Научная статья на тему 'The methods of working with authentic texts'

The methods of working with authentic texts Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Текст научной работы на тему «The methods of working with authentic texts»


After analyzing the theoretical materials related to the topic, it can be concluded that at present the English words have become an integral part of everyday speech in Russian society.

The main reasons for such integration are expanding interstate and international relations, increased information flows, expanding the horizons of knowledge of Russian people.

According to the appearance of a large number of loan words, there is a need to classify them:

1. Words that typically do not have synonyms in the Russian language.

2. Words that have synonyms in Russian.

3. Words used in English newspapers in, English letters.

There are many ways of forming of education Anglicisms. Among them are: direct borrowing, hybrids, tracing polukalka, ekzotizmy, foreign-language inclusions, composites, jargon.

Study of the frequency of use of anglicisms among students and senior citizens showed that students use Anglicisms in their speech (65%) more often than older people (13%).

©E.V.Belokoneva, D.A. Beshenets

УДК 81-13

Smakova Gulyaim Zhangalievna,

Almaty Technological University, Senior teacher, Department of State and foreign languages Koilybayeva Raushan Kuanyshovna, Almaty Technological University, Senior teacher, Department of State and foreign languages



The article considers the methods aimed at acquiring the main types of reading skills. Reading is one of the factors of improving quality of language acquisition by non-linguist students. The article describes each type of reading to develop perception, understanding and interpretation skills of authentic texts.

Key words

authentic texts, scanning, skimming, intensive reading.

Reading is one of the important ways of obtaining information in the modern world, despite of the age, education and upbringing of the person. But for the experts working in conditions of globalization and labor market internationalizations, ability to receive information from various sources, especially in foreign languages becomes necessary condition of the successful professional activity. So the ability to read and understand foreign literature is one of the main requirements of training students, shown in programs on teaching foreign languages of any highest professional educational institution . Because, exactly the art of reading is the main basis for formations of the informational and academic abilities of students.

"The course program of foreign languages for non-language specialities of higher education institutions ",developed on the basis of the standard training program of State standard of higher education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, specifies that the formation of the abilities and readiness to cross-cultural communication is considered as the main practical purpose of training students to foreign language in non-language higher education institutions. [1].

Special meaning at achievement of this purpose is given to the ability of working with the literature, to mastering all types of reading (scanning, skimming, intensive and extensive), as reading as a type of speech activity which is widely demanded for the solution of many professional tasks"

Much attention was always paid to the problems of the formation of skills of reading. The task of the teachers is to teach students to read the texts, to understand and comprehend their contents with the different level of

penetration of information containing in that texts. Ideal reading in a foreign language has to have independent character, it should be carried out of compulsion, and should be followed by the interests of students.

One of the main problems of training the reading skills of students is the problem of selection of the texts and the accurate organization of work with them. The objects set for students for reading the text can be various, and they can be divided into three groups: reading texts for the purpose of understanding of the general sense; reading for the purpose of information search; reading for the purpose of the subsequent retelling and discussion of the text. Naturally, for each of these types of reading the forms and receptions of the organization of work on the text, pre-reading and post-reading tasks and exercises are inherent.[2].

Training in reading has to be most approached to the conditions of real life in which abilities of search reading (scanning), fact-finding reading (skimming) and reading with full understanding of the contents (intensive reading) can be necessary for students. Scanning is focused on fast finding from the text of certain facts, characteristics, instructions, digital indicators. It is directed on searching in the text of concrete information. Such reading assumes the existence of ability to be guided in logical-semantic structure of the text and to choose the necessary information from it. Skimming in his turn, represents learning reading at which all speech work without installation on obtaining certain information becomes a subject of attention of a reader. At skimming the main communicative objective consists in that, as a result of fast reading of all text to take the main information containing in it. Also, there is required the ability to distinguish the main and minor information. Intensive reading provides the most exact understanding of all information containing in the text and its critical judgment. This thoughtful and slow reading assuming the purposeful analysis of the content of reading with the support on language and logical communications of the text. Its task is also the formation of ability of students independently overcome difficulties in understanding of a foreign language.

The problem of the texts used in teaching foreign languages causes many disagreements. On the one hand, it is more preferable to teach language on authentic material, i.e. on the basis of the texts taken from original literature and not intended for the educational purposes. On the other hand, such texts are too difficult and not always follow specific objectives and conditions of teaching. [3].

The problem of authenticity of educational tasks in teaching methods in reading is connected with the absence of clear and unambiguous understanding of what tasks can be carried to the authentic. Many authors prefer to assign the pre-communicative tasks and communicative tasks. Tasks of the first type aren't authentic, but they are necessary for preparation to authentic use of language in exercises of the second type.

Authenticity of a social context is connected with playing at the lesson of an imagined situation, and also with conversation of the teacher and the students in educational situations. In this regard some convention of a context is defined by the fact of the use of a foreign language instead of the native.[4].

The practice shows that training of students reading skills often submits to formation of skills of oral speech. Instead of the exercises focused on checking of the understanding of reading material in general, firstly, it is offered to make the translation of the given text and then question-answer work is carried out. It is expedient to consider reading in specialized educational institutions as an independent type of activity where "silent reading" has to take a special place for the purpose of studying of the main information.

At the selection of texts for reading it is necessary to consider the interests and needs of students, also to pay attention to the novelty and the practical importance of the contents. For the solution of these tasks it is possible to use authentic texts. Such texts are perceived by students with increased interest and big enthusiasm. In this case it is a question of informative reading which, as we know, is urged to solve wider informative problems. They as any other educational text, differ by its redundancy.

Redundancy of the text is understood as existence in language of the elements bearing repeated, that is information which has been already transferred by other elements of language. It provides not only possibility of transfer of the message, but also functioning of such mechanisms of the speech, as probabilistic forecasting, speech hearing that is important at the organization of work on listening.

Besides, the authentic text differs with its informational content, especially, if it is a question of texts of the lingua-cultural contents, texts from newspapers and magazines, popular scientific texts and fiction. In authentic texts often the specific lexis are founded which presents special difficulty for students. To help the student to cope with

such texts it is necessary to create conditions for their full or partial removal. For this purpose a series of exercises and tasks are offered which help students to facilitate understanding of the text as a whole.

The use of authentic texts promotes the formation of communicative competence that is a main objective of teaching foreign language. Literature

1. State obligatory standard of formation of the Republic Kazakhstan/higher education professional / bachelor degree Electron. resource]. - http://www.edu.gov.kz/index.php? id=201&L=0 (address date: 29.01.13).

2. Nosonovich. E.V. criteria of substantial authenticity of the educational text [Text] / E.V. Nosonovich, R.P. Milrud//Foreign language at school. - 1999 . - No. 2.

3. Methods of training different types of teaching / Foreign languages at school-2005-№ 4

4. Folomkina S.K. Teaching reading in a foreign language in non- language higher educational institution / S. K. Folomkina. - M.: The higher school, 2005. - Page 75-100.

© R.K. Koilybayeva, G.J. Smakova, 2015


И.А. Абакумова

К.п.н., доцент кафедры межкультурной коммуникации и методики преподавания иностранных языков ЮФУ Г. Ростов-на-Дону, Российская Федерация

Д.П. Голощапова Студентка 4 курса

Факультета Филологии, Журналистики и Межкультурной Коммуникации

Южный федеральный университет Г. Ростов-на-Дону, Российская Федерация




Данная статья посвящена вопросу антонимических отношений в английских пословицах и поговорках. Наибольший интерес для исследователей-лингвистов представляет паремиологический фонд языка, поскольку он является носителем и источником культурно-национальной информации. Целью статьи является анализ и классификация антонимических пар с учетом их лексико-семантических полей.

Ключевые слова

Антонимы, антонимическая пара, классификация, лексико-семантическое поле, английские паремии

Английские паремии представляют собой особый пласт лексики, который отражает специфику национального характера. Их изучение с точки зрения наличия антонимической парадигмы позволяет понять языковую картину мира, а также способ восприятия окружающей действительности англоязычных народов.

Антонимия в английских паремиях как языковое явление мало изучена. Антонимы - слова, которые принадлежат к одной части речи, но обладают противоположным смыслом [3, с. 36]. Существует множество классификаций антонимов. В своей работе мы будем опираться на типологию, представленную отечественным исследователем М.И. Фоминой.

На структурном уровне антонимы подразделяются на: 1) однокорневые и 2) разнокорневые. К первому типу относятся слова, противопоставление которых основано на наличии у одного из компонентов приставки, противоположной по смыслу. Данные пары слов формируют бинарную оппозицию [2, с. 141142]. Такой вид антонимов редко встречается в английских паремиях (3%). Например, "Lucky at cards, unlucky in love" [4, с. 198]; "What's done cannot be undone" [4, с. 84]. Ко второму типу относятся антонимы,

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