Научная статья на тему 'The meaning of grain cultures in healthy food'

The meaning of grain cultures in healthy food Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биотехнологии в медицине»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биотехнологиям в медицине, автор научной работы — Valevskaya L., Dzyuba N., Bunyak E., Evdokimova G.

In the article a review of products of functional purpose, raw materials used for their creation, and the main violations of the food status of the population are presented. It is shown that functional food products made from different types of cereals, legumes, and oilseeds are a new and essential component of the daily diet.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The meaning of grain cultures in healthy food»


Valevskaya L.

pHD, Senior Lecturer Department of grain storage technology Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Ukraine

Dzyuba N. pHD, Associate Professor Technology Department of the restaurant and health food Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Ukraine

Bunyak E.

Post-graduate student of the first year of study Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Ukraine

Evdokimova G. pHD, Associate Professor Department of biochemistry, microbiology and nutrition physiology Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Ukraine


In the article a review of products of functional purpose, raw materials used for their creation, and the main violations of the food status of the population are presented. It is shown that functional food products made from different types of cereals, legumes, and oilseeds are a new and essential component of the daily diet. Keywords: balanced nutrition, functional foods, cereal crops.

Technical progress in the food industry is associated with the achievements of science, especially the science of nutrition. One of the important factors in the development is the deterioration of the environmental situation and the severe competition in the food market. All this leads not only to the improvement of the technology of obtaining traditional products, but also to the creation of products of a new generation: low calorie, healthy for health, with a balanced composition and functional properties, the possibility of quick cooking and long-term storage. Their creation is unthinkable without modern nutritional ingredients.

Balanced nutrition is one of the most important determinants of public health. Proper nutrition provides normal growth and development of humans, promotes the prevention of various diseases, prolong life, improving the working capacity and creates conditions for adequate adaptation to the environment [1, p. 142153]. However, in recent years, the health of the population is characterized by negative trends. Disturbance in nutrition leads to deterioration of the organs, increased morbidity and weakened immunity. Human health is largely determined by its food status, that is, the degree of security of the body with energy and a number of (in the first place essential) nutrients [2, p. 306-311]. Health can be achieved and preserved only under the condition of full satisfaction of the physiological needs of man in energy and the whole complex of food and biologically active substances. Any deviation from the so-called formula of balanced nutrition leads to a certain disruption of the body's functions, especially if these deviations are quite pronounced and long-term in time.

Results of epidemiological studies [3, p. 3-11] allowed to establish the following major violations in the food status of the population:

- excessive consumption of animal fats;

- deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids;

- deficiency of most vitamins;

- deficiency of mineral substances (especially calcium and iron);

- deficiency of trace elements (iodine, fluorine, selenium, zinc);

- severe deficiency of food fibers.

Among the large and diverse number of problems associated with the normalization of the structure of food, special attention in most countries is paid to the expansion of industrial production of new products of functional nutrition from various types of plant raw materials: cereals, legumes and oilseeds, fruits and vegetables, medicinal plants, etc.

The modern structure of nutrition allows the products to be divided into three main groups [4, p. 45]:

- products of mass consumption (food products intended for the main groups of the population, produced by traditional technology);

- functional products (food products intended for the main population groups, healthy for health);

- products of medical nutrition (special-purpose food as a medical treatment in the complex therapy of diseases characterized by changed chemical composition and physical properties).

Functional foods are foods that are part of the normal diet and have the ability to positively affect those or other body functions, which, due to their regular consumption, reduces the risk of chronic diseases. The special relevance and significance of the use of functional foods in the daily diet is explained by a number of objective reasons, among which one can distinguish:

- high enough efficiency of the mentioned food products in the system of preventive treatment of a wide range of diseases;

- wide technological opportunities in the creation of new food products with prescribed therapeutic and prophylactic properties and functional composition of micronutrients;

- the ability to produce these products from regional raw materials;

- the possibility of their mass use as daily food.

Thus, products of functional nutrition, prepared

from different types of cereals, legumes, and oilseeds are new and necessary components of the daily diet of modern humans [5; 6, p. 6-10].

Grain crops are the most popular natural source of food fibers and contain a unique combination of soluble and insoluble edible fibers, polysaccharides combined with low molecular weight biologically active components.

The introduction of whole grains of oats, rich in p-glucans and arabinoxylans, protects against cardiovascular disease, Type II diabetes, obesity, and some oncological diseases. In some countries, such as Finland, Great Britain, the United States, oat grains have long been used in gluten-free diet [7].

Use for the preparation of bakery products of flour mixes of wheat, buckwheat, barley, rice, oats and products of its processing (oat groats, flakes, and leaves) allows intensifying biochemical and microbiological processes, correcting the rheological properties of the dough, accompanied by an increase in the quality of the products, and also increasing Food, biological value of products at the expense of more balanced contents of essential amino acids of protein [8, p. 110-117; 9, p. 18-19; 10, p. 22-23; 11, p. 259267]. As the protein used enrichers bakery mixes based on legumes (pea flour, nutovoho, lentils and soy), are better balanced content of essential amino acids [10, p. 22-23]. Feature fat-containing plant material (sunflower, sesame, flax, etc.) - a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, being of essential reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis, making it an important component of functional health food [11, p. 259-267; 12, p. 29-32].

When creating functional products one of the main stages is selection and justification of functional ingredients that form the new product features associated with its ability to provide a physiological effect. The second aspect, which is important in this technology-related products with the potential to change the functional ingredients consumer properties of food that should not be different from the traditional food. In this regard, their choice and justification should be made taking into account the combination of consumer properties and target physiological effects of the functional product being created [4, p. 4-5]. In a market economy, the production activity of enterprises is focused mainly on satisfaction of all potential consumers of their products. The main criterion for the quality of enriched food is an indicator of purpose, which reflects their functional orientation and application. The level of consumer satisfaction is estimated by the positive effect of the purchased products, the improvement of health through the provision of the body with the necessary and biologically active ingredients. With full satisfaction,

the consumer forms a stable behavior towards this product and becomes a supporter of the manufacturer of such types of products [13, p. 42-43; 14, p. 8-10, 15, p. 36-37; 16, p. 10-14].

The analysis of actual nutrition of the population of Ukraine and other countries makes it possible to characterize its state as a crisis in the provision of micronutrients. Widespread "diseases of civilization" (cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, etc.) -one of the most important preconditions for the creation of functional foods, including cereals on the basis that help protect humanity from the above diseases. Therefore, expanding the range of different products of high nutritional value of grain-based, corresponding to modern requirements of science of functional food - an important task as grain processing and baking industry. In its decision, the main importance is the development of modern technologies for the production of various types of flour, cereals of finished products from cereals and the formation on their basis of compositional mixtures of functional purpose.


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Ибраев М.К.

д.х.н., профессор Нугужинов Ж.С.

д.т.н., профессор; Даулетжанова Ж.Т.

магистр технических наук Карагандинский государственный Технический университет


Ibrayev M.K.

Doctor of Chemical sciences, professor;

Nuguzhinov Zh.S.

Doctor of Technical sciences, professor;

Dauletzhanov Zh.T.

Master of technical sciences Karaganda State Technical University


В данной работе была исследована возможность переработки бытового и промышленного стеклобоя в высокоэффективные теплоизоляционные материалы без применения традиционных карбонатных и уг-леродсодержащих вспенивателей.


This work considers the possibility of processing the domestic and industrial cullet into high-performance heat-insulating materials without using traditional carbonate and carbon-containing blowing agents was investigated.

Ключевые слова: пеностекло, пеносиликаты, теплоизоляционные материалы, стеклобой, вспененный материал.

Keywords: foamed glass, foam silicates, heat-insulating materials, cullet, foam material.

В настоящее время большое внимание уделяется разработке новых высокоэффективных теплоизолирующих материалов на основе силикатных

систем, пригодных для теплоизоляции производственных и жилых помещений. Одним из требований к теплозащитным материалам является себестоимость их производства, экологическая чистота

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