Abstract: modern requirements for students include not only mastery of knowledge of the future specialty, but also in-depth studying of a foreign language. In recent decades, the English language is not just a language of international communication, but a medium of exchange information and therefore expanding professional contacts on the international level. Foreign language engineers today, able to join international English-speaking communities, are in great demand. Knowledge of foreign languages provides wide opportunities for the development and strengthening of educational, cultural and professional contacts. It is well known that the main innovative discoveries published in scientific literature presented in English. Mastering English with the application of information and communication technologies gives the ability to speed up significantly the process of searching and transmitting information, transforming the nature of the student's mental activity, assisting in preparation of the future specialist.
Keywords: information and communication technologies, communicative competence, successful communication, innovative discovery, search and transmission of information.
Ягьяева Э.Б.
Ягьяева Эльвина Бахтияровна — старший преподаватель, кафедра обучения языкам, факультет управления в производстве, Ферганский политехнический институт, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: данная статья рассматривает основные проблемы, встречаемые при изучении второго/иностранного языка в технических вузах. Автор статьи считает, что современные требования к студентам включают не только овладение знаниями будущей специальности, но и углубленное изучение иностранного языка. В последние десятилетия английский язык является не только языком международного общения, но и средством обмена информацией и, следовательно, расширения профессиональных контактов на международном уровне. Инженеры, изучающие иностранные языки в настоящее время, способные присоединиться к международным англоязычным сообществам, пользуются большим спросом. Знание иностранных языков открывает широкие возможности для развития и укрепления образовательных, культурных и профессиональных контактов. Общеизвестно, что основные инновационные открытия, опубликованные в научной литературе, представлены на английском языке. Овладение английским языком с применением информационно-коммуникационных технологий дает возможность значительно ускорить процесс поиска и передачи информации, трансформируя характер умственной деятельности студента, а также способствует подготовке будущего специалиста. Ключевые слова: информационно-коммуникационные технологии, коммуникативная компетентность, успешное общение, инновационные открытия, поиск и передача информации.
Currently, in the conditions of modernization of Uzbekistan education inevitably updating the learning process, including teaching foreign languages. Improving teaching methods and goals, developing new standards and curricula, individualization of the educational process, widespread use of new educational technologies, such as creating electronic textbooks, the use of testing programs -all this impossible to imagine without the use of information and communication technology. as they provide accessibility education and the effectiveness of the educational activities.
However, despite the understanding of the need for foreign ownership language, students of technical universities, with different levels preparedness, do not know the language well enough.
There are a number of reasons that could explain this fact, and identify solutions to problems such as effective teaching English language and, as a result, successful communication. First of all, it is worth noting that the number of academic hours in a week for learning a foreign language should be at least 6-8, but technical universities currently (including technical) suggest the curriculum which provides only 2 hours a week, of course, this time is not enough for a full mastery of a foreign language.
Everyone knows that oral and written forms of communication can be worked out by regular training, during this time oral communication advocate skills and ability to speak, listen, and means of written communication. Very often the main purpose of teaching a foreign language lesson is the formation of communicative competence of students, aimed at developing direct skills (speaking and listening) and indirect (reading and writing) communication. Listening to foreign speech is the most difficult task in the learning process.
Oral communication, which is especially important today, is impossible without understanding speech interlocutor, because for a full communication, the speaker is at the same time as a listener [2]. As for engineering students specialties, the question arises: what means of communication are needed to be developed in the learning process? Should we pay attention to all four types of skills as means of communication equally or should some of them dominate? The main method of teaching English at schools and universities is a lexical-grammatical method where the topic presented with relevant vocabulary and grammar. Assimilation volume of thematic material is controlled by written assignments [3]. However, being able to write a topic in writing does not mean being able to speak. In addition, students must learn a large number of phrases to use them in the oral speech later, but without practical applications, they quickly forget and waste time. Being aware of this fact, students are reluctant to perform lexical-grammatical exercises preferring to pay more attention to vocational training subjects. As a result students lack motivation to learn the language and communicate in English. It explains poor knowledge of the language (namely, not the ability to express their thoughts and ideas on English, lack of vocabulary, not knowledge of grammar).
It should be noted that many students, unfortunately, do not have skills to work independently. The effectiveness of training in many ways depends on how much time students devote to additional to study. The teacher's task is to organize properly extracurricular work and try to maintain interest in additional independent language learning and communications. The process of self-education of students under the guidance of the teacher should be built on the principles and forms that foster independent thinking, stimulate creativity and professional qualities of a student. Another problem which face engineering students in mastering English is associated with differences in written and spoken English (i.e. pronunciation of words and their spelling). Students who do not have enough communication practice do not understand speech by listening, don't recognize the words they've heard and cannot write them, how they hear them. Thus, students do not form subconscious understanding of language laws, constant readiness and desire for an informative perception of a foreign language (auditory skills perceptions). Methods are used to solve this problem. spontaneous telecommunication technologies tasks with the ability to communicate with native speakers in the learning process. At the same time, students must memorize and keep certain the volume of vocabulary and grammar, which will contribute to their readiness to be involved in situational communication [1].
References / Список литературы
1. Ergasheva N.N., Khamdamova S.O., Toshmatova N.A. Development of the communicative competence of students at the lessons of the English language in non-philological higher educational institutions // Вестник науки и образования, 2019. № 19-2 (73). С. 66-68. URL: (date of access: 13.11.2019).
2. Galiakberova A.R., Nigmatullina A.Sh., Akramova N.M. Using information and communication technologies to develop writing competence of students at the lessons of the English language // Вестник науки и образования, 2019. № 20-3 (74). С. 8-10. URL: (date of access: 13.11.2019).
3. Ergasheva N.N. Raising motivation of students in a second/foreign language acquisition // Вопросы науки и образования, 2019. № 5 (50). С. 168-171. URL: (date of access: 13.11.2019).