Научная статья на тему 'The model of manager in the new economy'

The model of manager in the new economy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Doronin Andrii V., Doronin Stepan A.

The article generalizes the preconditions of building a manager model for the new economy. The necessity of filling such model with personal characteristics, allowing to combine unique qualities of the employee of management system with the creative potential of collective, is determined. The hypothesis is formu­lated, implying that the combined working force of the collective created on this basis is capable to effectively implement the functions provided by the job instruction, and to find solutions of the unexpected crisis problems during the work. Possibilities of materializing the ideas of development of personal potential of the manager on the interdisciplinary basis were analyzed. A list of personal factors of formation and development of professional mobility of manager has been presented. As a synthesis criterion for the implementation of the labor personal potential of manager, it has been proposed to use the assessment of qual­ity of working life.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The model of manager in the new economy»

UDC 005.3



UDC 005.3

Doronin A. V., Doronin S. A. The Model of Manager in the New Economy

The article generalizes the preconditions of building a manager model for the new economy. The necessity of filling such model with personal characteristics, allowing to combine unique qualities of the employee of management system with the creative potential of collective, is determined. The hypothesis is formulated, implying that the combined working force of the collective created on this basis is capable to effectively implement the functions provided by the job instruction, and to find solutions of the unexpected crisis problems during the work. Possibilities of materializing the ideas of development of personal potential of the manager on the interdisciplinary basis were analyzed. A list of personal factors of formation and development of professional mobility of manager has been presented. As a synthesis criterion for the implementation of the labor personal potential of manager, it has been proposed to use the assessment of quality of working life.

Keywords: model of manager, profession, personal potential, mobility, quality of working life. Bibl.: 28.

Doronin Andrii V. - D. Sc. (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department of Economics and Marketing, National Aerospace University «Kharkiv Aviation Institute» named after M. Ye. Zhukovskiy (17 Chkalova Str., Kharkiv, 61070, Ukraine); ORCID - http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2257-4278 E-mail: andrej.doronin@khai.edu

Doronin Stepan A. - Postgraduate Student of the Department of Management and Business, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine); ORCID - http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2081-0572 E-mail: stlffler@mail.ru

УДК 005.3

Доронн А. В., Доронн С. А. Модель менеджера в новй економц

У cmammi узагальнено передумови актуал'заци побудови модет менеджера для новоI економки. Визначено необхiднiсmь наповнення тат моделi особисmiсними характеристиками, ям дозволяють забезпечи-ти об'еднання ун'шальних характеристик пращвника системи управ-л'шнязтворчимпотенщалом колективу. Сформульованог'тотезу, яка передбачае, що створена на цй основi сукупна робоча сила колективу здатна як реал'вувати функцн, передбачен посадовою iнсmрукцiею, так i знаходити ршення неоч'шуваних кризових проблем у роботi. Проаналзовано можливостi реал'ваци 'дей розвитку особисткного потенцалу менеджера на мiждисциплiнарнiй основi. Представлено перел'ш особистсних фактор'в формування та розвитку профеайноi мобльностiменеджера. Якузагальнюючий критерш реал'ваци трудового особисткного потен^алу менеджера запропоновано використо-вувати оцнку якост'> трудового життя.

Ключов'! слова: модель менеджера, профеая, особисткний потенц'шл, моб'шьтсть, яшсть трудового життя. Вбл.: 28.

Доронн Андрй Вiталiйович - доктор економiчних наук, професор, за-в'дувач кафедри економши i маркетингу, Нацональний аерокосмiчний ушверситет iм. М. £. Жуковського «Хармвський авiацiйний iнститут» (вул. Чкалова, 17, Хармв, 61070, Украна) E-mail: andrej.doronin@khai.edu

Доронн Степан Андрйович - астрант кафедри менеджменту та б'з-несу, Хармвський нацональний економiчний ушверситет iм. С. Кузнеця (пр. Науки, 9а, Хармв, 61166, Украна) E-mail: stlffler@mail.ru

УДК 005.3

Доронин А. В., Доронин С. А. Модель менеджера в новой экономике

В статье обобщены предпосылки актуализации построения модели менеджера для новой экономики. Определена необходимость наполнения такой модели личностными характеристиками, позволяющими обеспечить объединение уникальных качеств работника системы управления с творческим потенциалом коллектива. Сформулирована гипотеза, предполагающая, что созданная на этой основе совокупная рабочая сила коллектива способна как реализовать эффективно функции, предусмотренные должностной инструкцией, так и находить решения неожиданных кризисных проблем в работе. Проанализированы возможности реализации идей развития личностного потенциала менеджера на междисциплинарной основе. Представлен перечень личностных факторов формирования и развития профессиональной мобильности менеджера. В качестве обобщающего критерия реализации трудового личностного потенциала менеджера предложено использовать оценку качества трудовой жизни. Ключевые слова: модель менеджера, профессия, личностный потенциал, мобильность, качество трудовой жизни. Библ.: 28.

Доронин Андрей Витальевич - доктор экономических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой экономики и маркетинга, Национальный аэрокосмический университет им. Н. Е. Жуковского «Харьковский авиационный институт» (ул. Чкалова, 17, Харьков, 61070, Украина) E-mail: andrej.doronin@khai.edu

Доронин Степан Андреевич - аспирант кафедры менеджмента и бизнеса, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (пр. Науки, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: stlffler@mail.ru

A model as an instrument of cognition has long been used in science. In scientific disciplines of the humanities, the concept of "model of man" is quite common. In management, it is used to highlight the essential characteristics of the subject of socio-economic relations reflecting its most important functions and ensuring a quality interaction with the environment. Along with the model of individual human, models of collective

laborer of organizations, a certain community of people united by labor cooperation, are developing.

The changes that take place in society make new demands on the list and content of the most important characteristics of asuccessful laborer. The informatization and intellectualization of labor have contributed to enrichment of the types of energy used by the laborer in the process of creating everything that satisfies his needs.

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This enrichment gradually transforms the laborer into the owner of unique knowledge and teachings - intellectual capitalist. The list of human needs and their quality content change quite quickly. The critical characteristics of labor potential and sources for activization of behavior in the workplace are being enriched and change the models of man and organizations.

At present, the life activity of a production organization is determined rather by the work of people engaged in streamlining the cooperation of labor and relationships of the organization with business partners and the rest of stakeholders than by the work of the personnel engaged in the production of goods or services. Therefore, themodel of man engaged in management work is becoming of special relevance for theory and practice. The accumulation of inconsistencies in the recommendations of traditional models of man to the problems of managing the functioning and development of enterprises indicates the need to revise some of the conceptual foundations of the models of manager.

The issues of developinga model of man have been relevant for many years. This topic is also chosen by modern scholars studying problems of developing the potential of managers, their professional mobility. It is worth to note the original approaches and research results of such scientists as N. Rodionova [1], E. Lutokhina [2], A. Shas-titko [3], V. Filatov [4], T. Sergeeva [5], E. Kurushina [6], and others.

Studying the theoretical and methodological nature

of the problem and priorities in developing the

models of manager showed that there are several possibilities to complement their research. First, there is still a need to bring the model closer to the modern state of society. Secondly, there has arisen an urgent need to strengthen a manager's personal interest in developing his own professional mobility. Such mobility allows to per-formthe task of forming project teams from the collective members for solving non-standard crisis problems that require the use of intuitive, creative potential of a person.

The foregoing has determined the aim of the study -to identify the prerequisites for creating a model of manager corresponding to the conditions of the new economy, capable of responding to the formation of a risk society and developing the personal potential of professional mobility.

Before outlining the basic material of the article, it is appropriate to define the concept "manager", since it is used by representatives of various scientific schools and has various interpretations of its essence and content in their works. Without entering into controversy with the authors of these publications, in this article we will consider the manager as a person occupying a workplace in the management system of an organization.He is present in various departments of the management system, performs various functions (forecasting, planning, control, etc.). The manager can have the status of both a leader

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and an executor carrying out certain responsibilities. In some crisis situations, the leader of the collective delegates his functions to the most competent person in response to the problem.

The manager has long been regarded as a representative of a particular human science profession. V. Shepel writes in his monograph: "Management activity is a specific kind of professional activity. If we use its assessment from an anthropological standpoint, a lot of circumstances account for this. First, for its execution, a "special" human material is necessary, in the sense that it has such traits as organizational abilities, outstanding intellect, enthusiastic attitude to people and nature.Secondly, the manager should have a vast culturological thesaurus. Thirdly, he needs to have a wide range of special knowledge: environmental, economic, financial, legal, managerial, etc. Fourthly, the manager should be able to skillfully use all the above-mentioned knowledge in practice. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that no matter what noble or economically beneficial goals the manager pursues, he has no right to cause any moral and psychological harm to those with whom he/she cooperates or acts in the public interest" [7, p. 18].

Duties and functions of the manager are not permanent, the speed of their changes grows and does not always correspond to the requirements of job descriptions. The modern professional manager has to be mobile not only within the competencies specified inthe job description but also in performing tasks that are not included in it. Today, any delay in making decisions on solving suchtasks is dangerous, because it can lead to a crisis.

When forming a new model of manager, it is appropriate to analyze the possibilities of using the model of labor mandeveloped earlier. As already noted, a person is in the focus of attention of many scientific disciplines. However, the essence of this concept is interpreted by their representatives in different ways. At the highest level of generalization, such concepts as "man', "individual', "personality" are used. In this triad, the man is perceived as a representative of an organic living world, the distinctive features of which are the presence of consciousness and the ability to use resources of the external environment to maintain his existence.The individual is considered as a separate representative of the human realm, possessing a special list of biological and psychological characteristics, the presence of which makes him unique. The concept of "personality" positionsmanin relationships with other people who are in the same community (social group) with him. At present, the problem of using the concept of "personality" is actualized in economic science in general and in management in particular.It is conditioned, first, by the change in the nature of the labor activity of man, by the informatization and intellectual-ization of work. Secondly, the need to create united project teams of managers with unique personal abilities.



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Efficiency and reliability of management in the new economy depend on the extent to which work will be filled with creativity, development of professionalism, mobility of management personnel. The mobility of manis closely related to hispersonal characteristics. This thesis is confirmed by many foreign and domestic scientists.

Thus, for example, O. Kirdin in this regardmakes the following remark: "The innovativeness of economy placesnew demands on professionalism of managers. The main qualities of a professional manager are more personal: availability of business education; high level of competency in a broad field of economic and social issues; ability to see the prospect, select a team, navigate the market; ability to work under constant risk and take responsibility; ability to lead people, etc." [8, p. 270]. Development of intellectual abilities, purpose-fulness of human consciousness is a prerequisite for active perception of reality, acquisition of life experience, choice of ways of adaptation, which present a specialist the opportunity to change his behavior depending on the situation that arises.

B. Batyuk believes that one of the sources for the formation of a successful leader is performance by him of numerous social roles associated with social processes taking place in the organization. To play such roles, the manager should have certain qualities. These qualities form the personality of leader, which changes depending on the nature of activity but basically remains the guide of behavior [9, p. 29].

O. Dementieva draws attention to the necessity of forming in the process of educating the youth preconditions for the development of professional mobility as a personal quality allowing him to be socially active, competitive, professionally competent, capable of self-development and modernization of his activities, as well as to changing activities [10, p. 6].

Analyzing the reserves of developingthe professional mobility of a person, L. Piletskaya presents a list of new public requirements for a person: responding to a volatile environment, adopting and implementing nonstandard solutions in a situation of market competition, adapting to rapidly changing conditions, willingness to update his knowledge [11, p. 693].

L. Goryunova in her doctoral dissertation divides the sources of professional mobility into two groups. The first one combines such personal qualities of a laborer as adaptability, communicability, independence, adaptability, commitment, value orientations and attitudes, social memory, critical thinking; ability to self-knowledge, self-development, self-education; social mobility.The second group of sources of mobility refers to human activities: reflexivity, creativity, projectivity, prediction, goal-setting, flexibility, plasticity [12, p. 21].

Ye. Goranskaya believes that professional mobility should be defined as a change in an individual's position in the professional qualification structure. On the one

hand, professional mobility is an externally observed behavioral act of changing a laborer under the influence of external factors and the need to adapt to real life situa-tions.On the other hand, mobility can be perceived as an outwardly unobservable activity of a person, based on his personal views, values, needs, qualities and competencies, aimed at internal self-improvement by changing the professional position and / or status [13, p. 2].

L. Piletskaya agreesas to the interpretation of professional mobility with other scientists, defining it, firstly, as a complex construct characterizing a quality of a person that provides an internal mechanism for his development through the formation of key, general professional competencies. Secondly, theresearcher interprets this quality of a person as his activity determined by events that change the environment.The result of this activity is self-realization of the person in his profession and life. But at the same time L. Piletskaya complements the previous two components of the formation of professional mobility with a third one, which she defines as the process of transformation by theperson of himself and the professional and living environment surrounding him. The author concludes that the transformational changes in modern society presuppose the formation of a professionally mobile, skilled person, with the inherent dynamism, constant search, desire to transform not only the environment but himself as well [11, p. 696].

T. Chernichko identifies two directions of profes-sionalization of a person. The first one, which she defines as an objective direction, is the formation of important professional qualities of a person conditioned by his access to the labor market and entry into the professional structure of society. The second direction is considered subjective and implies the conscious active participation of a person in the assimilation of professional knowledge, teachings, values, and his striving for professional self-realization. This direction is also defined by the author as professional self-education [14, p. 55].

The collective of specialists in the field of health protection, having summarized the literature, presented their structure of the personalpotential of a laborer in this sphere. It comprises six components: moral potential (values, motivations); qualification potential (professional knowledge, abilities, skills that determine professional competence); psycho-physiological potential (working capacity); educational potential (intellectual, cognitive abilities); communication potential (ability to cooperate, collective organization, interaction); creative potential (creative abilities) [15, p. 78].The model of personal professional potential of a laborer presented in this work can be used to create a model of qualitative and quantitative analysis of personal potential of a manager.

The manual by Doctor of Economic Science-sA. Shastitko, which reflects such issues as general characteristic of an economic man in the modern theory, its interrelation with approaches to modelinghuman behav-

ior within other social disciplines, can be useful in developing a procedure for investigation of reasons for the emergence of a new model of manager.The author analyzes the ideas about human behavior within the framework of various research directions and schools, the possibility of their application in studying social phenomena. He believes that the working model of man is a system-forming component of any research program within the framework of both the economic theory and other social science disciplines [16, p. 5].

E. Kurushina studied the models of man presented in the literature and performed their classification according to seven criteria. She defined the first one as disciplinary. In the coordinates of this criterion, the following types of models are distinguished: economic man, social man, anthropological man. The second cri-terionis defined by the author as selfishness of motives of human behavior. In this classification, there presented models of manwho is guided by selfish or altruistic interests. In terms of decision-making, the author singles out the models of rational man and irrational man. The criterion of realism of man involves the selection of two models: those of real and abstract man. On the basis of the personification, the models of man are specified in accordance with the role that he performs.For example, in the neoclassical theory the models of man-buyer and man-seller / producer are used, in the institutional -the model ofexecutivemanand man-executor. K. Marx forms the model of capitalist and the model of wage laborer. In terms of value orientation there considered the model of economic man (the concept of economic growth); socioeconomic man (the concept of human development); environmental man (the concept of eco-oriented develop-ment).According to the technology of model formation, the author divides them into theoretical and empirical ones. In the article, E. Kurushina makes an important emphasis on the fact that in view of strengthening the role of the values of the innovation development strategy of organizations, it is necessary to pay attention to creating a modelof innovative man [6, p. 181].

All the above-listedstudies of models of man and many others make an emphasis on personal characteristics of laborer as an important direction in the development of science. But person is the subject of many scientific disciplinesof the humanitarian cycle. Each of them formulates its goals, uses its characteristics, research tools.In this regard, almost all scientists involved in studying personal aspects of professional mobility emphasize the need for a systematic, integrated interdisciplinary approach.

For example, N. Gritskova, describing professional mobility as an integral personal education, notes the need for its system comprehensive study [17, p. 31]. I. Mikhailova believes that the concept of professional mobility should be attributed to interdisciplinary ones, since this phenomenon is studied from several points

of view - economic, social, psychological [18, p. 236— 237]. In the dissertation abstract "Professionalization of management activity in industry: theory, methodology, implementation', A. Isayev writes: "The problem of professionalism in management is undoubtedly interdisciplinary, as evidenced by the experience of its research in various scientific fields: management, psychology, ac-meology, pedagogy, sociology.The management science plays a leading role in the study of this problem. It implies integrating the results obtained in these areas of knowledge and finding new opportunities for investigating the interdisciplinary issues of intensifying management in industry on the basis of developing management professionalism [19, p. 3].

The authors of the study guide on acmeology consider professionalism of management personnel, who performtheir activities under complicated conditions, in the form of a two-component system, in which the first subsystem depictspeculiarities of the conditions, the second one — the personal subsystem [20].

I. Ivanova believes that to ensure management of sustainable economic growth, the implementation of a sequence of non-traditional functions is required. Among them are development of organization culture, innovative provision of business processes, reproduction of internal individual resources of the organization'smanager and human capital, formation of new internal management structures (teams, working groups) for solving development problems, implementing intellectual leadership in team and project management [21, p. 84—85].

T. Sergeeva raises the problem of harmonization of methodological approaches in studying professional mobility and congruenceof personal and professional mobility [5, p. 88]. The author singles out four variants of such approaches: person-centered and activity, system and synergetic, event-oriented, competency-basedone.

In the context ofthe person-centered and activity approach, T. Sergeeva defines professional mobility as a motivated and purposeful activity of an individual activated at key moments of his career and life pathThe attributes of such mobility are the ability of a specialist to reflect the initial level of his professionalism; ability to objectively assess the degree of changes that have occurred in his personality and activity; readiness of a specialist to changes in his life activity; degree of activity; success in project activities; effective goal-setting; prediction of results.

In the system and synergetic approach, professional mobility is defined through perception of the future as a "fan" of opportunities, free decision-making in a choice situation. The attributes of such mobility include the capacity for self-education, self-development; ability to quickly get oriented in the flow of knowledge; readiness to change types of activities, behavioral roles; analytic skills; predictive skills; capacity for making decisions.

The event-oriented approach assumes perception of professional mobility as a person's ability to carry out

his activities under constant change of events,i.e., to display situational variability. An attribute of the presence of such mobility is the ability of a person to influence events, manage events, use them for his self-development.

In the competency-based approach, professional mobility is considered as a set of certain competencies that are formed, updated and intensified in an activity as significant problems arise. At the same time, the author makes an important remark regarding this essence of mobility: "There is no single concept of competencies of a modern specialist" [5, p. 88].

It should be noted that the personal aspect in considering a labor manis not absolutely new and unique. It has been studied both by foreign and domestic scientists. One of the distinctive features of previous researches is the emphasis on the objective necessity of considering a person in view of the social environment. Thus, J. W. Duncan at his time warned: "Human behavior is determined by mood more than money, and groups influence the behavior of an individual in such a significant way that it even encourages managers to recognize the fact that business firms are more than just economic institutions. They are social organizational structures consisting of human personalities, and they should be managed as appropriate" [22, p. 131]. S. Palchevsky explains the role and purpose of a personal construct of man as follows: "Man in his most diverse dimensions is as illimitable as illimitable is the World that surrounds him and of which he is a part. However, in specific periods in the history of mankind, in the context of the formation of new circumstances of the existence and development of man, the tasks arising before him, there formed a certain pattern or model of human person capable of solving these problems" [23, p. 39].

This position is positively accepted by modern researchers of management problems. For example, I. Herasymova and N. Martseniuk believe that the professional activity of a management specialist in the situation of instability in the labor market determines the need for comprehensive personal development. It is the development of intellectual characteristics, orientation of self-awareness that is the prerequisite for an adequate perception of reality and acquisition of life experience, forms the ways of adaptation, which create opportunities for specialists to change their behavior depending on the situation that arises [24, p. 140]. I. Herasymova also draws attention to the need for a personal approach to activities of a manager, not only in the context of developing himself, but also relations with surrounding employees. It is necessary to take into account that the specialists in the field of management will work in the man-man system. This determines a whole list of requirements for their personal characteristics and qualities that will ensure both the manifestation of professional mobility and success in interaction with others.The need to establish mutual understanding with different people, flexible

response to their personal traits stipulate the need for adaptation to each of them, development of adaptive capacity [24, p. 142].

L. Mitina believes that professional development at different stages of human vital activity is either the result or a means of personal development. The sooner a directed personal and professional development begins, the greater the possibility of predicting psychological well-being, satisfaction with life, and personal growth of each human in the modern changing world [25, p. 38].

Ye. Goranskaya considers mobility as an outwardly unobservable activity of an individual, based on his individual views, values, needs, qualities and competencies, and aimed at internal self-improvement by changing the professional position and/or status [13, p. 2].

A. Zankovsky develops a vision of the role of a person in optimizing the labor behavior of an organization's staff. He also draws attention to the congruence of interests of a person and the collective in which he works: "We are primarily interested in features and patterns of people's behavior in an organization,which presents an integral collective formation that cannot be reduced to a simple sum of individuals comprising it.For an organization, the ability of an individual to successfully perform a specific function and fit into the team is much more important than the wealth and uniqueness of his personality" [26, p. 19].

A. Polytsia, I. Shvets believe that for a successful functioning of the system for motivation of laborers to professional development, an active personal climate is important, which combines the opportunity for professional development and self-realization of a laborer with high demands and conformity of a laborer's activities to the interests of the enterprise. It is in the presence of such a climate that the motivation for professional development of the laborerwill be most effective [27, p. 41].

J. Goldsmith and K. Cloke note the connection and dependence of personal and collective development: "The democratic process requires everyone to develop their leadership qualities for the benefit of social, organizational, group, and personal development. Democratic leadership is based on the fact that we cannot help others until we help ourselves, and we cannot help ourselves until we help others. Trying to do only one thing, we will not solve the problem" [28, p. 365].


The changes taking place in society impose new requirements on the list and content of the most important characteristics of a successful manager. The definition of the prerequisites for the creation of a model of manager corresponding to the conditions of the new economy, capable of responding to the formation of a risk society and developing the personal potential of professional mobility will in many ways contribute to the restoration of vital functions of the economic system of society. A modern manager should have a certain level of mobility not only

within the competencies specified in the job description but also in performing tasks that are not included in it. To create a new model of manager, it is advisable to use, firstly, the models of labor mandeveloped earlier, and secondly, to focus on the interdisciplinaryapproach.A specific situation requires clarification of constructive conditions for the creation of an adequate model of laborer in the management system. Their list includes personal qualities of a human, peculiarities of his activity, environment, nature of harmonizing interests of a person and the collective in which he implements his functions. To analyze the possibilities of using the personal capacity of a manager, it is necessary to create a system of empirical data.It should reflect characteristics of the potential of professional mobility, quality of working life of managers, social environment that affects their behavior. The study is advisable to continue in the direction of creating a system of documents for gathering information and pilot verification of the formulated in the hypotheses directions of development of the presented in the model of manager personality potential and his professional mobility in the context of particular organizations. ■


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