Научная статья на тему 'Development of employee\''s labor potential'

Development of employee\''s labor potential Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Gorlenko Viktoriia G.

The article is aimed at the theoretical and methodical grounding of necessity to supplement the employee\'s labor potential with the educational component and to define the essential characteristics of the modern educational potential. Classification of employee\'s labor potential is the subject of numerous studies by both the domestic and foreign scientists. However, the substance of educational potential attract little attention, although the presence and importance of educational component in the structure of labor potential were highlighted. Attempts to study the substance of the notion «educational potential» were made by scientists on the region and the State levels, but the educational potential of employee was left without attention. As a result of the presented research, it was confirmed that the employee\'s modern educational potential has a great importance in his life. The rapidly changing conditions of formation of cognitive society require that employee takes quick and innovative solutions, that is, requirements to the contemporary educational potential become increased. With this in mind, its substantial features should be determined, which will allow to build a development and management strategy. Thus, the characteristic signs of employee\'s modern educational potential are flexibility, autonomy, uniqueness and usefulness. Prospects for further research in this area is the quantitative-qualitative analysis and the identification of factors and catalysts for the development of the employee\'s educational potential.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Development of employee\''s labor potential»

UDC 331.101.4


© 2014 GORLENKO V. G.

UDC 331.101.4

Gorlenko V. G. Development of Employee's Labor Potential

The article is aimed at the theoretical and methodical grounding of necessity to supplement the employee's labor potential with the educational component and to define the essential characteristics of the modern educational potential. Classification of employee's labor potential is the subject of numerous studies by both the domestic and foreign scientists. However, the substance of educational potential attract little attention, although the presence and importance of educational component in the structure of labor potential were highlighted. Attempts to study the substance of the notion «educational potential» were made by scientists on the region and the State levels, but the educational potential of employee was left without attention. As a result of the presented research, it was confirmed that the employee's modern educational potential has a great importance in his life. The rapidly changing conditions of formation of cognitive society require that employee takes quick and innovative solutions, that is, requirements to the contemporary educational potential become increased. With this in mind, its substantial features should be determined, which will allow to build a development and management strategy Thus, the characteristic signs of employee's modern educational potential are flexibility, autonomy, uniqueness and usefulness. Prospects for further research in this area is the quantitative-qualitative analysis and the identification of factors and catalysts for the development of the employee's educational potential. Key words: labor potential, educational component, educational potential, signs of educational potential. Pic.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 16.

Gorlenko Viktoriia G. - Postgraduate Student, Department of Sociology and Psychology of Management, Kharkiv National Economic University named after S. Kuznets (pr. Lenina, 9a, Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) E-mail: gorlenko486@gmail.com

УДК 331.101.4

Горленко В. Г. Розвиток трудового потен^алу пра^вника

Мета cmammi полягае в теоретико-методичному об(рунтуванн'> не-обх/дност! доповнення трудового потен^алу пра^вника освтньою складовою та у визначенн сутн'кних ознак сучасного освтнього по-тенц'шлу. Класиф'шащя трудового потенц!алу пра^вника е предметом досл'дження багатьох втчизняних i заруб'жних учених. Однак на сутн'кть освтнього потенц!алу вони звертають недостатньо уваги, хоча тдкреслюють наявшсть та важливкть у структурi трудового потенциалу освтньоi складовоi. Спроби досл'дження сутностi понят-тя «осв'тнш потен^ал» були виконат вченими лише на р!вм регону та держави, осв'тнш потен^ал пра^вника залишився поза увагою. У результат'> дослдження було тдтверджено, що сучасний осв'тнш потен^ал пра^вника в його житт'> мае велике значення. Швидкозмь нюван'> умови становлення когнтивного сусп'шьства потребують вiд пра^вника прийняття швидких i нестандартних ршень, тобто тд-вищують вимоги до його сучасного освтнього потен^алу. Враховую-чи це, шд визначити його сутнт ознаки, що дозволить побудувати стратегю розвитку та управлшня ним. Так, характерними ознаками сучасного освтнього потен^алу пра^вника е гнучксть, автоном-нсть, ун'шальн'кть та кориснсть. Перспективами подальших досл'ь джень у даному напрямi е кiлькiсно-якiсний анал'в та визначення фак-тор'в i катал'ватор'в розвитку освтнього потен^алу пра^вника. Ключов'! слова: трудовий потенц'шл, освтня складова, осв'тнш по-тен^ал, ознаки освтнього потен^алу. Рис.: 1. Табл.: 1. Шбл.: 16.

Горленко Вiкторiя ГеннадПвна - астрантка, кафедра соцюлогИ та психологИ управлшня, Хармвський нацональний економiчний ушверси-тет !м. С. Кузнеця (пр. Ленна, 9а, Харщ 61166, Украна) E-mail: gorlenko486@gmail.com

УДК 331.101.4

Горленко В. Г. Развитие трудового потенциала работника

Цель статьи заключается в теоретико-методическом обосновании необходимости дополнения трудового потенциала работника образовательной составляющей и в определении сущностных признаков современного образовательного потенциала. Классификация трудового потенциала работника является предметом исследования многих отечественных и зарубежных ученых. Однако сущности образовательного потенциала они уделяют мало внимания, хотя подчеркивают наличие и важность в структуре трудового потенциала образовательной составляющей. Попытки исследования сущности понятия «образовательный потенциал» были выполнены учеными только на уровне региона и государства, образовательный же потенциал работника остался без внимания. В результате исследования было подтверждено, что современный образовательный потенциал работника имеет большое значение в его жизни. Быстроизменяющиеся условия становления когнитивного общества требуют от работника принятия быстрых и нестандартных решений, то есть повышают требования к его современному образовательному потенциалу. Учитывая это, следует определить его сущностные признаки, что позволит построить стратегию развития и управления им. Так, характерными признаками современного образовательного потенциала работника является гибкость, автономность, уникальность и полезность. Перспективами дальнейших исследований в данном направлении является количественно-качественный анализ и определение факторов и катализаторов развития образовательного потенциала работника. Ключевые слова: трудовой потенциал, образовательная составляющая, образовательный потенциал, признаки образовательного потенциала.

Рис.: 1. Табл.: 1. Библ.: 16.

Горленко Виктория Геннадиевна - аспирантка, кафедра социологии и психологии управления, Харьковский национальный экономический университет им. С. Кузнеца (пр. Ленина, 9а, Харьков, 61166, Украина) E-mail: gorlenko486@gmail.com

Currently the requirements to the speed and adequacy of response of organizations to the challenges of non-standard changes in the internal and external environment are increasing. A team of professionals who possess unique competence is able to provide such reaction. Practice shows that the life cycle of knowledge and skills is declining rapidly and the problem of constant updating of the talented employees' creative potential occurs, determin-

ing its structural characteristics that ensure the efficient use and sustainable development of the total workforce of the creative team.

The relevance of the enrichment of employees' potential is enhanced, due to the awareness of society of the need for gradual mastery of cognitive models [5, 6], the development of which is ensured by the development of the theory and practice of cognomics [7]. This process involves

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increasing the focus on such resources of organization as knowledge of its employees which require capitalization. Involvement into the reproductive process of such resource allows to develop the intellectual capital of each employee and the organization providing their activity within cognitive economy. In this aspect, an issue of active person participation in the expanded reproduction of their own intellectual capital arises, ensuring absolute mobility in the processes of solving unique unexpected problems. Solution of mentioned issues is possible through the development of the employees' capacity to permanently learn, develop their educational potential, which is able to enhance the level of development of other components of labour potential, their intellectualization. To work on the constructive technologies for the development of employee's educational potential a necessary and sufficient number of characteristics that create the preconditions for effective management of the process has been determined.

The purpose of the research - theoretical and methodological grounding of the necessity of adding to employee's labor potential the educational component and definition of the essential characteristics of modern educational potential.

The changing role of the human in the process of developing models of society and the related need for clarification of the employee's labour potential was studied by many scientists: A. Chukhno [14], B. Genkin [3], V. Spivak [13], A. Gorbachev, A. Turchynov, V. Nechiporen-ko [4], Y. Volkov [1] and others. Each of them in their own way grounded the features and the list of components of employee's labour potential, according to the terms of the dominant economic system.

For example, A. Chukhno drew attention to the fact that in post-industrial society man becomes the main subject of the economy. He becomes a free person, and his work is creative [14, p. 43]. Gradual changes occur in the perception of the labour potential of the employee, which is enriched in content. A. Kibanov defined employee's labor potential as a combination of physical and spiritual qualities of a person, which determine the possibility and limits of his participation in work activities, the ability to achieve certain results in the given conditions, and also to get advanced in the labor process. This author has identified the following components in the structure of the labor potential of an employee: physiological, socio-demographic, qualification, personal [8, p. 61 - 62].

According to B. Genkin, health, ethics, creativity, education and professionalism should be included to the components of the labor potential [3].

A. Pogoradze uses the concept of "cultural productive (personal) potential of employee" and presents its structure as follows: professional knowledge, skills, contributing to professional competence (qualification potential); capacity (psychophysiological potential); intellectual, cognitive abilities (creativity); the ability to cooperate, collective organization and interaction (communication capacity); value-motivational sphere (ideological-philosophical, moral potential).

V. Spivak added to this structure leadership potential and potential for development. A. Gorbachev, A. Turchynov and V. Nechiporenko find it necessary to consider the potential of a person within their professional activity by the fol-

lowing structure: skills, acquired during continuous education (intellectual capacity); communication skills, providing effective socialization (social potential); gained mechanism of generalization of individual professionalization (potential of professional experience); adaptive capacity to the changes in the internal and external environment of organization (psychological and physiological capacity); mechanism to compensate missing or insufficiently developed characteristics listed above (integrative potential).

Y. Volkov believes that the structure of the employee potential can consist in the following varieties: psychophysi-ological, professionally oriented, cognitive-professional, spiritual-moral.

Generalization of the above-mentioned variants of the structure of employee labour potential indicates that all scientists intuitively determined its educational component in their classifications, but did not specify its essence and characteristic features.

Prior to defining the essence of the concept of employee educational potential, we consider it necessary to analyze its role in economic life of a person. The evolution of role and place of educational potential in economic life of a person is presented in Table 1.

As structural table elements were selected: time period of the active use in domestic science of a certain studied category, role of a person in economic life in this period and reasons for the formation of such a role.

To improve the structure of employee's labor potential the author considers it necessary to add educational potential to the structure of potential defined by Y. Volkov.

Then labor potential of employee will have the following structure: psychophysiological potential, professionally cognitive potential, educational potential and spiritually moral potential. In my opinion, this way the structure of potential would be upgraded and laconic. Unlike the presented components, educational potential of man is not an innate ability, but acquired on the basis of personal characteristics of a man. It is formed during trainings, realization of labor activity - that is, during systematic self-perfection of a man as a specialist.

Currently the concept of educational potential is the subject of research for many scientists, each of them considers its essence at a certain level: state, region, enterprise. However, the question of defining the essence of the educational potential at the level of the employee and the team is still not solved.

For example, N. Makarova defined the essence of category "educational potential" as possibility of the system of trade education to meet the needs of changeable economy [11, p. 56]. In other words, author built her definition by matching the external and internal factors of enterprise existence.

According to O. Komarova the increase of the role of educational potential in economic development of the country and providing its competitiveness allow to consider educational potential from the economic point of view. Therefore, educational potential expresses the subjective component of economic potential of the country, which is manifested in ability of employees, teams of enterprises (institutions, organizations) to rationally use resources and

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Table 1

Evolution of the role and place of the educational potential in the economic life

Category Period of active use in domestic science Perceptions of the role and place of a person in the economic life Reasons for the appearance

The labor force XIX century - present time Man as a bearer of capabilities and features that can be efficiently used in the labour process The need to identify and take into account the personal factor of production

Labour resources 20s of the XX century -present time Man as a passive object of external management, planning and accounting unit of the total working population The need to measure indicators of reproduction of the labor force in terms of centralized management and mandatory labor

Economically active people Early 90s of the XX century -present time Person as a subject, who is characterized by their needs and interests in the labor market Socio-economic conditions, the formation of the labor market, the elimination of mandatory employment

Human capital Early 90s of the XX century -present time Man - the object of the most effective investments and subject, who turns them into productive skills for further implementation in production Scientific-technical progress, the need to recognize the integral value of human and productive investments in the economy of man

Labor potential 70-80s of the XX century-present time Man as the main driving force of social production, who is characterized not only by quantitative but also qualitative characteristics of the working population Socio-economic conditions, the need for enhanced and effective use of the capabilities of the economically active population

Personal potential Early 90s of the XX century -present time Man is the main driving force of scientific-technological progress, ideological, moral, socio-cultural spheres of social life The need for the most efficient use of the dynamic combination of man's personal qualities in various spheres of social activity

Educational potential XXI century - present time Man is the main resource for the development of the intellectual capital of organization, the uniqueness of its products, in order to improve its efficiency The need for systematic training of employees to develop their educational potential, to improve the quality of intellectual resources of enterprise as a result

Source: compiled from [10] and supplemented by the author.

create the maximally possible volume of material goods and services on available resources [9, p. 25 - 26]. That is, the author emphasizes the dependence of quality of educational potential of the country on individual characteristics of employees, teams of enterprises, on their ability of practical realization of the accumulated intellectual capital.

Educational potential of machine-building enterprise can be presented as an aggregate of material-technical, scientific-informative, human elements that have connection with each other, which forms a certain value, unity and is used to identify and address the challenges that organization faces. Educational potential of machine-building enterprise has properties of productivity, efficiency, structural organization, heterogeneity, variability, stability, liability controllability [12, p. 101 - 102].

Given the views of scientists who made the first steps in the study of the educational potential at different levels, my research aims to study the educational potential at the level of the employee.

It should be noted, that labor activity of an employee in the modern conditions is subjected to a set of competencies he has. If in industrial society employee was able to work almost a lifetime within the same organization, be proud of this and thus provide the desired level of security and self-development. Then, during the formation of the cognitive

society, in rapidly changing modern conditions of external and internal environment for the realization of work activity of the employee, they should constantly evolve, improve, and build their unique competitive edge. To ground essence of modern educational potential of employee, it is needed, primarily, to determine its essential features.

Thus, information glut and accelerating of the life cycle of knowledge in modern conditions requires increased flexibility of the educational potential of the employee. That is, one of the attributes of modern educational potential of employee is their flexibility. If we consider the characteristic of flexibility of educational potential of employee for the purpose of quantitative - qualitative analysis, its essence can be defined as an ability to learn new competencies, quickly complete new tasks, the capacity for self-training if necessary.

Next attribute is an attribute of autonomy. "Autonomous can be considered a community - says Boris Yudin - which, firstly, is able to independently formulate and maintain their own norms and values, and secondly, to determine trends, themes and issues of its activity" [16]. Similar to this definition the principle of forming autonomy of an employee's educational potential is interpreted. In fact, just due to autonomy of educational potential of employee community, part of which he is, can indepen-

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dently determine the directions of development, its critical points. It is the ability to recognize their independence and self-sufficiency of resources (tangible and intangible). For the purpose of quantitative and qualitative analysis of the educational potential of the employee attribute of autonomy can be defined as initiative, responsibility, independence from consulting with colleagues and supervisor.

A bearer of educational potential - an employee, individual, whose characteristics form their uniqueness. So their educational potential is also characterized by the attribute of uniqueness, when they have the unique sources of receiving and perception of information, unique system of knowledge, abilities and skills which enable them to solve problems in a variety of (extreme) conditions, to capitalize and produce new knowledge. Aiming at quantitative and qualitative analysis of the educational potential of the employee, the essence of the attribute of uniqueness has been defined as the ability to intuitively sense the problem, which has a complex nature and the ways of its solution; high capability for self-training.

Quality of educational potential of employee is perceived by the level of usefulness to its owner. Usefulness is individual both for each employee and for each team part of which they are. It depends on a purpose, labor motivation, terms of labor, perception of value of own educational potential by employee, and by willingness to improve it. The estimation of usefulness can be conducted by evaluating the role of employee in a team and organization, recognition of his utility by employee and other.

Generalization of attributes of employee's educational potential in organization in the conditions of formation the cognitive society is presented in Fig. 1.


Classification of the labor potential of employee is the subject of research for many domestic and foreign scientists. However, they do not pay enough attention to the essence of educational potential, although emphasize the presence and importance in the structure of labor potential of educational constituent. Attempts to research the essence of concept of educational potential were made by scientists only at the level of region and state; educational potential of employee is left out of attention.

Currently modern educational potential of employee matters a lot in their life. The rapidly changing conditions of

the cognitive society development require an employee to make fast and innovative decisions, that is, increase the requirements for their modern educational potential. Given this, it is necessary to determine its essential features that will allow you to build a strategy of development and its management. Thus, the attributes of modern educational potential of employee are flexibility, autonomy, uniqueness and usefulness.

The obtained results form the basis for further studies of modern educational potential of the employee, for the purpose of its quantitative - qualitative analysis and definition of factors and catalysts of its development. ■


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Flexibility Autonomy Uniqueness Usefulness

An ability to learn new competencies, quickly complete new tasks, the capability for self-training if necessary Being initiative, responsible, independence from consulting with colleagues and supervisor The ability to intuitively sense the problem, which has a complex nature and the ways of its solution; high capability for self-training The role of an employee in a team and organization, recognition of his utility by employee

Fig. 1. The essence of the characteristics of the employee's educational potential Source: developed by the author.

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Supervisor - Doronina M. S., Doctor of economic sciences, Professor, Head of Department of Sociology and Psychology of Management, Kharkov National Economic University named after Semen Kuznets


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