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Ключевые слова
Mechnism / improving communicative competencies / English language / teaching / future engineers / educational / include / transmitting information / previous stage / transferring information / logical integrity / perform / requirements / practical / component.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — U. Sakhibova

This article describes the mechanism of improving communicative competence in English language teaching of future engeneerings in the case of a lack of classroom hours allocated to foreign languages, more effective approach to teaching phonetic competence is a differentiated (graded) approach, which uses listening comprehension of both authentic speech and didactic speech, specially adapted for specific purposes, the need requires the explanation of pronunciation techniques and the use of transcription.

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Sakhibova Ugiloy Nuralievna

A senior teacher of the Department of "Practical English" at the Technical University

named after Islam Karimov https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo. 10277929 Abstract. This article describes the mechanism of improving communicative competence in English language teaching of future engeneerings in the case of a lack of classroom hours allocated to foreign languages, more effective approach to teaching phonetic competence is a differentiated (graded) approach, which uses listening comprehension of both authentic speech and didactic speech, specially adapted for specific purposes, the need requires the explanation of pronunciation techniques and the use of transcription.

Keywords: Mechnism, improving communicative competencies, English language, teaching, future engineers, educational, include, transmitting information, previous stage, transferring information, logical integrity, perform, requirements, practical, component.

In the interests of our research, it is appropriate to analyze existing textbooks for higher education institutions in non-linguistic direction. Analyzing the textbook with critical evaluation is a necessary step in the development of the teaching methodology and means of its implementation, that is, the textbook.

Among the textbooks and study guides for teaching English, the most recent one is I.P. Agabekyan's "A Course of English for Bachelor's Degree Students". "Intermediate Level" is a third-generation study guide.[1]

According to the author, the main goal of the textbook is to develop the skills of reading and translating, extracting, processing and transmitting information in English. The manual consists of an introductory course with a phonetics correction course (with rules for reading letters and letter combinations) and a basic grammar review course. Lessons include texts for reading and translation. In our opinion, the purpose of the training manual does not fully correspond to the goals set at the present time. In accordance with the requirements of the third generation, the main goal of teaching students of higher educational institutions who do not specialize in linguistics is to "increase the basic level of knowledge of a foreign language achieved at the previous stage of education and socialize students in communication with foreign partners in various spheres of domestic, cultural, professional and scientific activities. -to acquire the level of communicative competence necessary and sufficient for solving communicative issues, as well as for further independent education". In addition, the current regulations on the modernization of higher professional education indicate that the foreign language course is multi-level, in the context of continuous education, that is, separate educational stages and stages. developed following the consistency between mothers.

In this regard, the topics of the texts, which are supposed to help in extracting, processing and transferring information in English, and on this basis, the formation of communicative competence of a foreign language, seem controversial. In particular, during the first academic year, students study subjects that repeat the school curriculum. In our opinion, it is probably not wise to

spend the scarce audience time on repeating the school program.

Using texts to learn language material also seems unwise. As a result, students have a special attitude towards texts, such as reading comprehension of individual sentences, as well as specific lists of lexical units, grammatical structures, models or speech patterns. This attitude to what is being read is due to difficulties in reading the original texts. In particular, lesson 2 (Lesson 2, topic "About Myself') includes the following texts: My Biography, My Friends, A Letter to a Friend, answers to questions after the text, making up stories based on texts, sentences from Russian to English to translate. The texts are compiled by the author of the study guide, that is, they are not authentic. As proof of this, we quote a passage from the first text:

About Myself

I am going to tell you about myself. My name is Natasha Serova. I am 17. Iwas born in Moscow on 15th of March, 1994 (fifth of March nineteen ninety four). My family is not very large. We have five people in our family. I live with my parents, my younger sister and my grandmother. My father's name is Vladimir Ivanovich. He is forty years old. (Agabekyan I.P. Angliyskiy yazik dlya bakalavrov, A Course of English for Bachelor's Degree Students. Intermediate Level. Rostov n/D., 2012. P-56.).

Another example that shows that the logical integrity of the text is conditional, that there are no modern language tools (phraseological expressions, emotional-evaluative adjectives, etc.) to express an idea typical for spoken speech is the text of lesson 3:

Student's Working Day

Now I am a first-year student of the University. So, let me describe my usual working day. My lectures begin at nine o'clock and on weekdays I have to get up at seven o'clock. My alarm clock usually wakes me up and my working day begins. I turn on the radio, do my morning exercises, take a shower and brush my teeth. After that I get dressed and comb my hair. Then I have breakfast. Etc. (Agabekyan I.P. Angliyskiy yazik dlya bakalavrov , A Course of English for Bachelor's Degree Students. Intermediate Level / I.P. Agabekyan. Rostov n/D., 2012. P-87-88).

Ye.V. Nosonovich and R.P. As stated by Milruds, such texts are made up of sentences connected with each other in a progressive manner. The vocabulary of such texts is neutral and cohesive, they lack expressiveness, originality and do not reflect the modern trends of speech authenticity (Nosonovich Ye.V., Milrud R.P. Parametri autentichnogo teksta // Inostrannie yaziki v shkole. 1999. No. 4.p-11-18.). It can be said that the topics and content of the "lessons" intended for two academic years (1st and 2nd years) repeat certain topics that schoolchildren have memorized.[2]

Modern textbooks do not allow non-authentic texts. In due time, S.K. Folomkina explained the characteristics of oral and written texts used for educational purposes. The author states that at any stage of education, including the very beginning, the educational text should be an analogue of the real/original text (Folomkina S.K. Tekst v obuchenii inostrannym yazikam // Inostrannie yaziki v shkole. 1989. No. 5. Pages 18-22) [3].

In the model program for teaching a foreign language to students of higher education institutions not specializing in linguistics, it is noted that the requirements in the field of study are authentic socio-political, journalistic and pragmatic texts (informational booklets, brochures/prospectus), scientific-popular and scientific texts. , understand the main content of blogs/websites; to understand socio-political, journalistic (media) texts and personal letters in detail; requires extracting important/necessary information from pragmatic texts of an informative

and advertising nature (Inostranniy yazik dlya neyazikovyx vuzov i fakultetov: Primernaya programma; pod obshch. ed. S.G. Ter-Minasovoy. M., 2009. P-21). The textbook we are analyzing contains texts whose characteristics or genres are difficult to determine, so it is difficult to perform the assigned tasks[4].

I.P. Agabekyan's training manual does not provide enough exercises aimed at developing communicative competence of a foreign language. Basically, there are many assignments after the text, from translating words and phrases into English, from creating a short story about your working day based on the questions (Lesson 3, p.-89. ); consists of answering questions, writing a short story about Moscow or about his beloved city (Lesson 4, p.-114).

Fulfillment of the requirements of the program with the help of exercises given in the textbook - future engineers cannot master a foreign language, including:

- conduct an inquisitive dialogue about what they have seen, read, conduct an exchange of ideas and an interview/conversation dialogue during recruitment, following the norms of speech etiquette, using strategies to restore interruptions in the communication process as necessary (re-questioning rash, express differently, etc.);

- the ability to ask the interlocutor, ask questions and answer them, express one's opinion, express a request, respond to the interlocutor's offer (accept or reject the offer);

- skills of reporting and monologue-depicting, monologue-storytelling and monologue-commenting (Foreign language dlya neyazikovikh vuzov i fakultetov: Primernaya programma; pod obshch. ed. S.G. Ter-Minasovoy. M., 2009. P-22) .

The serious drawback of the study guide, which is used as the main one in the 1st and 2nd courses of higher educational institutions not specializing in linguistics, is that it does not allow the implementation of the complex task of teaching students the communicative competence of a foreign language, that is, their ability to speak a foreign language. is the lack of educational materials and tasks aimed at preparing to communicate with a potential interlocutor, as provided by the educational standard.

Ye.M. Bazanova and I.V. A special course was developed by the Felsners (Bazanova Ye.M., Felsner I.V. English language: ucheb. dlya stud. neyaz. vuzov. Beginner - Low-Intermediate. M., 2004. P-384). The purpose of the textbook is to help students acquire the skills and competences necessary for reading and speaking on the basis of common vocabulary in a very short period of time. The textbook includes an introductory course of 10 lessons and a core course of 5 lessons/chapters.[5]

Each lesson includes theoretical material with a description of the studied sound, a description of pronunciation, exercises that guide the primary strengthening of the introduced sound, and practice exercises that strengthen the skills of its pronunciation. The introductory course occupies 97 pages of the textbook. The structure of the educational material cannot be considered as otsilona, because the main attention is focused on the formation of the phonetic component of foreign language communicative competence to the detriment of other components.

In developing the introductory course, the authors, according to the analysis, used an articulate approach. I.A., who attached great importance to the formation of phonetic skills. Gruzinskaya and K.M. The main rules of this approach developed by Kolosov:

- it is necessary to start learning a foreign language by mastering sounds, for this an introductory course is necessary;

- each sound must be brought to a very careful tone;

- it is necessary to study the functioning of the organs of articulation in order to ensure the purity of pronunciation when pronouncing each sound;

- formation of pronunciation and listening skills should be carried out separately.

The articulatory approach was used long before a practical or communicative goal, the implementation of which does not require flawless phonetic skills, became the main goal of foreign language teaching. Therefore, much later, during the rise of the communicative method, R.K. Minyar-Beloruchev rightly wrote that introductory phonetic courses of this type take an unreasonable amount of time, but do not achieve the main goal - the skill of pure pronunciation of sounds, because the involuntary (automaticity) of the skill when switching from one sound to another ) will disappear, because it will not be effective to master the sound mechanically, separated from the formation of auditory (listening comprehension) skills (Minyar-Beloruchev R.K. . "Inostr. yaz.". 1990. P-224 ).[6]

From the point of view of modern teaching methodology, in the case of a lack of classroom hours allocated to foreign languages, a more effective approach to teaching phonetic competence is a differentiated (graded) approach, which uses listening comprehension of both authentic speech and didactic speech, specially adapted for specific purposes, the need requires the explanation of pronunciation techniques and the use of transcription.


1. Агабекяна И.П. «Курс английского языка для бакалавров». Промежуточный уровень" Учебное пособие ; ISBN. 978-5-222-37110-7 ; 2012. С. -54

2. Носонович Е.В., Мильруд Р.П. Параметр аутентичного текста // Иностранные языки в школе. 1999. № 4. С. 11-18

3. Фоломкина С.К. Текст в обучении иностранным языкам // Иностранные языки в школе. 1989. № 5. С. 18-22

4. Тер-Минасовой. С.Г. Иностранный язык для неазиковых вузов и факультетов: Примерная программа; под общ. ред. М., 2009. С. 21

5. ЭМ. Базанова и И.В. Фельснер Английский язык: учеб. для студ. неяз. вузов. Начальный - Low-Intermediate. М., 2004. С.-384

6. Миньяр-Белоручев Р.К. «Иностр. яз.». М., 1990. С.-224

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