THE MAIN KINDS AND TYPES OF LOGISTICS STRATEGIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Tairova M.M., Hamidov M.E.

В этой статье описаны наиболее важные аспекты логистических стратегий. Они включают в себя различные типы логистических стратегий и анализ его особенностей.Logistics and the most important aspects of its strategies are clearly described in this article. It includes different types of logistics strategies and analyses of its features too. Besides, there are some logistics strategies productively in the market economy.

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Tairova M. M., Ph.D.

Hamidov M. E. student

Bukhara State University Uzbekistan, Bukhara


Logistics and the most important aspects of its strategies are clearly described in this article. It includes different types of logistics strategies and analyses of its features too. Besides, there are some logistics strategies productively in the market economy.

Аннотация. В этой статье описаны наиболее важные аспекты логистических стратегий. Они включают в себя различные типы логистических стратегий и анализ его особенностей.

Key words: Logistics, strategy, logistics strategy, production logistics, lean strategy, dynamic logistics.

Ключевые слова: логистика, стратегия, стратегия логистики, производственная логистика, стратегия тощего производства, динамическая логистика.

Logistics - the art and science of identifying needs, as well as the acquisition, distribution and maintenance in working order during the entire life cycle of all that ensures those needs

In the foreign literature, the concept of logistics is most often interpreted as the process of managing the movement and storage of raw materials, components and finished products in the circular flow of money from the date of payment to suppliers until they receive money for shipping the finished product to the customer (the principle of payment of money - getting money). In the terminological dictionary of Logistics, published in Russian in 1995, gives the following definition:

"Logistics - the science of planning, control and management of transportation, warehousing and other tangible and intangible transactions occurring in the process of bringing raw materials to the manufacturing facility, in-plant processing of raw materials and semi-finished products bring to the consumer in accordance with the interests and demands of the latter, as well as the transfer, storage and processing of relevant information. "

Logistics strategy built on the basis of minimizing or maximizing a key indicator, such as total logistics costs. However, it is necessary to impose restrictions on others, significant from the point of view of the company's strategy, performance. For a strategy to minimize total logistics costs such indicator is the quality of logistics services. In the general case - the higher the quality requirements of consumers logistic service, the higher must be the logistic costs to

ensure this level. Therefore, a natural restriction is the limitation on the basic quality of consumer service. In some cases, a strategy to minimize the total logistics costs can be transformed into a strategy of maximizing the relationship: the level of quality of service / total logistics costs. The implementation of strategies to minimize the total logistics costs is complicated by the weakly formalized logistics service quality parameters and the subjective evaluation of quality of service on the part of consumers. Strategies higher level, which allow to understand how logistics can contribute to its implementation. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider:

• the environment in which business is conducted, including the factors affecting the logistics, but that can not manage the logistics;

• The specific competence of the organization defining the factors which the organization can control and which it uses to distinguish himself from others.

The environment in which business is conducted, and the special competence of the show which position the organization is at the moment, but a strategy to a higher level - what it wants to occupy in the future. Then the logistic strategy shows how the organization will move from the current situation to the future. Are also important factors to be considered when developing logistics strategy.

Any strategies are effective only when they are implemented. For the successful implementation of the strategy must take into account in its development, that there are two types of strategic decisions: the first sets the rules and objectives to be executed, and the second shows how to achieve implementation of these rules in practice. For example, a strategic decision to expand the company's sales volumes - is the rule and the introduction of an additional channel of sales over the Internet - is the concrete means of implementation of the rules. Thus, the overall goals of the strategy must be backed up by decisions related to the implementation, which are then converted into more detailed tactical and operational decisions into concrete actions to be taken and implemented at lower levels. Since the second type of strategic decision to implement an additional channel of sales over the Internet leads to the adoption of medium-term tactical decisions on hiring and training of personnel for the creation and functioning of the electronic page, to arrange delivery of products to customers, the organization of electronic payments, the use of additional storage, etc. These tactical decisions, in turn, determine the level of operational decisions related to the purchase of appropriate equipment, inventory control, freight forwarding, transportation routes, etc.

In general, the analysis of the logistics strategy leads to the formulation and solution of the lower levels of management the following potential issues:

• Should we change the warehousing and transport operations?

• Will it be our approach to planning and scheduling?

• Do we have the necessary resources - if not, can we get them?

• Do we have the trained staff, and if we can, if necessary, to prepare it?

• As the selected strategy will affect the current and potential customers?

• What is the impact it will have on staff, facilities, organization of work, technology, etc.?

In the transition to the implementation of the strategy should be considered solutions for each logistic functions from supply to delivery. But different authors identify the following key areas in which, first of all, it is necessary to make decisions. There are various recommendations on steps logistics development strategy, such as:

1. give priority to those areas of logistics activities that provide long-term improvement of the competitive position of the company;

2. frequently changing strategy for the use of short-term market opportunities, brings a fleeting benefit;

3. Be cautious when taking a hard, inflexible strategies that may become obsolete and thus deprive the company room to maneuver;

4. exclude strategies that can lead to success only if the implementation of the most optimistic forecasts. Based on the fact that the competitors will take retaliatory measures, and may come times of adverse market conditions;

5. attack the weak, not strong a competitor, etc.

Single, universal method of developing logistics strategy does not exist. Logistics strategy consists of a number of objectives, procedures, structures, components, systems, and so on, which are presented as a strategic logistics plan that contains the following sections:

1. A general summary that demonstrates the essence of sourcing and show its relationship to other parts of the organization.

2. The purpose of organizing the logistics required performance and how to measure it.

3. A description of how the individual functions of logistics (supply, transportation, inventory control, freight processing, etc.) will contribute to the implementation of the plan, the associated changes and the process of integration of all operations.

4. Plans showing the resources necessary for the implementation of the strategy.

5. Plans for costs and selected financial indicators.

6. Description of how the strategy will affect the business as a whole, especially in terms of the targets of this business, the contribution of the strategy in getting value for customers and meeting their needs.

Types of strategies in logistics activities varies according to the following criteria.

1) On the scale

• microeconomic system (within the industry);

• macro system (on a national scale, region or group of countries);

• methodological system - a collection of separate systems, procurement, manufacturing and marketing of certain goods or classes of products.

2) At the level of preparation and application

• Preparation of job analysis, planning, design and constructive integration of logistics systems and processes;

• implement the task of management, monitoring and implementation of logistics processes;

• targets for the calculation of logistical capacities of system performance

3) On a functional purpose

• transport logistics (transport, loading, unloading, handling, storage, distribution);

• Production logistics;

• Logistics for trade;

• Logistics in the service sector

4) From the sequence of material flow, depending on the organization of the process

• Logistics in supply;

• Production logistics;

• transport logistics;

• Warehousing;

• Logistics in packaging processes;

• Logistics in the field of marketing

• Logistics to provide details of stocks;

5) In industries that use logistics

• Entrepreneurship

• Construction

• medicine

• warfare

There are several types of logistics strategies of enterprises in the context of the production.

1. Aggressive. "Sony" and "Nissan", classic examples of this are set up factories to meet the local market mainly as assembly plants, using parts from Japan. However, due to inconsistencies with the local authorities, "invaders" use of local parts suppliers.

2. Settlers. Many Japanese firms act as settlers. They produce goods and sell them in the country on their behalf, are changed and logistics requirements.

3. Heirs - these are companies that for one reason or another to limit their claims to the logistics are focusing on local ingredients. For example, the company "Coca-sol" receives most of its components from where its plant is located, ie local raw materials, the country imported only beverage concentrate. Finished product is distributed only in the local market.

4. Barons. Some companies tend to concentrate the production and supply of the required components, although the implementation of the final product is on the market. An example of this can serve as a sourcing company "MercedesBenz".

5. Octopus. Finally, companies that are in the same region, and parts and components are delivered from all over the world. For example, use a logistics strategy can serve as a computer manufacturer in the United States. Companies such as these are the need for an extensive logistics strategy. In particular, they will cause an increase in demand for transport services and storage. The relationship between transport and storage inversely - with a decrease in the number and capacity of storage, increasing the cost of transportation.

The emergence of modern complementary strategies such as "supply chain management" and "cyclic compression of time" has allowed businesses and organizations to reduce the amount of cash goods at point of sale, deliver it before the competition, and reduce the amount of storage capacity.

The most common logistics strategies include "lean" strategy, dynamic strategy and a strategy based on strategic alliances.

1. 'Skinny' strategy is based on the principle of cost control, ie, the production of the same or comparable products that our competitors, but cheaper. The purpose of "lean" logistics - perform each operation, using less of each kind of resources: people, space, supplies, equipment, time, etc. For this "lean" strategy tries to find ways to eliminate wastage of resources.

The first attempts to implement "lean" operations were carried out in the industrial sector at the initiative of Toyota. Used for this method led to such high results that they have started to use in other areas of the company and, ultimately, the idea of "lean" enterprise. Renowned expert in the field of management, Robert Townsend says that "in all organizations at least 50% of the resources (people, effort, space, time) is wasted." Toyota has identified the following areas of the LC, which is likely to be lost are wasted resources.

- The quality of the resources (raw materials, components, parts, etc.) and the GP may be too low to meet the demands of consumers.

- Wrong level of production or capacity. Holds or production capacity that is currently required.

- Poor established process. The presence of unnecessary operations that are too complex or too time consuming.

- Wait. Transactions wait to begin or end, materials - receipts; equipment -repair work.

- Move. Products during operations have to make unnecessary, too long or awkward movements.

- Stock. Having too much inventory leads to unnecessary complexity and increased costs.

The typical approach to the implementation of the "lean" of the strategy is: a detailed analysis of current operations and the subsequent failure of the operations that are not adding value, elimination of stops, ease of transportation, the use of more advanced technology to improve efficiency, accommodation facilities closer to consumers in order to reduce transport costs, search opportunities for economies of scale, elimination of unnecessary parts of the supply chain.

Note that the "lean" operations may not work too dynamic and uncertain environment. In these cases, you can take advantage of a more flexible strategy based on dynamism.

2. Tsel dynamic strategy - to provide a high quality of customer service, responding quickly to new or changing existing terms. There are two aspects of dynamism:

- Speed of response to external conditions: dynamic organizations closely and continuously monitor customer needs and respond to them quickly;

- The ability to adjust the characteristics of logistics with the requirements of individual customers.

Organizations that use dynamic strategy, focused on consumers, ie:

- Strive to achieve complete customer satisfaction;

- Provide consumers convenient access to their organization;

- Flexibly and quickly react to changing demands;

- Designing the logistics so that it meets the needs of consumers and even exceeded them;

- Commit after-checking to make sure that consumers were satisfied and after the purchase;

- Take care of the training of future transactions, always maintaining contact with their customers, potential customers, etc.

Organizations that have satisfied consumers receive important benefits -repeat business and positive recommendations about yourself to other people and organizations. __

Factor "Skinny" Logistics Dynamic strategy

Aim Effective operations flexibility

Method The method of removal of all non-plots Customer satisfaction

Limitations Consumer Services Costs

Dynamics of changes long-term stability the dynamic response to changing circumstances

The parameters of performance Completeness use of the execution time degree of service

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Work unified, standardized variable control is more locally

Management Under the management of formalized planning cycles structured and implemented by the staff, endowed with the necessary powers

Fig.1. - Comparison of "lean" and dynamic logistics

But in practice, no strict distinction between them and the organizations do not have to choose only one strategy over another. For example, if a supplier improves communication with its customers through electronic data exchange or sells materials through a Web site, it at the same time it reduces costs and improves quality. In essence, both strategies are considered customer satisfaction and lower costs prevailing trends, but in different ways describe how to achieve the goal.

3. The purpose of the strategy of forming alliances with suppliers and customers - to achieve increased efficiency of the supply chain when all of its members work together and jointly benefit from a long-term cooperation.

The causes of this strategy is the pursuit of better service to consumers, higher flexibility, lower costs, avoidance of investment in facilities, lack of experience in organizations. The most common partnerships are developed between transport companies, to other areas of cooperation include warehousing services in the field of import / export, information processing.

The other most common strategies, in which the emphasis is on more specific aspects of its activities include the following.

- Differentiation strategy is to try to the uniqueness of the enterprise, for example, in a system of customer service.

- Strategy based on time parameters. In general, these strategies aim to ensure faster delivery of products. An example of this strategy is the strategy of "time compression", which is similar to the "lean" strategy, but is focused on eliminating unnecessary time in the supply chain, ie, such value for a product which is not added.

- Strategy on the basis of protecting the environment. For example, the rate of such strategies may be placed on the production of products using natural ingredients for the production of reusable containers, packaging for production, which does not require special disposal, a multiple-processing of the materials used, the use of waste, etc.

- Strategies for improved performance. You bet on the maximum use of available resources. If the "skinny" strategy is looking for ways to get rid of unneeded facilities (premises, transport, etc.) and resources, this strategy would rather leave the existing capacity, but will look for ways to use these surpluses (sale, new services and other organizations etc.).

- Strategies for value-added have a goal to add as much value to the final product. For example, in the distribution of washing machines the company can arrange the delivery, installation, connection machines, training of its use, organize the export of old cars, offer to conclude a contract for services, etc.

- Strategies for diversification or specialization. These strategies are aimed respectively at the maximum wide or narrow range of services, range of products, activities. For example, there are transportation companies, offering the transport of all types of goods, from letters to the containers. Other transport companies are shipping only to oil tankers or only small packages of cargo.

- The strategy of focusing characterized by concentration on the needs of one segment or a particular group of customers, without seeking to cover the entire market. The strategy aims to meet the needs of consumers, the selected target segment better than competitors.

- Growth strategies are based on the desire to obtain economies of scale by expanding the geographic areas served, the development of a greater number of activities to increase market share, etc.

List of sources:

1.Tairova M.M., Kadirov F. Development logistics strategy in the enterprise. "Худудий иктисодиётни ривожлантириш йуналишлари" Материалы республиканской научно-практической конференции. Бухоро, 2013й., 82-84 бет

Tairova M. M., PhD Hamidov M. E. student

Bukhara State University Uzbekistan, Bukhara THE PRINCIPLES AND VALUES OF KAIZEN

The article reveals the essence, principles and components of the Kaizen system. It is shown that the purpose of the application of Kaizen in the company.

В статье раскрыта сущность, принципы и составляющие системы Кайдзен. Показана цель применения Кайдзен на предприятии.

Key words: Kaizen, product, process, customers , quality, strategy.

Ключевые слова: Кайдзен, продукт, процесс, клиенты, качество, стратегия.

Kaizen - a style of thinking and behavior. He guides individuals and teams in the "family of companies", it allows you to focus their efforts on ensuring profits in the long term by improving the quality of products and processes, which should increase the level of customer satisfaction [1]. (It should be noted that the word "product", "process" and "customers" were deliberately used in this order: Japanese markets have traditionally assumed the orientation of the product, not the customer; Kaizen is focused more on the quality of the product, which then reflects the quality of care on the client.)

The process of improvement in the company using kaizen - is the subject of each concern. Every employee is free to consider any initiative that contributes to the improvement of the product, further reducing losses and costs. Consequently, the group, whose work is based on the Kaizen principles, are less limited than, for example, the group responsible for a project or for quality control, or just individual employee in the traditional Western companies, where they may reproach if they begin to "pry" into a functional region that goes beyond the competence of their own department.

The concept of lean manufacturing is aimed at:

a) the continuous improvement of customer satisfaction and stakeholders;

b) the constant improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of business processes;

c) simplification of the organizational structure and improve the management process;

d) establishment of a system that can respond quickly and flexibly to changes in the external environment.

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