Научная статья на тему 'The need of personality in information security'

The need of personality in information security Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Panchenko Oleg Anatoliyovych, Kabantseva Anastasiia Valeriyivna, Serdyuk Irina Anatolievna

Поняття “потреба” в сучасних умовах стало тим безперечно престижним, позитивним, необхідним, що створює умови для вдосконалення та розвитку людини. У процесі життєдіяльності відбулася істотна трансформація інформаційного суспільства, демінімізувалась структура бажань і потягів, які включають в себе значно ширший діапазон потреб сучасної людини, тому виникла нагальна потреба удосконалення концепції відносно запиту сьогодення. Представлено модернізовану піраміду людських потреб А. Маслоу, відповідно до якої сім основних рівнів потреб утворюють ієрархічну структуру, яка як домінанта визначає поведінку людини. Зазначено, що потреба бути в безпеці одна з основних і належить до рівня життєво важливих. Потреба у різних видах і формах безпеки існує на всіх етапах розвитку людства, однак саме в умовах турбулентного розвитку інформаційних технологій та постійного інформаційно-психологічного впливу на особистість, суспільство і державу, потреба в інформаційній безпеці набуває статус національної ідеї. Беручи до уваги темп сучасного життя і техногенного розвитку, життєві потреби сучасної людини суттєво змінилися і розширилися, зріс попит на безпечну життєдіяльність та інформаційно-психологічний комфорт задля особистішої реалізації в умовах турбулентного розвитку, інформаційного навалу та несистемного суспільного хаосу. Сформульовано визначення поняття інформаційна безпека це стан інформаційного середовища, який забезпечує задоволення інформаційних потреб суб’єктів інформаційних відносин, безпеку інформації та захист самих суб’єктів від негативного інформаційного впливу. Визначальним у задоволенні інформаційних потреб особистості є отримання достовірної, всеоб’ємної, порівняльної інформації, що може стати підґрунтям єдиного вірного рішення. Отже, збереження інформаційної безпеки людини, її психологічного здоров’я, пошук ефективних методів вирішення означеної проблеми є важливим і актуальним питанням державної інформаційної політики.Понятие “потребность” в современных условиях стало бесспорно престижным, положительным, необходимым, создавая условия для совершенствования и развития человека. В процессе жизнедеятельности произошла существенная трансформация информационного общества, деминимизировалась структура желаний и влечений, которая включают в себя более широкий диапазон потребностей современного человека, поэтому возникла насущная необходимость совершенствования данной концепции. Представлена модернизированная пирамида человеческих потребностей А. Маслоу, согласно которой семь основных уровней потребностей образуют иерархическую структуру, которая как доминанта определяет поведение человека. Указано, что потребность быть в безопасности одна из основных и относится к уровню жизненно важных. Потребность в различных видах и формах безопасности существует на всех этапах развития человечества, однако именно в условиях турбулентного развития информационных технологий и постоянного информационно-психологического воздействия на личность, общество и государство, потребность в информационной безопасности приобретает статус национальной идеи. Учитывая темп современной жизни и техногенного развития, жизненные потребности современного человека существенно изменились и расширились, вырос спрос на безопасную жизнедеятельность и информационно-психологический комфорт для личностной реализации в условиях турбулентного развития, информационного нашествие и несистемного общественного хаоса. Сформулировано определение понятия информационная безопасность это состояние информационной среды, которое обеспечивает удовлетворение информационных потребностей субъектов информационных отношений, безопасность информации и защиту самих субъектов от негативного информационного воздействия. Определяющим в удовлетворении информационных потребностей личности является получение достоверной, всеобъемлющей, сравнительной информации, которая может стать основой единого верного решения. Следовательно, сохранение информационной безопасности человека, его психологического здоровья, поиск эффективных методов решения данной проблемы является важным и актуальным вопросом государственной информационной политики.The concept of ‘need’ in modern conditions has become unquestionably prestigious, positive, necessary, which creates conditions for human improvement and development. In the process of life, there was a significant transformation of the information society, and the structure of desires and drives, which include a wider range of needs of modem man, was minimized. So, there is an urgent need to improve the concept of today’s request. The article presents a modernized pyramid of human needs by A. Maslow, according to which seven main levels of needs form a hierarchical structure that determines human behaviour as a dominant. It is indicated that the need to be safe is one of the main and relates to the level of vitality. The need for various types and forms of security exists at all stages of human development, but it is in the conditions of the rapid development of information technologies and constant information and psychological impact on the individual, society and the state that the need for information security acquires the status of a national idea. Given the pace of modem life and technological development, the vital needs of modem man have changed significantly and expanded, the demand for safe life and information and psychological comfort for personal realization in the conditions of turbulent development, information invasion and non-systemic social chaos have increased. The following definition of the concept of information security is formulated as a state of the information environment, which provides the satisfaction of information needs of the subjects of information relations, information security and protection of the subjects from negative information influence. Determinant in meeting the information needs of the individual is to obtain reliable, comprehensive, comparative information, which can be the basis for a single correct decision. Thus, the preservation of information security of man, his psychological health, the search for effective methods of solving this problem is an important and relevant issue of state information policy.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The need of personality in information security»

UDC 159.9+004.738.5


Panchenko Oleg Anatoliyovych,

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, President of the All-Ukrainian Professional Psychiatric League (Kyiv), Director of the State Institution "Scientific and Practical Medical Rehabilitation and Diagnostic Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine", 85110, Kostiantynivka, Al. Nevskogo Str., 14, tel. (06272) 2-55-17, Email: oap@ukr.net, https://orcid.org/0000-


Панченко Олег Анатолтович,

доктор медичних наук, професор, заслу-жений лжар Украгни, президент ГО "Все-украгнська професшна психiатрична лйа" (м. Кигв), директор ДЗ "Науково-прак-тичний медичний реабжтацшно^аг-ностичний центр МОЗ Украгни", 85110, м. Костянтитвка, вул. О. Невського, 14, тел. (06272) 2-55-17, e-mail: oap@ukr.net, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9673-6685

Панченко Олег Анатольевич,

доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заслуженный врач Украины, президент ОО "Всеукраинская профессиональная психиатрическая лига" (г. Киев), директор ГУ "Научно-практический медицинский реабилитационно-диагностический центр МЗ Украины", 85110, г. Констан-тиновка, ул. А. Невского, 14, тел. (06272)

2-55-17, e-mail: oap@ukr.net, https://orcid. org/0000-0001-9673-6685

Kabantseva Anastasiia Valeriyivna,

Ph.D. of psychology, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Narcology and Medical Psychology, Donetsk National Medical University of Ministry of Health Protection of Ukraine, Scientific Secretary, practical psychologist State institution "Scientific and Practical Medical Rehabilitation and Diagnostic Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine", 85110, Kostiantynivka, Al. Nevskogo Str., 14, tel. (06272) 2-55-17, Email: avk111-111@ukr.net, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7678-6052

Кабанцева АнастаЫя Валерпвна,

кандидат психологгчних наук, доцент кафедри психштрг, психотератг, наркологи i медичног психологи Донецького нацюнального медичного утверситету МОЗ Украгни, вчений секретар, практичний психолог ДЗ "Науково-практичний медичнийреабМта-цiйно-дiагностичний центр МОЗ Украгни", 85110, м. Костянтитвка, вул. О. Невського, 14, тел. (06272)2-55-17, e-mail:avk111-111@ukr.net, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7678-6052

Кабанцева Анастасия Валерьевна,

кандидат психологических наук, доцент кафедры психиатрии, психотерапии, наркологии и медицинской психологии Донецкого национального медицинского университета МЗ Украины, ученый секретарь, практический психолог ГУ "Научно-практический медицинскийреабилитационно-диагностический центр МЗ Украины", 85110, г. Константиновка, ул. А. Невского, 14, тел. (06272) 2-55-17, e-mail: avk111-111@ukr. net, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7678-6052

Serdyuk Irina Anatolievna,

Junior Researcher, Biophysicist, State institution "Scientific and Practical Medical Rehabilitation and Diagnostic Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine", 85110, Ukraine, Kos-

tiantynivka, Al. Nevskogo Str., 14, (06272) 2-55-17, Email: irina-serduk@ukr.net, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9840-7340

Сердюк 1рина Анатолшна,

молодший науковий ствробтник, бюфi-зик ДЗ "Науково-практичний медичний реабiлiтацiйно-дiагностичний центр МОЗ Украгни", 85110, м. Костянтитвка, вул. О. Невського, 14, тел. (06272) 2-5517, e-mail: irina-serduk@ukr.net, https:// orcid.org/0000-0001-9840-7340

Сердюк Ирина Анатольевна,

младший научный сотрудник, биофизик ГУ "Научно-практический медицинский реабилитационно-диагностический центр МЗ Украины", 85110, г. Константиновка, ул. А. Невского, 14, тел. (06272) 2-55-17, e-mail: irina-serduk@ukr.net, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9840-7340



Abstract. The concept of 'need' in modern conditions has become unquestionably prestigious, positive, necessary, which creates conditions for human

improvement and development. In the process of life, there was a significant transformation of the information society, and the structure of desires and drives, which include a wider range of needs of modern man, was minimized. So, there is an urgent need to improve the concept of today's request. The article presents a modernized pyramid of human needs by A. Maslow, according to which seven main levels of needs form a hierarchical structure that determines human behaviour as a dominant.

It is indicated that the need to be safe is one of the main and relates to the level of vitality. The need for various types and forms of security exists at all stages of human development, but it is in the conditions of the rapid development of information technologies and constant information and psychological impact on the individual, society and the state that the need for information security acquires the status of a national idea.

Given the pace of modern life and technological development, the vital needs of modern man have changed significantly and expanded, the demand for safe life and information and psychological comfort for personal realization in the conditions of turbulent development, information invasion and non-systemic social chaos have increased. The following definition of the concept of information security is formulated as a state of the information environment, which provides the satisfaction of information needs of the subjects of information relations, information security and protection of the subjects from negative information influence.

Determinant in meeting the information needs of the individual is to obtain reliable, comprehensive, comparative information, which can be the basis for a single correct decision. Thus, the preservation of information security of man, his psychological health, the search for effective methods of solving this problem is an important and relevant issue of state information policy.

Keywords: need, security, information security of the individual, turbulence, self-actualization.


Анотащя. Поняття "потреба" в сучасних умовах стало тим безперечно престижним, позитивним, необхщним, що створюе умови для вдосконален-ня та розвитку людини. У процесi життедiяльностi вщбулася ютотна транс-формащя шформацшного сустльства, демiнiмiзувалась структура бажань i потяпв, як включають в себе значно ширший дiапазон потреб сучасно! людини, тому виникла нагальна потреба удосконалення концепци вщносно запиту сьогодення. Представлено модершзовану трамщу людських потреб А. Маслоу, вщповщно до яко! сiм основних рiвнiв потреб утворюють iерар-хiчну структуру, яка як домшанта визначае поведшку людини.

Зазначено, що потреба бути в безпещ одна з основних i належить до рiвня життево важливих. Потреба у рiзних видах i формах безпеки юнуе на всiх етапах розвитку людства, однак саме в умовах турбулентного розвитку ш-формацшних технологш та постшного шформацшно-психолопчного впли-

ву на особистють, сустльство i державу, потреба в шформацшнш безпецi набувае статус нацiональноí iдеí.

Беручи до уваги темп сучасного життя i техногенного розвитку, життевi потреби сучасноí людини суттево змiнилися i розширилися, зрiс попит на безпечну життедiяльнiсть та iнформацiйно-психологiчний комфорт задля особистюно'1' реалiзацií в умовах турбулентного розвитку, шформацшного навалу та несистемного сустльного хаосу. Сформульовано визначення по-няття iнформацiйна безпека — це стан шформацшного середовища, який забезпечуе задоволення шформацшних потреб суб'ектiв iнформацiйних ввд-носин, безпеку iнформацií та захист самих суб'екпв вiд негативного шформацшного впливу.

Визначальним у задоволенш шформацшних потреб особистосп е отри-мання достовiрноí, всеоб'емно'1', порiвняльноí шформаци, що може стати тд-Грунтям единого вiрного рiшення. Отже, збереження шформацшно!' безпеки людини, И психолопчного здоров'я, пошук ефективних методiв виршення означено!' проблеми е важливим i актуальним питанням державно!' шформа-цшно'! полiтики.

Ключовi слова: потреба, безпека, шформацшна безпека особистостi, тур-булентшсть, самоактуалiзацiя.


Аннотация. Понятие "потребность" в современных условиях стало бесспорно престижным, положительным, необходимым, создавая условия для совершенствования и развития человека. В процессе жизнедеятельности произошла существенная трансформация информационного общества, де-минимизировалась структура желаний и влечений, которая включают в себя более широкий диапазон потребностей современного человека, поэтому возникла насущная необходимость совершенствования данной концепции. Представлена модернизированная пирамида человеческих потребностей А. Маслоу, согласно которой семь основных уровней потребностей образуют иерархическую структуру, которая как доминанта определяет поведение человека.

Указано, что потребность быть в безопасности одна из основных и относится к уровню жизненно важных. Потребность в различных видах и формах безопасности существует на всех этапах развития человечества, однако именно в условиях турбулентного развития информационных технологий и постоянного информационно-психологического воздействия на личность, общество и государство, потребность в информационной безопасности приобретает статус национальной идеи.

Учитывая темп современной жизни и техногенного развития, жизненные потребности современного человека существенно изменились и расширились, вырос спрос на безопасную жизнедеятельность и информационно-психологический комфорт для личностной реализации в условиях турбулент-

ного развития, информационного нашествие и несистемного общественного хаоса. Сформулировано определение понятия информационная безопасность — это состояние информационной среды, которое обеспечивает удовлетворение информационных потребностей субъектов информационных отношений, безопасность информации и защиту самих субъектов от негативного информационного воздействия.

Определяющим в удовлетворении информационных потребностей личности является получение достоверной, всеобъемлющей, сравнительной информации, которая может стать основой единого верного решения. Следовательно, сохранение информационной безопасности человека, его психологического здоровья, поиск эффективных методов решения данной проблемы является важным и актуальным вопросом государственной информационной политики.

Ключевые слова: потребность, безопасность, информационная безопасность личности, турбулентность, самоактуализация.

Formulation of the problem. Historical experience shows that since the beginning of life on our planet, people in the course of their existence and development have always sought to meet various needs (desires), including in the field of security. The concept of 'need' in modern conditions has become unquestionably prestigious, positive, necessary, which creates conditions for human improvement and development. Needs are formed in the process of life with a certain feeling of dissatisfaction and they are very diverse. 'Man does not know the limits of his needs', Democritus said. They can change over time, some go, others come. That is natural. But most importantly, they must be satisfied. This is the essence of needs.

It should be axiomatically recognized that human life consists of needs and their satisfaction. In this case, we can talk about the feeling of happiness. Otherwise, there is a violation of psychological comfort, reduced social functioning, the development of mental

disorders and anti-government manifestations.

The study of human needs is associated with important problems of modern society. Man is a biosocial being, and in its formation and development as a social being, social factors are the determining factors. The system of social needs has a mobile influence on the behavioural responses of various social groups, increasing or decreasing their activity. Evolution in the sphere of needs has become an effective factor of changes in economic relations, politics, ideology, and a factor of reconsideration of life values and aspirations. These circumstances require careful study of the dynamics of needs to predict and manage social changes.

Possession of information is one of the basic needs of the individual, without it is impossible to form and exist an individual consciousness since modern man lives in an era of the rapid development of information technologies and constant information and psy-

chological impact on the individual, society and the state.

Accentuation on information-psychological security of personality, society and state today is not accidental, in connection with events occurring in the world (crises, military conflicts, cyber-attacks, threats of hybrid warfare), is of particular importance and directly affects the spiritual sphere of human life. The chosen topic is designed to explore the needs of the individual in information security in turbulent modernity.

Analysis of recent publications on research issues. The concept of 'need' was addressed in their works

0.Yelahin [1], A. Maslow [2], O. Khrom-chenko [3], S. Rashydova [4], and

1. Mamonov [5], but at the same time, the need is still the subject of research and scientific discussions of philosophers, political scientists, sociologists, doctors, and psychologists [6, 7], regarding its definition. Information security, problems of protection of the national information space were investigated in the works of V. Ilnytska [8], Yu. Lisovska [9], Yu. Muravska [10], and A. Marushchak [11], etc. The information need of a person was considered by such scientists as L. Mrochko, and O. Pyrohov [12]. The preservation of human information security, psychological health, and the search for effective methods to solve this problem are important and relevant issues of state information policy.

Formulation of goals (objectives) of the article. To reveal the concept of need, information security, to investigate the need of the individual in information security.

Presentation of the main research material. A person, his orientation is

primarily determined by his need. This fact is sustained in science. The needs determine a person's activities, his actions, explain motives, interests and values. The essence of 'need' in the literature is interpreted differently. A need is a person's need for something that is felt in the form of psychological and physical discomfort, on the one hand. A need is a human condition that develops based on the contradiction between what is available and what is necessary (or what seems necessary to a person) and motivates him to act to eliminate this discrepancy, on the other hand.

Needs are a dynamic system that is in development and during which they are transformed, the transition from one need to another, their change. A person's needs are important motives for his daily activities. This is because any need is always a contradiction between what a person has and what he aspires to. They encourage a person to be active and search for ways to satisfy them, become internal motivators of activity. There are needs of society and the individual. A person's needs are as diverse as his multifaceted social and individual activities, which, reflect the various social relations in which he is. At the same time, in our opinion, all human needs are obviously in a certain correlation like coordination and subordination. Some needs are basic for a person, while others are super basic. That is, there are priority basic needs and higher ones, which are formed on their basis under the condition of satisfaction. Individual needs are not only an element of the system of social needs but are also a system consisting of certain interconnected elements.

There are different typologies of human needs [3]. With many classifications of needs, they all come down to the allocation of natural (biological) and social (cultural) needs. However, the most famous of them is the 'pyramid of needs' by the American psychologist A. Maslow, where he grouped many human needs. In his Motivation and Personality work (1954), Maslow suggested that all human needs are innate and that they are organized into a hierarchical system of priority or dominance consisting of five levels. Maslow's hierarchical pyramid includes the following levels of needs:

1. Physiological needs (food, water, sleep, etc.).

2. The need for security (stability, order, dependence, protection, freedom from fear, anxiety and chaos).

3. The need for love and belonging (family, friendship, circle, reference group).

4. The need for respect and recognition (I respect myself, respect me, I am known and needed, I achieve, prestige and reputation, status, fame).

5. The need for self-actualization (development of abilities, a person must do what he has a tendency and ability).

But over time, two-thirds of the century, there has been a significant transformation of the information society, the structure of desires and inclinations, which include a wider range of needs of modern man, has diminished, so there is an urgent need to improve the concept of today's demand. The modernized pyramid of human needs contains 7 levels (see Figure):

1. Physiological needs (thirst, hunger, warmth, comfort, sleep, sex, relaxation) are innate and inherent in all

people. Their satisfaction is necessary to sustain life, survival, so they are often called biological needs.

2. The need for security (security, stability, the need for the Law and its implementation, confidence). The need for security means physical (health, safety at work), psychological (emotional comfort), economic (money income, job security) and information (reliable information obtaining and providing, protection against fakes and intrusions of information attacks). Meeting security needs provides confidence in the future. The need for various types and forms of security exists at all stages of human development, but it is in conditions of turbulence that it acquires the status of a national (and even transnational) idea. To maintain public order, it is important to require the Law, its observance. Only having a motive, a person has a need, and if there is a need, there will be a search for ways to solve it.

3. The need for a commitment (to be recognized and accepted by people, to be someone's, to have care and support). This need focuses on communication and emotional connections with others: friendship, love, belonging to a group and acceptance of it. Being social, collective beings, people feel the desire to please others and communicate with them.

4. The need for respect (need, significance, approval, recognition). There are needs for both self-esteem and respect from others, including the need for prestige, authority, power. Self-esteem is usually formed when achieving the goal, it is associated with the presence of independence and autonomy. The need for respect from other people



/ Morality, V / spiritual \ / growth, \ / personal \ / development, \ / fulfillment of \ / facts, realization \ / ofone'sgoals \


' Harmony, beauty, joy, \ 1 ov e, symmetry, order \


To know, be able, understand, analyse, create


Need, significance, approval, recognition


To be recognized and accepted by people, to be someone's, to have care and support


Security, stability, the need for theLaw and its implementation, confidence


Thirst, hunger, warmth, comfort, sleep, sex, relaxation

According to O. Panchenko, Modernized Pyramid of Human Needs by a. Maslow

orients a person to vein and gainpublic recognition, reputation.

5. Cognitive needs (to know, be able, understand, analyse , create). Such needs as in knowledge afnew, in aelf-knowledge, needs in ovienOation connected with an mtehactual knowled^ of the world, with communication, with comprehension of own life are considered. The means of satisfying the cognitive need is always new knowledge, new information. Thus, the reception of new knowledge does not extinguish it, and, on the contrary, strengthens. The cognitive need for a developed form becomes insatiable: the more a person learns, the more he wants to know.

6.Aesthetic needs (harmony, beauty, joy, love, symmetry, order) are ex-

presfed m d peraon's interest in aesthetic values. Externally, the needs for aesthetic pleasure can appear very similar: in the desire for order, symmetry, complktenass, steuature, and con-stetency.

7. Ths motivation for the greatest realization of personal capabilities: self-actualization (morality, spiritual growth, personal development, recognition of facts, the realization of their goals). This need means the desire and aspiration of man to the fullest discovery, development and realization of their capabilities, growth. The need for self-actualization: it is a growing need that can be limitless.

According to the pyramid, the seven basic levels of needs form a hierarchi-

cal structure that as a dominant determines human behaviour. The needs of the higher levels do not motivate a person until the needs of the lower level are met, at least in part. Usually, these groups of needs determine the social behaviour of people by their integral influence, contributing more or less to the motives of a person, depending on the conditions of his life and individual characteristics of the individual. In certain periods and under appropriate conditions, one of the basic groups of needs may become leading to a greater extent than others, determining human behaviour and activities. In this regard, it can restructure the entire motivational sphere of the individual.

As a rule, in relatively stable social conditions, the need for security of a fairly well-off person, at least to a minimum, is satisfied or subjectively perceived as satisfied. In such cases, as an active factor in determining the motivational sphere of a person, it is practically not fixed and can be manifested, for example, as a preference for familiar forms of behaviour and life situations with well-defined (fairlyclear) prospects over those in which there are many elements of uncertainty, the desire for more stable conditions of existence, etc.

The need for security becomes dominant in the conditions of turbulent phenomena, which destroy the usual stereotypes of behaviour and the formed way of life. It begins to determine the motivation of human social behaviour, restructuring and changing it, specifically transforming other basic groups of needs, mental characteristics and personality characteristics. It becomes an active and predominant mo-bilizer of the human body's resources

in extraordinary circumstances: social disorganization, catastrophic natural phenomena, criminal encroachments, and others. The lack of adequate opportunities to meet this need causes a person to have emotionally negative, acutely experienced mental states, against which almost all mental processes of a person take place.

Insufficient quality of information provision, limited information or low quality of information leads to destructive changes in the psyche of people, manifested in increased mental tension and inadequate social behaviour, which is a consequence of the lack of sufficient opportunities for social orientation of a person in the surrounding situation and understanding the directions of its development, that is, the inability to obtain socially significant data in a large information flow. These things can be seen to a large extent in situations where information is deliberately used to manipulate people and their behaviour. In part, information security consists of obtaining sufficient data for orientation in society, which is one of the necessary conditions for the socio-psychological adaptation of the individual, its adaptation to current social changes.

In a general sense, security is a state of protection from anything and can be applied to the individual in particular, and society and the state as a whole. At the same time, security as a concept differs depending on the scope of application: political science, sociology, economics, etc. Considering security in public administration, the latter consists not only in the absence of threats that are subjectively perceived by individuals and groups but also in

the readiness of individuals and state structures to these threats, in particular, informational ones. State threats include computer crime and computer terrorism, the disclosure of confidential information that is the property of the state or aimed at providing the needs and national interests of society and the state, attempts to manipulate public consciousness, in particular, by spreading unreliable, incomplete or biased information, the spread of the cult of violence, cruelty, and pornography by the mass media. Among the risks of information security of the individual may be interference in privacy, use of intellectual property, restriction of access to information, illegal use of social means that affect the subconscious, misinformation, and distortion of information.

Considering information security as a phenomenon of public administration, it is:

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(1) the state of protection of vital interests of the individual, society and the state, which minimizes damage due to incompleteness, timeliness and falsity of the information; its destructive influence; misuse and dissemination of personal data; and

(2) the state of protection of the national information space, which provides the formation, use and development of the latter in the interests of citizens, organizations, and the state [13].

In turn, the content of the concept of 'information security' is determined by the following components: satisfaction of information needs of subjects in the information environment, the security of information content, protection of subjects of information relations from possible threats and attacks.

So, information security is a state of the information environment that provides the satisfaction of information needs of subjects of information relations, information security and protection of subjects themselves from negative information impact. In this definition, the subjects of information relations can be the state, society, organizations, and people.

In the context of national security, a more complete definition of information security can be considered as follows: 'information security means the protection of vital interests of a person, society and state, which minimizes the harm through incomplete, untimely and inaccuracy of information, negative media exposure, the impacts of information technology, as well as for unauthorized dissemination of information'.

Information protection provides a system of measures aimed at preventing unauthorized access to information, unauthorized modification, loss, destruction, violation of integrity, and so on. Information protection is a guarantee of security, the state's tasks. The solution to the problem of information security providing of society and the individual should have a comprehensive systemic nature and be implemented at different levels (normative, institutional, personal).

Conclusions and prospects for further researches.

1. Given the pace of modern life and technological development, the vital needs of modern man have changed significantly and expanded, the demand for safe life and information and psychological comfort for personal realization in the conditions of turbulent develop-

ment, information invasion and non-systemic social chaos have increased.

2. The key to satisfying the information needs of the individual is to obtain reliable, comprehensive, comparative information that can be the basis of a single correct decision.

3. Functional information security, as well as other aspects of human security, aimed at the realization of rights and freedoms, needs, interests, aspirations of the individual, improving the quality of life, including the subjective sense of security, opportunities for personal development and self-realization.

4. In the conditions of turbulence, solutions to the problem of information security providing should have a comprehensive systemic nature and be implemented at different levels (normative, institutional, personal).

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