Научная статья на тему 'The place of measurement uncertainty in the analysis of industrial safety state'

The place of measurement uncertainty in the analysis of industrial safety state Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Fedosov A., Kozlova A., Fedosov V., Abdrakhmanov N.

The concept of uncertainty as a quantitative characteristic is relatively new in the history of measurements, although the concepts of error and error analysis have long been used in metrological practice. Despite this, many documents already regulate the procedure for applying uncertainty in various measurements. As for industrial safety, this concept is very rare. This article discusses the terminology associated with the uncertainty and analysis of industrial safety. The analysis of industrial safety state at a hazardous production facility (hereinafter referred to as \"HPF\") is carried out by analysis of hazards and risks, as well as technical diagnosis and examination of technical devices, buildings and structures. These procedures cannot go without measurements. Therefore, in this paper, documents related to various methods of nondestructive testing have been studied. According to the results of these studies, the authors concluded that the uncertainty of measurements is not yet taken into account in the industrial safety expertise of technical devices, buildings, structures, which can contribute to the accuracy of the measurements.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The place of measurement uncertainty in the analysis of industrial safety state»


UDC 62.001.25



Fedosov A.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor of Industrial Safety and Labor Protection

Department, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University

Kozlova A.

student gr. MBP01-16-01 of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University

Fedosov V.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department "Management and Service in

Technical Systems", Ufa State Petroleum Technological University

Abdrakhmanov N.

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of Chair «Industrial Safety and Labor Protection»,

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University


The concept of uncertainty as a quantitative characteristic is relatively new in the history of measurements, although the concepts of error and error analysis have long been used in metrological practice. Despite this, many documents already regulate the procedure for applying uncertainty in various measurements. As for industrial safety, this concept is very rare.

This article discusses the terminology associated with the uncertainty and analysis of industrial safety.

The analysis of industrial safety state at a hazardous production facility (hereinafter referred to as "HPF") is carried out by analysis of hazards and risks, as well as technical diagnosis and examination of technical devices, buildings and structures. These procedures cannot go without measurements. Therefore, in this paper, documents related to various methods of nondestructive testing have been studied.

According to the results of these studies, the authors concluded that the uncertainty of measurements is not yet taken into account in the industrial safety expertise of technical devices, buildings, structures, which can contribute to the accuracy of the measurements.

Keywords: uncertainty, safety, risk, expertise, measurement.

Russia is known all over the world as a supplier of hydrocarbon feed like crude oil and natural gas. Despite the fact that the stocks of this type of fuel are gradually decreasing and it is necessary to think about alternative sources, oil and gas will remain in demand for a long time. Gas is a source of energy. Oil is widely used in industry, especially chemical, where it produces a large number of polymer materials. Therefore, no one is going to abandon its extraction. [1,p.162]

The enterprises on which oil and gas are produced, used, processed, formed, stored, transported, destroyed in quantities specified in Annex 2 to Federal Law No. 116 of 21.07.1997 are classified as HPF. There are different measurements at any hazardous production facility, like in any other place. Measurements are present in the declaration of industrial safety in the analysis of risk or in industrial safety expertise of technical devices, buildings and structures. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to assert with full confidence that the received measurements are true, for this purpose today the concept of "uncertainty" is used. [2,p.15]

The concept of "uncertainty" as a quantitative characteristic is new in the history of measurements, although the concepts of "error" and "error analysis" have been used in metrological practice for a long time. Nowadays it is assumed that after all corrections of estimates of all the prospective components of the error,

there still remains some uncertainty about the obtained result, that is the doubt as to how exactly it coincides with the value of the measured quantity. [3,p.10, 4,p.104]

Measurements are present in any kind of human activity, science, industry, health, trade or even security and environment, while helping to make informed decisions. Knowing the uncertainty of the measurement allows you to compare result of the measurement with the normative documentation requirements when assessing compliance, helps to find the probability of making the wrong decision and taking into account the risks that arise.

The uncertainty of measurement covers the following areas of activity:

- science;

- industry;

- activities of testing and calibration laboratories in industry, as well as in the areas of safety and environmental protection;

- activities of control organizations, as well as accreditation and conformity assessment organizations.

Uncertainty can also be used in the design of products, because the establishment of product parameter and taking into account the requirements for monitoring and related measurements will help to avoid high technological requirements in their production.

Some objectives of the concept of uncertainty:

- drawing up a basis for international comparison of measurement results;

- providing a multifunctional method for presenting and estimating measurement uncertainty applicable to all types of measurements and all types of data used for measurements.

In international standards, measurement uncertainty is formulated in two senses:

- in a broadest sense as a "doubt" applied to reliability of measurement results. For example, the questioning is about trueness or sought value measurement result after making all corrections;

- in a narrow sense, measurement uncertainty is treated as a parameter associated with the measurement result, which shows the scatter of values that could reasonably be attributed to the measured.

Nowadays, the uncertainty of measurements is regulated by the following documents:

- GOST R 54500.1-2011/ManualISO/IEC 981:2009. Uncertainty of measurement. Part 1. Introduction to the guidance on measurement uncertainty;

- GOST R 54500.3-2011/Manual ISO/IEC 983:2008. Uncertainty of measurement. Part 3. Guidance on the expression of measurement uncertainty;

- GOST R54500.3.1-2011/Manual ISO/IEC 98-3:2008/Addition 1:2008. Uncertainty of measurement. Part 3. Guidance on the expression of measurement uncertainty;

- GOST R 57272.6-2016 Managing the risk of using new technologies. Part 6. The relationship between risk and measurement uncertainty;

- GOST R ISO 21748-2012. Statistical methods. Guidelines for the use of estimates of repeatability, reproducibility and accuracy in assessing measurement uncertainty.

In these documents, are given the following definitions of the term "uncertainty":

- it is a nonnegative parameter characterizing the scattering of values quantity attributed to the measured quantity on the basis of used information [3,p.12];

- it is the state of complete or partial information lack which is necessary to understand the event, its consequences and their probabilities [5,p.11];

- it is a parameter related to the result of measurement, characterizing the spread of values that can reasonably be attributed to the measurand [6,pp.25-26].

Data on measurement uncertainty should always be taken into account when assessing the conformity of a measurement result to its objectives.

Analysis of industrial safety state at the HPF is carried out by work on the analysis of hazards and risks, as well as technical diagnosis and expertise of technical devices, buildings and structures. It implies following measurements during examination of industrial safety of technical devices [7,p.5,8,p.211]:

- visual and dimensional control;

- operative (functional) diagnostics for obtaining information on the state, actual parameters of operation, actual loading of the technical device in real operating conditions;

- determination of the operating damaging factors, mechanisms of damage and susceptibility of technical device material to the mechanisms of damage;

- evaluation of quality of technical device's elements connections;

- choice of non-destructive or destructive testing methods that most effectively detect defects caused by the established mechanisms of damage;

- non-destructive testing or destructive testing of metal and welded joints of a technical device;

- evaluation of identified defects on the basis of visual and dimensional control results, methods of nondestructive or destructive testing;

- research of technical device materials;

- calculation and analytical procedures for assessing and predicting the technical condition of a technical device, including an analysis of operating modes and study of stress-strain state;

- evaluation of the remaining lifetime (service


A survey of buildings and structures includes the following activities [7p.5,9,p.307]:

- determination of conformity of building structures to design documentation and requirements of normative documents, identification of defects and damages of elements and units of buildings and structures with compilation of defects and damages statements;

- determination of spatial position of building structures, their actual sections and state of connections;

- determination of influence degree of hydrologi-cal, aerological and atmospheric influences;

- determination of actual strength of materials and building structures in comparison with design parameters;

- an assessment of area and weight characteristics compliance of lightly disassembled structures with the required magnitude ensuring the explosion resistance of the facility (if available);

- study of chemical aggressiveness of production environment in relation to materials of building structures;

- determination of corrosion degree of reinforcement and metal elements of building structures ((if available);

- verification calculation of building structures, taking into account the deviations, defects and damages detected during the survey, actual (or predicted) loads and properties of materials of these structures;

- evaluation of the residual load-bearing capacity and suitability of buildings and structures for further operation. [10,p.119]

For the above measures both for technical devices and for buildings and structures use the following methods of technical examination [11,p.32,12,p.123]:

- visual- dimensional methods;

- vibration methods;

- thermal methods;

- method of acoustic emission;

- methods of radiography;

- magnetic particle method;

- eddy current method;

- ultrasonic testing;

- capillary control;

- methods of parametric diagnostics.

The analysis of the documents regulating the above methods carried out by the authors, showed that today there are no methods for technical diagnosis of technical devices, buildings and structures using uncertainty.

But point 1.1 of GOST R 54500.3-2011/Manual ISO/IEC 98-3:2008 «Uncertainty of measurement. Part 3. Guidance on the expression of measurement uncertainty establishes general rules for estimating and expressing measurement uncertainty that should be followed when measuring different accuracy and in different areas - from technical measurements in production to basic scientific research. [13,p.109]

Since most methods of technical diagnosis are carried out in testing laboratories, for them should be applied the point 5.4.6 of GOST ISO/IEC 17025-2009 «General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories», so a calibration or testing laboratory that performs calibration on its own should have and apply the procedure for estimating measurement uncertainty for all calibrations and all types of calibration. [14,p.21]

Often for analysis of risk inherent significant uncertainty. Understanding of uncertainty is necessary for an effective interpretation of risk analysis result and appropriate exchange of information. An uncertainty study corresponding to methods and models used to determine and analyze risk, plays a significant role. That is why it is recommended to include in report of accident risk assessment, an analysis of uncertainties in the results of this assessment. [15,p.26] This procedure involves determining the error of results caused by a change in parameters and assumptions. Analysis of sensitivity is closely related to the analysis of uncertainty.

Sensitivity analysis includes calculation of risk changes amplitude, depending on changes in certain individual input parameters. Such a study is used to determine data for which high-level clarity is required, and data to accuracy of which the risk is less sensitive.

The accuracy and completeness of the risk analysis should be observed as much as possible. Uncertainty sources need to be investigated for all determinants, so should be applied all available information about the uncertainty of methods, models and data. Results of the analysis of sensitivity parameters should be determined. [16,p.323]

Uncertainty can be a natural property of external and internal goals and the scope of risk management in the organization. The available data do not always provide a true basis for forecasting. For exceptional risks, chronological data may not be available, and the parties involved can differently interpret the already available data on risk. Individuals performing risk assessment should be aware of the type and nature of uncertainty and determine its significance for the reliability of risk assessment. It is necessary to maintain a continuous exchange of risk information with decision-makers. [17,p.499]

On the basis of the researches it is possible to hold that the term "uncertainty" is significant in performing various measurements, especially in the assessment and analysis of risk, as well as in industrial safety expertise. But at the moment there is on method of nondestructive

testing which takes into account the uncertainty of measurements.


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

10. Modern means of measurement, used in the examination of industrial safety of technical devices at hazardous production facilities. FedosovA.V.,Fedo-sovV.A., SHajmuhametov EH.F. Electrical and information systems and systems. 2016. T. 12. № 1. C. 117123.

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12. Gaisina L.M., Belonozhko M.L, Maier V.V., Abdrakhmanov N. Kh, Sultanova E.A. Deliberate reorganization of the system of social relations in oil and gas companies in the period of changes in economics // Espacios, 2017, Vol. 38 (N° 48). Available from: http://www.revis-


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14. GOSTISO/IEC 17025-2009 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. - Introduced 01.01.2012. - M.: Standardinform, 2012. - 34 c.

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17. Abdrakhmanov N. Kh., Vadulina N. V., Fedosov A.V., Ryamova S.M., Gaysin E. Sh. A New Approach for a Special Assessment of the Working Conditions at the Production Factors' Impact Through Forecasting the Occupational Risks // Man in India, 2017, Volume : No.97 Issue No. : 20, pp. 495-511


Shibaeva G.

Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor, department of construction,

Khakass Technical Institute, Abakan Glushkova R.

Student of the department of construction, Khakass Technical Institute, Abakan



Шибаева Г.Н.

Кандидат технических наук, профессор кафедры строительство, Хакасский Технический Институт, Абакан

Глушкова Р.Р.

Студент кафедры строительство, Хакасский Технический Институт, Абакан


The article suggests the parameters of a binder based on modified liquid glass.

Fillers and hardeners have been found that transfer liquid glass to a water insoluble state. The possibility of using affordable and cheap raw materials is shown. Аннотация

В статье предложены параметры связующего вещества на основе модифицированного жидкого стекла. Найдены наполнители и отвердители , переводящие жидкое стекло в водонерастворимое состояние. Показана возможность использования доступного и дешевого сырья.

Keywords: lignin hydrolised, oriented strand board, filler, hardeners, liquid glass.

Ключевые слова: лигнин гидролизный, ориентированно-стружечная плита, наполнитель, отверди-тели, жидкое стекло.


Распространенным связующим веществом в России для Ориентированно-стружечных плит (ОСП, англ. oriented strand board, OSB), являются карбамидоформальдегидные смолы (КФС)[1, с. 5].

В последние годы резко повысились требования к санитарно-гигиеническим характеристикам, в связи с новыми данными по воздействию формальдегида на организм человека. Связано это с тем, что при использовании ориентированно-стружечных плит в жилых помещениях под влиянием

тепла и влаги, происходит гидролитическое разрушение карбамидоформальдегидного полимера, приводящее к выделению вредных токсичных веществ, главным образом, формальдегида. В связи с этим возникла необходимость применения новых видов экологически более безопасных связующих. [1, с. 5] Одним из перспективных связующих, сравнительно близких по стоимости к аналогам является жидкое стекло (ЖС).

Однако ЖС, остается водорастворимым до достаточно высоких температур, что обуславливает низкую водостойкость плитных материалов, при

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