Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
This article reveals the important aspects of the effective use of innovative educational technologies in the formation of labor education of students during the educational science lesson. The need to take into account the psychological and age characteristics of students in the use of didactic tools is proven on the basis of examples.
Keywords: pedagogical technology, innovative technology, education, didactic tool, educational efficiency.
В данной статье раскрываются важные аспекты эффективного использования инновационных образовательных технологий в формировании трудового воспитания учащихся на уроке педагогической науки. На основе примеров доказывается необходимость учета психологических и возрастных особенностей учащихся при использовании дидактических средств.
Ключевые слова: педагогическая технология, инновационная технология, обучение, дидактический инструмент, эффективность обучения.
Today, the interest and attention to increase the effectiveness of education using interactive methods (innovative pedagogical and information technologies) in the educational process is increasing day by day. Classes using modern technologies are aimed at students to find the acquired knowledge by themselves, study and analyze it independently, and draw their own conclusions.
In this process, the teacher creates the conditions for the development, formation, learning and education of the individual and the team, as well as performs the functions of management and direction. In such an educational process, the student becomes the main figure. Today, the main reason why special attention is paid to the
Shaymardanov Khamza Kholmuminovich
Military Academic Lyceum "Yosh chegarachilar' Surkhandarya region,
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
use of pedagogical technologies in the educational process of educational institutions is the following:
First of all, in the scope of the opportunity to implement personality development education in pedagogical technologies, special attention is paid to the issue of implementation of development education in the Law on Education.
Secondly, pedagogical technologies provide an opportunity to widely introduce a systematic activity approach to the educational process.
Thirdly, pedagogical technology encourages the teacher to pre-design the technological chain, starting with the goals of the educational process, and ending with the creation of a diagnostic system and control of this process.
The correct implementation of pedagogical technologies in the educational process leads to the teacher acting as the main organizer or consultant in this process. This requires more independence, creativity and willpower from the teacher. Trainings conducted on the basis of pedagogical technology satisfy the desire of young people to express their attitudes to important life achievements and problems, and create an opportunity for them to think and justify their points of view. In order to achieve this, we need independent and free-thinking individuals who are able to absorb new information and evaluate their acquired knowledge by themselves. Therefore, the role and importance of modern teaching methods, interactive methods, and innovative technologies in the educational process of educational institutions is incomparable. Pedagogical technology and the knowledge and experience of their use in education ensure that students are educated and have advanced skills.
"Round table" method: A sheet of paper on which the task is written is rotated in a circle. After each student has written down his answer option, he passes the sheet to another student. Then there will be a discussion: incorrect answers will be deleted, the student's knowledge will be assessed based on the number of correct answers. This method can be used not only in written form, but also in oral form. Examples of tasks that can be given:
- what are the components of education?;
- What is the current demand for intellectual education?;
- What are the tasks of moral education?;
- what is the essence of environmental education?;
- explain the important tasks of labor and economic education;
- tell the tasks of aesthetic education;
- the importance of physical education today;
- What are the important features of legal education?
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
Remember, a well-asked question is half the answer.
"Pen in the middle of the table" method. The whole group is given a task (for example, the main factors of personality development and formation that affect the development and formation of the student's personality should be indicated one by one). Each student writes one answer option on a piece of paper, gives it to his neighbor, and puts his pen in the middle of the table.
An example of a task: The task given by the teacher to the group is to explain the main factors that affect the development and formation of the personality with life examples. An assignment written on a piece of paper is passed from one student to another. The student writes the answer, passes the paper to the next student, and puts the pen on the table facing him. The student who does not know the answer passes the paper to the next student, but keeps the pen in hand. The paper with the answer options is in the teacher's hand. It lists those options. As the options are listed, one of them will be discussed: How do you explain the innate ability in a person? What do you understand by the social environment that surrounds the child? And so on. "Pen in the middle of the table" method has several advantages. In particular, the teacher sees who is ready for the lesson and who is not:
- students analyze their answers twice: during written work and during oral discussion. Thus, these interactive methods used in the educational process help to improve the independence, diligence, organization, politeness, and creative qualities of students.
If we describe the interactive methods in another way, in the process of interactive education, the lesson is carried out on the basis of the interaction of students. Interactive method - by increasing the activity between the teacher and students during the educational process, it serves to improve the assimilation of knowledge under the influence of their interaction, and to develop personal qualities. The use of these methods helps to improve the quality and efficiency of the lesson. Its main criteria are informal debates, free presentation of educational material, independent reading, learning, conducting seminars, creating opportunities for students to take initiative, small group, large group, consists of assignments, assignments, written work, etc. to work as a class team. this is the activity of two people, that is, the learning process takes place in the form of a mutual conversation, in the form of a dialogue (computer communication) or on the basis of teacher-student interactions. Interactivity is mutual activity, movement, affectivity, student-teacher, student-student (subject-subject) conversations. The main goal of interactive methods is to create the most favorable environment for the learning process by
Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor
VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 7 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7
creating an environment for the active, free, creative thinking of the student, the use of his needs, interests, and internal capabilities. Such lessons are held in such a way that no student is left out and has the opportunity to openly express his/her opinions, what he/she has heard, read, seen. A process of exchange of ideas takes place. Children's enthusiasm and interest in learning increases, mutual friendly relations are formed. By its nature, interactive education is carried out through didactic games, by designing heuristic (thinking, searching, finding) conversation-lesson process, by creating and solving a problem situation, on the basis of creativity, using information and communication technologies. includes methods of increase.
So, interactive educational technologies and interactive methods, which are an important element of its development, ensure the change of indicators of educational process organization. After all, modern education requires constant updating of educational goals, content, form, methods and tools in connection with the development of science and technology.
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