УДК 811.111373.21+391(410)
Mikhailova Galina Ivanovna.
Russia, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin), a senior teacher, [email protected]
Mikhailenko Anna Andreevna.
Russia, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin) ,a second-year student
Yuldasheva Oripha Negmatzhonovna.
Russia, Novosibirsk, Novosibirsk State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Sibstrin), a second-year student
Abstract. The diversity and uniqueness of inventions made by the British in the sphere of clothing, footwear and corresponding accessories and preserved in their original names are viewed and analyzed in the article. Their significance for the development of the world fashion culture is proved and their historical background is given. The importance of studying cultural aspects in the process of learning English is highlighted.
Key words: English style, world fashion, UK contribution.
Михайлова Галина Ивановна.
Россия, Новосибирск, Новосибирский государственный архитектурно -строительный университет (Сибстрин), старший преподаватель, mihaylova. [email protected]
Михайленко Анна Андреевна.
Россия, Новосибирск, Новосибирский государственный архитектурно -строительный университет (Сибстрин), студент.
Юлдашева Орипха Негматжоновна.
Россия, Новосибирск, Новосибирский государственный архитектурно -строительный университет (Сибстрин), студент.
Аннотация. В статье рассматривается и анализируется разнообразие и уникальность изобретений, сделанных британцами в области одежды, обуви и соответствующих аксессуаров и сохраненных в их оригинальных названиях. Обоснована их значимость для развития мировой культуры моды и дана их историческая справка. Подчеркивается важность изучения культурных аспектов в процессе изучения английского языка.
Ключевые слова: английский стиль, мировая мода, британский вклад.
It should be noted that the choice of the theme under study has been defined by many factors.
It is impossible to learn the English language without studying everything concerning history, culture, customs and traditions of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Having made up our minds to carry out sociological research on the theme mentioned above, we observed several basic steps:
1) defining the problem;
2) reviewing the literature;
3) formulating the hypothesis;
4) selecting the research design;
5) developing the conclusion.
We tried to trace the most significant features of the so-called "English style"in dressing from the point of view of the world fashion and examine the names of some articles of clothing .
Thus, the problem defined by us is as follows: "Can the contribution of UK to the world fashion be confirmed by the original English names those things preserved?"
The formulated hypothesis sounds like this: "A great contribution to the development of industrial production of clothing, footwear and accessories made by UK can be traced in the original names of the articles of clothing".
After collecting and analyzing data, we found out that the English style of dressing is a vivid mixture of conservatism and strict regulation on the one hand, and rebellion and the absence of stereotypes on the other.
So, how UK has contributed to the world fashion and what names and why most people associate with the term "English style". Let us take some examples.
1. Tweed
Tweed is the most famous British fabric. It is made from thick untwisted yarn. Tweed has been widely used in Scotland and Ireland for centuries and is called "tweel». In the XIX century, tweed became a popular fabric for clothes for walking in the countryside, hunting, fishing, and golf.
2. Norfolk Jacket
The Norfolk jacket appeared in the 1860s as clothing for sports, riding and hunting. And since then it began to be worn on the estate of the Duke of Norfolk, hence the name of this jacket.
3. Mackintosh Cloak (Mac)
Rubberized cloak, named after its inventor - Charles Mackintosh, was patented in 1823. The first macs were heavy, not comfortable to wear. They smelled bad and melted in the sun, but they protected from rain very well.
4. Miniskirts
In the late 1950s, skirts up to the middle of the thigh appeared for the first time in Mary Quant Bazaar boutique in the Chelsea district of London. Before Mary Quantum, skirts and shorts of this length were used only on the tennis court and dance floor.
5. Chelsea Boots
Chelsea boots were invented by British shoemakers in the 19th century. Their main distinguishing feature is the insert on the sides of elastic gum. In the mid-twentieth century, they were considered a very cheap option for shoes for the working class. And at the beginning of the twenty-first century, they returned to fashionable shoe stores, as a new trend in classic shoes for men and women.
6. Skinny Jeans
Skinny jeans appeared in the era of rock- and- roll in the 1960s. They were worn by the Beatles and the Rolling Stones. In the 1970s they became an attribute of punk culture. And in 2000, they were returned to the catwalk by the fashion house Dior, introducing a narrow masculine silhouette.
7. Dr. Martens boots
The developers of these shoes are not the British, but the Germans. Dr. Martens was a doctor in the German army during World War II. After an ankle injury, he could not wear ordinary army boots and sewed boots with high bootlegs on his lacing from army leather pants for the sole rubber was used from aircraft tires. Such cheap shoes gradually gained popularity in post-war Germany. In 1960, the British shoe manufacturer R. Griggs Group Ltd drew attention to it and bought a patent for its production. Thus, these shoes may be considered as British goods.
8. Oxfords
Oxford shoes or Oxfords first appeared in Scotland and Ireland and were called Balmoral, in honor of the royal castle of Balmoral. When at the beginning of the 19th century they became popular among students at Oxford University, they were called Oxfords.
An Oxford sock is usually finished with double stitching and perforation. Loops of laces are located under the vamp, so dense closed lacing is typical for oxfords.
9. Tartan
There are very many tartans to be found nowadays. The matter is, anyone can invent his own pattern of the famous checkered fabric and bring it to the Scottish Tartans World Register for £ 50. They belong to the Scottish clans, cities, companies, and countries.
The most famous tartan clothing is the Scottish kilt. Tartans are dense. The denser the drawing, the heavier the fabric. A classic kilt can weigh up to 4.5 kg.
10. Punk style
Punk style came to the masses thanks to British designers Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren. McLaren is considered one of the ideologists of the punk
subculture and the mastermind of the punk band Sex Pistols. Leather, pins, chains, collars, unthinkable combinations of materials and an innovative cut came into fashion. Vivienne Westwood has become a symbol of provocative rebellion in British fashion.
All the examples mentioned above can prove the formulated hypothesis about the greatness of UK contribution to the development of industrial production of clothing, footwear and even subculture styles that is demonstrated in the names (words) having the English origin.
It can be added that no one is able to neglect the importance of studying various aspects while learning a foreign language in general and the English one in particular. It makes students narrow-minded persons, promotes better understanding between the communicants and consolidates confidence among representatives of different cultures.
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