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Niyazova Naima assistant Ozbekistan, Namangan Namangan Engineering-Pedagogical Institute THE OIL MINES WHICH IS THE DETERMINATION OF INDICATION AUTOMATED CHAIN OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF
Mathematic model the construction of mathematic model in based the oil mines are analyzed, algorithm program provision is created through computer coming to a collusion over recommendation of prediction.
Keywords: oil, gas, well, hollow, conductivity, stickiness, the earth of layer, pressure, deep place.
The oil industry is very important which is economy development in Republic of Uzbekistan. According to work of a well-known oil object in mathematical model which is method of scientific foundation is used, counting skills are done in oil and gas layer move unsuitable when it is researched and important factor serves which is creating of become automated head to problem of using effectively.
In hollow environment, many phase of liquid which has got different physical condition, of unsuitable filter, predicting, and big fan's which is analysis of working of oil mines ,the reason blind that ,method of mathematical model is done lucky, because its, intellectual nucleus is three of its intellectual nucleus is in other words, "model -algorithm-program" is appearance if this three things join with object, as result, we can organize this word „object model-algorithm, the object of research work creative of programmatic provision which is predicting of working oil-gas mines, and for mathematic automated chain the many phases of liquid mathematic model where is pouring in hollow environment limited condition satisfactory unlined differential equation which it has got private derivative , we can not find analytical solution every time this position, directing
to problem automated string creating for the article based sitting number method and we should produce based to algorithm programmatic provision nowadays , creating of programmatic provision is very important to industry of branch, a lot of money spend to creating of algorithm and program which is for developing computer technology, at the moment, research of deep scientific inability process in hollow environment, doing of exercise and research of unsuitable process building of mathematic models, we can not create suitable programmatic products.
Doing of exercise through compute, research of physic and mathematic models predicting method of doing exercises, it should suit algorithm , making of program, checking results and analyzing is demanded to big size creating of string program- it is very complicated process, it demands hard working, and it organize several processes, aspect of class of exercise, analyzing of algorithm model of exercises class, reproducing of coming programmatic languages (problem system is for complicated branches); making of functional system ,module system, adjustment and testing module and problem system which is it suit perfectly, checking of system and making of believable. Suit method and programmatic technology is used which is working of every process.
So mathematic models, useful algorithm, working of programmatic complex which is directing problem, creating of exercise collecting for doing exercises for different fields, It is central direction for fundamental and practical-scientific research, modern information technology It means important of scientific work. Basic equation of filtration for doing of mathematic models, impermanent filtering of two and three phase liquid in scientific work.
Equation of dependent:
For water phase For gas phase
l N Vw У _ д ( J_
Bw _ dt v Bw
l _ Л Vo J _ д < _ f
Bo _ dt - t Л
+ '
+ q0
Vo H--Vg
( R 1 ^
m ^So + — Sg
I Bo 0 Bg g J
+ qg + R,+q0
motion equation for every phase
Vo _ —
(grad P i +y i gradz).
P = f (Pi).
B B B -» v S S S
There is °, w, g - size v°,Vw,Vg coefficient - speed of filter, o, w, g
sutured oil, water , and gas, q°, qw, qg - q°, qw, qg solidarity size of layer, solidarity time of sound size ; Rs - gas mixture, K - absolute conduction, wi-l-catching of liquid of concerning to phase.
P, p - l, Уl - pressure which is depend on phase and density and comparative weight You can imagine that, water and oil don't mixed, phase is not changed.
Fluid always is under temperature and this position is in thermodynamic balance.
Next scientific works, we will create in hollow atmosphere for calculating algorithm working of limited exercise to two suits, research of mathematic model which is process of filter of many phases liquid.
1. Konovalov A.N. Tasks problems of filtering multiphase incompressible fluid.-Novosibirsk: Science, 1988.-166 page.
2. Marchuk G.I. Methods of calculus mathematics.-M.: Nedra, 1977.-456 page.
3. Katkovnik V.Y. Nonparametric identification and data smoothing.-M: Science, 1985.-408 page.
4. Jakbarov O.O. Models and optimal algorithm of controlling filtering system: Dus...kand. Tech. science.- Tashkent. AHRUz IK, 2004.-138 page.
Ryabchenko T.N. lecturer, Department of management Rostov state economic University Russia, Rostov-on-don Vorontsova M. V. associate Professor of social work and social law Russian state social University Russia, Pyatigorsk Mazaeva E.
lecturer, Department of management Russian state social University Russia, Azov
MANAGEMENT OF COMPETITIVE STABILITY OF HIGH SCHOOL Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются конструктивные методы решения задач управления конкурентоспособностью вуза на рынке образовательных услуг. Представлена классификация методов оценки конкурентоспособности учебного заведения, зависимость
конкурентоспособности от характера рынка услуг.
Ключевые слова: конкурентоспособность, рынок образовательных услуг, составляющие конкурентоспособности вуза.
Abstract. In article constructive methods of the decision of problems of management by competitiveness of high school in the markets of educational services are resulted. Deals with the properties of modern competition, analyzes the components of competitiveness of an educational institution.
Keywords: competitiveness, education market, the components of competitiveness of the University.