Научная статья на тему 'The liquidation of armed anti-soviet formations in Zmiev County of Kharkiv province during the 1920th'

The liquidation of armed anti-soviet formations in Zmiev County of Kharkiv province during the 1920th Текст научной статьи по специальности «История и археология»

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Ключевые слова
Гражданская война в России / Змиевской уезд / антисоветские формирования / The Civil War in Russian / Zmiev County / anti-soviet formations

Аннотация научной статьи по истории и археологии, автор научной работы — Kolovrat-Butenko Yu. A., Zorina N. V.

В этой статье авторы исследовали завершающий этап гражданской войны 1917–1920 годов на Юге бывшей Российской империи. На основе рукописи А. И. Криштопы и других источников введены в научный оборот новые факты о качестве и количестве антисоветских формирований на территории бывшего Змиевского уезда Харьковской губернии, а также освещён ход их ликвидации и окончательное установление советской власти в регионе.

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Ликвидация вооружённых антисоветских формирований в Змиевском уезде Харьковской губернии в 1920-х гг.

In this article the authors have studied the closing stage of The Civil War during 1917–1920 on south territory of the former Russian empire. On the basis of the manuscript of A. I. Krishtopa and other sources new facts about quality and quantity of anti-Soviet formations on the territory of the former Zmiev County of Kharkov province are introduced for scientific use, also the authors present the course of their liquidation and final establishment of Soviet power in the region.

Текст научной работы на тему «The liquidation of armed anti-soviet formations in Zmiev County of Kharkiv province during the 1920th»

УДК 93/94 (477.54) ББК Т63.3(4Укр-4Хар)615


Kolovrat-Butenko Yu. A.

(OrcidID: 0000-0002-3294-3308, ResearcherlD: G-9509-2016) Zmiev Scientific Local Lore Society,

Zorina N. V.

Zmiev lyceum № 1 named after Z.K. Slyusarenko

Коловрат-Бутенко, Ю. А., Зорина Н. В. Ликвидация вооружённых антисоветских формирований в Змиевском уезде Харьковской губернии в 1920-х гг.

Аннотация. В этой статье авторы исследовали завершающий этап гражданской войны 1917-1920 годов на Юге бывшей Российской империи. На основе рукописи А. И. Криштопы и других источников введены в научный оборот новые факты о качестве и количестве антисоветских формирований на территории бывшего Змиевского уезда Харьковской губернии, а также освещён ход их ликвидации и окончательное установление советской власти в регионе.

Ключевые слова: Гражданская война в России, Змиевской уезд, антисоветские формирования.

Kolovrat-Butenko Yu. A., Zorina N. V. The liquidation of armed anti-soviet formations in Zmiev County of Kharkiv province during the 1920th.

Abstract. In this article the authors have studied the closing stage of The Civil War during 1917-1920 on south territory of the former Russian empire. On the basis of the manuscript of A. I. Krishtopa and other sources new facts about quality and quantity of anti-Soviet formations on the territory of the former Zmiev County of Kharkov province are introduced for scientific use, also the authors present the course of their liquidation and final establishment of Soviet power in the region.

Key words: The Civil War in Russian, Zmiev County, anti-soviet formations.

The period of the revolution of the 1917th and The Civil War on territory of the former Russian empire had always been interesting to the researchers, because of its meaningfulness and scale of events of those years. It is important to note that even nowadays the separate topics of The Civil War period are studied limitedly. At The Civil War, as a rule, it is singled out three basic opposing forces: red (supporters of Soviet -public organizations, which took power with armed state putsch), white (all anti-soviet forces, bourgeoisie, some officers, the Cossacks etc.) and green. The last force is poorly explored that is why it makes this work actual and timely.

The green is the generalized name of the irregular, mainly peasant and Cossack armed formations, resisting to foreign interventionists, Bolshevists and

Whiteguards. Moreover, different detachments of the green had different political ideas. But they had something that could unite them - a task to protect their native land from any power, which was trying to stick the line-up, take away bread, mobilize men to the army etc.

One must admit that the movements of the green, separate formations and their leaders are not enough studied and it is conditioned with many of objective factors. First and foremost, probably, it is social

belonging of participants to the «People's armies». So, for example, Whiteguards, losing the armed phase of resistance, had emigrated abroad, where opened out active movements not only in the politics but also in the memorial-literary sphere. The result of it was the publication of numerous memories [7; 8, p. 277-358; 9; 11; 19], histories of regiments of the white army [14; 16; 17], memoirs with a strong analytical constituent (for example, the famous memoirs of A. I. Denikin) etc. On the contrary, soviet power needed fixing of these results, that also influenced on the detailed research of The Civil War, though it was a study from point of the red army [6; 12; 13]. The participants of the green movement, doubtless, semi-literate could not leave such rich memoir legacy. In The Whiteguards literature [16, p. 175], as well as in flashbacks of red army soldiers [18; 20], the green are presented as gangsters.

Unlike The Whiteguards, greater part of the green had left at their places after work-hardening of the soviet power. The policy of «military communism» and, in particular, surplus-appropriation caused another national wave of resistance. It, furthermore, caused total repressions against people who opposed the soviet power.

According to the martirology [27], only on Kharkov province during the period of the 1917s - the first half 1930s about ten thousands of peasants were shot up and exiled in the concentration camps. Besides, greater part of detachments of the green had a local value, whatever sources which would light up activity of one or another formation did not get, as a rule, in central archives.

The mentioned information is almost about the territory of the former Zmiev County of Kharkov province to a full degree. Therefore in local regional works [23; 24; 25; 28; 30] there is a very negligible quantity of information about the folk fuglemen in the period of The Civil War. The purpose of this work is to introduce to the wide scientific public a part of the manuscript of Andrey

Krishtopa, who was the direct participant of liquidation of «the gang of Sova ».

The geographical frames of the work correspond to Zmiev and Chuguev Counties of Kharkov province of Ukrainian Socialistic Soviet Republic. Chronologically this work covers a period of 1920-1921, that is characterized with a final defeat of Whiteguards on the described territory, banditry and with an active development of people's resistance to the soviet power.

It would be unfair not to mention the author of manuscript. Andrey Ivanovich Krishtopa was born in the 1890th in the hamlet of Koropovo (Zmiev County of the Kharkov province). Due to a happy coincidence he got legal education in the Emperor's Kharkov University. According to Nickolay Mironenko, the grandchild nephew of our hero, - a young man was helped by one well-off but childless family, who wished to help the guy from not rich family [26]. After revolution he lived in Kirova Street in the house № 4; also he was appointed the manager of Zmiev legal consultation. In the1937th Krishtopa was arrested, but was released because of insufficiency of proofs [29, p. 22, 40].

The young lawyer started making «a historical portrait» of Zmiev County in the 1925-1926th. At Zmiev regional club (nowadays it is regional House of culture) there also was a local history club. Its members charged to write a small historical essay about the hometown to Andrey Ivanovich. In the 1939th the systematized work was completed and presented by the author to Zmiev middle school № 1 [26].

Unfortunately, during the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945) the manuscript was lost. Then the author wished to recover it and A.I. Krishtopa was so interested in studying of native land that wrote six manuscripts. Now four from them are kept in the museum complex of Zmiev lyceum № 1 named after Z. K. Slyusarenko [2; 3; 4; 5], the fifth (inaccessible because of subjective reasons) - in Zmiev regional museum and,

finally, the sixth [1], presenting most interest for us - in Zmiev County library.

The manuscript is a typescript with author's corrections with an ink pen. There are 123 pages in the manuscript. Moreover, the text had been typed with a printing typewriter by the 1953th, because we can see the thickly strikeout fragments about I. V. Stalin. It is important to note that all works of A.I. Krishtopa may be considered like a compilation, because they contain well-known information. However, this manuscript also contains a lot of personal memories, which present interesting historical facts about the region.

At the beginning of the1960s the author gave the manuscript for depositing in Zmiev County library, where it has been saved up to now. The typewritten folios of this work were sewn and had a typographic cover at the beginning of the 1990s. The pages of manuscript introduce with the activity of socialist-revolutionary Tsyba, who organized anti-soviet resistance in the south volosts of Zmiev County. Spelling and stylistics is saved.

«... In spite of the fact, that in the town and the district there was a lot of work, political gang (Makhno, Sova, Marusya, Kuznetsov, Karachentsev, Dvigun, Tsyba etc.) interfered with creation of economic power of the district, because it was necessary to send the best forces of bolshevists for a fight against these gangs.

The biggest amount of efforts and energy against these gangs was put by the ideal bolshevist Ivan Sergeyevich Lyubchenko, who had seen death many times personally, but due to his good self-possession and resourcefulness he went out well from all dangerous situations, executing a party task exactly. <...>

It is one of the episodes about the activity of this fearless Bolshevist.

In the spring of the 1921st due to crop failure the citizens of the town and the district had awesome food difficulties.

Obviously, Tsyba, socialist-revolutionary1 [3], with the task of soviet people' enemy organized about eight hundred sabres and put them against the party and soviet power in south volosts of Zmiev County.

Certainly, the party sent I. S. Lyubchenko not in an order to persuade the gang, but to produce a secret exploration of its forces and actions. Lyubchenko, an orphan, a hard-working man, made a way in the den of the gang, and seeing that the gang holds meeting, boldly had entered into a center, where the «head of the gang» explained how to fight against the soviet power, especially with socialist-revolutionaries («радянську владу визнаемо, але быьшовиюв не треба»)2 [1, p. 69] and at once demanded to speak. It seems that «commanding», lost their head from a surprise, and Lyubchenko was allowed to speak. His words brought some discord into the gang. Nevertheless, many gangsters required instant death of bold speaker. Hot gangster heads began to grasp

1 Ukrainian Nationalist Party of the left socialist-revolutionaries. Was appeared in May 1918 as a result of schism of Party of the left socialist-revolutionaries. Named after a central board of a party of the newspaper «EopoTb6a». Was supported on the intelligency and average peasants. The leaders: G. Grinko, B. Ellansky (Blakytny), A. Lyubchenko, A. Shumsky. Under the act of changing correlation of social forces this political platform got an evolution -from bourgeois democracy to acceptance of soviet platform.

Ideology always remained on positions of fight for independence of Ukraine. V.I. Lenin considered that for consolidation of forces of the Ukrainian people it is necessary to liquidate the party of socialist-revolutionaries and to admit its best part to the Communist party. The part of socialist-revolutionaries, headed by V. Blakitny, G. Grin'ko, Af. Lyubchenko, A. Shumsky, got self-liquidating of the party and confluence with Communist Party of Ukraine ( Bolshevists). The socialist-revolutionaries' All-Ukrainian conference of March, 20, 1920 made a decision about a selfdismissal and confluence with Communist Party of Ukraine (Bolshevists).The admittance was in an individual order.

2 Ukr.: «Soviet power we accept , but we need not any bolshevists».

at rifles, revolvers, sabres. Other required, that Lyubchenko had to continue his speech. It is needed only to imagine, what force of persuasion sounded from the mouth of Lyubchenko, if he, eventually, persuaded the gang to go home for peaceful work, and ringleader of the band - Tsyba - to go to Zmiev together with him, promising him amnesty from soviet power. Tsyba, indeed, was forgiven by the All-Ukrainian central executive committee. The further fate of this man is unknown» [1, p. 69-71].

In the 1920th the chairman of County military-revolutionary council Lazarev called A. I. Krishtopa, who was the head of the department of justice, and charged to go with a commission of three persons for negotiations with the gang of Sova, which had burned out Lebiazh'e sugar plant not much time before.

Essence of negotiations was a suggestion of soviet power to lay down arms in exchange on complete amnesty. There were A. I. Krishtopa, the commander of the guard company R. A. Kurochka and investigation officer of Zmiev Special Commission Breslavtskv in the commission. Detachment was deployed in Lebiazh'e village of Chuguev County.

The manuscript's author says: «...we did not see Sova in Lebiazh'e (he was at "operation" in Volchansk County). He was replaced by "commandant" Kondratenko. We had negotiations with him which were set aside until the next morning. <...> Finally it was a long-awaited morning. Tea, much sugar, boiled meat and very good wheat bread was brought for us. <...> After twenty minutes there was the "commandant" who offered us to go to the "barracks". <...> On the way in a barrack the "commandant" said all the same, that guys want to see you and listen to everything that you have told me yesterday"» [1, p. 71].

Further description confirms our conjecture about this formation, as about the remain parts of regular army. «In the barrack there were about fifty cavalrymen armed and

dressed in coloured full-dress uniforms and pants of form royal hussar and dragoon» [1, p. 72]. Probably, these were the hussars of Ingermanlandsky regiment, mentioned in the number of the Voluntary army, who came in June, 1919 on Belgorod direction [10, p. 234]. Also the10th cavalry division (staff in Chuguev) was quartered from the XIX century on the territory of Zmiev County. This division consisted also of the 10th Ingermanlandsky regiment of Great Saksen-Veymarn Duke [21], which was born again later in Military Powers of Russia [22, p. 159].

Cavalrymen at first asked those who had arrived to tell about news and last events, and then heard out suggestion of parliamentary. After hot discussions cavalrymen accepted this suggestion and decided to serve in Red Army, what was carried out. Later Sova was forgiven and also served in the army [1, p. 73].

Doubtless, these facts do not fully expose the activity of such fuglemen, as Tsyba and Sova. However, a presence on the places similar sources allows entering of the row of facts in a scientific sphere, which in the future will allow historians to recover the history of green motion in the period of The Civil War 1917-1923 in Russia more properly.

Certainly, we cannot say that these gangs won just in this way. No, certainly. But it could be, because insurgents objected mainly to the economic policy of Soviet power, but could reconcile to other things.



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