will help to identify external and internal laws, as well as trends in the process of word formation.

Keywords: linguistics,word formation economyformed words, linearity means, abrevation, shortening.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Word-formation techniques and tools have different functions. Currently, conversion formations are the most active in creating new words. The ability to construct and understand the resulting units leads to a true knowledge of the language, fluency of constructions not only syntactically but also morphologically. In organizing a language system, economics is one of the linguistic laws that govern all languages. However, the differences between them are expressed in one way or another. Such a universal law cannot be considered one of the most general linguistic universals applicable to any language, as well as to any aspect of it. The development and activity of language are regulated by different processes that take place in language, but their degree of spread is different. Some of them are universal - they are all or occurs in almost all languages, while others have a national character. One such universal process can represent the economy of language. In modern word building, there is a tendency to move from statics - from how ready words are built to dynamics - to how they are formed, what tools and conditions are available for this. By comparing the two series of formulas obtained, we can draw the following conclusions: To define a new word, no matter how it works, always look for what is required for the name of the word that forms from each new word. p amount of ME is consumed. has a new meaning.


Abbreviations as a method of word formation are a complex, multifaceted phenomenon that has taken root in the distant past. The prevalence of abbreviations is actually related to the emergence of complex denotations that require phrases or compound words to denote them. The function of the acronym in the communication process is to express ideas more economically and to eliminate redundant information. In abbreviations, information is conveyed with fewer characters, so the "capacity" of each character is greater than the corresponding original units, which makes the abbreviation considered one of the types of speech message optimization. The relevance of the acronym is determined by the need to name new concepts and objects. The goal is to create very economical and semantically capacitive nominative units.

The abbreviation became widespread in European languages in the 20th century. In essence, it had the ability to derive complex names directly from the context of socio-political relations (these were mainly English abbreviations such as USA, TANU, ASP, etc.). The "abbreviation explosion" was under the influence of

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

extralinguistic factors such as the accelerated rhythm of life and its consequences -saving language movements.The problem of the origin of abbreviations is important to understand their essence and the laws of language operation. Reasons for the emergence of abbreviations include the direction of creating expressive units or the "demand for emotional and methodological diversity" as well as the focus on economics. The phenomenon of various abbreviations, which only leads to "simplification of the formal structure of the language unit", is often associated with a tendency to save language resources, improve mental strength and language form . The essence of "efficient use of language" is to ensure the maximum amount of information transmitted per unit of time, that is, to increase the communicative role of language. From this perspective, the economical use of abbreviations in language is seen as one of the ways to gather information to increase communication efficiency. In this approach, the main, that is, the communicative function of language, takes precedence.

Therefore, the tendency to increase the informative value of a speech message is one of the important factors in the development of speech.

Language as a social phenomenon. However, the explanation of the acronym "save movement" is incomplete and insufficient. Abbreviations are primarily related to the basic - communicative function of language, providing communication needs not because of 'economy 'but by condensing information for communicative purposes by increasing the information value of a particular language. elements of official language material. To gain a deeper understanding of the problem of the development of abbreviations, it is necessary to pay attention to some peculiarities of speech. First, it is important to keep in mind the linearity of the speech flow (and writing accordingly). Linearity means that all the elements in a speech stream (except for some prozodic elements called intonations, for example) follow each other in a strictly defined sequence.

The second important aspect of understanding the problem of abbreviations is the great redundancy of language and the uneven distribution of information in individual elements of the speech flow. Some elements of the speech flow carry no new information and actually duplicate information from other elements. The omission of such elements does not affect the understanding of the semantic content of any segment of speech. Thus, in order to increase the communicative potential of the language, it is possible to omit some elements of the linear flow of speech without reducing the informational value of the sentence, that is, to replace the extended sentence with a short one. It should be noted here that the tendency to replace

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

extended sentences with short words is usually very clear in language; in this connection it suffices to mention, for example, the widespread use of rhymes, auxiliary verbs, and some syntactic constructions. Thus, the acronym is to ensure the transmission of the maximum amount of information (semantic content) with minimal use of the material shell of the language (sound shell and graphic form), i.e. to increase the efficiency of the communicative function of the language. .

Abbreviation is one of the linguistic phenomena, so it cannot be studied without taking into account the peculiarities of language structure. Abbreviations occupy an unequal place in the word-formation systems of languages that differ in grammatical structure. Inflectional European languages (Russian, English, French, etc.) show a high potential in terms of word formation in the abbreviated model and differ in the level of development of synthesis and analyticism, allowing them to be observed. the nature of the influence of grammatical structure on the construction features of abbreviations and types of formation. The evolving processes that are evolving in modern European languages need to be considered in relation to all the important aspects of the word problem:semantic problem words, the problem of semantization of the internal form of words, their paradigmatic, motivational and derivative relations, information and discursive conditionality. Research on the material of analytical system languages shows that there is an asymmetry between the abbreviated unit and the original word, both in terms of expression and content. The difference is determined in the morphological structure, in semantic terms, in the stylistic features.

Abbreviations are widely used for stylistic purposes in fiction and Indo-European colloquial speech. Thus, abbreviations work as completely independent lexical units for the various speech purposes of modern French, and are not the only stylistic variants of already existing words that have lost their meaning. Cut shapes are used as stylistically unstressed (familiar) variants of full words, indicating changes observed in the functional and stylistic state of cut shapes.

Abbreviations actively interact with other methods of word formation. Abbreviations can be used to create new words using traditional word formation methods: a) word formation; b) phrases; c) conversions. An analysis of the structural features of stem formation in English has shown that abbreviations and acronyms stand out among them, which is a new trend in affixal word formation. One of the most effective additions of the last decade is the abbreviation + i.e. = N pattern, for example, yuppie (young professionals of the city) and yumpie (age moving upwards). Both units appeared in the early 80s. to appeal to young, successful, ambitious urban

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

residents working in advertising and sales. Using the simultaneous effect of the abbreviation and the suffix, a black (black + i.e.) - "blacksmith" is formed. In such cases, the abbreviation forms special abbreviated morphemes (black - "black-", brick - "brick-", post - "mail-"), which are only formally black-, brick-, post - this already corresponds to root morphemes. (Russian "food worker", "planner", "overalls").


The comparative analysis allows us to conclude that in terms of systematic study of the dictionary, abbreviated units and original words form certain structural and semantic subsystems, among which there are differences in key aspects of language. The intersection results in lexical units with a number of distinctive features in terms of structure, morphological, semantic, and stylistic parameters, indicating the existence of a new type of word in modern Western European languages.

Abbreviation (abbreviation of words, abbreviation) is called morphological word formation. It captures some of the sound content of the original word. Although this method has been available in English relatively recently since about the second half of the 18th century, in our time it plays a leading role as word formation. There are many different abbreviations in the Anglo-American scientific, technical, and economic literature. both individual words and phrases are abbreviated. An increase in the number of cuts is a natural phenomenon. Many scientists attribute its spread to the ever-increasing pace of life. At first glance, this explanation seems very logical and accurate. But I think this approach is a bit one-sided because the linguistic side of the issue is not taken into account. However, it cannot be ignored that abbreviations in English are prevalent mainly as a form of assimilation of assimilated words, as a result of which these foreign words approach the native English language with their distinctive monosyllabicity in their phonetic form .

In newspapers and information materials, names and titles are often used in abbreviated form. Often these abbreviations may be unfamiliar to the general reader, and their meaning is immediately revealed in the note or message itself. But there are many such abbreviated names that newspaper readers have long been accustomed to and therefore do not need to explain. The abundance of abbreviations is a distinctive feature of the newspaper-information style of modern English. Names of parties, trade unions, various organizations and positions:

AFL-CIO = American Labor Federation - Congress of Industrial Organizations, GOP = Great Old (Republican) Party, DD = Department of Defense, NAACP = National Association for the Development of People of Color, DA = District

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor



VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 5/2 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

Attorney; surnames or familiar nicknames of famous political or public figures: JFK = John F. Kennedy, Rocky = Rockefeller, Ike = Eisenhower, RLS = Robert Louis Stevenson; place names: NJ = New Jersey, Mo. = Missouri, S.F. = San Francisco, S.P. = South Pacific, E-W = East-West, NBA = National Basketball Association and more.

The names of American trade unions usually indicate to which unions this trade union belongs. These instructions

CIO - Congress of Industrial Organizations - CIO Congress of Industrial Unions


AFL - American Labor Federation - abbreviated as AFL. Abbreviation is one of the linguistic phenomena, so it cannot be studied without taking into account the peculiarities of language structure. Abbreviations occupy an unequal place in the word-formation systems of languages that differ in grammatical structure. Inflectional European languages (Russian, English, French, etc.) show high potential in terms of word formation in the abbreviated model and differ in the level of development of synthesis and analyticism, allowing them to be observed.


1. Ginzburg R.S. et al. A Course in Modern English Lexicology. M., 1979 pp.72-82

2. Buranov, Muminov Readings on Modern English Lexicology T. Oqituvchi 1985 pp. 34-47

3. Arnold I.V. The English Word M. High School 1986 pp. 143-149

4. O. Jespersen. Linguistics. London, 1983, pp. 395-412

5. Jespersen ,Otto. Growth and Structure of the English Language. Oxford, 1982 pp.246-249

6. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English. Oxford 1964., pp.147, 167, 171-172

7. Arakin V.D. English Russian Dictionary M.Russky Yazyk 1978 pp. 23-24, 117119,133-134

8. Abayev V.I. Homonyms T. Oqituvchi 1981 pp. 4-5, 8, 26-29

9. Smirnitsky A.I. Homonyms in English M.1977 pp.57-59,89-90

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