Научная статья на тему 'Mission, policy, purpose, general and particular problems of logistics'

Mission, policy, purpose, general and particular problems of logistics Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Grigoriev M.N., Uvarov S.A., Braila N.A.

Article from the modern point of view examines the mission, policy and purpose of logistics. Special attention is paid to its general and particular problems.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Mission, policy, purpose, general and particular problems of logistics»



УДК 330.1

M.N. Grigoriev

PhD of technical sciences, Professor Baltic State Technical University «VOENMECH» named after D. F. Ustinov St. Petersburg, Russian Federation S.A. Uvarov

Doctor of economic Sciences, Professor Saint-Petersburg state University of Economics St. Petersburg, Russian Federation N. A. Braila Student

Baltic State Technical University «VOENMECH» named after D. F. Ustinov St. Petersburg, Russian Federation



Article from the modern point of view examines the mission, policy and purpose of logistics. Special attention is paid to its general and particular problems.


Logistics, strategic management , logistical strategy, key factors of logistics, logistical system.

The modern concept of firm and its market behavior development received the name of strategic management which basic function is not only precisely structured, formalized strategic planning, but also the organization of a control system by firm and the mechanism of its separate parts interaction. Herewith it is necessary to provide both development of long-term strategy of competitive struggle, and creation of tools of the organization and management for transformation of this strategy into the current economic and production plans which are the subjects of concrete realization [1, 2].

The concept of strategic management has proved to be a demanded specificity of the economic development direction. The traditional rationalistic approach provided primary definition and the subsequent invariance of the purposes and firm's problems, their stability and compulsion of execution during the certain period. According to such approach the main criterion of firm's success was continuous growth of manufacture, and the basic reserves had intraindustrial character. It transformed firm into a closed system, and as a result has led to crisis of controllability of economic systems and has essentially limited opportunities of their development [3, 4].

Strategic management as actual paradigm of management considers firm as the open system and assumes the search of reserves of increase of competitiveness not only and not so much inside the firm, but mostly outside of it, i.e. the economic success is connected with success of adaptation of firm to dynamic change of economic, social, legal, political, scientific and technical environment [5, 6, 7].

In order to resist successfully to the environment, complexity and speed of decision-making process in firm should correspond to complexity and speed of the changes occurring in this environment. In other words, the organizational mechanism should adapt to revealing new problems and development of new decisions in a greater extent, than to the control over performance of already accepted ones, and maneuver in distribution of resources should be appreciated higher, than punctuality in their expenditure (consumption) [8].

The majority of the above-stated problems at the given stage of economic development cannot be successfully solved without an effective utilization of logistical systems and technologies [9]. It is the logistics that provides such


system organization of communications of firm with subjects of external environment and its internal structure which is able to react adequately, mobile and effectively to the external environment changes with simultaneous internal reorganization of resource potential of firm in its effective competitive potential. Last is the mortgage of steady, long-term competitive development of firm [10].

On top level of this hierarchy there is a mission and corporate strategy of firm on the basis of which are consistently formulated logistical mission - strategy - technology - business-process, etc. [11]. Corporate strategy depending on functional specialization is divided on marketing, industrial, financial and personnel one [12].

There are some classes of corporate strategy: strategy of growth, strategy of "waiting", strategy of "withdrawal", etc. If the company aspires to long-term presence in the market, as a rule it uses strategy of the growth, for example concentrated growth (expansion of assortment of the goods and-or services and expansion of geography of sales), the integrated growth (cooperation and integration with partners on business, creation of holdings, the unions, alliances and so forth), strategy of diversification, etc. [13, 14].

Logistical mission is based, on the one hand, on mission of firm, and with another - on the supervising approach to logistics - the logistical concept which the firm chooses proceeding from the strategic purposes and a condition of business. The most modern and roughly progressing concept now is the concept of the integrated logistics applied by many advanced companies of the world. other logistical concepts it is possible to specify, for example, on marketing, information, concepts of logistics of the added cost, logistics in real time, etc. [15, 16].

Purpose of logistical strategy is support of corporate strategy of the company at management of the basic and accompanying streams with optimum expenses of resources. Among the basic logistical strategies of firm it is possible to specify, for example, strategy of minimization of the general expenses for logistics, strategy of minimization of investments into a logistical infrastructure and strategy of maximization of a degree of quality of logistical service at restrictions on the budget of logistics. Chosen logistical strategy should correspond, on the one hand, to corporate strategy, with another - to be based on the certain concept of logistics. For example, if the company applies corporate strategy of the concentrated growth due to expansion of geography of commodity markets as logistical strategy can be chosen, for example, strategy of minimization of investments into logistical infrastructure with decentralization of distribution of commodity streams and logistical management. The basic directions of such strategy are - use of logistical intermediaries in distribution creation of a network of the regional distribution centers, the decentralized management of logistics in the allocated regions of sales and creation of the distributed information system supporting logistics.

If the firm uses, for example, marketing strategy of minimization of the price of the goods on a concrete segment of the market a natural choice for the company will be strategy of minimization of the general logistical costs [12].

Many leading world companies make accent on strategic logistics which is actually outside the business structure that allows capturing suppliers, intermediaries and customers. The strategic logistics is defined as usage of logistical competence and multichannel partner attitudes for achievement of competitive advantages. It is not easy to establish and support the interorganizational logistical unions which represent borders of LS. The firm possessing the strategic competence, at first charges performance of logistical duties to counterparts, and then carries out own actions with greater accuracy. The effective strategic logistics demands association of actions of the companies with key suppliers of the goods and services in scale of the whole branch [17].

When the logistics has risen on a level of strategy of corporation, integrated logistical managers began to spend less time for internal operations and to prefer dialogue with suppliers, customers and logistical intermediaries.

The companies which possess a high level of logistical competence, use logistics as the competitive weapon for the conquest and maintenance of "adherence" of buyers (consumers). They are more sympathetic, are flexible and betrayed to clients, take more care of results, work more close to suppliers, use more new logistical technologies, are more involved in a strategic management of logistical alliances.

The firms using logistics as a basis of corporate strategy, do much differently. Firstly, they aspire to use logistical competence for reception and deduction of competitive advantage. Secondly, the leading companies aspire to optimize the added cost on a product or service, using profitable system of logistics. And, at last, these firms use all means for achievement of the purpose, form strategic alliances with suppliers, consumers and: logistical


intermediaries. These alliances help firms to achieve the status of exclusive suppliers of products/services.

The modern practice of management is characterized by intensive transition from management of separate logistical functions or operations to management business-processes and as the most adequate objects of introduction of the concept of the integrated logistics [1, 11, 17].

Under logistical business-process they understand the interconnected set of operations and the functions transforming resources of the company at management of commodity and accompanying streams in result, set by logistical strategy of firm or the consumer. This result is usually defined by key factors of logistics:

• The general expenses;

• Logistical costs;

• Time of execution of the order;

• Quality of logistical service;

• Duration of logistical cycles;

• Productivity;

• Efficiency of investments into a logistical infrastructure.

Finally, the platform of hierarchical structure of the logistical company is made with logistical functions and operations, set of which is enough greater and individual (in sense of arrangement of priorities) for each firm. It is necessary to emphasize, that any allocated operation and furthermore function, should be considered and supervised in system of logistical controlling firm from positions of expenses, labor input, time of performance and to be fixed to the corresponding personnel of logistical management of the company.

Problems of logistics in firm cannot be considered in estrangement with the strategic purposes of its business. In this sense it is often used the concept of "mission" defining philosophy of firm in the market of sales.

Thus, mission is the basement which defines all the further strategic and tactical purposes and problems of firm and decisions made on their basis. Development of the international integration of economy has led to the fact that consumers with their set of the expectations generated by the best companies in the world, demand higher quality of the goods and services under the lowest price, fast reaction to their inquiries and direct availability during purchase and use. Firms even more often estimate not only from the point of view of quality of their production and service, but also ability to deliver finished goods in time in small volumes to a direct place of consumption.

The potential of logistics allows realizing purposes of firm within the limits of its mission as it is the strategic factor in conditions of strengthening of a competition. In this plan logistical mission is treated as 6 rules of logistics: maintenance of the necessary product in demanded quantity of the set quality in the necessary place during established time with optimum expenses.

In six rules are reflected features of logistical mission of the organization, from which quality, time and expenses are the key ones. The firm should develop logistical mission that is coordinated with general marketing and industrial strategy. The purpose of logistics in firm should be coordination of material and accompanying streams as bases for achievement of long-term success in business.

Logistical mission should provide to firm system of vision of high quality of its production and service, competitiveness, integration of supplying, industrial and marketing activity, to position it concerning the market and competitors.

Logistical strategy of firm is directed to optimization of resources of the company at management of the basic and accompanying streams. The strategic purposes are set by means of one or several key complex parameters of efficiency of logistics. Logistical strategy can be constructed on the basis of maximization (minimization) one or several (multicriterion problem of optimization) key parameters.

Logistical strategy is a long-term, qualitatively certain direction of development of the logistics, concerning forms and means of its realization in firm, interfunctional and interorganizational coordination and formulated by the maximum management integration of the company according to the corporate purposes.

Logistical strategies are constructed on the basis of minimization/maximization of one key parameter, for example, the general logistical costs, etc. However thus it is necessary for net profit to enter restrictions on other, essential firms from the point of view of strategy, parameters.


For strategy of minimization of the general logistical costs by such parameter (system of parameters) there will be quality of logistical service. Generally, higher the requirement of consumers to quality of logistical service is, higher the logistical costs providing this level should be. Therefore the natural restriction set by corporate strategy, restriction on a base degree of quality of consumer service is. In some cases strategy of minimization of the general logistical costs can be transformed to strategy of maximization of the attitude: a degree of quality of service/general logistical costs. Realization of strategy of minimization of the general logistical costs becomes complicated by weak formalizability of parameters of quality of logistical service and value judgment of quality of service from consumers. The desire to consider the majority of key factors in logistical strategy, obviously, leads to necessity to apply methodology multicriterion optimization. However application of this approach still restrains a number of the reasons connected in basic with insufficient elaboration of the methods and information-program support of such optimization, and also with a high level of uncertainty in LS and stochastic properties of its parameters.

In practical activities enterprise structures face three types of the purposes:

• Ideals: the purposes which are not considered achievable, but suppose approach them both in the scheduled period, and out of its limits;

• The purposes: problems which decision is not achievable within the limits of the scheduled period, but probably later and approach to which is provided within the limits of the given period;

• Problems: the purposes which achievement is provided within the limits of the planned period.

According to the given hierarchy the formulation of the general and private problems of logistics is carried


1. Conceptual idea of logistics: achievement with the least possible expenses in the given conditions of the maximal fitness of firm to changing market conditions, expansion of the market segment and reception of advantages before competitors.

2. An overall aim of logistics: creation of the effective integrated system of functional management of the material, information, financial, personnel and other streams, providing high quality of deliveries of production [4, 5, 18, 19].

3. Particular problems of logistics:

• Maintenance of adequacy material, information, financial, personnel and other streams;

• Dispatching of a material stream and maintenance of the continuous information on it;

• Definition of strategy and technology of physical moving of the goods;

• Development of algorithms of management by operations of goods movement;

• Standardization of container and packing;

• Rationalization of a parity of manufacture, warehousing and transportation;

• Optimization of managerial process by industrial stocks;

• The greatest possible reduction of a storage time and transportation of cargoes.

The logistical system includes: the organizational system which is carrying out communication and coordination of work of subsystems of logistics; the system of computer science providing planning and functioning of an information stream; system of maintenance of physical distribution of a stream of the goods [4, 18].

For successful performance of the certain functions in a control system, a certain structure should correspond to these functions. Hence, in administrative hierarchy of firm it is necessary to provide the logistical divisions headed operating logistics or director on logistics. Following functions of the control and the responsibility are assigned to these logistical structures: production plans and stocks, transport and transportations, a warehouse facilities, sales, performance of orders, warehouse operations in regional warehouses, researches in the field of logistics, perfection of logistical system, supply, economic communications, information.

The logistics in sphere of the reference should carry out following functions.

1. Backbone mechanism. The logistics represents system of effective technologies of maintenance of managerial process by resources. In the narrow sense of the word the logistics forms a control system of movement of goods (formation of economic communications, the organization of movement of production through places of warehousing, formation and regulation of stocks of production, development and the organization of a warehouse facilities).


2. Compensating. Logistical activity is directed on delivery of necessary production in the necessary quantity, to necessary time, in the necessary place with the set quality (condition) at the minimal costs. The logistics aspires to capture all stages of a chain of interaction " supply - manufacture - distribution - transport - consumption ". In other words, it represents algorithm of transformation of need for resources into delivery according to existing demand.

3. Integrating. The logistics provides synchronization of processes of selling, storage and delivery of production with their orientation to the market of means of production and rendering of intermediary services to consumers. It provides the coordination of "target resistance" previous enterprise structure with "entrance resistance" the subsequent by means of a category of economic interests. The logistics allows to carry out transition from private, local extrema to total, general optimization by Pareto.

4. Adjusting. Logistical management of movement of goods is directed on economy of all kinds of resources, reduction of expenses of the alive and substantiated work on joints of various economic branches. In a broad sense operating influence of logistics on economy consists in maintenance of conformity of behavior of a part to interests of the whole. The above resource potential of any subsystem, the more it in the activity should be guided by strategy of system as a whole. Otherwise at excess by a subsystem certain, beforehand set level of autonomy there may appear a danger of destruction of the system.

In the practical plan at the present stage of development of logistical management the logistical approach consists in an establishment of adequacy of information and material streams, definition of technology of optimum moving of resources and the goods, development of standard requirements to quality of the goods and their packing, revealing of the centers of occurrence of losses of time, irrational use material and a manpower, the equipment and premises [4, 5].


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11. Grigoriev M.N., Uvarov S.A., Braila NA. Typology of modern logistics// Символ науки. 2016. № 10-1. С. 3944.

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18. Григорьев М.Н. Современные электронные системы поддержки принятия решений по управлению товарными запасами. - СПб., 2004 - 156с.

19. Григорьев М.Н., Груберт Л.Ю., Иванов В.Н., Писарев С.Б. Информационная система, патент на изобретение RUS 2133508 26.01.1998

© Grigoriev M.N., Uvarov S.A., Braila N.A., 2017

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к.т.н., доцент кафедры Экономики и Менеджмента Российский государственный университет им. А.Н. Косыгина (Технологии. Дизайн. Искусство) (Москва) г. Москва, Российская Федерация



Термин «денежный поток» получил широкое распространение в экономической литературе. Однако, существуют разночтения в формулировке его определения. В статье предпринята попытка систематизации подходов к описанию сущности термина «денежный поток» и предложено его определение с учётом положений ГОСТ Р ИСО 704-2010.

Ключевые слова

Денежные средства, потоковый процесс, высоколиквидный актив, денежный поток

Хозяйственная деятельность любой организации обеспечивается кругооборотом денежных средств -их поступлением и расходованием. В условиях рыночной экономики интерес к исследованиям природы денег, особенностей и закономерностей их движения обусловлен необходимостью поиска доступных организации источников финансирования с обеспечением оптимальной их структуры, рационального размещения средств в соответствующих элементах активов организации, обеспечения ликвидности и её долгосрочной платежеспособности.

Термин «денежный поток» был введен в обиход финансовыми аналитиками зарубежных стран, которые осознали необходимость объективной денежной оценки финансовых результатов деятельности организации, которую не позволяет получить метод начислений. Данный термин начали применять в сфере финансовой математики при количественном анализе финансовых операций организации. Для проведения такого анализа следовало абстрагироваться от экономического содержания каждой финансовой операции и рассматривать движение денежных средств, которое порождается в процессе деятельности организации как числовой ряд, состоящий из последовательности распределенных во времени платежей. Для обозначения

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