THE PHENOMENON OF PHRASEOLOGIZATION IN SCIENTIFIC DISCOURSE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
phrase / phraseology / stable combinations / word combinations / phraseological units / phraseologization / scientific text / scientific discourse / scientific discourse / phrase / phraseology / stable combinations / word combinations / phraseological units / phraseologization / scientific text / scientific discourse / scientific discourse

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sheraliyeva Shirin Abdisalomovna

The main goal of this research is to clarify the phenomenon of phraseologization in scientific discourse. A number of scientific works have been researched on this topic. The views of different scientists on this concept are given as an example. The study of the phenomenon of phraseologization in scientific discourse is relevant and important in the modern world, because phraseological units play an important role in linguistics and are an integral part of any language. The task of our research was to clarify the phenomenon of phraseologization in phraseology, in particular, in scientific discourse

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Mazkur tadqiqotdan ko‘zlangan asosiy maqsad – ilmiy diskursda frazeologizatsiya hodisasini yoritishdan iborat. Ushbu mavzu bo’yicha bir qator ilmiy ishlar tadqiq qilindi. Mazkur masalaga turli olimlarning qarashlari misol tariqasida keltirilgan. Ilmiy diskursda frazeologizatsiya hodisasini o‘rganish zamonaviy dunyoda dolzarb va muhim hisoblanadi, chunki frazeologik birliklar tilshunoslikda muhim rol o‘ynaydi va har qanday tilning ajralmas qismi hisoblanadi. Tadqiqotimizning vazifasi sifatida esa frazeologiyada, xususan, ilmiy diskursda frazeologizatsiya hodisasini yoritish tashkil etdi.


Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 3 | Issue 17 | October, 2023 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |


Sheraliyeva Shirin Abdisalomovna

Doctor of Philosophy in Philological Sciences


Uzbekistan State World Languages University E-mail: shirin.3009@mail.ru ORCID: 0009-0009-1210-9189




Annotation. The main goal of this research is to clarify the phenomenon of phraseologization in scientific discourse. A number of scientific works have been researched on this topic. The views of different scientists on this concept are given as an example. The study of the phenomenon of phraseologization in scientific discourse is relevant and important in the modern world, because phraseological units play an important role in linguistics and are an integral part of any language. The task of our research was to clarify the phenomenon of phraseologization in phraseology, in particular, in scientific discourse.

Annotatsiya. Mazkur tadqiqotdan ko'zlangan asosiy maqsad - ilmiy diskursda frazeologizatsiya hodisasini yoritishdan iborat. Ushbu mavzu bo'yicha bir qator ilmiy ishlar tadqiq qilindi. Mazkur masalaga turli olimlarning qarashlari misol tariqasida keltirilgan. Ilmiy diskursda frazeologizatsiya hodisasini o'rganish zamonaviy dunyoda dolzarb va muhim hisoblanadi, chunki frazeologik birliklar tilshunoslikda muhim rol o'ynaydi va har qanday tilning ajralmas qismi hisoblanadi. Tadqiqotimizning vazifasi sifatida esa frazeologiyada, xususan, ilmiy diskursda frazeologizatsiya hodisasini yoritish tashkil etdi.

Аннотация. Основная цель данного исследования - определить явление фразеологизации в научном дискурсе. На эту тему написано ряд научных работ. В качестве примера приведены взгляды разных ученых на эту концепцию. Изучение явления фразеологизации в научном дискурсе является актуальным и важным в современном мире,

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 3 | Issue 17 | October, 2023 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |


поскольку фразеологические единицы играют важную роль в лингвистике и являются неотъемлемой частью любого языка. Задачей нашего исследования было выяснение явления фразеологизации во фразеологии, в частности, в научном дискурсе.

Key words: phrase, phraseology, stable combinations, word combinations, phraseological units, phraseologization, scientific text, scientific discourse, scientific discourse.

Kalit so'zlar: ibora, frazeologiya, turg'un birikmalar, so'z birikmalari, frazeologik birliklar, frazeologizatsiya, ilmiy matn, ilmiy diskurs, akademik diskurs.

Ключевые слова: словосочетание, фразеология, устойчивые сочетания, словосочетании, фразеологические единицы, фразеологизация, научный текст, научный дискурс, академический дискурс.

Introduction. Scientific discourse is a special sphere of communication in which knowledge, ideas and concepts are transferred within the scientific community. An important component of this discourse are phraseological units - stable word combinations that, due to their semantic and stylistic specificity, play a significant role in the formation of scientific speech. The concept of phraseologization, as a linguistic phenomenon, affects many aspects, including theoretical, lexical, stylistic and cultural. In this research, we will explore the concept of phraseologization in scientific discourse, paying attention to its theoretical foundations, linguistic features, specifics of use in various scientific fields, as well as the influence of cultural factors. Phraseologization as a process of formation and functioning of phraseological units in language is a complex phenomenon that requires comprehensive analysis. Within the framework of the theoretical aspects of the concept of phraseologization, it is important to consider how stable expressions are formed, how they function in language and what role they play in the transfer of information. Phraseological units, being the result of repeated use, enrich the language, make it more expressive and figurative. They can serve not only to convey specific information, but also to create a certain style, which can vary depending on the topic and audience.

Phraseological units play an important role in scientific discourse, because they allow the author to express his thoughts and ideas more clearly

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 3 | Issue 17 | October, 2023 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |


and effectively. They help to create more expressive and stylistically expressive texts, which are especially important in scientific research where accuracy is important [1].

Phraseological units also help establish connections between different parts of the text and provide its logical structure. They serve as special "connecting" elements that unite individual sentences and paragraphs into a coherent text. Thanks to phraseological units, scientific texts become more understandable and fluent for listeners [4; p. 265].

Linguistic features of phraseological units in scientific discourse also deserve special attention. Scientific style requires precision and clarity, which may create certain limitations for the use of phraseological units. However, phraseological units can serve as a tool for conveying complex ideas in a more accessible and understandable way. In this context, it is important to study which phraseological units are most common in scientific discourse and how they help in the formation of scientific argumentation. The specifics of the use of phraseological units in scientific discourse may vary depending on the subject area. Different scientific disciplines may use different set expressions, which is caused by both the characteristics of the disciplines themselves and the cultural traditions in which they develop. A comparative analysis of phraseological units in various scientific disciplines will reveal common and specific features, as well as understand how phraseological units are adapted to the requirements of a particular field of knowledge.

Research Methodology. In order to achieve the goal set in this research work and fulfill the set of tasks, based on the phenomenon of phraseologization in phraseology, in particular, in scientific discourse in contemporary linguistics, a multi-faceted interdisciplinary approach was used to study and describe these units, and the following linguistic and interdisciplinary research methods were used: linguistic description method (terminology in the description and analysis of phraseological units as an object of transformation); the method of oppositions (transformation of phraseological units); methods of communicative linguistics, in particular, the transformational method (in the analysis of structural or semantic changes of phraseologization of phraseological units depending on the situation); semantic method (in determining the meaning of phraseological units).

Literature review. The issue of phraseologization is one of the main problems of general phraseology, which has a long history of study and

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 3 | Issue 17 | October, 2023 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |


research. In the last seventy years, domestic and foreign scientists, including Russian Linguistics A. M. Babkin, A. M. Melerovich, V. M. Mokienko, A. I. Fedorov, N. M. Shansky and others [2; 11; 16; 17; 18; 19]; in World Linguistics H. Burger, C. Cacciari, F. Cermak, G. Corpas Pastor, A. P. Cowie and others [20; 21; 22]; I.K. Kuchkartaev, K. Samadov, E. Umarov, A.E. Mamatov, B.I. Boltaeva [8; 14; 15; 19; 23] and others dissertations, monographs, books and many scientific studies published by on the transformation of phraseological units, confirms it.

It is known that the phraseology of any language is a dynamic system, in which new elements appear from time to time. "Existing phraseological units undergo a process of semantic and compositional re-partitioning. It has been proven that the internal resources of the language take an active part in increasing the phraseological composition. This fact shows that the most effective method of forming phraseological units is the semantic reorganization of free phrases. The basis of this type of transformation is semantic changes" [6].

Analysis and results. A.V. Kunin gave the following definition of the essence of phraseologization: "The formation of phraseological units and non-phraseological stable compounds as a result of the gradual acquisition of all elements of phraseological stability or non-phraseological stability through this or that combination of words" [7; p. 59]. In other words, phraseologization is a special linguistic phenomenon that creates stable combinations of words on the basis of comparison, metonymy, metaphor, euphemism, hyperbole. It is as a result of this process that word combinations are stabilized and strengthened in speech. The phenomenon of phraseologization is interpreted as a reflection of language dynamics in a broad and narrow sense.

The phenomenon of phraseologization is based on phraseological abstraction [12]. The formation of phraseological units is one of the more complex processes. Russian linguist E.S. Kubryakova explains this phenomenon as follows: "A complex sign is the most complex one that performs a number of tasks in relation to objects and elements of consciousness: nominative (names an object), expressive (represents a state of mind), significant (denotes concepts), modeling (creates a symbolic analog of the situation), pragmatic (affects a person) and communicative" [5]. In fact, the newly created and used figurative expression should be established in the speech of the native speaker. On the one hand, due to the search for a stable

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 3 | Issue 17 | October, 2023 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |


compound form, the diversity of the components and the change of the image in different contexts are observed. On the other hand, expressiveness and originality become habitual and traditional over time, which, in turn, forces the speaker to look for new figurative combinations of words or to change the structure, semantics and components of existing phraseological units.

One of the important and common cases of phraseologization is the phenomenon of idiomatization. It is known that during a long speech, frequently used phrases are shortened, keeping only the elements necessary to express the meaning. During this process, the original content of the expression is deformed, leaving only a fragment that is understandable to the speaker. As a result, it later becomes an integral combination of words, that is, an idiom.

L.I. Roizenzon identified "six general features of idiom, among them emotionality, metaphor, especially modality and intonation, in general -evaluative meaning, expressiveness and semantic integrity. But at the same time, it is important to limit phraseology from the phenomenon of idiomatization, the presence of idiomaticity is not a necessary component for all phraseological units" [13; p. 112].

"Communicative and pragmatic effectiveness of the formation of new phraseological units helps them not only to be perceived by the receiver, but also to be remembered and repeated in similar situations. However, depending on many factors, new phraseological units are not remembered and are not repeated by communicants in possible communicative-pragmatic conditions" [3; p. 25].

One of the main tasks of the formation of a new phraseological unit is to express thoughts to ensure successful communication. If in the speaker's speech, there is no phraseological unit with sufficient emotional and evaluative expressiveness in any vocabulary, then he tries to create new figurative means of expressing thoughts.

So, there are two main stimuli, in other words, driving factors for the formation of a new phraseological unit: oral and written speech and its development. In the first case, free expressions expressing the description of everyday life, social events, people's relationships, influences, etc. can be called educational material.

In the second case, the material is a variety of texts, such as fiction, scientific research results, scientific hypotheses, and even scientific

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 3 | Issue 17 | October, 2023 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |


discourses. There are hundreds of phraseological units in live speech, and their number is constantly growing, which is certainly connected with the appearance of new books and scientific studies. Phrases are also actively used in scientific discourse. Free phrases get the main feature of a phraseological unit, that is, the feature of stagnation due to the repetition of their use, but not in a literal sense, but in a generalized figurative sense. Consistency is one of the important reasons why free word combinations become stable words in terms of grammatical structure, lexical structure and meaning.

According to B.A. Larin, "metaphorization, expansion and generalization of the meaning in relation to figurative typicality" helps the transition of expressions to the constant [9; p. 219].

Another important reason that often leads to the formation of new phraseological units in the language is the need to define a single concept that is relevant for a certain historical period with their help. An example of this is L.I. Roizenzon's definition of actualization [13; p. 112].

The fourth reason for the appearance of new phraseological units in the language system is their formation according to already existing patterns or models. As N.M. Shansky noted, such phraseological units "are formed by comparison and always appear in speech as new formations... only gradually come into general use" [18; p. 133]

Thus, the phraseologization of phraseological units in the scientific discourse is the phenomenon of including and using phraseological units in the discourse in order to create a more precise and expressive interpretation of ideas and thoughts. This phenomenon includes the selection of appropriate phraseological units, their correct application and adaptation to the content of scientific discourse.

The choice of phraseological units in an scientific discourse should be based on their meaning, semantic compatibility with the topic and purpose of the research. The author must take into account the level of scientific precision and clarity of the discourse, as well as methodological features. In scientific discourses, some phraseological units may be outdated or inappropriate, so it is advisable to choose units that fully reflect the essence of the research.

Correct use of phraseological units in scientific discourse requires knowledge and understanding of their meaning, grammatical features, and

Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 3 | Issue 17 | October, 2023 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |


relevance to the context. The author should be able to insert phraseological units into sentences and paragraphs in such a way that they do not break the logical structure of the text and do not cause misunderstanding among readers.

For example: Наводить справки - наведение справок [24]:

Алфавитное расположение слов, удобное при наведении справок, ограничивало соположенность <...> лексем <...>. (Е. Э. Биржакова. Русская лексикография XVIII века, 38.)

This example represents cases of using substantives forms of verbal phraseological units with transformation of their categorical meaning and replacement of the core verb with a verbal noun.

In addition, adapting phraseological units to the context of a scientific text implies changing the form or structure of a phraseological unit to better suit research purposes. This may involve replacing individual components, changing word order, or adding additional elements. The author must be careful not to violate the meaning of the phraseological unit, observe scientific standards and requirements.

Conclusion. Thus, phraseologization in scientific discourse is a complex and multifaceted process that has deep historical roots and plays an important role in the formation of scientific language. It helps organize and structure information, makes it more accessible for perception and helps to avoid misunderstandings. Phraseologization also reflects the dynamism and variability of scientific knowledge, allowing scientists to adapt the language to new conditions and requirements. Ultimately, phraseologization is an integral part of scientific discourse, which contributes to effective communication and knowledge exchange in the scientific community.

In conclusion, it can be said that phraseologization in scientific discourse is a multifaceted and dynamic process that requires further study and understanding. Phraseologization plays an important role in the formation of scientific language, enriching its expressiveness and accuracy. The study of the phenomenon of phraseologization in scientific discourse not only deepens our understanding of the language of science, but also opens up new horizons for further research in this area.


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Central Asian Research Journal For Interdisciplinary Studies (CARJIS)

ISSN (online): 2181-2454 Volume 3 | Issue 17 | October, 2023 | SJIF: 5,965 | UIF: 7,6 | ISRA: JIF 1.947 | Google Scholar |


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