THE ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CONCEPT OF PEDAGOGICAL THESAURUS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Roget’s Thesaurus / bilingual thesaurus / vocabulary acquisition / language learning / cultural context / digital resources / interactive platforms / thematic organization / тезаурус Роже / двуязычный тезаурус / усвоение словарного запаса / изучение языка / культурный контекст / цифровые ресурсы / интерактивные платформы / тематическая организация

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Bozorova, Sevara Kamol Qizi

This article analyzes thesauruses as essential tools for language acquisition, tracing the evolution of pedagogical thesauruses and their transition to digital formats. The comparison of English and Uzbek thesauruses highlights similarities in purpose and differences in cultural context. The development of bilingual thesauruses in pedagogy focuses on enhancing language learning and teaching methodologies.

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В этой статье анализируются тезаурусы как необходимые инструменты для усвоения языка, прослеживается эволюция педагогических тезаурусов и их переход к цифровым форматам. Сравнение английских и узбекских тезаурусов подчеркивает сходство в цели и различия в культурном контексте. Разработка двуязычных тезаурусов в педагогике фокусируется на улучшении методик изучения и преподавания языка.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, (E)ISSN: 2181-1784

educational, natural and social sciences 4(8), Sep., 2024

Research BIB / Index Copernicus www.oriens.uz


Bozorova Sevara Kamol qizi

English teacher at Karshi Institute of Irrigation and Agrotechnologies

aimatova208.4@gmail .com


This article analyzes thesauruses as essential tools for language acquisition, tracing the evolution of pedagogical thesauruses and their transition to digital formats. The comparison of English and Uzbek thesauruses highlights similarities in purpose and differences in cultural context. The development of bilingual thesauruses in pedagogy focuses on enhancing language learning and teaching methodologies.

Key words and phrases: Roget's Thesaurus, bilingual thesaurus, vocabulary acquisition, language learning, cultural context, digital resources, interactive platforms, thematic organization


Ushbu maqola tezauruslarni tilni o'zlashtirishda muhim vosita sifatida tahlil qilib, pedagogik tezauruslar evolyutsiyasi va ularning raqamli formatlarga o 'tish davrini o'rganadi. Inglizcha va o'zbekcha tezauruslarni solishtirishda maqsadlardagi o'xshashlik va madaniy kontekstdagi farqlarni ko'rsatadi. Pedagogikada ikki tilli tezauruslarning takomillashuvi til o'rganish va o'qitish metodikasini rivojlantirishga qaratilgan.

Kalit so'z va iboralar: Roget tezaurusi, ikki tilli tezaurus, lug'at boyligini oshirish, til o 'rganish, madaniy kontekst, raqamli resurslar, interaktiv platformalar, tematik tashkillashtirish


В этой статье анализируются тезаурусы как необходимые инструменты для усвоения языка, прослеживается эволюция педагогических тезаурусов и их переход к цифровым форматам. Сравнение английских и узбекских тезаурусов подчеркивает сходство в цели и различия в культурном контексте. Разработка двуязычных тезаурусов в педагогике фокусируется на улучшении методик изучения и преподавания языка.

Ключевые слова и фразы: тезаурус Роже, двуязычный тезаурус, усвоение словарного запаса, изучение языка, культурный контекст, цифровые ресурсы, интерактивные платформы, тематическая организация

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

Research BIB / Index Copernicus


The notion of a "pedagogical thesaurus" in linguistics refers to a specialized type of thesaurus designed for educational purposes, particularly in language learning and teaching. The concept of grouping words by meaning can be traced back to ancient Greek and Roman scholars who compiled lists of synonyms and antonyms. During the Middle Ages, multilingual dictionaries began to emerge, but they were not specifically thesauruses. In the 16th century, the publication of Roget's Thesaurus marked a significant milestone in the development of English thesauruses. Peter Mark Roget created the first modern thesaurus in 1852 and his work categorized words by meaning, which laid the groundwork for later developments.


The 20th century saw the emergence of various specialized thesauruses tailored for specific fields, such as medicine, law, and literature. Advances in linguistics, particularly in semantics and lexicography, contributed to the development of pedagogical thesauruses. Researchers began to focus on how learners acquire vocabulary and the contexts in which words are used.

With the rise of computers and the internet, electronic thesauruses and online resources became widely available, making thesauruses more accessible. Many modern dictionaries now include thesaurus functions, providing synonyms and antonyms alongside definitions. Online platforms and apps offer interactive thesauruses with search functions, usage examples, and user-generated content.

The development of Uzbek language resources parallels the evolution of the Uzbek language itself, influenced by Persian, Arabic, and Russian due to historical interactions. The first Uzbek dictionaries emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, primarily focusing on definitions and translations. As the need for language education and literacy increased in Uzbekistan, the demand for language resources like thesauruses grew.

The first dedicated Uzbek thesauruses began to appear in the late 20th century, providing synonyms and antonyms for learners and educators. The advent of the internet has led to the creation of online thesauruses and dictionaries, making resources more accessible to a wider audience. Many Uzbek thesauruses now include bilingual functions, particularly with Russian, to cater to speakers of both languages. Thesauruses are increasingly being integrated into educational curricula, supporting language acquisition and literacy. There is a focus on incorporating cultural context and idiomatic expressions, making thesauruses more relevant for contemporary users.

The development of English and Uzbek bilingual thesauruses reflects the linguistic, cultural, and historical contexts of both languages. The interaction between

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

Research BIB / Index Copernicus

English and other languages, particularly during the British Empire, led to the need for bilingual resources. Early dictionaries often included translations rather than synonyms. As linguistic studies progressed, the focus shifted towards understanding synonymy across languages, leading to the creation of bilingual thesauruses.


The development of English and Uzbek thesauruses reflects the broader historical and cultural contexts of each language. English thesauruses have evolved significantly from early lists of synonyms to comprehensive, interactive digital resources, while Uzbek thesauruses have developed alongside the language's evolution, focusing on accessibility and bilingual features. Both serve essential roles in vocabulary development and language education for their respective audiences.

Both English and Uzbek thesauruses serve the primary purpose of helping users find synonyms and antonyms, thereby enhancing vocabulary and language proficiency. Many thesauruses in both languages organize words thematically, allowing users to explore related vocabulary based on specific topics or concepts. Both types of thesauruses often provide example sentences that illustrate how words can be used in context, aiding learners in understanding practical applications. Some of them include cultural context or nuances related to word usage, helping users grasp the subtleties of language in specific social or cultural settings.

The English language has a more complex system of synonyms and antonyms due to its rich history of borrowing from various languages, leading to a vast array of options. Uzbek, being a Turkic language, has a different structure and may have fewer synonyms for some concepts, reflecting the language's unique roots and development.

English thesauruses are often monolingual, focused on providing synonyms and antonyms within English itself while many Uzbek thesauruses, particularly in regions with significant Russian influence, may be bilingual, helping users navigate between languages.

There is a robust online presence for English thesauruses, with numerous interactive platforms available for users, including apps and websites. While there are online resources for Uzbek thesauruses, the availability and accessibility may be more limited compared to English, though this is improving with digital advancements. English thesauruses are widely used in educational settings across the globe and are often included in language learning curricula. However, Uzbek thesauruses may be more regionally focused and less integrated into formal educational systems, although they are valuable for local learners and educators.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

Research BIB / Index Copernicus

When it comes to cultural relevance, English thesauruses often reflect a diverse range of cultural influences due to the global nature of the language. Uzbek thesauruses may focus more on cultural nuances specific to Uzbekistan and its linguistic heritage, providing insights into local idioms and expressions.

Both English and Uzbek thesauruses serve essential roles in vocabulary development and language learning, but they differ significantly in their structure, cultural context, and availability of resources. English thesauruses benefit from a more extensive global presence, while Uzbek thesauruses offer unique insights into the Turkic language and culture. Each serves its audience effectively within its linguistic framework.


The development of English and Uzbek bilingual thesauruses illustrates the evolving needs of language learners and speakers in increasingly globalized contexts. English bilingual thesauruses have expanded significantly with digital resources, while Uzbek bilingual thesauruses have emerged from a historical backdrop of linguistic diversity and cultural exchange. Both serve critical roles in facilitating effective communication and language acquisition across different linguistic backgrounds.

English thesauruses, particularly Roget's Thesaurus, have evolved significantly from their early beginnings, adapting to the digital age with interactive online platforms and mobile applications. These resources provide users with rich lexical variety, contextual examples, and cultural insights, enhancing both understanding and usage of the language.

Uzbek thesauruses, on the other hand, reflect the unique linguistic heritage and cultural influences of the Uzbek language. As Uzbekistan has sought to modernize its educational resources, the development of bilingual thesauruses, particularly those integrating Uzbek with Russian and English, has become increasingly important. These resources not only aid language learners in mastering vocabulary but also bridge cultural gaps.

Overall, whether for native speakers or language learners, thesauruses continue to evolve, integrating modern technology and educational practices to meet the diverse needs of users. They are invaluable resources that support effective communication, enhance language skills, and foster a deeper appreciation of linguistic nuances across cultures.

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

Research BIB / Index Copernicus


The study of bilingual thesauruses can illuminate how different languages conceptualize similar ideas. This can lead to insights about linguistic relativity and the ways in which culture influences language. In an increasingly globalized world, bilingual thesauruses can support multilingual speakers by providing resources that cater to diverse linguistic backgrounds. They help users navigate between languages more effectively, promoting communication and understanding.

The integration of technology in bilingual thesauruses, including online platforms and mobile applications, makes them more accessible and interactive. Features like search functionality, audio pronunciations, and user-generated content enhance the learning experience.


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10. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/252067825 Educational Thesaurus for_Learning_Electronics

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