Научная статья на тему 'Social reserves of development of the collective total labor potential. Role context'

Social reserves of development of the collective total labor potential. Role context Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Doronina Maya S., Golubiev Stanislav M.

The rate, heterogeneous character of the changes in the internal and external environment of business entities go beyond their ability to make effective decisions in critical situations timely. Only the collective mind of the creative collective laborer allows to effectively respond to the unique challenges at work now. For the formation of such a laborer in modern conditions it is necessary to use social reserves of the collective development, as they provide an additional growth of its total labor potential due to organization of emotionally positive interaction between employees. The article considers the labor collective as a social control object. There argued a possibility of transforming it into the team due to diagnostic and development of the total labor potential within the role structure. The successful combination of the functional labor and social roles in a team gives a birth to synergistic effect, which is manifested in its mechanical and organic solidarity. The created on this basis collective laborer is a new productive force of the cooperative labor, exceeding the amount of the abilities of separate individual employees.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Social reserves of development of the collective total labor potential. Role context»

UDC 331.101.262




UDC 331.101.262

Doronina M. S., Golubiev S. M. Social Reserves of Development of the Collective Total Labor Potential. Role Context

The rate, heterogeneous character of the changes in the internal and external environment of business entities go beyond their ability to make effective decisions in critical situations timely Only the collective mind of the creative collective laborer allows to effectively respond to the unique challenges at work now. For the formation of such a laborer in modern conditions it is necessary to use social reserves of the collective development, as they provide an additional growth of its total labor potential due to organization of emotionally positive interaction between employees. The article considers the labor collective as a social control object. There argued a possibility of transforming it into the team due to diagnostic and development of the total labor potential within the role structure. The successful combination of the functional labor and social roles in a team gives a birth to synergistic effect, which is manifested in its mechanical and organic solidarity. The created on this basis collective laborer is a new productive force of the cooperative labor, exceeding the amount of the abilities of separate individual employees. Key words: collective, collective mind, labor potential, collective laborer, social reserves, social and labor roles, solidarity, synergistic effect. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 19.

Doronina Maya S. - Doctor of Science (Economics), Professor, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Management Psychology, Kharkiv National Economic University named after S. Kuznets (pr. Lenina, 9a, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: doroninams@mail.ru

Golubiev Stanislav M. - Lecturer of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Management, Kharkiv National Economic University named after S. Kuznets (pr. Lenina, 9a, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: stasgolubev@yandex.ru

УДК 331.101.262

Доронна М. С., Голубев С. М. Сощальн резерви розвитку сукупного трудового потен^алу колективу. Рольовий контекст

Швиджть, рзнояшстсть змш внутршнього й зовншнього середовища суб'ект'в господарювання перевищують ш можливост'> вчасно ухва-лювати ефективш ршення в критичних ситуа^ях. Тльки колективний розум творчого сукупного противника зараз дозволяв результативно реагувати на уткальш проблеми в робот'!. Для формування такого пра-Uiвника в сучасних умовах необх!дно використовувати соц!альш резерви розвитку колективу, оскльки вони забезпечують додатковий прирст його сукупного трудового потенцалу за рахунок органiзаиii емоцйно позитивноi взаемоди ствробтниюв. Устатт'1 трудовий колективроз-глядаеться як со^альний об'ект управл'шня. Аргументуеться можли-всть перетворення його в команду за рахунок д'шгностики й розвитку сукупного трудового потенщалу в координатах рольовоi структури. Вдала комбша^я функцюнально-трудових i сои/альних ролей у колекти-вi забезпечуе народження синергетичного ефекту, який проявляеться в його мехашчн'ш та оргашчн'ш сол'дарност'и Створений на цй основi су-купний пра^вник е новою продуктивною силою кооперованого праць що перевищуе суму здатностей в'дособлених шдив'дуальних пра^вниюв. Ключов слова: колектив, колективний розум, трудовий потенцал, сукупний пра^вник, cоиiальнiрезерви, cоиiально-трyдовiролi, сол'дар-нсть, синергетичний ефект. Табл.: 2. Бiбл.: 19.

Доронша Майя Степашвна - доктор економчних наук, професор, про-фесор кафедри соцшлоги та психологи управл'шня, Хармвський нацо-нальний економ'мний ушверситет iM. С. Кузнеця (пр. Ленна, 9а, Хармв, 61166, Украна) E-mail: doroninams@mail.ru

Голубев Сташслав Миколайович - викладач кафедри соцологи та психологи управл'шня, Хармвський нацональний економiчний ушверситет iM. С. Кузнеця (пр. Лешна, 9а, Хармв, 61166, Укртна) E-mail: stasgolubev@yandex.ru

УДК 331.101.262

Доронина М. С., Голубев С. Н. Социальные резервы совокупного трудового потенциала коллектива. Ролевой контекст

Скорость, разнокачественность изменений внутренней и внешней среды субъектов хозяйствования превышают их возможности своевременно принимать эффективные решения в критических ситуаииях. Только коллективный разум творческого совокупного работника сейчас позволяет результативно реагировать на уникальные проблемы в работе. Для формирования такого работника в современных условиях необходимо использовать соииальные резервы развития коллектива, поскольку они обеспечивают дополнительный прирост его совокупного трудового потенииала за счет организаиии эмоиионально позитивного взаимодействия сотрудников. В статье трудовой коллектив рассматривается как соииальный объект управления. Аргументируется возможность превращения его в команду за счет диагностики и развития совокупного трудового потенииала в координатах ролевой структуры. Удачное сочетание функиионально-трудовых и соииальных ролей в коллективе обеспечивает рождение синергетического эффекта, который проявляется в его механической и органической солидарности. Созданный на этой основе совокупный работник является новой производительной силой кооперированного труда, превышающей сумму способностей обособленных индивидуальных работников. Ключевые слова: коллектив, коллективный разум, трудовой потении-ал, совокупный работник, соииальные резервы, соииально-трудовые роли, солидарность, синергетический эффект. Табл.: 2. Библ.: 19.

Доронина Майя Степановна - доктор экономических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры соииологии и психологии управления, Харьковский наииональный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеиа (пр. Ленина, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: doroninams@mail.ru

Голубев Станислав Николаевич - преподаватель, кафедра соииологии и психологии управления, Харьковский наииональный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеиа (пр. Ленина, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: stasgolubev@yandex.ru

Social and economic reforms in Ukraine have not achieved the desired results, there occurred a significant deterioration in the conditions of functioning and development of its economic system. This stimulated new research into the problem of recovery of its labor potential.

The special attention is focused on the main element of the productive forces — the collective laborer, who previously in the economic context was formed through the system of central planning and in the social one — through the work of the Party, Komsomol organizations and trade unions. As the

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old models of the collective laborer stopped working, there emerged a necessity to build a new one and develop technologies for its practical application. The problem solving is still continued by representatives not only of economics but also related scientific disciplines studying human behavior: social philosophy, sociology, social psychology, and others. At the same time some scientists have focused their attention on updating, specification of theoretical and methodological aspects of studying the position and role of a human in the economic system, the others — on the ways and technologies of development of his or her competitiveness on the labor market due to formation of the ability to permanently increase his or her employment potential through education. On the background of this research there gradually emerged and develops interest in social reserves to form the total labor potential of collectives engaged mainly into intellectual work.

Among the scientists, whose research results form the foundation for further studying of these collectives there can be noted M. Gellert and K. Novak, who identified the problem of an ambiguous result of the leader's delegating the authorities to subordinates and the obtained synergistic effect [1], A. Hulin, who paid attention to the general principles of team building [2], O. Mazur, who investigated the problems of the collective laborer reproduction in contemporary Russia and ways of their solving [3], B. Palchuk, who analyzed the relationship between the essence and content of the concepts and categories of the research field [4], V. Gor-bunova, who successfully complemented the area of team building by technologies developed in psychology [5], the authors, who paid attention to the evolution of functional and team roles in the process of the collective development from the group level to that of the team [6]. In modern collectives there stopped operating the previously well-proven technologies ensuring their success in quite stable situations of work. The rate, heterogeneous character of the changes in the internal and external environment of business entities went beyond their ability to collect necessary information to make timely effective decisions. Experience has shown that only the collective mind of the collective laborer allows to effectively respond to unique situations at work now. His or her potential is formed and developed through socialization of the processes of streamlining collaboration, on the basis of which the theory of building the collective role structure started its development.

Presently it has accumulated quite constructive recommendations and suggestions. For example, attention should be paid to research of O. Golentovskaja, which provides a detailed analysis of different classifications of collective roles, beginning from those set in works by J. Stewart, I. Sandstrom, R. Belbin, to those represented in works by contemporary authors [7]. In search of the social reserves of the labor collective development it is advisable to use the typology of collaboration proposed in the works by T. Ba-zarov and L. Umanskij [8, 9], ways of combining the activity and creativity approach with mutually creative approach highlighted in the monograph by V. Gorbunova [5].

The analysis of the stated above ideas stipulated choosing the topic of this article and offering its aim - substantiating the expediency of diagnosing the social reserves

for development of the total labor potential of the collective, based on the analysis of its role structure.

The labor collective has been repeatedly considered in works of sociologists, social psychologists as a special social object (for example, [8, 10, 11, 12]). According to the theory of E. Durkheim the potential of such object is ensured by the level of mechanical and organic solidarity. In this context, the labor collective on the one hand acts as an organizational unit (a subdivision of an enterprise with well-defined functions), and on the other - as a social one (congregation of people on value perception of the life in the labor collective). In modern conditions the value of the social reserves of the collective increases, for it is them that due to the effective collective role structure and emotionally positive interaction of employees ensure the development of its solidarity, which contributes to the growth of its total potential.

The theme of solidarity has gained special urgency in the conditions of a revolutionary transformation of society. It is emphasized by the authors of a recently published monograph devoted to the problems of consolidation of the Russian society. Social solidarity in their opinion performs a vital function - reproduction of the social system at any of its hierarchical levels - from groups of primary social practices to the society as a whole. "Society is possible and valid only under condition of a certain level of achieved in it social solidarity determining the degree of viability of the given public formation" [13, p. 26]. Using the role theory in practice of collective management will allow to find new social reserves for developing its solidarity. By its nature, the social role of a collective member is a program of his or her actions in certain circumstances developed by the organization he or she works for. That is, similarly to the functional and labor, the social role of the employee exists only in the system of relations in the collective. On the one hand it presupposes observing by the employee certain rules of conduct adopted by it, on the other — serves both a means and field to meet the social need of a person in self-expression, self-esteem [14]).

The successful combination of the functional and labor role with social roles in the collective ensures the birth of synergistic effect, which is manifested in its mechanical and organic solidarity. The created on this basis collective laborer is a new productive force of the collaboration, able to solve problems exceeding the total abilities of separate individual employees.

The role determining people's behavior in the group is a subject of attention for scientists representing various scientific fields. Sociologists study it as an element of the social structure and culture regulated on the basis of common behavior values. Experts in the field of social psychology (J. Mead and J. L. Moreno) analyze the role in the context of social interaction between individuals, the individual and the group, where the role is a set of common values, without which communication is impossible. Though these scientists share a common goal — preparing a creatively developing community, their studies have differences. For example, J. L. Moreno is oriented to active position of the acting person, while J. Mead examines the role from the position of the "philosopher-observer" [15, 16]. Most often modern

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researchers of the collective role structure find their basic ideas in works of social psychologist M. Belbin, who distinguished 9 variants within the structure and presented their classification on the character features of the person's behavior in the team and directions of his or her activity [17].

However, the Belbin theory can not be accepted as the only one for studying the reserves of the team social development, because it overshadows the active, creative manifestation of the personality, it does not take into account such individual determinants of behavior as motivation and personality traits. In this regard, it makes sense to pay attention to such theoretical concepts as "personality model", actively studied by economic theory, organizational psychology and recently by the experts working with tasks of streamlining the labor behavior of the personnel in the collective. For example, the version of the role classification by M. Belbin on the patterns of the person's behavior in the team got further development by A. Doronina, A. Polubedova. In the study by A. Doronin [18] there presented the evolution of the personality model and associated with it evolution of the organizational model, where it is possible to find an analogy of the evolution of the personality role and characteristic features of the collective. The author explains their development by informatization and intellectualization of labor. A. Polubedova presents substantiation for connection of the collective models as the collective (complex) laborer with a behavioral component of labor activity, the role of which is enhanced under the influence of increasing the share of non-standard labor operations requiring individual and collective creativity [19].

At improving the role structure of the labor collective attention should be paid to the fact that M. Belbin suggests distinguishing the team and functional roles. The team role characterizes the features of the person's behavior and interaction in the collective, and the functional one is associated with the duties fixed in the job description, which he or she has to perform having the knowledge and experience required to do the work [17, p. 38]. The practice of using the ideas of M. Belbin proved his warning that the behavior of employees sometimes does not correspond exactly to the functions of the role delegated to them. This unstable

behavior is caused by the person's ability to perform several team roles. Most often it is manifested with the employee having high intellectual abilities, allowing him or her flexibility to choose the role coordinating it with the purposes and goals of interaction with colleagues [17, p. 48].

The distribution, analysis and monitoring of the team (social) and functional roles can be considered appropriate if the collective performs a wide range of unique tasks (for example, in the project team). If in the team there observed tendencies to intellectualization and informatization of work, its leader should pay attention to combination of the team and labor (functional) role. Their synthesis can be defined as the social and labor role (Tab. 1).

To test in practice the list of social and labor roles presented in Table 1 there was made their conceptualization and operationalization, gathered and analyzed information on the collectives of management subsystem of seven enterprises. The data were collected by means of questionnaire survey using the 5-interval qualitative and quantitative point scale. The most sophisticated role received the assessment of 5 points and the least sophisticated — 1 point. The questionnaires included the respondents' assessment of the actual and the desired state of the role type. Table 2 presents the results of diagnosing the collective role structure of three subdivisions of control system at one of the enterprises under study (M - marketing department, A -accounting department, HRM - Human Resource Management Department).

As can be seen from the table, presently the distribution of roles in the analyzed labor collectives is paid insufficient attention. The actual estimates of the functions of implementation roles are higher than those of the functions of interaction and creativity. As to the wants of the personnel of the enterprise subdivisions under study, in all departments they are clearly oriented to qualitative development of all roles and functions. It can be assumed with a high degree of certainty that distribution by the collective leaders of work on the basis of diagnosing the subordinate roles and streamlining their labor behavior will not meet resistance.

Table 1

Roles of the labor collective members

Belbin role types Main characteristic Functions of social and labor roles

Specialist Discipline, reliability, effectiveness, conservatism, practicality Performance of standard practical actions

Monitor/ evaluator Professionalism in a restricted field of knowledge

Implementer Carefulness, ability of correcting errors, omissions, ability to control

Co-ordinator Flexibility, communicative skills Organization of interaction between the collective members

Team worker Sobriety, perception, strategic thinking

Shaper Ability to listen, diplomatic skills, ability to find a compromise

Plant Having exuberant imagination, ability to solve difficult problems Generating unorthodox ideas, intellectual activity

Completer finisher Maturity, confidence, clearness in formulating goals, promoting decision-making, delegating authorities

Resource investigator Dynamism, ability to challenge, drive



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Table 2

Estimates of the actual and desired state of performing the roles

Characteristics of social and labor roles Actual state Desired state


Implementation 3,9 3,9 3,8 4,4 4,4 4,5

Interaction 3,6 3,5 3,2 4,4 4,3 4,2

Creativity 3,5 3,6 3,5 4,9 4,8 4,7


The labor collective of an enterprise is a special social object of control. On the one hand it can be represented as an organizational system (subdivision), and on the other -as a social one (community of people). Under present conditions, the role of the social reserves of the collective development increases as they provide additional growth of its total labor potential due to organizing effective interaction between the employees. Using the role theory allows for the appropriate distributing of the social and labor functions among the collective members. In real labor collectives its recommendations are used extremely rarely. Diagnostic of actual and preferred social and labor roles of the employees will allow heads of the collectives qualitatively delegating to them various types of work, contributing to developing their solidarity, and increasing the total labor potential. It is advisable to continue the study in the direction of a search for harmonious combination of social and labor roles with using the standard of "golden section". ■


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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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УДК 338.48



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крупський о. п.

УДК 338.48

Крупський О. П. Вплив стилю лдерства на характеристичн риси оргашзацшно! культури туристичних тдприемств

Мета cmammi полягае у виявленн/ впливу стилю л/дерства на характеристичн/ риси ореашзацтно)' культури туристичних тдприемств. Проведено детальний анал/з науковоi лтератури щодо стил/в л/дерства, виявлено деякi особливостi ix шплешентаци на туристичних тдприешствах Украни. З урахуванняш сучасних соц/ально-еконош/чних умов доповнено iнтегроване визначення л/дерства. Доведена роль стилю л/дерства як детерш/нанти типу ореашзацтно)'культури. Особливуувагу придлено руйн/вношу (невротичношу) стилю i стилю невтручання, якi не були охоп-лет укра'(нськиши досл/дникаши, але, тиш не шенш, е значущиши для розуш/ння особливостей форшування та управл'тня орган/защйниши культурами тдприемств туризму та гостинностi. У процеа досл/дження були застосованi такi шетоди наукового пошуку: 'деограф'мш; форшальнi; контент-анал/з; анал/з i синтез; кореляцтний анал/з. Отришан результати шожуть бути використанi практикуючиши менеджерами для ви-бору стилю управл/ння, адекватного сфоршованш орган/защйн/й культурiчи культурi, яка т'шьки створюеться на тдприемств/. Ключов'! слова: стильл'дерства, деструктивнел/дерство, невротичнел'дерство, Laissez-Faireл'дерство, орган/защйна культура, туристичне тдприешство. Табл.: 2. Ббл.: 25.

Крупський Олександр Петрович - кандидат психолог/чних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри менеджменту та туристичного б/знесу, Днпропе-тровський нацюнальний ун/верситет ш. О. Гончара (вул. Наукова, 13, Днпропетровськ, 49050, Украна) E-mail: scavr@ua.fm

УДК 338.48

Крупский А. П. Влияние стиля лидерства на характеристические особенности организационной культуры туристических предприятий

Цель статьи заключается в выявлении влияния стиля лидерства на характеристические черты организационной культуры туристических предприятий. Проведен детальный анализ научной литературы касательно стилей лидерства, выявлены некоторые особенности их ишплешентации на туристических предприятиях Украины. С учетом современных социально-экономических условий дополнено интегрированное определение лидерства. Доказана роль стиля лидерства как детершинанты типа организационной культуры. Особое внишание уделено разрушительному (невротическому) стилю и стилю невмешательства, которые не были охвачены украинскими исследователями, но, тем не менее, являются значимыми для понимания особенностей формирования и управления организационной культурой предприятий туризма и гостеприимства. В процессе исследования были применены следующие методы научного поиска: идеографические; формальные; контент-анализ; анализ и синтез; корреляционный анализ. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы практикующими менеджерами для выбора стиля управления, адекватного сложившейся или формирующейся на предприятии организационной культуре. Ключевые слова: стиль лидерства, деструктивное лидерство, невротическое лидерство, Laissez-Faire лидерство, организационная культура, туристическое предприятие. Табл.: 2. Библ.: 25.

Крупский Александр Петрович - кандидат психологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры менеджмента и туристического бизнеса, Днепропетровский национальный университет им. О. Гончара (ул. Научная, 13, Днепропетровск, 49050, Украина) E-mail: scavr@ua.fm

UDC 338.48

Krups'kyy O. P. Influence of Style of Leadership onto the Characteristic Features of the Organizational Culture of Tourism Enterprises

The article is aimed to identify the influence of style of leadership onto the characteristic features of the organizational culture of tourism enterprises. A detailed analysis of the scientific literature about leadership styles has been conducted, wherein some peculiarities of their implementation in the tourism enterprises of Ukraine has been disclosed. The integrated definition of leadership has been updated in view of the current socio-economic conditions. Role of style of leadership as a determinant for type of organizational culture has been proven. Particular attention is paid to the devastating (neurotic) style and the style of non-intervention, which are still not covered by Ukrainian researchers, however, they are relevant for understanding peculiarities of formation and management of the organizational culture related to the tourism and hospitality enterprises. In course of the study the following methods of scientific research have been used: ideographic; formal; content analysis; analysis and synthesis; correlation analysis. The results obtained can be used by practicing managers for selection of a management style, suitable for the established or emerging organizational culture at the enterprise. Key words: style of leadership, destructive leadership, neurotic leadership, laissez-faire leadership, organizational culture, tourism enterprise. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 25.

Krups'kyy Oleksandr P. - Candidate of Sciences (Psychology), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Tourism Business, Dnipropetrovsk National University named after O. Honchar (vul. Nau-kova, 13, Dnipropetrovsk, 49050, Ukraine) E-mail: scavr@ua.fm

Б1ЗНЕС1НФОРМ № 8 '2015


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