THE ORIENTATION OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT IN MASHHADTHAT TAKES ACCOUNT OF DAYLIGHT Текст научной статьи по специальности «Строительство и архитектура»

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Вестник МГСУ
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Аннотация научной статьи по строительству и архитектуре, автор научной работы — Ildarabadi Paria, Asadi Samaneh, Shukurov Ilkhomzhon S.

Introduction. Due to population growth and urbanisation, energy consumption by urban buildings, especially in developing countries, is increasing dramatically. Limited energy resources and the need to save on consumption necessitate the optimal design in the field of residential development. Building walls are an important boundary between indoor and outdoor spaces, since daylight has a direct impact on energy consumption in buildings. The optimal use of daylight in living spaces reduces energy consumption dramatically. In this regard, the proper orientation of residential buildings is an effective method of energy consumption optimisation. If the layout of an urban development fits the climate of a region, residential buildings are constructed with account taken of the optimal orientation to daylighting. Materials and methods. The aim of this study is the optimal orientation of a part of residential development in Mashhad. To achieve the goal of the study, comprehensive studies of the city of Mashhad and its environs were conducted and Mashhad climate data were collected. Hence, daylight scattering was analysed for a given area with regard to the optimal angle of orientation to daylighting. Daylight was analysed in the two modes, including the present-day layout and the angular position (the north side), that were compared later. The study area has the angle of 20 degrees from the north to the west. All analyses and simulations were performed on the longest (June 22) and shortest (December 22) days of the year using parametric software programmes Grasshopper and Ladybug. Results. A comparative analysis of the two modes shows that the study area, located in the north, receives more daylight, regardless of the angle of rotation. Mashhad summers are hot and dry, and winters are cold and humid; a lot of light can penetrate into buildings during the hot season. In winter, overshadowing by buildings does not allow enough daylight due to the unfavourable location of the residential development. According to the standard, the optimal rotation angle of buildings in Mashhad varies from 5 degrees northeast to 20 degrees northwest. Conclusions. The results show that the optimal daylight orientation in Mashhad is 20 degrees southeast. This value is in the standard range for the residential orientation, and the amount of light, received in summer and winter seasons, is proportional to the needs of indoor space users; natural lighting makes residential spaces more comfortable and reduces energy consumption.

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УДК 711:628.92(55)

DOI: 10.22227/1997-0935.2021.11.1419-1429

The orientation of residential development in Mashhad that takes account of daylight

Paria Ildarabadi1, Samaneh Asadi2, Ilkhomzhon S. Shukurov2

1 Mashhad branch of the Islamic Azad University; Mashhad, Iran; 2 Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU); Moscow, Russian Federation


Introduction. Due to population growth and urbanisation, energy consumption by urban buildings, especially in developing countries, is increasing dramatically. Limited energy resources and the need to save on consumption necessitate the optimal design in the field of residential development. Building walls are an important boundary between indoor and outdoor spaces, since daylight has a direct impact on energy consumption in buildings. The optimal use of daylight in living spaces reduces energy consumption dramatically. In this regard, the proper orientation of residential buildings is an effective method of energy consumption optimisation. If the layout of an urban development fits the climate of a region, residential buildings are constructed with account taken of the optimal orientation to daylighting.

Materials and methods. The aim of this study is the optimal orientation of a part of residential development in Mashhad. To achieve the goal of the study, comprehensive studies of the city of Mashhad and its environs were conducted and Mashhad climate data were collected. Hence, daylight scattering was analysed for a given area with regard to the optimal angle of orientation to daylighting. Daylight was analysed in the two modes, including the present-day layout and the angular ^ ® position (the north side), that were compared later. The study area has the angle of 20 degrees from the north to the west. t T All analyses and simulations were performed on the longest (June 22) and shortest (December 22) days of the year using 3 i parametric software programmes Grasshopper and Ladybug. * K

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Results. A comparative analysis of the two modes shows that the study area, located in the north, receives more daylight, ^ g regardless of the angle of rotation. Mashhad summers are hot and dry, and winters are cold and humid; a lot of light can S ^ penetrate into buildings during the hot season. In winter, overshadowing by buildings does not allow enough daylight due to • »< the unfavourable location of the residential development. According to the standard, the optimal rotation angle of buildings ^ I in Mashhad varies from 5 degrees northeast to 20 degrees northwest. o S

Conclusions. The results show that the optimal daylight orientation in Mashhad is 20 degrees southeast. This value is in the l 1 standard range for the residential orientation, and the amount of light, received in summer and winter seasons, is proportional to n 9 the needs of indoor space users; natural lighting makes residential spaces more comfortable and reduces energy consumption. U —

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KEYWORDS: habitation, residential development, urban planning, residential area orientation, daylight, optimal angle, n 3 radiation angle, optimisation, energy o (

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FOR CITATION: Ildarabadi P., Asadi S., Shukurov I.S. The orientation of residential development in Mashhad that takes 0 0 account of daylight. Vestnik MGSU [Monthly Journal on Construction and Architecture]. 2021; 16(11):1419-1429. DOI: t I 10.22227/1997-0935.2021.11.1419-1429 U S

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Corresponding author: Samaneh Asadi, samaneasadi2018@gmail.com.

Региональная ориентация в жилой застройке Мешхеда с учетом дневного света

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Пария Ильдарабади1, Саманех Асади2, Ильхомжон Садриевич Шукуров2 т e

1 Мешхедский филиал Исламского университета Азад; г. Мешхед, Иран; * Т

2 Национальный исследовательский Московский государственный строительный университет 1 о

(НИУ МГСУ); г. Москва, Россия g 1

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Введение. Из-за роста населения и урбанизации потребление энергии в городских зданиях, особенно в развивающих- с с ся странах, возрастает. Оптимальное использование дневного света в жилых помещениях резко снижает потребление * * энергии, поэтому актуальна правильная ориентация жилых районов. 1 1

Материалы и методы. Рассмотрена информация о городе Мешхед, климатических условиях. Анализировалось рассея- 2 2 ние дневного света в двух режимах текущего состояния и углового положения (северная сторона) и сравнение. Область 2 2 исследования имеет угол 20 градусов с севера на запад. Все анализы и моделирование выполнялись параметрическими 1 1 программами Grasshopper и Ladybug в самый длинный день года (22 июня) и самый короткий день в году (22 декабря).

© Paria Ildarabadi, Samaneh Asadi, Ilkhomzhon S. Shukurov, 2021

Распространяется на основании Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial (CC BY-NC)

Результаты. Сравнительный анализ между двумя режимами позволил установить, что исследуемая область получает больше дневного света, независимо от угла поворота, находясь на севере. Поскольку в Мешхеде жаркое и сухое лето, холодная и влажная зима, в жаркое время года в здания попадает много света. Из-за неблагоприятного расположения региона зимой тень от построек не позволяет получать достаточное количество дневного света. Согласно стандарту, оптимальный угол поворота зданий в Мешхеде составляет от 5 градусов к северо-востоку до 20 градусов к северо-западу. Выводы. Результаты показывают, что оптимальная дневная ориентация в Мешхеде 20 градусов к юго-востоку. Это количество находится в стандартном диапазоне жилой ориентации, а количество света, получаемого летом и зимой, пропорционально потребностям пользователей пространства, что повышает комфорт жителей и снижает потребление энергии.

КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: жилье, жилая застройка, градостроительство, региональная ориентация, дневной свет, оптимальный угол, угол излучения, оптимизация, энергия

ДЛЯ ЦИТИРОВАНИЯ: Ильдарабади П., Асади С., Шукуров И.С. The orientation of residential development in Mashhad that takes account of daylight // Вестник МГСУ. 2021. Т. 16. Вып. 11. С. 1419-1429. DOI: 10.22227/1997-0935.2021.11.1419-1429

Автор, ответственный за переписку: Саманех Асади, samaneasadi2018@gmail.com.


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A growing trend towards urbanisation and urban texture development has changed the form of a city. Urban areas featuring extensive changes in design and architecture have triggered more complex microclimatic conditions that affect the energy performance of buildings and bioclimatic design strategies as well as numerous engineering applications. Urban morphology can reduce wind speed by 27 % and boost air temperature by more than 14 % [1]. Also, optimised urban morphology can reduce the levelled cost of energy infrastructure by up to 30 % [2]. Urban development can effectively create a surface heating environment, so that a decrease or an increase in surface heat is closely related to old and new urban areas. A difference between the height of buildings and the geometry of a site is an important indicator in this regard [3]. The improper use of non-renewable energy sources has boosted greenhouse gas emissions, thermal islands in cities, global warming and energy consumption. Given these threats to Earth today, the construction industry is looking at conditions to erect buildings featuring lower energy consumption. Therefore, a set of requirements has been collected to reduce energy consumption by, at least, 32.5 % by 2030 (this amount is considered in comparison with the "business as usual" scenario) [4].

Urban energy studies demonstrate an increasing trend towards the identification of urban design variables and parameters describing the energy performance of buildings [5]. Several factors in different areas of construction can play an important role in reducing energy consumption by a building. Urban morphology coupled with a concept of climatic diversity, or altitude diversity in urban morphology, is a factor influencing optimisation [6]. Due to their complex structure, urban and regional designs should ensure the effective use of resources in a living environment, as well as socio-economic and environmental values for residents [7]. The need for a sustainable approach to urban space management is increasingly felt in urban planning. This approach entails the need for new space-focused decision-making tools and techniques [8]. Urban geometry has remained unchanged for many years, and this uniformity of geometry has a significant impact on the energy performance of buildings and the urban climate. Given the complex

structure of cities, urban design must ensure the efficient use of resources in the production of high-quality living environments (with regard to their economic, social and environmental value), which requires multiple decisions. In particular, the separation of design parameters at the urban level and other activities, that affect the energy performance of a building, are complex undertakings [9]. The shape of future urban areas should not be determined by the technologies of the past, but by the technologies of the future [10]. Urban form is a factor that affects the ultimate energy performance of a building, and potentially more than 10 % of energy consumption depends on urban form1. Shading effects can also effectively optimise daylight in terms of the amount of light, entering an urban space, and save energy. Since it is difficult to calculate optimal insolation at the initial design stage, building retraction curves and patterns of an urban space structure are evaluated for the optimal solar energy [11]. The use of simulation and optimization tools on an urban scale can be a way to use technology that can measure all aspects and select the most optimal solution.


Taleghani and the co-researchers focus on the effect of direction and energy balance in a microclimate [12]. In this study, computer simulations are used to cool building facades on the longest day of a year (June 21). The results of the study show that east- and west-facing facades have the greatest effect on energy consumption, whereas north- and south-facing building walls have little effect on energy consumption, and they should focus on cooling east and west-facing facades. In the study, conducted by Farhadi and the team, various strategies were implemented to achieve thermal comfort [13]. The greatest impact on comfort and heat is made by the building orientation that has the value of 1.69 °C. A change in urban shape and optimal orientation will improve parameters related to thermal comfort. In some cases, urban morphology is effective in terms of climate conditions and thermal comfort. In the research, conducted by Chatzidimitriou and Yannas [14], different street configurations in a dense ur-

1 Chapter 9. Energy Efficiency in Building Renovation: handbook of Energy Efficiency in Buildings / by ed. F. Asdrubali, U. Desideri. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2019. Pp. 675-810.

ban area were simulated and evaluated. The results of this study show that urban geometries, formed by combining climate parameters, create the most favourable conditions for comfort and heat. Han and his research team have introduced the notions of concept, technology and management as the three main dimensions of cognitive development of urban design [15]. This study is the basis for the practical focus of urban design and a platform for communication between people. It can also help to better understand the development of urban design and its concepts so that it can identify the goal and recognise the value of different types of urban design. One of the urban development strategies is a combination of height, distance and orientation of urban fabric that can always maintain the desired ambient temperature. This method is proposed in a study, conducted by Trepci who suggests using shading between buildings and cutting energy consumption [16]. In a study by Albatayneh [17], the effect of orientation of insulated cavity brickwork on thermal performance is investigated. The results of this study show that in the southern hemisphere, north-facing windows can most optimally use winter sunlight. This orientation minimises heat loss in winter and improves heat performance by, at least, three times. In the study by Ebrahimi-Moghadam [18], a residential building with inappropriate orientation is evaluated. The Light Shelves technology is employed to control the light, entering the residential space. The analysis of building orientation and dimensions of its openings was performed using three skylights facing east, south and west. In the west and east, light shelves were able to control the entry of sunlight to some extent due to the inappropriate orientation of the building. The total optimized energy consumption (heating, cooling and electricity) reaches 80,162 kWh/m2.

Based on the reviewed literature, research has been conducted on the optimal orientation of urban areas and buildings to improve indoor thermal comfort and save energy. Efficient energy control is a prerequisite for urban and building design, and it has a great impact on reducing energy consumption. The study also focuses on the climate parameter of daylight. In summary, the core points of this research can be presented as follows:

• the effect of sunlight in the study area;

• using software analysis to achieve optimal orientation;

• achieving a single pattern for buildings in the study area to provide comfort and heat to people and reduce energy consumption.


In this part of the study, simulation and modelling techniques are presented and information on the case study is provided.

The problem statement and research tools

The proper orientation of buildings is a way to optimize energy consumption on the urban and regional scale. Hence, if urban and regional contexts are respon-

sive to the local climate and applicable criteria, the orientation of buildings will be adequate, indoor thermal comfort will improve, while energy consumption will go down. The effect of daylight on energy consumption and orientation is one of the most important issues to be considered. This study addresses sunlight with regard to the climate and texture of the region and presents the appropriate orientation angle for the study area. The sample residential development area is modelled by the Grasshopper parametric software and simulations are performed by Ladybug plugins to achieve the objectives of this study in addition to studying the local area2.

Mashhad City as the case study

In this study, a residential area in the city of Mashhad, Iran, is evaluated. Fig. 1 shows Mashhad, which is located in the northeast of Iran and has an area of 351 square kilometres. Mashhad is the second largest city in Iran after Tehran. The city of Mashhad has a longitude of 59 degrees and 15 minutes to 60 degrees and 36 minutes, a latitude of 35 degrees and 43 minutes to 37 degrees and 8 minutes and an altitude of about 1,050 meters (maximum 1,150 meters and minimum 950 meters). As shown in Fig. 2, the city welcomes over 27 million pilgrims each year, two million arrive from abroad due to the presence of the shrine of Ali ibn Musa al-Reza, the eighth Imam of the Shiite religion. The population density in Mashhad exceeds nine thousand tons per square kilometer3, 4 5.

2 Modelling by the Grasshopper software, analysis by Ladybug plugin in the Grasshopper software.

3 EPW file and stat file, Mashhad city, 2020.

4 AccuWeather. Mashhad, Razavi Khorasan. URL: https:// www.accuweather.com/en/ir/mashhad/209737/daily-weather-forecast/209737

5 Weather History Download Mashhad. URL: https://www. meteoblue.com/en/weather/archive/export/mashhad_ iran_124665

Location of Mashhad, Iran

Iran's location on the planet

Map of Mashhad city

Fig. 1. Location of Mashhad, Iran

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Fig. 2. Mashhad city view


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The climate of Mashhad

Several climate fronts interfere in Mashhad due to its geographical position. A part of Mashhad has a cold and dry climate, another part of the city has a semi-arid and cold climate and some city districts are located in the Binalood mountains and Hezar Masjid with their cold humid climate. Generally, Mashhad city has hot and dry summers, while its winters are cold and wet. In summer, the maximum average temperature varies between 35 and 40 °C, while the minimum average winter temperature is down to -5 °C. The average humidity is 54.4 % in Mashhad, and the average annual minimum and maximum humidity values are 36.5 % in July and 71.9 % in January, respectively. The relative humidity chart of Mashhad says that the percentage of humi-

Monthly average weather data for Mashhad city. Iran [20]

dity is inversely proportional to the air temperature, and evaporation increases while relative humidity goes down. The relative lack of humidity in Mashhad makes it easier to tolerate summer heat. Water coolers can be used to reduced indoor temperature. The major rainfall is in March and April in Mashhad6, 7.

An accurate climate analysis from different perspectives requires a comprehensive model of prevailing climatic conditions. For this purpose, it is necessary to accurately model various parameters related to

6 Energy-Models. URL: https://energy-models.com/search/ apachesolr_search/mashhad

7 Weather History Download Mashhad. URL: https://www. meteoblue.com/en/weather/archive/export/mashhad_ iran 124665

Monthly Means Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Unit.



Radiation 255 314 401 470 519 547 555 527 487 389 271 244 Wm2

(Avg. Hourly)



Radiation 2446 314 370 382 488 485 509 513 489 423 309 271 Wh/m2

(Avg. Hourly)


Radiation (Avg. Hourly) 148 154 173 203 184 176 168 152 159 140 127 132 Wh/m2



Radiation 562 698 873 959 988 1028 1023 953 922 768 622 490 Wh/m2

(Max Hourly)



Radiation 721 822 865 852 859 854 846 846 858 852 843 754 Wh/m2

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Continuation of the Table

Diffuse Radiation (Max Hourly) 285 399 448 492 458 498 354 372 422 362 337 275 Wh/m2

Global Horiz. Radiation (Avg. Daily Total) 2,511 3,331 4,745 6,105 7,252 7,891 7,880 7,036 5,958 4,302 2,730 2,336 Wh/m2

Direct Normal Radiation (Avg. Daily Total) 2,431 3,302 4,385 4,972 6,264 6,997 7,227 6,851 5,976 4,782 3,113 2,602 Wh/m2

Diffuse Radiation (Avg. Daily Total) 1,459 1,643 2,052 2,633 2,571 2,541 2,387 2,033 1,949 1,546 1,288 1,270 Wh/m2

Global Horiz. Illumination (Avg. Hourly) 28,611 36,144 46,769 55,019 61,746 65,551 66,757 63,380 57,867 45,611 31,134 27,532 lux

Direct Normal Illumination (Avg. Hourly) 17,626 21,865 26,488 29,006 31,585 34,896 36,724 34,856 35,170 29,413 19,784 17,766 lux

Dry Bulb Temperature (Avg. Monthly) 2 5 11 17 21 26 28 26 22 15 8 3 °C

Dew Point Temperat-tire (Avg. Monthly) -1 0 2 3 8 3 2 7 -1 2 0 0 °C

Relative Humidity (Avg. Monthly) 72 74 61 44 48 25 21 32 23 46 64 74 %

Wind Direction (Monthly Mode) 120 180 120 120 120 60 90 120 120 180 120 100 degrees

Wind Speed (Avg. Monthly) 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 m/s

Ground Temperature (Avg. Monthly of 3 Depths) 7 7 10 13 18 22 24 23 20 16 12 8 °C

solar energy, wind and humidity. In this research, dy- the city of Mashhad is divided into 4 general areas namic modelling of weather conditions as monthly data featuring obsolete texture, middle time texture, new

of Mashhad is presented in Table. A case study

urban texture and developing texture. In the context of residential development, the development path has been shown to be modularly designed. In this study,

The selected area is located in the residential the correct orientation of the area is evaluated. Fig. 4 development area of Mashhad. As shown in Fig. 3, shows buildings in the study area.

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Mashhad development plan map

Old town area 1=) Medium urban area 1=1 New urban area

i-1 Residential Development

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To direction residential development

O o Fig. 3. The scope of the study N tv


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The study area, located in Mashhad, was modelled by the software, and its daylight was analysed to investigate the optimal orientation of buildings. Fig. 5 shows the texture and model of the study area. Solar diagrams are shown in Fig. 6 to clarify the analysis of lighting. The range from +3 to -3 is comfortable for people, and it varies from the highest to the lowest temperature, respectively. Comfort equilibrium conditions range from 0 to +3 in terms of heat, and from 0 to -3 in terms of cold. The optimal temperature equilibrium ranges between +0.5 to -0.58, 9 10. Comfortable conditions are only established for some months of the year.

Analysis and evaluation

An important factor that has a direct effect on daylight scattering and energy consumption in residential areas is attention to shading. Shading between buildings with an emphasis on orientation, geometry and urban layout patterns affects energy performance and user comfort. The integrated effect of height, distance and orientation of the urban fabric can substantially reduce energy demand [19]. This section addresses the systematic evaluation of the impact produced by developing urban textures on the amount of daylight received in Mashhad. First, the site is modelled, then the appropriate orientation is evaluated against the pre-set criteria and the optimal angle standard for Mashhad, and after that daylight scattering and building shading are analysed.

Fig. 5. Three-dimensional modelling of the study area



Orientation analysis of the site

The optimal orientation angle for buildings in the south-eastern city of Mashhad is between 5 degrees north to east, to 20 degrees north to west, since it ensures the best lighting [20]. Fig. 7 shows the general view of optimal orientation, and the hatched area is the optimal orientation range. Hence, the orientation of the site has also been examined. As Fig. 8 shows, the orientation angle of the study site is 20 degrees from north to west.

Daylight in the study area

In this section of the study the effect of daylight scattering on the study site has been examined. In the current situation, the study site has an angle of 20 degrees from north to the side. Then the daylight scattering was analysed more accurately outside the optimal range (Fig. 9). All daylight analyses were performed on an hourly basis (the number of daylight hours) in

Fig. 4. Buildings in the study area

8 ASHRAE. URL: https://www.ashrae.org

9 ANSI/ASHRAE, Standard 55, approved by ASHRAE and the American National Standards Institute on January 29, 2021.

10 ASHRAE 90.1, ASHRAE Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings, 2019.


3.00 < 2.00 1.00 0.00 -1.00 -2.00 < -3.00

Fig. 6. Solar diagram perspective (a); solar diagram plan on the site under review (b)

Fig. 7. The optimal orientation angle in Mashhad is between 5 degrees north to east, to 20 degrees north to west

Fig. 9. The site that has no orientation

Fig. 8. The orientation angle on the site under study

the course of the two days, the longest and shortest days of the year. Fig. 10 and 11 show daylight scattering of in the current situation and if the site is relocated in the northward direction. Two options of daylight scattering are presented in Fig. 10 and 11.

Fig. 12 shows a comparison of positions on June 22, the longest day of the year. The city of Mashhad should reduce daylight reception on June 22 because it has hot and dry summers. The analysis of June 22 shows that if the site is oriented northward, daylight scattering is higher than if the site orientation has the angle of 20 degrees. A comparison of shading shows that due to the solar conveyor, the direction of radiation in the orientation position of 20 degrees causes shading by buildings. However the northward orientation does not create significant shading, because the amount of light is smaller due to the sunlight angle in the summer season.

Fig. 13 presents a comparison of the site lighting in the two positions. The city of Mashhad must re-

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Fig. 10. Daylight received in the current position, at the angle of 20 degrees from north to west: daylight analysis on June 22, the longest day of the year (a); daylight analysis on December 22, the shortest day of the year (b)

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co > Fig. 11. Daylight examination in the northward rotation position of the site, at the 0 degrees angle: daylight analysis co ^

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00 ¡§ Fig. 12. Comparative daylight analysis for the two cases as of June 22: northward direction (right); the angle of 20 degrees from north to west (current position) (left)


Fig. 13. Comparative daylight analysis for the two cases as of December 22: northward direction (right); the angle of 20 degrees from north to west (current position) (left)

ceive maximum daylight on December 22, because it has cold and wet winters. Daylight analysis, conducted on December 22, shows that the site receives maximum daylight if it has a 20 degrees orientation relative to the north. A comparison of the two positions in terms of shading also shows that shading occurs in the position of 20 degrees site because of the angle of sunlight in winter.

Fig. 14 has an overview of the optimal site orientation. Given the orientation of the residential development area and its optimal lighting, the site must be split into four parts C, D, A and B. The optimal orientation angle of the study site is 20 degrees from the north to west to ensure the optimal lighting of its four parts:

• part C receives the best lighting compared to other parts: southeast, south and southwest light;

• part D receives east and southeast light;

• part A receives northeast, north and northwest light;

• part B receives west and northwest light after parts C, D and A .

Fig. 14. General site segmentation framework


This study addresses the natural lighting of a residential development area in Mashhad with the aim of investigating the proper orientation of the urban space. The basis of the study is the orientation of buildings and daylight. The optimal angle range in the city of Mashhad is between 15 and 30 degrees from north to west; studies have been conducted for the two angles of the site position. To attain the research objectives at the first stage, the city of Mashhad was studied from different aspects: part of the residential development area was modelled using Grasshopper parametric software and then the daylight behaviour was analysed. Withdrawals were made for the two days, the longest (June 22) and the shortest (December 22) days of the year. The research shows that:

• the study area has an angle of 20 degrees from north to west, which is in the optimal angle range (between 15 to 30 degrees north to west). Therefore, the study area is suitably positioned;

• to ensure the best environment in terms of human comfort, it is necessary to control the lighting of the residential area; hence, by placing the residential area at an optimal angle, one can largely control its lighting;

• the location of the study site at an angle of 20 degrees from north to west entails minimum and maximum site lighting in summer and in winter;

• the orientation of the study area at of 20 degrees from north to west scatters daylight so that in summer the area is shaded by buildings, and in winter the area is shaded by the Serat building, and it is acceptable;

• the space between the parts is the turning point of the site, which features the traditional architecture of Iran and the central courtyard, and it represents a green area between residential complexes. In addition to the optimal orientation angle, attention was

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drawn to creating green spaces and good site weather conditions.

Intensive construction, high construction density and taller buildings in residential spaces change the form and geometry of the site. The effect of orien-

tation in residential areas on their optimal lighting is a main factor that boosts comfort and indoor temperature. The residential development area of Mashhad is well-oriented in terms of lighting and daylight scattering during the year.


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Received July 15, 2021.

Adopted in revised form on November 13, 2021. Approved for publication on November 13, 2021.

B i o n o т e s : Paria Ildarabadi — postgraduate of the Department of Architecture; Mashhad branch of the Islamic Azad University; Mashhad, Iran; paria.ildarabadi@yahoo.com;

Samaneh Asadi — postgraduate of the Department of Urban Planning; Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU); 26 Yaroslavskoe shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation; grado@mgsu.ru;

Ilkhomzhon S. Shukurov — Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU); 26 Yaroslavskoe shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation; grado@mgsu.ru.

Contribution of the authors: All authors contributed equally to the writing of the article. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

Поступила в редакцию 15 июля 2021 г. Принята в доработанном виде 13 ноября 2021 г. Одобрена для публикации 13 ноября 2021 г.

Об авторах: Пария Ильдарабади — аспирант кафедры архитектуры; Мешхедский филиал Исламского уни- < до

верситета Азад; Хорасан-Резави, г. Мешхед, Иран; paria.ildarabadi@yahoo.com; s с Саманех Асади — аспирант кафедры градостроительства; Национальный исследовательский Москов- i х

ский государственный строительный университет (НИУ МГСУ); 129337, г. Москва, Ярославское шоссе, ^ к

д. 26; grado@mgsu.ru; G 3

м П

Ильхомжон Садриевич Шукуров — доктор технических наук, профессор; Национальный исследо- ^ О вательский Московский государственный строительный университет (НИУ МГСУ); 129337, г. Москва, ^ • Ярославское шоссе, д. 26; grado@mgsu.ru. о S

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