The mechanisms of laser-induced rGO/polymer composite
M. Fatkullin, D. Cheshev, G. Murastov, A. Averkiev, E. Dogadina, E. Abyzova, I. Petrov,
R.D. Rodriguez, E. Sheremet*
Laser processing is a remarkably convenient technique for inducing graphene-based conductive substrates on polymers and even organic matter. However, such structures are fragile, with limited applicability. Laser-induced reduced graphene oxide (rGO)/polymer composites are very robust conductive patterns formed by a mechanism of the integration of rGO to polymer substrate. It involved both photothermal and photochemical processes. Graphene oxide (GO) under laser irradiation is transformed into rGO, that in turn heats up the polymer substrate. The process depends on laser wavelength, power, pulse width and other irradiation parameters as well as the polymer nature. Here we explore the mechanisms of GO reduction and show the photochemical nature of the process for visible wavelengths of light. Further we look into the power dependence of rGO integration into the polymer substrate for eight different thermoplastic polymers and make conclusions about the effect of the substrate thermal properties and structure on the optimal integration parameters [1]. These studies while being fundamental have great potential for the robust flexible electronics based on laser processing.
[1] E. Abyzova, I. Petrov, I. Bril', D. Cheshev, A. Ivanov, M. Khomenko, A. Averkiev, M. Fatkullin, D. Kogolev, E. Bolbasov, A. Matkovic, J.-J. Chen, R.D. Rodriguez, E. Sheremet, Universal Approach to Integrating Reduced Graphene Oxide into Polymer Electronics, Polymers 2023, 15 (24), 4622.
The work was supported by Russian Science Foundation grants № 22-12-20027, and funding from the Tomsk region administration.