THE POWER VACUUM AND THE AUTHORITY OF INFORMAL ACTORS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Политологические науки»

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Russian Law Journal
Ключевые слова
Authority / international / modernization / Vacuum

Аннотация научной статьи по политологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Nazdar Zaki Dawood, Faieq Hassen Jasem

The aim of this paper is to develop the international relations since its inception, until the last decade of the twentieth century, are relatively stable rules based on the idea that developments and events that change the course of international relations establish new rules that suit the nature of development and the changes that establish it in the international system. Which makes the processes of modernization in international relations, in most cases, acceptable, as they passed through a stage of anticipation, then establishment, and then they enter into the realm of effectiveness? However, what international relations are witnessing at this stage is a modern application that may be unexpected and relatively outdated.

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1nazdar.zaki1201e@copolicy.uobaghdad.edu.iq College of Political Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq 2Assistant Professor faieq.hassen@copolicy.uobaghdad.edu.iq College of Political Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq


The aim of this paper is to develop the international relations since its inception, until the last decade of the twentieth century, are relatively stable rules based on the idea that developments and events that change the course of international relations establish new rules that suit the nature of development and the changes that establish it in the international system. Which makes the processes of modernization in international relations, in most cases, acceptable, as they passed through a stage of anticipation, then establishment, and then they enter into the realm of effectiveness? However, what international relations are witnessing at this stage is a modern application that may be unexpected and relatively outdated.

Keywords: Authority, international, modernization, Vacuum


More than two decades have passed and it was the subject of intellectual controversy in the field of international relations, which is: the conflict between regionalism and globalization, as this conflict resulted in a process compatible with the transformation of regionalism into a phase. In applying the values and systems of influence brought about by globalization by distinguishing between regions in terms of means of influence and imposition on the region to accept the system of values established by the United States and its allies through the system of neoliberal values. And the application moved to these regions through a regional policy that crosses the limits of the influence of one state and is based on the idea of freedom of passage for ideas and goods that liberalism was keen on, supported, and associated with its existence, relying in its applications on the effort of the private sector and minimizing the role of the state. The selection of regions was based on their relative importance to the great powers. Where the start was from the Middle East, to establish organizations of a secret, undeclared nature in terms of funding channels and concentration areas in Afghanistan, in which these organizations assumed a semi-official status through Pakistan's support for them through their presence on its borders with Afghanistan. However, what is true of Afghanistan cannot be applied in the Middle East, where the political regimes are authoritarian in nature and are very strong in dealing with forces beyond their control. Therefore, the challenge was to create informal powers and give them the opportunity by creating what is known as a power

vacuum. In order to formulate new goals for the United States and its allies by building a model of power of a gelatinous nature that takes the form of the void it contains. From here, the research problem stems from answering a central question: Is the power vacuum created by the superpowers and their allies, or is it a product of failed development contracts and the inability to build democratic states?

In order to answer this question, the research will be divided into three axes: the first discusses the power vacuum, the second examines the power model, and the third research model is ISIS. In this research, they relied on the inductive approach and used the analysis approach to extrapolate reality data and analyze their results and their impact on the power vacuum area.


Force is a concept of a dynamic nature that enters into the formation of all activities, and without it, bodies lose their effectiveness and ability to move and influence, and the process of discharging them requires a high effort because removing them from space generates unstable charges.

This scientific concept of an experimental nature, if drawn on the subject of research, we notice that it generates a big question for us? On force and its applications. If force is a means of demonstrating effectiveness and defining power by imposing will, and this is what is applied in the international system, then how do the central powers in this system resort to creating a vacuum region in which charges of unstable movement are generated, and the danger of this discharge increases that this application is associated with the Middle East The richest region in the world in terms of energy resources: oil and gas. In addition to the geographical dimension that controls the most important sea and land transport lines (1) and the presence of an Israeli entity is a basic ally of the United States. The aim of this emptying is related to a basic aspect which is that the power vacuum industry reflects a meaning with a holistic framework that includes political, economic and military performance; This performance is controlled, that is, we create vacuum and stimulate instability, and this produces new forces for us to be employed to control the levels of performance referred to above. For competitor penetration and viability (2).

In other words, building a vacuum of power is a more complex process, and it is of a more comprehensive nature than employing force, and it is because the totalitarian nature of power focuses on two sides:

The first is the ability to raise efficiency to increase penetration of the region by penetrating into the community structure and threatening the official of the force, which is community security.

(1) Strategic Studies, Issue 1, Military Intervention in Oil Resources - Possibilities and Plans, Volume 1, Translated by the Arab Research Foundation (Uncle of the American Fortune Magazine, May 1979 issue), Beirut, 1980, pp. 13-17.

(2) United Nations, ESCWA, New Technologies to Enhance Competitiveness and Productivity in Selected Sectors, New York, 2003, p. 17.

The second is to raise the status of international non-state units by increasing spheres of influence and generating new opportunities.

In other words, the process of building a power vacuum aims to increase the rates of influence and its sustainability. For long periods of time by creating a state of influence resulting from the interaction between units other than the state in the case of efficient and rational employment of them, i.e.: Putting together the forces in terms of the possibility of putting them into action or in use in certain circumstances and with certain goals (1). The link between the special units of interaction and their placement in their correct framework is the size of the void and the determinants of its formation related to the difference between these units, which enters them into a conflict of attrition based to a large degree on conflict in ideas until the level of action shifts from the ambition to build the state responsible for sustainable development to the ambition to sustain the conflict between The conflicting ideas of special units in the force vacuum, and this in itself is a central goal of the process of building the force vacuum. That is, transforming the conflict into a place of desire and working towards building a sustainable development state in order to exploit the resulting void instead of going to fill the void.

That is, the power vacuum: the outcome of the unstable state of influence emanating from the interaction of the unstable power elements of the region in artificial conditions and to achieve goals generated from the state of planned chaos, and drawn by the rationality of the central powers in the international system and commensurate with these powers according to the level of ability that the central powers possess. It qualifies it to impose its will during its interaction with the regions in a manner commensurate with the interest of the central powers of the international system in a certain period of time, which allows the central powers in the international system to create alignments of forces of an international nature and are regionally active and characterized by being informal, which allows the central powers to influence indirectly. More than a direct impact pattern. That is, it occupies a hierarchy of a relatively higher degree than what is imposed by other parties. This application emerged during the Yemen war, which represented a coupon limits Saudi Arabia is the most important ally of the United States in the Persian Gulf.2) To create a power vacuum that drains the regional and Yemeni forces in an internal conflict. This goal is achieved by the United States of an idea Excitation of force waves under vacuum carriers enemy employment To put pressure on the outskirts of the Gulf region(3)Through two vacuums, the strength of the first is on the side of Iraq, and this void is relative and has begun to recede greatly due to the successes achieved by the growing Iraqi power, and another void towards Yemen is still in the context of turmoil and instability, as if the United States is restricting the Gulf movement

(1) Quoting Melhem Qurban: Cases of Political Thought Power, first edition, (Beirut: University Foundation for Study, Publishing and Distribution, 1983),p. 121.

(2)A group of researchers: The security system in the Arab Gulf region, internal and external challenges, first edition, Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, Abu Dhabi, 2008, p.5.

(3) Bayram Sinkaya, Basbakan Erdogan in Tahran Ziyareti: Turkiy _Iran, Iliskerinde Yeni Bir Donum Noktasi", Dis Politika Analizi, Ortadogu Strategic Arastirmalar Merkezi (ORSAM), Ankara, TUrkiye, 30 Ocak 2014.

towards Egypt through Saudi Arabia through the Red Sea through the program An investment in a country governed by a quasi-military system that has relative stability and is looking for investments represented by Gulf capital, to create through the power vacuum what is known as the informal model of power that is not subject to international norms and covenants.


It became power informal among the main features that operate within the framework of the international system; she is An important center of ability that strives to achieve excellence Associated with political activity By employing informal forces. The power informality reflects the apparent and latent performance of the overall capacity associated with competition with other power centers Through official and unofficial forces It exercises its functions at the national level It is defined within one concept or character, which is the concept of "dominance of persons."Or organization son a group of individuals because they are physically or mentally strong. That is, these organizations of informal power that characterized by two characteristics:

Rationalism ability to employ the capabilities of available intelligence to achieve the goals of informal power models.

The model represented by a person who breaks the law and attracts people who are similar to him but differ from him in capabilities.

This authority relies on belief in inherited traditions Associated with high obedience to the implementation of decisions, Which considers the head of the authority to be the source of legislation and interpretation: it applies to Max Weber's indicators: it expresses a traditional model of authority associated with the head of the authority, In addition, It is based on two dimensions:

The first is an area of effectiveness Authority Especially the national state, which is no longer self-centered. The field of correlation between the work of national sovereignty and the laws of economic openness has disappeared, and it is an area that has become active within the framework of a global system. And between the field of political and social management that It is no longer associated with the authority of the state, but there are organizations and companies that compete with the state.

The second dimension is related to the field of competition that is associated with occupational authority model for a specific power vacuum, according to his ability Seek to expand its influence.

Is that the authority coupled in these two dimensions with the official head of power, but it is an expression of an informal dimension.

One of the most important pillars of power is the ability to expand and change the size of the space it occupies And create greater opportunities through employment Power gains to enhance the status of the unit that exercises it, and this in an important aspect of it is related to changing the elements of power and The study of change in the elements of power is complementary Of The

theoretical framework that explained the importance of determining the change in the elements of power and the competition between This is the centers To fill in the available power gaps.

Authority, in its general framework, reflects a holistic meaning that includes effective political and economic administration Whether it is associated with a state, an international organization, or an informal organization of an international or regional nature It involves a moral aspect emanating from the desire to increase the area of domination in order to achieve greater gains that feed the system of power.(1), To transform self-interest into a legitimate right that generates a justification for survival, coupled with the relentless pursuit of Expanding power. In this aspect they compete However, what distinguishes the competition in its modern form is that the competitors are states and other international units, formal and unofficial. In other words, power is the product of a complex set of conditions that operate within the framework of the international system.

However, the terms of the characterization of power is Continuity of influence, that is, power expresses a permanent, uninterrupted, linked effect At the center of the unit exercising formal and informal authority From this we understand that power in its general framework is a state of influence resulting from the interaction between the pillars of self-power and reality data. With the aim of creating a permanent and relatively uninterrupted state of influence in a manner commensurate with the self-interest in a certain period of time, And these elements of power are now mostly managed by unofficial international units, or influenced by them to one degree or



The US administration succeeded in expressing the superiority it achieved after the dissolution of the former Soviet Union. To announce itself as being the first victorious party in the ideological polarization and calling through this victory for the need to rule the liberal orientation of the countries of the world as a whole. In other words, the transformation witnessed by the international system was built primarily on adopting the unilateral, liberal approach. However, liberalism no longer refers to that thought that competed with the socialist camp, as it took on a new dimension in employment to ensure American supremacy in the long run. The administration of US President George W. Bush took advantage of the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States to start a new cycle of one of the most violent and costly US interventionism in international affairs.(3).That era to impose American liberalism by force, as it witnessed the invasion and occupation of two countries within the framework of what is known as the "Greater Middle East" (Afghanistan in November 2001, Iraq in March-April 2003) and their occupation, through the support of the movement known as "liberal internationals" and it was one of its most prominent symbols in

(1) Ismail Sabri Muqalled: International Relations: A Study of Principles and Theories, Fifth Edition, That Al-Salasil Publications, Kuwait, 1987, p. 65.

(2)Ahmed Zayed, The State Between Modernization and Dependency Theories, Nahdat Misr for Printing, Publishing and Distribution, first edition, Cairo, 2008, pp. 11-12.

(3) Arend Liebhardt, Consensual Democracy in a Plural Society, translated by: Hosni Zeina, Institute for Strategic Studies, Baghdad - Beirut, 2006.

During that period, the then British Prime Minister "Tony Blair" under the slogan of spreading the values of liberalism, democracy and free markets in various countries of the world after that. Basic goals that states should adhere to in their foreign policy, and in their relationship with other countries, so that they justify any "liberal internationals" international intervention to uphold those values, whether in a direct or indirect manner, as happened with the change in the Arab region through the popular movement. Described as (balance), in managing international power between power centers, and competition between these centers will not lead to war because of the element of deterrence for power centers, but it leads to a redistribution of international power spaces, and the acquisition of any of these spaces is testimony to the recognition of the growing capabilities of Unofficial international units Therefore, the centralization of control reveals that the possibilities of the future will remain, to a large extent, subject degree and level of development technological And informational and means of communication. It also shows that the most prominent results of the growth and development of the system are no international Rather, it is represented in its negative repercussions on the phenomenon of sovereignty, and the practical reduction of the state's ability to exercise its sovereignty in light of the claims of the regime's commitment. Protecting human rights and spreading the values and mechanisms of democracy (1) and reserve the right to interfere with sandmen states under the name of "the right of human intervention". protection of minority rights, and other similar claims. It reflects the centralization of control that refuses to change and maintain themed in country classification: And the internal fragmentation industry through the power voids that the research referred to Lead to more fragmentation represented by the emergence of many Models of power within the framework of one state And they are all phenomena describe Reducing the role of the state and bypassing its traditional sovereignty. Thus, the unrealistic choice of the continental state becomes clear. by creating force voids. Continuation of the globalization process, as a teacher Basic and substantial for the system international The new, by its nature, will lead to more fragmentation by arousing the needs of individuals for "self-identities" and for "affiliations By itself", and then the shares of this option, or the rates of desire for it, may not increase, because if each ethnic group is left to establish its own state, then the spread of such states and states will become a source a Fundamental to instability, the decline of the regime, and the diminishing sense of security, which may result in practice at a world that is difficult to manage if not unmanageable. This is what they replaced with the informal system of power by employing it through two aspects:

The first is negative by arousing fear in weak states in order to organize themselves in the centralized international power system managed by the major powers.

The second is positive by stimulating the self-capacity of states that suffer from power vacuums by developing self-capabilities based on the rational model of power that seeks to develop the role of law at the expense of authoritarianism managed by organizations working against the state entity.

(1) Marion Farouk Sluglt and Peter Sluglt, From Revolution to Dictatorship, translated by: Malik al-Nabrasy, Al-Jamal Publications, Cologne-Germany, 2003, pp. 40-51.

The two dimensions were clearly embodied through ISIS, where the operations of financing and supplying weapons were passing through the open global market, as well as preparing to stimulate the self-capacity to confront the country that suffers from the threat. It passed through two aspects, the first by seeking to gain the support of the international dimension, and the second, which bore the cost of victory, was linked to the positive dimension. To achieve self-victory through self-abilities. During the two dimensions, the international forces succeeded in pressuring the centers of the region and directing their security and economic policies to be more compatible with the principles of the neo-liberals.


[1] Bayram Sinkaya, Basbakan Erdogan in Tahran Ziyareti: Turkiy _Iran, Iliskerinde Yeni Bir Donum Noktasi", Dis Politika Analizi, Ortadogu Strategic Arastirmalar Merkezi (ORSAM), Ankara, TUrkiye, 30 Ocak 2014.

[2] Ahmed Zayed, The State Between Modernization and Dependency Theories, Nahdat Misr for Printing, Publishing and Distribution, first edition, Cairo, 2008.

[3] Arendt Lijphart, Consensual Democracy in a Plural Society, translated by: Hosni Zeina, Institute for Strategic Studies, Baghdad - Beirut, 2006.

[4] Ismail Sabri Muqalled: International Relations: A Study of Principles and Theories, Fifth Edition, That Al-Salasil Publications, Kuwait,1987.

[5] United Nations, ESCWA, New Technologies to Enhance Competitiveness and Productivity in Selected Sectors, New York, 2003.

[6] Number strategy studiesThe first, Military Intervention in Oil Resources - Possibilities and Plans, Volume One, translated by the Arab Research Foundation (Uncle of the American Fortune magazine, May 1979 issue), Beirut, 1980.

[7] Marion Farouk Sluglett and Peter Sluglett, From Revolution to Dictatorship, translated by Malik al-Nabrasy, Camel Publications, Cologne, Germany, 2003.

[8] Researchers group:The security system in the Arab Gulf region, internal and external challenges, first edition, Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, Abu Dhabi, 2008.

[9] Quoting Melhem Qurban: Cases of Political Thought Power, first edition, (Beirut: University Foundation for Study, Publishing and Distribution, 1983).

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