THE MODEL OF UNIVERSITY TEXTBOOK OF PHYSICS FOR THE "LIFELONG LEARNING" ERA Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Modern European Researches
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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Dubik Maria

The author suggests the structural-functional model of university textbook of physics for students of engineering higher educational institutions. The textbook is personally oriented and successive edition.

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1. relative gender and age of speaker and listener (the word "cunt" is more likely to land as positive with people of the same gender and the representatives of a younger generation);

2. level of closeness in relations and group-belonging (the word "cunt" is more likely to be perceived as positive if used among intimate friends or those belonging to the same social group and having approximately the same social status);

3. psychological peculiarities of speaker and listener (for many people "cunt" is so strongly tabooed that they automatically perceive it as negative, regardless of the context);

4. the country you are in or from ("cunt" as a term of endearment is much more common in Australia than in Great Britain).

Positive meanings of the lexeme "cunt" can be applied in teaching and learning such subjects as Stylistics, Translation and Interpreting, Cultural Studies and Cross-Cultural Communication as the meaning and functioning of "cunt" like other swearwords is determined not only semantically, but culturally, too.

As for further researches in this field we think that the meaning and functioning of the adjective "cunting" and the verbs "to cunt" and "to cunt off" should be given a deeper semantic and sociolinguistic exploration and analysis. We also suggest that the lexeme "cunt" be studied and analyzed in relation to and comparison with other swearwords.

* Source of Examples - Urban Dictionary. - [Electronic resource]: www.urbandictionary.com/


1. Allan, K., Burridge, K. Euphemism And Dysphemism: Language Used As Shield And Weapon [Text] / K. Allan, K. Burridge. - New York, 1991

2. Cameron, D. Naming of parts: gender, culture, and terms for the penis among American college students [Text] / D. Cameron// American Speech. - New York, 1992. - P. 367-382.

3. Freud, S. Totem and Taboo (Quoted by: A Culture- Based Analysis About English Taboos. - [Electronic resource]: http://qdkedaxy.com/Article/ShowArticle.asp?ArticleID=115)

4. Greer, G. The Female Eunuch [Text] / G. Greer/ - London: MacGibbon and Kee, 1981 [1970]

5. Gressor, M. 1993. The nouvelle vile (Review of Dale Peck's Fucking Martin and Euridice's f/32 The Second Coming) [Text] / M. Gressor// Morning Herald. - Sydney, 1993. - P. 19.

6. Kidman, A. How to do Things with Four-Letter Words: A Study of the Semantics of Swearing in Australia. - [Electronic resource]: http://www.gusworld.com.au/nrc/thesis/ch-5.htm

7. Neil. Sexual metaphors and Profanity. - [Electronic resource]: http://www.typepad.com/t/trackback/24039/7025303

8. Montagu, A. The Anatomy Of Swearing [Text] / A. Montagu. - New York: Macmillan, 1967

9. Sanders, J., Robinson, W. Talking and not talking about sex: male and female vocabularies [Text] J. Sanders, W. Robinson// Journal Of Communication. - New York, 1979. - P. 22-30.


Abstract. The author suggests the structural-functional model of university textbook of physics for students of engineering higher educational institutions. The textbook is personally oriented and successive edition.

Keywords: textbook, personally oriented and successive textbook, structural-functional model of university textbook of physics



PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor, chair of physics, methods of control and diagnostics, Tyumen State Gas and Oil University

From the end of XX until the beginning of XXI century there was the era of "education for life", which was replaced by the era of "lifelong learning".

D.D. Zuev built the scientific-design model of school textbook, which became a model for constructing school, college and university textbooks during the "education for life" era. The structural unit of the textbook was a paragraph [1].

The era of "lifelong learning" needs a new kind of textbook. (The use of the term "textbook of a new generation" implies recognition of the fact that this phenomenon does not represent a certain period and has no exact timeframe). Results of the analysis of high school physics textbooks (A.A. and B.A. Detlaf, B.A. Jaworski, I.V. Savelyev, T.I. Trofimova) show that authors add and improve the known theoretical propositions about textbooks of "education for all life" era and change the existing

textbooks, adapting them to today's conditions and objectives. A.A. Grechikhin believes that "lifelong learning" university textbooks should be hyperlinked (complexly structured, virtual and dynamic) [2].

0.P. Okolelov arrayed the radially concentrated model of hypertext electronic textbook of physics for university students. Structural unit of the electronic textbook is a hypertext module [3].

The analysis of this tutorial showed that the textbook is the mean of information support of educational practice and individual trajectory of tolerance promotion of a student, but it is not the part of the system of continuous education. The textbook does not consider the readiness of a student to assimilate the content of the discipline and does not form his willingness and ability to further education and self-education at (post-graduate) system of continuous education. According to A. Ivanov, a university textbook of a new generation should be based on the nature and content of fundamental science and the method of a student cognition for scientific structure [4].

Formation of independent students' cognitive activity of educational, scientific and professional information is one of the urgent tasks of engineering education. Basing to the results of the entrance testing of first-year students we can have at least three groups of students:

- The first group -students with the unstated information-communicative (readers) competence;

- The second group - students with the partially stated information-communicative (readers) competence;

- The third group - students with the stated information-communicative (readers) competence.

The first-year students who, for whatever reasons are behind the total flow, and the students, who

succeed in studies, can be equal only with the help of self-work with the tutorials. In this regard, we have an idea to transform a high school physics textbook for students of technical universities in the mean of formation the information and communication competencies in the process of independent cognitive activity. The result of independent cognitive activity of students is personally oriented personality successive physics textbook that provides students willingness to work independently with educational book, information and communication technologies and Internet resources for training at graduate and post-graduate levels of continuing education system. Contents of our own physics textbook (personality-oriented textbook) leaves the opportunity for a student to work at the level, possible for him for now and available in conditions, where engineers training is directly related with the development of the new professional competencies of basic sciences and physics is not the major in a technical university.

We build the personally oriented model of successive textbook based on the category of "part -whole". We performed a non-linear structuring of a textbook based on its three modules: basic, successive and personally oriented. In the text of these modules, we highlight textual and extra-textual components. Such approach to the textbook design shows that the "whole" (i.e. the personally oriented successive textbook) has the radial concentrated model, and "part" (i.e. basic, successive and personally oriented textbook) has the scientific and engineering model.

The built textbook model can be called structural and functional model. "Structural" model consists of separate modules (module of basic knowledge, module of main knowledge, lecture module and personally oriented module), combined into a single unit, i.e. personally oriented successive tutorial. "Functional" model is characterized as:

1. "part", where basic, successive and personally oriented textbook have its own functional opportunities.

2. "whole", where personally oriented textbook has successive single dominant feature of self-education.

The personally oriented tutorial is the textbook-structure, which consists of separate books: basic, successive and personally oriented. Basic tutorial forms the invariant part of the personality oriented successive tutorial in the form a book. Successive and personally oriented tutorial forms the variable part in the form of a book or electronic form. Textbooks, in turn, consist of individual modules. Individual modules are "stitched" in the thematic cluster. Thematic block is the structural unit of individually oriented successive textbook (Figure 1).



- The value Pk(i) corresponds to the level of knowledge, acquired by a student prior to its work with the textbook.

- The value of PKB(i) corresponds to the level of knowledge, acquired by a student after his work with the basic knowledge module (BK) of the basic textbook;

- The value PKI (i) corresponds to the level of knowledge, acquired by a student after his work with the main knowledge module (MK) of the basic textbook;

- The value PKH1(i) corresponds to the level of knowledge, acquired by a student after his work with the lecture module (L) of the successive textbook;

- The value PKH2(i) corresponds to the level of knowledge, acquired by the student after his work with the personality oriented unit (PO) of the personality oriented successive tutorial.

Option (i) corresponds to the number of the block and consistently takes the values 1, 2, ... n. Index (B) denotes the basic level of student's knowledge; (I) - intermediate, (B1) and (B2) - , respectively, higher and the highest levels of student knowledge [5, 6].

Below we consider the influence of the basic textbook of textbook-construction of personally oriented successive textbook of physics on the organization of independent work of a single student of a technical university in the process of scientific concepts formation.

The student reads the text from the section "Classical Mechanics", thematic section "Basics of kinematics", block 1.2. "Kinematics of rotational motion of a rigid body" of the basic textbook. The author and the reader has the mental dialogue:

1. Working with the module "Basic knowledge" of textbook-construction, student motivates himself to earn the new educational information. Reading the title of the educational text, he asks himself "What do I know?" and "What can I do?", reveals the residual knowledge on the section "Basics of the kinematics of the rotational motion of the body", and corrects the knowledge, using the text of the tutorial. The author recalls to the student: "You know the rotational movement of the body; uniform rotational motion of the body and the physical quantities, characterizing it". "You know how to describe the motion of a body, performing uniform rotational motion". "You are ready to expand and deepen the knowledge on the basis of the kinematics of rotational motion of a rigid body".

2. Working with the module "Main knowledge", the student asks himself "What do I want to know and to do?" The student reads the text and develops his understanding on the steps of coding sublayer. The author of the book brings the student to the conclusion:

- I learned that solid body is a physical model, the physical quantities, characterizing the rotational motion of a rigid body, are pseudo vectors.

- I know how to determine the direction and module of pseudo vectors, characterizing the rotational motion of a rigid body.

- I understood the kinematics of the rotational motion of a rigid body. I am able to answer the questions and solve problems for the self-control of new knowledge and skills.

- I am ready for mastering the professional knowledge: ratio and rotational motion of transmissions (gear, friction and belt drive) [7, 17 - 21]. The result of independent cognitive activity of the student with the physics textbook: resume of nonverbal educational text is personally oriented module of textbook, the content of which student broadens and deepens in the learning process at university and postgraduate level of continuing education system.

We can conclude that the structural and functional model of personality oriented successive high school physics textbook allows a student to design a physics textbook of the new generation.


1. Zuev D. D. Shkol'nyj uchebnik. - M.: Pedagogika, 1983. - 240 p.

2. Grechihin A. A. Vuzovskaja uchebnaja kniga: Tipologija, standartizacija, komp'juterizacija: uch-metod. posob. / A. A. Grechihin, Ju. G. Drevs. - M.: Logos, 2000. - 255 p.

3. Okolelov O. P. Didakticheskaja specifika sovremennogo vuzovskogo uchebnika // Pedagogika. 2003. № 10. - S. 20 -25.

4. Ivanov A. Uchebnik budushhego // Vysshee obrazovanie v Rossii. 2001. № 6. - Pp. 56 - 58.

5. Dubik M. A. Lichnostno orientirovannyj preemstvennyj uchebnik (uchebnik fiziki novogo pokolenija dlja studentov tehnicheskogo vuza). - Tjumen': TGNGU, 2012. - 116 p.

6. Dubik M. A. Lichnostno orientirovannyj preemstvennyj uchebnik fiziki // Svidetel'stvo o gosudarstvennoj registracii bazy dannyh № 2013621547. - Gos. reg. 17 DEKABRJa 2013 G.

7. Dubik M.A. Mehanika: uch. posobie. - Tjumen': TGNGU, 2010. - 124 p.


Abstract. The author presents the theoretical analysis of the concept "entrepreneurial sphere" and its use in various fields of economics. The author identifies similarities and differences in the definition of the essential characteristics of the structure and content of the concept, based on its sphere of usage; identifies the approaches to the definition and understanding of the entrepreneurial sphere and gives the integrated definition of the concept.

Keywords: business, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial sphere, external environment, internal environment, microenvironment, macroenvironment, favorable entrepreneurial sphere



Lecturer, chair of economics and management, Kuban State University (branch in Armavir)

Modernization of the Russian modern economic system aims to create innovative industries markets, optimization of market relations, increase freedom of market participants and create conditions for the development of modern business. In fact, the modern Russian business is functioning in very limited circumstances, especially small and medium businesses. Limited access to raw material stocks, rigid administrative regulation of business activity, low level of strategic software create artificial barriers to the development of business structures that constrains entrepreneurial initiative in natural way and economic growth in a whole. The solution lies in creating a favorable sphere, advantaging the development of entrepreneurship, building the understanding of the process of business, which is appropriate to market conditions.

To determine the compliance of strategies for business development in Russia and the requirements of today's market is necessary to define the conceptual tools. Many sources use the related definition of "business" and "entrepreneurship."

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