Научная статья на тему 'The place and role of the World Anti-Doping Code in training process of the youth (on the materials of the powerlifting department of the children’s and youth sport school)'

The place and role of the World Anti-Doping Code in training process of the youth (on the materials of the powerlifting department of the children’s and youth sport school) Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Zhitnitskiy Artem Alexeevich, Goncharenko Mariya Stepanovna

The content of the World Anti-Doping Code is disclosed in the system of using its main articles in the formation of a healthy lifestyle at the powerlifting section of the children’s and youth sport school. Taking into account the features of powerlifting, the main forms of its mastering are indicated in the context of the implementation of the European integration principles of Ukraine.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The place and role of the World Anti-Doping Code in training process of the youth (on the materials of the powerlifting department of the children’s and youth sport school)»

Section 6. Pedagogy

Zhitnitskiy Artem Alexeevich, postgraduate student, of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, the Faculty of Philosophy coach in the Children's and Youth Sports School No. 9,

Kharkov city, Ukraine E-mail: artem88889@gmail.com Goncharenko Mariya Stepanovna, Doctor of Science in Biology, Professor, Head of the Department of Valeology, the Faculty of Philosophy, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, E-mail: valeolog@karazin.ua


Abstract: The content of the World Anti-Doping Code is disclosed in the system of using its main articles in the formation of a healthy lifestyle at the powerlifting section of the children's and youth sport school. Taking into account the features of powerlifting, the main forms of its mastering are indicated in the context of the implementation of the European integration principles of Ukraine.

Keywords: healthy lifestyle, Olympic Charter, powerlifting, regulations, training process, Ukrainian Championship, UNESCO Convention, World Anti-Doping Code.

ticular sport. Let us therefore turn to the rules of hold-

The history of the set of children's and youth sports schools refers to the period of scientific and methodological base creation, when a healthy lifestyle of young people was a priority for the state. As ofJanuary 1, 2017, the number of these schools in Ukraine was 1155, including Specialized Children's Sports Schools of the Olympic reserve, their number was 1293 [2]. On the basis of these schools, 5.525 branches and 493.246 pupils were formed throughout the country, developing their abilities in particular sports [3].

The central final stage in the work of any sports educational institution is the preparation for competitions of various levels, the most difficult and responsible is participation in the championships of Ukraine for a par-

ing the Ukrainian Powerlifting Championship among students of universities and pupils of the children's and youth sports schools in 2017 [4].

In accordance with this regulation, the Ukrainian Powerlifting Championship among students of universities and pupils of the children's and youth sports schools was conducted with the aim:

- to introduce physical culture and sports in the daily life of youth, to improve of their health;

- to activate mass physical culture and work in all parts of the physical education system;

- to develop and popularize powerlifting among various age groups of the country's population;

- to enhance the skills of young powerlifters;

- to identify young talented powerlifters and their selection into the national teams of Ukraine for 2018.

Working in with the generally accepted system, the management of the entire organization and the conduct of the competitions was performed by the Ministry ofYouth and Sports ofUkraine and the Federation ofPowerlifting of our country. Responsibility for the preparation and direct conduct of the competitions was assigned to the Sports Department of Ivano-Frankivsk Region State Administration and theJudges Panel recommended by the Federation, whose membership was approved by the Ministry.

At the same time, the teams of the sports schools of 6 persons in each age group (gender characteristics don't matter) are allowed to participate in the competitions. The program of the competitions, the safety, the preparation of the competitions, the conditions of the championship and awarding winners was performed in the regulations.

Significant part in the above regulations is taken by the terms of financing and material support of participants, which in its content is associated with the terms and procedure for submitting applications for participation. The final section of the regulation contains characteristics of other conditions and anti-doping control. Considering the fact that the anti-doping control is a relatively new component of competitions of different levels, we will briefly dwell on the content of the World Anti-Doping Code [1]. Taking into account that any individual athlete could show a high result in a limited time interval, the range of requirements for the preparation of an athlete for competitions was gradually expanded. Everything that was not included in the list of officially accepted requirements, in the public consciousness, it often refers to the concepts of "dishonest, unjust" struggle.

In the XX century, when doping became effective in every kind of sport, and their hidden use became a secret of sports clubs, societies, states, a practical basis for the subsequent adoption of the World Anti-Doping Code was started to be developed. At present, this document includes four parts. Each part contains more than ten articles. Moreover, each article has a detailed textual definition of a specific part of the training process. In their totality, all the articles of each section are a system of interrelated, mutually complementary provisions, implementing which sports organizations, teams, countries, demon-

strate to the sports community (European, international) that they are ready to compete under generally accepted conditions. The Anti-Doping Code absorbed what was previously defined in the framework of oral norms and traditions under the general title of "code of honor", "rules of the game", "order of determining winners."

Thus, the preparation of the team of athletes, including powerlifters, to participation in the Ukrainian Championship suggests the exclusion of doping on the prohibited list during the whole school year, while mastering the motor skills - [8].

Let us turn to the content of the "World Anti-Doping Code" [1]. In our opinion, the importance of this document for the formation of healthy lifestyle among adolescents at classes like powerlifting, as well as other sports, is explained by a number of interrelated reasons.

Firstly, the international sports community can't function in any historical epoch without elaboration and implementation of unified norms and rules. These include regulating the use of all types of synthetic and natural stimulants.

Secondly, in the conditions of rapid development of all natural sciences including physics, chemistry, medicine and pharmacology, as the empirical data accumulate, the spectrum of stimulants will expand. This implies limiting their use in those chapels (borders, doses), which will be considered acceptable for each time period.

Thirdly, for each sport and age groups of athletes, a set, of those medical and biological means that will not be unambiguously assessed (from the "impossible" position), will constantly expand in different countries, in different scientific schools in sports medicine and in every spectrum of the regulatory framework of international competitions.

Let's try to use those sections and provisions from this document [1], which, in our opinion, are more important for the training process at the children's and youth sports schoosl. This applies both to the initial period of the formation of an athlete's attitude to stimulants, and the direct preparation for the competitions.

The objectives of the World Anti-Doping Code and the World Anti-Doping Program are the following:

- to protect the fundamental right of athletes to participate in competitions free from doping, and thus to promote health, justice and equality for all athletes of the world;

- ensure the creation of agreed, coordinated and effective anti-doping programs, both internationally and nationally, in order to disclose, deter and prevent the use of doping [1].

The document is the fundamental and universal paper on which the World Anti-Doping Program in Sport is based. The key goal of the code is to improve the effectiveness of the fight against doping in the world by combining the main elements of this struggle within the international sports community. To achieve effective interaction on those issues in which unanimity is required, the code contains sufficiently specific provisions. However, it is quite universal in those provisions where a flexible approach to the application of its principles in practice is required.

The Code is designed taking into account the principles of proportionality and human rights. In particular, it relies on the Olympic Charter and the International Convention on Doping in Sport, adopted in Paris on October 19, 2005 (UNESCO Convention). These documents recognize the prevention of doping and the fight against doping in sport as an essential component in the work of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and UNESCO, as well as the fundamental role of the Code.

Implementation of the course of Ukraine for European integration includes the study and fulfillment by our country the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Code. Therefore, let us dwell on the part of this document, without which, in our opinion, any interpretation of the data obtained will not be complete enough.

A separate section of the Code is devoted to a fundamental grounding for of this document necessity. Antidoping programs are designed to preserve what is really important and valuable for sports and is often called the «spirit ofsport». The essence ofthe Olympic movement is the desire to improve the natural talents ofeach person. The spirit of sport is the triumph of the human spirit, body and mind. It is displayed in the values of sports and it is:

- ethics, justice and honesty;

- health;

- high level of performance;

- character and education.

At the same time sports events must bring to the athlete:

- pleasure and joy;

- a sense of collectivism (team);

- devotion and loyalty to obligations;

- respect for rules and laws.

Needless to say, the athlete from adolescence consistently forms in himself:

- respect for all participants of the competition;

- courage and tolerance;

- community and solidarity, empathy for the interests of the country.

Any doping in any form is fundamentally contrary to the spirit ofthe sport. The Code requires every sports organization, including the Ukrainian Powerlifting Federation, to develop and implement educational and preventive programs for athletes, including juniors, and personnel of athletes (doctors, rehabilitologists, consultants, etc.) [1].

Our appeal to the fundamental international documents [1; 5; 8] and the fundamental works of leading scientists [6; 7] gives grounds to make the following author's conclusions, in order to improve the training process today (2017-2020), one should use the entire historical experience of participation in international competitions. The sports competition in lifting heavy weights by specially gifted people (strong men) in the times of Ancient Greece fulfilled a three-pronged task:

1. Identification of the most gifted and trained individuals, as in the process of permanent military-defensive battles, it had decisive practical importance for protecting the walls of cities, forts, bridges and crossings.

2. The cult of physical strength was assessed both in the context of hunting for strong and dangerous animals, and as a part of entertainment programs for the citizens in commemoration of traditional festivities and military victories. Sports competitions performed the tasks of "social glue" in all historical epochs.

3. Selection of beginners for purposeful training at all times was not possible without the development, adoption of any quantitative standards, without which the professional growth of adolescents would not be possible, as the soldiers and defenders of their people.

Based on personal experience, the coach, using the materials of the best athletes ofhis group, shows the possibilities of improving results without using doping substances and methods.

Students of the Children's and Youth Sport School No. 9 have always shown real interest in getting the information from the coach, which shows the gap between the results with doping based on facts documented at

specific competitions. Considering that in the rating of any sports international competitions the position of each individual country with the detection of doping changes significantly. Consider the relationship of the Anti-Doping Code with the rating.

The rating itself, as a term used, not only in the field of international sports competitions, but also in various spheres of social and economic life, we will briefly examine the essential significance of this process. In its totality, all the above-mentioned issues now allow us to conclude that:

- firstly, in each case, the country's position changes in international rankings, this shouldn't be viewed as an isolated, self-sufficient indicator, but only in close connection with a whole group of quantitative indicators that are prepared by state statistical agencies in Ukraine and other countries;

- secondly, the subjectivity of the rating formation in each international rating agency is always closed, not covered in the documents of the agency itself, which implies an understanding of the underlying cause-effect relationship between the ratings of different agencies, different countries and at different times;

- thirdly, the change of a particular country's position (in this study of Ukraine) makes it possible quickly to assess the situation in a particular issue that is being investigated in a narrow sector of cause-effect relations and can't claim the universal nature of a scientifically valid assessment suitable for the development of a long-term strategy of the industry and the country's economy as a whole.

Without taking into account the above-mentioned author's views on the peculiarities of using international rating agencies, in our opinion, methodologically incorrect initial assumptions can be made in the process of drawing conclusions deriving only from these ratings without using them simultaneously with quantitative indicators over several years (3-5 years).

Taking into account the adopted original conceptual apparatus and research methodology, let us present the author's understanding of the completed research in pedagogical science in general and in the context of a civil society of the European type formation. Thus, having studied the works of the leading Ukrainian and foreign scientists on the a healthy lifestyle formation, in which the training process at children's and youth sports schools performs the main load, the training forms the motor skills of the teenager at the powerlifting department, we can draw the following conclusions.

Firstly, the development and adoption of the World Anti-Doping Code created for all countries a single source of the methodological base in one of the most difficult to prove areas of sports competitions.

Secondly, powerlifting as a new kind of sport, at all stages of the training process bases on the World AntiDoping Code and it should ensure the formation of appropriate believes and attitudes of the adolescent. In the course of revealing the consequences of using prohibited substances, with serious consequences, only the cancellation of any results, including medals of all levels, can make possible the necessary result.

Thirdly, bringing to the mass consciousness of adolescents, who study at children's and youth sports school, will require from coaches to create at all stages of the preparation an entire information network explaining the content of the World Anti-Doping Code. The sports community should give a special place to the formation of the awareness about the inevitability of the cancellation of any results in case of the detection of the use of prohibited methods and substances.

Beyond such a consistent, purposeful, profound and thoughtful work, taking into account the awareness of adolescents of all age groups, the adopted code alone can't contribute to the formation of a healthy lifestyle on valeological principles.


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