Organizational Psychology, 2022, Vol. 12, No. 4, P. 86-102. DOI: 10.17323/2312-5942-2022-12-4-86-102
The mediator role of personal growth initiative in the effect of career satisfaction on task and contextual performance1
Alptekin DEVELi
ORCID: 0000-0001-7232-5603
Tokat Gaziosmanpa§a University, Tokat, Turkey
Nazmiye Ulku PEKKAN
ORCID: 0000-0001-7298-0552 Tarsus University, Tarsus, Mersin, Turkey
ORCID: 0000-0001-7336-4612 Selguk University, Bey§ehir, Konya, Turkey
Mustafa Fedai £AVU§
ORCID: 0000-0002-2515-5805
Osmaniye Korkut Ata University, Osmaniye, Turkey
Abstract. Introduction. This study provides new insights into the impact of career satisfaction on performance through a multi-dimensionality approach, and a mediator variable. Objective. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between career satisfaction, personal growth initiative, task performance, and contextual performance. Method. The research was designed with a quantitative and correlational method. Data were collected from 213 public and private sector employees working in different cities and occupational groups in Turkey. Hypotheses of the research were tested by bootstrapping regression analysis performed with 5000 derivative samples. Results. Career satisfaction contributes positively to explaining personal growth initiative, task performance, and contextual performance. Besides, the personal growth initiative makes a positive contribution to explaining task performance and contextual performance. In addition, the most important finding of the study is that personal growth initiative positively mediates the effect of career satisfaction on task performance and contextual performance. Another original output of the study is the adaptation of task performance and contextual performance scales used in the research into Turkish. Conclusion. In order to fulfill the requirements of the changing business life, employees must first be aware of their own needs, give importance to their personal development to meet these needs, and be on a career path where they will feel satisfied. On the other hand, managers should implement various approaches that will understand their employees' career and personal development expectations.
Keywords: career satisfaction, personal growth initiative, task performance, contextual performance.
1 This study is the revised and enlarged version of the proceeding (Pekkan et al., 2018) published in the proceeding book of the "26th
Management and Organization Congress" on May 10-12, 2018 in Trabzon, Turkey.
Address: Erbaa Campus, 60500, Erbaa, Tokat, Turkey E-mail:
In today's rapidly changing conditions, the most important thing for both individuals and organizations is to be able to adapt to change (Lips-Wiersma, Hall, 2007; Ko^oglu, 2013). The change is unavoidable not only in social life but also in business life. However, it is very difficult to adapt to change. Especially when considered individually, adapting to change emerges as an important skill. The adaptation of individuals to change depends on the importance which they attach to their personal growth (Robitschek, Cook, 1999). The reason why the subject has become so important is that the changes that are experienced bring certain obligations in the careers of individuals. It is very important to ensure the continuity and development of the career of the person, who is the most valuable resource of the organization (£avu§, Imadoglu, 2017). In this respect, activities that will contribute to the social and psychological environment of the organization will be carried out in a peaceful working environment and thanks to satisfied employees (Bagci, 2014).
On the other hand, when it comes to personal growth initiative, it comes to mind first that the individual gains awareness of good or bad things in their business and social life, and gains different perspectives with experience, and also develops and matures day by day (Robitschek, Cook, 1999). Personal growth has many benefits. It activates the individual in achieving the goal (Genf, Fidan, 2019). Besides, it helps to increase the quality of life by giving the individual a social identity. Moreover, since the satisfaction level of the employees from their jobs is reflected in organizational productivity, personal growth is also important for the quality, efficiency, and productivity of organizational activities (Bagci, 2014). As a matter of fact, the individual's self-development includes the process of maximizing their potential, which covers all mental, emotional, social, and behavioral development and is limited by various obstacles (Robitschek, 1998).
Job performance is another and basic important issue in business life and also in organizational behavior literature. For this reason, the concept emerges as a subject that has been considered for a long time and on which numerous studies have been conducted. In particular, determining the variables that can affect individual job performance is a situation that finds wide coverage in the literature. The main reason for this is that many measures, improvements, and regulations in business life are primarily made to increase the performance of employees (Develi, 2020; Rotundo, Sackett, 2002). In this context, although there are studies examining the effect of career satisfaction on job performance (£avu§, Imadoglu, 2017; Karatepe, Vatankhah, 2015; Nisar, Rasheed, 2020; Trivellas et al., 2015), it is seen that there are some neglected points in these studies. First, these relationships focus only on overall job performance, regardless of individual job performance types. Second, the scope of these relationships is limited in terms of the variables dealt with.
In this respect, based on the Expectation Theory by L. W. Porter and E. E. Lawler, it is predictable that the relationship of career satisfaction with individual job performance consisting of task performance and contextual performance dimensions can be explained more comprehensively through a mediator variable, for example, personal growth initiative (Porter, Lawler, 1968). In the light of the aforementioned information and gaps in the literature, the relationships between the concepts of career satisfaction, personal growth initiative, task performance, and contextual performance have been the subject of this study.
First, career satisfaction, personal growth initiative, task performance, and contextual performance concepts were explained in the study. Later, based on the Expectation Theory, the predicted relationships between these concepts were established. Then, the information about the method of the research and the obtained findings were included. In the last part, the results of the study were discussed, and suggestions were made for business life and future research.
Theoretical framework
Career satisfaction
Career is one of the basic concepts that help individuals to gain status in society. In other words, step-by-step progress and continuity of the individual by gaining experience and skills in the field of interest and working life are important situations for individual and social life (Tortop et al., 2006). Fundamentally, career satisfaction is an individual attitude towards the current career or, in other words, a combination of feelings related to the job (Lounsbury et al., 2008).
Career satisfaction at its simplest is defined as achieving the desired career goals and expectations of individuals (Gürkan, Kofoglu, 2011). Hence, the basic concept of career satisfaction is the degree of satisfaction individuals feel as a result of achieving their career goals. Studies show that career satisfaction can also be discussed as a result of work performance evaluation applied in organizations (Seibert, Kraimer, 2001). Likewise, there are many factors that have positive and negative effects on career satisfaction. Working conditions of individuals, reward-punishment systems, wages, workload, and the accompanying stress level, individuals' personal and social lives, gender, needs and expectations, colleagues, skills and personality traits, career opportunities, job security, management practices and policies, distinctions, and conflicts can be counted among these factors (Chen, 2008; £avu§, Imadoglu, 2017; Lepnurm et al., 2007).
As a result of the studies on career satisfaction, it has been determined that career satisfaction is not only individual but also many organizational factors that play a role in this feeling (Lee, Bruvold, 2003). In addition to these, group factors, environmental and cultural factors are the others that affect career satisfaction (Kendir, Ozkof, 2018). The personal growth process as a complementary context supports and improves the individual's career (Yang et al., 2004).
Personal growth initiative
Personal growth is expressed as an endless and unending process in human life is one of the fundamental points that mobilize, motivate, and prepare the individual for opportunities and threats (Genf, Fidan, 2019). It is defined as an individual's self-help and self-improvement activity that plays an important role in the process of coping with personal and emotional problems, in being able to look at life positively and in the process of reaching the determined goals (Sezik, 2005).
Personal growth initiative is known as one of the positive psychological state expressions such as the relationship with the environment, life purpose, self-acceptance, and self-improvement which have a place in an individual's life (Ryff, Keyes, 1995). In other words, personal growth initiative is the purposeful progress and proceeding in the process of self-development and realization (Yalfin, Malkof, 2013).
Personal growth initiative is also an important structure that has the ability to increase an individual's well-being. Such that, there is a strong relationship between an individual's psychological well-being as a whole and personal growth initiative (Ayub, Iqbal, 2012). In addition to all, personal growth initiative has the characteristics of personal resource that includes the skills which will positively contribute to the development and changes in an individual's life (Weigold, Robitschek, 2011). Thanks to these skills, people progress in a planned manner in the way of self-knowledge and realization by increasing their awareness. Therefore, personal growth initiative is a driving force for individuals to seek new and different ways of struggling on the path to development (Robitschek, 1998).
Individual job performance
Individual job performance refers to the measurable and controllable activities and behaviors that contribute on the way of reaching the desired organizational or individual goals (Ardif vd., 2021; Begenirba§, Turgut, 2014; £avu§, Imadoglu, 2017; Develi, Cavus, 2019a). In other words, individual
job performance is defined as an output which shapes as a result of the efforts, abilities, skills, and adaptations of individuals or groups to perform a task within a certain period of time (Akyüz, 2020; Bifer, 1997; Mumcu, 2021; Tutar, Altinoz, 2010). Basically, there are two sub-dimensions that build this holistic performance of employees such as task performance and contextual performance. These two dimensions integrally complete individual job performance (Borman, Motowidlo, 1993; Van Scotter, Motowidlo, 1996).
Task performance
Task performance in other words in-role or focal performance refers to job requirements and activities which is included in the scope of formal job descriptions of an organization (Bagci, 2014), and is exhibited in order to provide resources, materials, and services to their core activities (Develi, Cavus, 2019b; Ünlü, Yürür, 2011). Task performance characterizes the unchanging task and responsibilities related to the work done (Jawahar, Carr, 2007).
In related literature, there are two component of task performance which includes the technical activities required by the job and obtained individual outputs by means of realizing and performing these activities or the performance he/she has exhibited for this reason as well (Motowidlo et al., 1997; Miller et al., 1999).
The first of these two dimensions is technical-administrative task performance and the other one is leadership task performance. While the tasks under-inclusive of the job descriptions required by management, in other words, all duties performed by lower-level employees take place in the scope of technical-administrative task performance, leadership-centered tasks such as managing, directing, guiding, and evaluating subordinates are included within the framework of leadership task performance (Conway, 1999; Ünlü, Yürür, 2011).
Contextual performance
Contextual performance refers to the behaviors or activities that support task performance and is influenced by the personal characteristics and good intentions of the individual in their formation (Ozdevecioglu, Kanigür, 2009). In other words, contextual performance can be described as knowing and performing the rules and procedures required by an individual's job, helping his (her) co-workers on a volunteer basis, and making extra efforts for the organizational goals in addition to the technical works in an organization (Van Scotter, Motowidlo, 1996; Dogan, Ozdevecioglu, 2009). Contextual performance emphasizes the activities which enrich the social and psychological atmosphere of the work environment (Ünlü, Yürür, 2011).
In this context, contextual performance is consistent with organizational citizenship behavior (Organ, 1997). However, contextual performance is just an example of organizational citizenship behavior, and these two concepts are not used interchangeably. Because the concept of organizational citizenship behavior is an expanded form of performance. Besides, another important distinction point is; while individuals show organizational citizenship behavior, they do it without expecting something in return, but the exhibited contextual performance plays a role in the evaluation of the individual within the organization (Bagci, 2014; Conway, 1999; Topate§, Kalfa, 2009).
Starting from this point of view, while task performance is related to performing job as required; contextual performance is related to the voluntary employee behaviors which enrich social and motivational climate, support organizational success and positive interpersonal behaviors (Akdogan et al., 2009; Ünlü, Yürür, 2011; Van Scotter, Motowidlo, 1996). The results of all these behaviors support the increase of organizational performance within the scope of individual job performance (Koopmans et al., 2014).
Relationships between variables
Relationships among career satisfaction, personal growth initiative, task performance, and contextual performance can be explained by Expectancy Theory which is one of the main theories
in related literature. The origin of the Expectancy Theory is based on the theory which was created with the same name by V. H Vroom (Vroom, 1964). This theory was later expanded by Porter and Lawler with different points of view (Porter, Lawler, 1968).
Expectancy Theory inherently argues that an exhibited behavior differs by the degree of the desired outcome coming from that behavior and the level of expectation of that behavior about the upcoming results (Akkof, 2017; Vroom, 1964). In other words, a highly motivated employee will show high performance as a result of the efforts for his (her) work, and this high performance will provide the employee to reach the desired goals (Ambrose, Kulik, 1999; Tag, £etinkaya, 2019). This theory developed by V. H. Vroom emphasizes several cognitive-based factors which lead individuals to go into action. Accordingly, there is a direct relationship between award and performance in Expectancy Theory that argues that different motivational factors determine and affect an individual's behaviors, decisions, and activities (Oliver, 1974).
The same theory developed by Porter and Lawler (1968) with various additions and contributions is also basically an expectancy theory. This time, the different aspect of expectancy theory is that the effort is considered separate from business success and the idea that an effort can make a hit through some supporting elements (Onaran, 1981).
The reason why the relationships among variables of this study can be explained by Expectancy Theory is the assumption that the positive effect of the perception of high career satisfaction on employee performance will be increased more by several mediator variables. The consideration that high efforts will not always result in overachievement; several variables such as ability, skill, role, and knowledge should mediate is the basis of this assumption (Porter, Lawler, 1968). Based on this thought, it is considered that personal growth initiative as a mediator variable will positively affect the relationship between career satisfaction and individual job performance. In other words, it is predicted that the task and contextual performance of individuals who are satisfied with their careers in the work environment will positively be affected by this situation and this positive effect will increase more with personal growth initiative.
From the related theoretical background and conceptual information related to the research variables, some hypotheses below were created. H1: Career satisfaction positively affects personal growth initiative. H2: Career satisfaction positively affects task performance. H3: Personal growth initiative positively affects task performance. H4: Career satisfaction positively affects contextual performance. H5: Personal growth initiative positively affects contextual performance. H6: Career satisfaction positively affects task performance through personal growth initiative. H7: Career satisfaction positively affects contextual performance through personal growth initiative.
The sample of the study consisted of public and private sector workers in different cities and occupational groups in Turkey. In order to reach an adequate sample size in the research, the criterion of reach at least five times more participants than the total number of items of the scales was taken into account (Hair et al., 2014). As a matter of fact, for the online survey form consisting of 27 observed variables in total, data were collected from 213 employees through convenience sampling method and on a voluntary basis (n = 213). The majority of the participants are male (56.8%), between the ages of 26-35 (62.4%), and educated at the undergraduate level (60.6%). In addition, 56.8% of the employees serve in the private sector and 43.2% in the public sector.
Career Satisfaction Scale
The scale developed by J. H. Greenhaus with colleagues and adapted to Turkish by M. Ger^ek with colleagues was used (Ger^ek et al., 2015; Greenhaus et al., 1990). The scale consisting of five items is structured with a five-point Likert (1 = "Strongly disagree", 5 = "Strongly agree").
Personal Growth Initiative Scale
The scale developed by C. Robitschek and adapted to Turkish by A. Akin and G. Anli was used (Akin, Anli, 2011; Robitschek, 1998). The scale, which consists of nine items, is structured with a five-point Likert (1 = "Strongly disagree", 5 = "Strongly agree").
Individual Job Performance Scale
Task performance and contextual performance items in the scale developed by L. Koopmans with colleagues were adapted to Turkish with this study (Koopmans et al., 2014). The scale has five items to measure task performance and eight items to measure contextual performance. The relevant items were structured with the five-point Likert (1 = "Seldom", 5 = 'Always").
Control variables
In the literature, it has been found that the dependent variables of this study, task performance, and contextual performance, differ according to some demographic variables. Accordingly, task performance and contextual performance may differ according to individual characteristics such as gender, age, and education level and organizational characteristics such as private or public sector type (Hassan, Olufemi, 2014; Kahya, 2007; Kalia, Bhardwaj, 2019; Ng, Feldman, 2009; Yammarino, Dubinsky, 1988). For this reason, in order to test more accurately the research hypotheses built on the basic variables of the research by clearing them from external influences (Field, 2009; Hair et al., 2014), gender, age, education level, and the type of sector (public or private sector) has been added to the research model as control variables.
In the process of translating the scale items into Turkish, a commission consisting of three people was established to reduce bias and errors (^gisdottir et al., 2008; Hambleton, 1993). For this purpose, three different faculty members, who are working in the field of Management and Organization and who have a good level of English and Turkish, have been translated independently. As a matter of fact, it was seen that the translations made were the same with each other. As a result, the items of the scale were given their final form in Turkish. Detailed information about the scale is presented in the appendix at the end of the study.
For the preliminary data analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis IBM SPSS software was used. Besides, IBM SPSS Amos software was used to determine the construct validity of the scales and to test the measurement model of the study. On the other hand, for the bootstrapping regression analysis applied to test the research hypotheses, the Process Macro additional software developed by A. F. Hayes for the IBM SPSS was used with 5000 derivative samples (Hayes, 2018). Finally, the typology developed by X. Zhao and his colleagues is based on a current approach in methodology literature to examine indirect effects between research variables (Zhao et al., 2010).
Preliminary data analysis
Preliminary data analyzes were carried out in order to control the obtained data and to check some assumptions for the basic analysis to be applied. In this context, since all items in the online
questionnaire form are required to be marked, it has been observed that there is no missing value. On the other hand, the highest skewness value was obtained as -2.41 and the highest kurtosis value was 6.59 for items belonging to the scales. Accordingly, the skewness (±3) and kurtosis values (±10) indicate that the data satisfies the normal distribution assumption (Kline, 2011). Therefore, parametric analyzes were used in fundamental analysis. Finally, as a result of H. H. Harman's single factor test, which was applied to control the possible common method variance problem, the scales exhibited a multi-dimensional structure consisting of six breakages (Harman, 1979). Besides, the single and general factor is explained 32.81% of the total variance (s2 < .50). Therefore, it has been concluded that the common method variance in the data does not pose a problem (Podsakoff, Organ, 1986; Podsakof et al., 2003).
Validity Analysis
Confirmatory factor analysis was applied to evaluate the compatibility of career satisfaction, personal growth initiative, task performance, and contextual performance scales and the measurement model as a whole with the obtained data. In the confirmatory factor analyses, the criterion of 0.40 and above was taken into account for the validity of factor loadings (Stevens, 2009). For this reason, an item (CPI = .378) with a low factor loading belonging to the contextual performance scale was excluded from the observation. The confirmatory factor analysis results are shown in Table 1.
Table 1. Results of the confirmatory factor analysis
Constructs x2/df CFI GFI TLI IFI RMR SRMR Factor
< 5 > .90 > .85 > .90 > .90 < .08 < .08 loadings
Career satisfaction 2.630 .991 .981 .977 .991 .042 .027 (.65 - .91)***
Personal growth initiative 2.671 .933 .935 .907 .934 .048 .051 (.45 - .79)***
Task performance 1.576 .998 .994 .988 .998 .010 .012 (.45 - .97)***
Contextual performance 4.539 .944 .930 .902 .945 .075 .075 (.42 - .95)***
Measurement model (overall) 1.776 .930 .852 .920 .931 .079 .078 (.45 - .95)***
Note. n = 213, x2/df: Chi-square/degrees of freedom, CFI: Comparative fit index, GFI: Goodness of fit index, TLI: Tucker-Lewis index, IFI: Incremental fit index, RMR: Root mean square residual, SRMR: Standardized Root Mean Square Residual. ***p < .001.
As a result of the confirmatory factor analyses, all constructs provided the desired goodness of fit indexes (Anderson, Gerbing, 1984; Bentler, 1988; Brown, 2014; Hu, Bentler, 1999; Kline, 2011; Tabachnick, Fidell, 2013).
Reliability analysis
In order to determine the internal consistency of the scales, reliability analysis was performed with Cronbach's alpha method (Cronbach, 1951). The obtained results are shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Results of the reliability analysis
Measures Number of items Corrected item-total correlation Cronbach's alpha
Career satisfaction 5 .640 - .808 .905
Personal growth initiative 9 .456 - .704 .849
Task performance 5 .625 - .728 .841
Contextual performance 7 .397 - .738 .842
According to the results obtained from the reliability analysis, the fact that the corrected itemtotal correlation coefficients of each item of the scales are higher than 0.30 shows that the relationship levels of the items with the main constructs they belong to are satisfactory (Field, 2009). On the other hand, Cronbach's alpha coefficients of each measure higher than 0.70 indicate that the internal consistency of the measures is at a satisfactory level (DeVellis, 2003; Nunnally, 1978).
Correlation analysis
Pearson's correlation analysis was conducted to determine the directions and levels of change between the research variables. In addition, the demographic characteristics of the participants were
also examined in this context in order to observe whether the study affected the outcome variables or not. The obtained results are shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Results of the correlation analysis
Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Gender 1
2. Age .156* 1
3. Education level -.175* -.172* 1
4. Sector type -.052 -.012 -.253** 1
5. Career satisfaction .065 .068 .038 .026 1
6. Personal growth initiative -.019 .174* .079 -.067 .429** 1
7. Task performance - .036 .144* -.083 -.039 .338** .485** 1
8. Contextual performance -.169* .079 .077 .048 .351** .492** .537** 1
Mean 1.57 2.38 3.14 1.57 3.433 3.953 4.165 4.048
Standard deviation .497 .790 .730 .497 1.066 .663 .683 .675
Note. N = 213; * — p < .05, ** — p < .01.
According to the results obtained from the correlation analysis, statistically significant, positive, and moderate (0.3 < r < 0.7) relationships at the 1% significance level were determined among all the main variables of the study (Ratner, 2017). On the other hand, among the demographic characteristics of the participants, it was observed that the variables of gender and age had statistically significant relationships with the outcome variables of the study. For this reason, the relevant demographic variables were considered as control variables in the next stage.
Regression Analysis
Regression analysis based on the bootstrapping method was used to test the hypotheses. 5000 derivative sampling option was preferred in the analyzes. The primary statistical significance test that will be taken into consideration in impact analyses performed with the derivative sampling technique in order to support the research hypothesis is that the values at the 95% confidence interval obtained as a result of the analysis do not include the zero ("0") value (MacKinnon et al., 2004).
The results of the regression analysis regarding career satisfaction, personal growth initiative, and task performance variables are shown in Table 4.
Table 4. Regression analysis results regarding career satisfaction, personal growth initiative, and task performance
Personal growth initiative (M) 6 LLCI ULCI
Task performance (Y)
Model 1 (H1, H2, H3, H6)
Gender -.071 -.259 .069 -.050 -.233 .095
Age .157* .028 .235 .070 -.044 .165
Career satisfaction (X) .423*** .187 .339 .164* .022 .189
Personal growth initiative (M) - - - .401*** .277 .549
Model summary
CS - TP (Total effect)
CS - PGI - TP (Indirect effect)
R2 = .210 R2 = .262
F (df = 3.209) = 18.511, p < .001 F (df = 4.208) = 18.477, p < .001
p, = .334, t = 5.174, p < .001, %95 BCA CI [.132, .295] B = .109, %95 BCA CI [.058, .165]
Note. N = 213, Bootstrapping size = 5000. X: Independent variable, M: Mediator variable, Y: Dependent variable, p Standardized beta coefficient, B: unstandardized beta coefficient, LLCI: Lower limit confidence interval, ULCI: Upper limit confidence interval, R2: Multiple correlation squared, F: F-statistic, df: Degrees of freedom, p: p-value, t: t-statistic, BCA CI: Bias-corrected and accelerated confidence intervals, CS: Career satisfaction, PGI: Personal growth initiative, TP: Task performance. * — p < .05, ** — p < .01, *** — p < .001.
Within the scope of regression analysis, firstly the hypotheses based on career satisfaction, personal growth initiative, and task performance were tested. In the first stage of the analysis, the
results of the regression analysis showing the effect of career satisfaction (X), which is the independent variable, on personal growth initiative (M), which is the mediator variable, are included. Accordingly, career satisfaction was found to significantly and positively affect personal growth initiative (fi = .423, 95% BCA CI [.187, .339], t = 6.850, p < .001). Career satisfaction explains approximately 21% (R2 = .209) of the change in personal growth initiative. Based on these results, H1 was supported.
In the second stage, the interaction effects of personal growth initiative (M), which is the mediator variable, and career satisfaction variable (X), on the task performance (Y) were examined. Accordingly, it was seen that personal growth initiative significantly and positively affected task performance (fi = .401, 95% BCA CI [.277, .549], t = 5.989, p < .001). Career satisfaction and personal growth initiative explain about 26% (R2 = .262) of the change in task performance. Based on these results, H3 was supported.
In the third stage, a model in which there is no mediator variable (personal growth initiative) was considered. This stage was made to show the effect of career satisfaction (X) on task performance (Y), in other words, the total effect of X on Y. Accordingly, it was found that career satisfaction has a significant positive effect on task performance in the absence of personal growth initiative (fi = .334, 95% BCA CI [.132, .295], t = 5.174, p < .001). Based on these results, H2 was supported.
The fourth stage is one of the most important stages of the analysis in terms of detecting the mediating effect. At this stage, the indirect effect of career satisfaction on task performance through personal growth initiative was examined. Considering the relevant coefficients, the fact that the mediating effect paths (X x M) and the direct effect path (Y) are significant, and that the mediating and direct effect paths (X x M x Y) are positive (fi = .109) have shown the existence of a complementary mediation relationship (Zhao et al., 2010). In addition, the significance of the indirect impact coefficient (fi = .109, 95% BCA CI [.058, .165]), which shows the effect of career satisfaction on task performance through personal growth initiative, confirmed the mediation relationship (Hayes, 2018). According to these results, it was observed that personal growth initiative plays a mediating role in the relationship between career satisfaction and task performance. In other words, career satisfaction positively affects task performance through personal growth initiative. Based on these results, H6 was supported.
The results of the regression analysis regarding career satisfaction, personal growth initiative, and contextual performance variables are shown in Table 5.
Table 5. Regression analysis results regarding career satisfaction, personal growth initiative, and contextual performance
Personal growth initiative (M) Contextual performance (Y)
Model 2 (H4, H5, H7)
Gender -.071 -.259 .069 -.177** -.399 -.082
Age .157* .028 .235 .024 -.081 .121
Career satisfaction (X) .423*** .187 .339 .188** .038 .200
Personal growth initiative (M) - - - .404*** .280 .542
Model summary R2 = .210 R2 = .297
F (df = 3.209) = 18.511, p < .001 F (df = 4.208) = 21.923, p < .001 CS - CP (Total effect) i = .359, t = 5.666, p < .001, %95 BCA CI [.148, .306] CS - PGI - CP (Indirect effect)_B = .108, %95 BCA CI [.064, .161]_
Note. N = 213, Bootstrapping size = 5000. X: Independent variable, M: Mediator variable, Y: Dependent variable, ¡i: Standardized beta coefficient, B: unstandardized beta coefficient, LLCI: Lower limit confidence interval, ULCI: Upper limit confidence interval, R2: Multiple correlation squared, F: F-statistic, df: Degrees of freedom, p: p-value, t: t-statistic, BCA CI: Bias-corrected and accelerated confidence intervals, CS: Career satisfaction, PGI: Personal growth initiative, CP: Contextual performance. * — p < .05, ** — p < .01, *** — p < .001.
In the fifth stage of the regression analysis, the hypotheses built on career satisfaction, personal growth initiative, and contextual performance were tested. In this context, firstly, the interaction effects of personal growth initiative (M) and career satisfaction variable (X) on contextual performance (Y) were observed. Accordingly, it was seen that personal growth initiative significantly and positively affected contextual performance (fi = .404, 95% BCA CI [.280, .542], t = 6.173, p < .001). Career satisfaction and personal growth initiative explain about 30% (R2 = .297) of the change in contextual performance. Based on these results, H5 was supported.
In the sixth stage, a model in which there is no mediating variable (personal growth initiative) was considered. This stage was made to show the effect of career satisfaction (X) on contextual performance (Y), in other words, the total effect of X on Y. Accordingly, in the absence of personal growth initiative, it was found that career satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on contextual performance (fi = .359, 95% BCA CI [.148, .306], t = 5.666, p < .001). According to these results, H4 was supported.
The last stage of the analysis is again important in detecting the mediator effect. At this stage, the indirect effect of career satisfaction on contextual performance through personal growth initiative was examined. Considering the relevant coefficients, the significance of the mediating effect paths (X x M) and the direct effect path (Y), and the positive direction of the mediating and direct effect paths (X x M x Y) (fi = .108) showed the existence of a complementary mediation relationship (Zhao et al., 2010). In addition, the significance of the indirect effect coefficient (fi = .108, 95% BCA CI [.064, .161]), which shows the effect of career satisfaction on contextual performance through personal growth initiative, confirmed the mediation relationship (Hayes, 2018). According to these results, it was observed that personal growth initiative plays a mediating role in the relationship between career satisfaction and contextual performance. In other words, career satisfaction positively affects contextual performance through personal growth initiative. Based on these results, H7 was supported.
Discussion and conclusion
The relationships among career satisfaction, personal growth initiative, task performance, and contextual performance were examined in this study. For this purpose, applied research was conducted on the employees working in both public and private sectors in different professional groups and cities of Turkey. The direct and indirect effect analyzes applied in the study were examined through a derivative sample (bootstrapping) regression analysis with 5000 resampling numbers. In the regression analysis applied, gender and age variables associated with the basic variables were taken under control in order to test the research hypotheses more accurately by clearing them from external effects (Field, 2009; Hair et al., 2014).
Based on the Expectation Theory and the literature on research concepts, career satisfaction was predicted to have positive effects on personal growth initiative, task performance, and contextual performance, during the design of the research model of the study (Porter, Lawler, 1968). Another prediction in this context is that the positive effect ofcareer satisfaction on task performance and contextual performance will increase further through personal growth initiative. As a result of the investigations made, all research hypotheses formed within the scope of these predictions were supported.
According to the results of this study, the career satisfaction variable positively contributes to explain personal growth initiative, task performance, and contextual performance. Besides, the personal growth initiative variable also contributes to explaining task performance and contextual performance variables. The most important finding of this research is that personal growth initiative has a positive mediator effect on the effect of career satisfaction upon the task performance and
contextual performance. According to these results, increasing career satisfaction increases personal growth initiative and this leads to an increase in task performance and contextual performance. In other words, career satisfaction positively affects task performance and contextual performance through personal growth initiative.
Since there is no study examining career satisfaction, personal growth initiative, task performance and contextual performance variables together in the literature, no opportunity could be found for completely discussing the results of this research. Nevertheless, it has been found that there are positive effects of career satisfaction on the general performance (job performance) of the employees in some studies (£avu§, Imadoglu, 2017; Karatepe, Vatankhah, 2015; Nisar, Rasheed, 2020; Trivellas et al., 2015). In this respect, the obtained research results overlap with the results of the related studies. However, unlike the aforementioned studies, the concept of performance, namely task performance and contextual performance is discussed in a more comprehensive way in this study. In addition, it was found that Personal growth initiative has a mediating effect on the relationship between career satisfaction and task performance and contextual performance.
This study has originality in terms of contribution to scientific knowledge and business life, as it first examines the direct and indirect relationships between career satisfaction, personal growth initiative, task performance, and contextual performance issues. Because, as an original result of the study, the mediating effect of personal growth initiative on the relationship between career satisfaction and task and contextual performance is an important finding in terms of contribution to the literature. In addition, another contribution of the study for national literature is the adaptation of task performance and contextual performance scales used in the research into Turkish.
It is possible to make various suggestions for business life based on the results of the study. In this context, suggestions that can be given to employees first; to be aware of their needs in terms of meeting the needs of the changing and developing business life, to give importance to their personal development in order to meet these needs, to set career goals for themselves and to provide motivation elements to keep themselves in this goal. On the other hand, since the situations related to career satisfaction and personal growth initiative are not only related to employees, important responsibilities fall on managers in business life. In this context, it can be said that organizations that enable their employees to develop their careers and encourage them to show personal growth initiative can make important progress against their competitors in terms of ensuring sustainability for both employees and the organization. In short, it should not be forgotten that personal development is provided primarily by individual initiatives, career satisfaction does not only develop depending on the individual, and the organization has a major role in the realization of this satisfaction. As a result, managers and leaders may be suggested to implement various approaches and practices that will understand their employees' career expectations and their shortcomings in personal development, accurately identify and support their needs in this direction.
As in every scientific study, this study has some limitations. First of all, there are inherent limitations arising from the use of the survey method in the research. In future studies, the relationships between concepts can be examined in more detail through qualitative research methods. On the other hand, the fact that the research sample consists of public and private sector employees working in different provinces and different professions have created the limitation of the research population. Focusing on a specific sector, region or occupational group in future research may make it possible to reach different results. In addition, it can be ensured that the results obtained are generalized to the population by studying samples, especially on which the research universe can be clearly determined. Finally, task performance and contextual performance scales, which are the outcome variables of the research, provide a measure based only on subjective evaluation. However, it is important to take the opinions of colleagues or superiors of the target sample in order to obtain
more objective results in measuring the performance in business life (Sumer, Bilgif, 2006). It will be possible to obtain more comprehensive results in researches to be carried out by taking this perspective into account.
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Received 08.02.2022
Appendix: The Turkish version of L. Koopmans with colleagues (2014) Individual Job Performance Scale, which is validated in this study
Gorev Performansi
GP1. l§imi zamaninda bitirebilmek ifin plan yapmada ba§ariliyimdir.
GP2. Planlamam uygundur.
GP3. £ali§mamda elde etmem gereken sonuflari aklimda tutarim.
GP4. l§te temel konulari yan konulardan ayirabilirim.
GP5. l§imi en az zaman ve faba ile gerfekle§tirmeyi ba§aririm.
Baglamsal Performans
*BP1. Fazladan sorumluluklar alirim.
BP2. Eski gorevlerden biri tamamlandiginda yeni gorev ba§latirim.
BP3. Mumkun oldugunda zorlu fali§ma gorevleri ustlenirim.
BP4. Mesleki bilgimi guncel tutmak ifin fali§irim.
BP5. Mesleki becerimi guncel tutmak ifin fali§irim.
BP6. Yeni sorunlara yaratici fozumler uretirim.
BP7. l§imde yeni zorluklar aramaya devam ederim.
BP8. toplantilarina aktif olarak katilirim.
* Dogrulayici faktor analizi sonucunda fikarilan madde
Likert cevaplandirma olfegi: 1 = nadiren, 2 = bazen, 3 = sik sik, 4 = genellikle, 5 = her zaman
Опосредующая роль инициативы к личностному росту во взаимосвязи удовлетворённости карьерой с индивидуальной производительностью труда
ДЭВЕЛИ Альптекин OECID: 0000-0001-7232-5603
Университет Токат Газиосманпаша, Токат, Турция
ПЕККАН Назмие Юлкю
ORCID: 0000-0001-7298-0552
Университет Тарсус, Тарсус, Мерсин, Турция
ORCID: 0000-0001-7336-4612
Университет Сельчук, Бейшехир, Конья, Турция
ЧАВУШ Мустафа Федай ORCID: 0000-0002-2515-5805
Университет Османие Коркут Ата, Османие, Турция
Аннотация. Это исследование дает новое представление о вкладе удовлетворённости карьерой в производительность труда с помощью многомерной статистики и медиаторной переменной. Цель. Целью данного исследования является выявление взаимосвязи между удовлетворённостью карьерой, инициативой к личностному росту2, и производительностью труда в двух аспектах — выполнение задачи и контекстуальная производительность. Метод. Исследование было проведено с использованием количественного метода вычисления корреляций. Данные были собраны на выборке из 213 служащих государственного и частного секторов, работающих в разных городах и профессиональных группах в Турции. Гипотезы исследования были проверены с помощью бутстрепного регрессионного анализа, выполненного на 5000 выборочных производных. Полученные результаты. Удовлетворённость карьерой вносит позитивный вклад в объяснение инициативы к личностному росту, выполнения задачи и контекстуальной производительности. Кроме того, инициатива к личностному росту вносит положительный вклад в объяснение выполнения задач и контекстуальной производительности. Кроме того, наиболее важным выводом исследования является то, что инициатива к личностному росту положительно опосредует взаимосвязь удовлетворённости карьерой с выполнением задач и контекстуальной производительностью. Другим оригинальным результатом исследования является адаптация субшкал «Выполнения задач» и «Контекстуальная производительность» на турецкой выборке. Выводы. Чтобы соответствовать требованиям меняющейся деловой жизни, сотрудники должны в первую очередь осознавать свои собственные потребности, придавать большое значение своему личному развитию для удовлетворения этих потребностей и идти по карьерной лестнице, где они будут чувствовать себя удовлетворёнными. С другой стороны, менеджеры должны применять различные подходы, которые помогут понять ожидания своих сотрудников в отношении своей карьеры и личного развития.
Ключевые слова: удовлетворённость карьерой; инициатива к личностному росту; выполнение задач; контекстуальная производительность.
2 «Инициатива к личностному росту» (personal growth initiative) — одно из понятий позитивной психологии, входящее в
более широкий конструкт «психологическое благополучие» (Ryff, Keyes, 1995). В отличие от субъективного благополучия, которое характеризует текущее состояние человека, психологическое благополучие динамично и напряжённо, направлено в будущее и вбирает в себя «цели в жизни» и «личностный рост». Инициатива к личностному росту определяется как «активное, намеренное участие в процессе личностного роста» (Robitschek, 1998, p. 184). На сегодня уже предприняты несколько попыток адаптации соответствующего диагностического инструментария на русскоязычной выборке (Елшанский, С. П., Ануфриев, А. Ф., Камалетдинова,
З. Ф., Сапарин, О. Е., Семенов, Д. В. (2016). Психометрические показатели русскоязычной версии шкалы инициативы к личностному росту К. Робичек. Теоретическая и экспериментальная психология, 9(2), 6-16; Скворцова, Л. Л. (2018). Психометрическая разработка русскоязычной модификации шкалы инициативы к личностному росту - II. В сб. В.А. Гайсенок (ред.) Научные труды Республиканского института высшей школы. Исторические и психолого-педагогические науки: сб. науч. ст. Вып. 18. В 3 ч. Ч. 3 (54-63)). — Прим. ред.