Научная статья на тему 'The linguistic aspect behind the changing attitudes towards ‘globalisation’ and ‘deglobalisation’ of economic processes (a case study of the German print media)'

The linguistic aspect behind the changing attitudes towards ‘globalisation’ and ‘deglobalisation’ of economic processes (a case study of the German print media) Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Krivtsova Tatyana F., Kucheryavenko Valentina V.

The study uncovers the attitudes towards globalisation and deglobalisation by studying the language of German print media ranging between 1999 and the present time. The authors provide descriptive interpretations of the two concepts, while focusing primarily on their two underlying aspects: the expansion of corporate activities, and people’s prosperity. In particular, the study looks at the linguistic aspect of the dynamics of media coverage of major company mergers and the subject of the top management’s financial liability. The authors discern some of the major linguistic indicators of the attitudes towards globalisation and deglobalisation, including the use of attributives, often expressed through superlative adjectives, metaphors, allegory, and irony.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The linguistic aspect behind the changing attitudes towards ‘globalisation’ and ‘deglobalisation’ of economic processes (a case study of the German print media)»

The linguistic aspect behind the changing attitudes towards 'globalisation' and 'deglobalisation' of economic processes (a case study of the German print media)

by Tatyana F. Krivtsova and Valentina V. Kucheryavenko

Tatyana F. Krivtsova Lomonosov Moscow State University tatfjod@gmail.com

Valentina V. Kucheryavenko Griboedov Institute of International Law and Economics valentina-ru@yandex.ru Published in Training, Language and Culture Vol 3 Issue 3 (2019) pp. 56-69 doi: 10.29366/2019tlc.3.3.4 Recommended citation format: Krivtsova, T. F., & Kucheryavenko, V. V. (2019). The linguistic aspect behind the changing attitudes towards 'globalisation' and 'deglobalisation' of economic processes (a case study of the German print media). Training, Language and Culture, 3(3), 56-69. doi: 10.29366/2019tlc.3.3.4

The study uncovers the attitudes towards globalisation and deglobalisation by studying the language of German print media ranging between 1999 and the present time. The authors provide descriptive interpretations of the two concepts, while focusing primarily on their two underlying aspects: the expansion of corporate activities, and people's prosperity. In particular, the study looks at the linguistic aspect of the dynamics of media coverage of major company mergers and the subject of the top management's financial liability. The authors discern some of the major linguistic indicators of the attitudes towards globalisation and deglobalisation, including the use of attributives, often expressed through superlative adjectives, metaphors, allegory, and irony.

KEYWORDS: globalisation, deglobalisation, merger, acquisition, mass media, German

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strategy taken up by globally operating companies with a view to create competitive advantages by using favourable locations and the achievements of the Economies of Scale' (Feess et al., 2009, p. 1041). This definition points out the universally impactful outreach of corporate business activity, stressing their global, supranational, worldwide range of operation. While this interpretation is

neutral due to the restraints of the academic style standards, print media texts - such as interviews,


Globalisation is best described as 'a form of

commentaries, notes of explanation and newspaper articles - tend to contain connotations reflecting the authors' attitudes towards the notions described (Boukes et al., 2016, p. 61). This article attempts to show the attitudes towards globalisation and deglobalisation processes by studying the language of print media describing the corresponding notions and related economic realia. The paper analyses German print media publications by renowned journalists, analysts and economists ranging between 1999 and the present time. To better understand the attitudes towards

© Tatyana F. Krivtsova, Valentina V. Kucheryavenko 2019 This content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

study of the German print media) by Tatyana F. Krivtsova and Valentina V. Kucheryavenko

globalisation and deglobalisation, the study provides descriptive interpretations of the concepts at hand, which is also imperative for the purposes of adequate comparison: since the two notions reflect the interconnected processes, one cannot be explained independently of the other. In analysing the examples reflecting the attitudes towards globalisation and deglobalisation in print media texts, this study gives primary attention to the two aspects of this process: the expansion of the company's activities (surpassing the boundaries of a national state) and people's prosperity. In particular, the study will look at the language describing mergers, acquisitions and the liability of the management of large-scale transatlantic companies - topics that hold sway to this day.


The study relies on the continuous sampling of German mass media texts related to the problems of globalisation and deglobalisation and covering the issues of mergers and acquisitions. Contextual and linguistic methods of analysis and interpretation are utilised to establish the linguistic patterns within narrative descriptions and quotes most vividly explicating the attitudes towards globalisation and deglobalisation.


The first step is to consider the positive aspects that characterise the attitudes towards

globalisation and trace the way prominent economists saw its impact. The following passage may serve as an example (hereinafter translated by the authors).

7m Prozess der Globalisierung wird die größte Chance der letzten Jahre gesehen, die Fortschritte der Menschheit bis in die entlegendsten Winkel der Erde zu transponieren und allen Menschen zugute kommen zu lassen' (In the globalisation process we see the greatest chance of the recent years to spread progress to the remotest places of the world and use it to the benefit of all people) (Oster, 2006, p. 1).

This perspective confirms the optimistic expectations regarding the impact of globalisation. The progress (meaning the progress in the real sector of the economy) will embrace the entire world, reach the remotest places of the planet, and serve to the benefit of all people. The positive image of globalisation is created via the superlative adjective the remotest, the pronoun all, and the word combination use to the benefit, while the superlative adjective greatest points to its grandeur.

The prominent economist Ottmar Issing in his policy essay Globalisierung ist nie Gemütlichkeit (Globalisation is Not About Comfort) written for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in 2001 uses the expression 'benedictory

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influence' (segensreiche Wirkungen) to characterise the influence of globalisation on the population's prosperity (Issing, 2001). This choice of words, as applied to the results of the impact attributed to globalisation, is comparable with superlative adjectives in terms of expressiveness, as it was borrowed from the religious rhetoric and compares the impact of globalisation with the manifestation of the actions of supreme forces.

However, even at the outset of globalisation processes, the economists pointed to their probable negative consequences. As globalisation develops and expands, new processes emerge that have a major impact on the economy and inevitably effect other domains of the social life as well. Language of print media bears the imprint of the attitudes towards globalisation processes that have forced large enterprises in the leading industrial states to merge into a transnational concern which plays an important role in the economies of those states. Case in point - the merger of the German Daimler-Benz, the American Chrysler and the Japanese Mitsubishi, which resulted in the appearance in 2001 of 'the most successful and respectable seller of cars, transport products and services' (Kutsche, 2010). The merger was covered amply in the German print media. For example, Rüdiger Jungbluth, a celebrated German journalist, penned an article in the year of the big merger (Jungbluth, 1998), while Dietmar Hawranek and Dirk Kurbjuweit produced

'As globalisation develops and expands, new processes emerge that have a major impact on the economy and inevitably effect other domains of the social life as well'

an award-winning coverage of the 'marriage made in heaven' two years after the event (Hawranek & Kurbjuweit, 2001). This particular piece was praised for exposing globalisation and its pitfalls, and the coverage itself for being exciting (Kaever, 2002). These articles obviously affected public opinion and are, therefore, of interest for the purposes of this analysis.

Notably, as far as the linguistic perspective is concerned, within the media community the upcoming merger was described with an abundant use of superlative adjectives, as in:

"Zum weltweit rentabelsten Auto-Hersteller der Welt fusionieren' (It was expected that after the merger the enterprise would be the most economically viable automobile maker in the world) (Schmitt, 1998).

The next example showcases the adjective furchterregend as used by Daimler's head Jürgen Schrempp. The first component Furcht of the adjective furchterregend can be translated as fear

study of the German print media) by Tatyana F. Krivtsova and Valentina V. Kucheryavenko

or awe, which is why within the general context it may be correlated with the English awe-inspiring rival:

'Wir werden ein furchterregender Wettbewerber sein' (Both enterprises would turn into an awe-inspiring rival) (Jungbluth, 1998).

The merger's scale is emphasised with the metaphors 'marriage made in heaven' (Hochzeit im Himmel), 'the wedlock of the auto giants' (die Ehe zwischen den Autogiganten), 'mega merger' (Megafusion), 'transatlantic dream wedding' (transatlantischer Traumhochzeit), 'a nascent colossus' (der entstehende Koloss). The word colossus borrowed from Greek conjures up associations with a gigantic statue, a formidable figure and possibly even someone from the Ancient Greek pantheon of deities. After almost a decade since the 'marriage made in heaven' took place, the result is summed up:

'Neun gemeinsame Jahre - jetzt ist es endgültig vorbei: Daimler und Chrysler sind geschieden. Das Abenteuer USA hat Daimler fast 40 Milliarden Euro gekostet. Fusionen sind riskant und scheitern meist. Das wusste auch Daimler-Benz-Chef Jürgen Schrempp - doch er wollte es besser machen als alle anderen und schloss sich mit dem US-Automobilkonzern Chrysler zusammen. Es war die erste deutsch-amerikanische Großfusion. Und sie endete als gigantischer Flop' (Daimler-Chrysler: a

hell of a marriage. Nine years spent together - this is finally a fact of the past: Daimler and Chrysler broke up. The American adventure cost Daimler almost 40 billion euro. The mergers are risky and often result in a failure. Daimler-Benz head Jürgen Schrempp was aware of that, yet he wanted to do it better than the others and joined forces with the Chrysler automobile concern. That was the first major German-American merger. However, it ended in a great breakdown) (Gammelin, 2010).

The quoted text demonstrates the change in the assessment of the 'marriage'. Now it is referred to as a costly, if not loss-making, American adventure, or a giant breakdown. The marriage that started with the wedlock of automobile giants, as portrayed nine years ago, has finally ended in a great breakdown, the authors observe. The adverb finally implies that the 'divorce' was predictable and the marriage was not a happy one. Thus, the assessment of the 'wedding' changes to the opposite - a transatlantic dream wedding turns into the hell of a marriage and a great breakdown. It may well be supposed that coming down to earth will be accompanied with a bump.

As far as the collapse of the Daimler-Chrysler concern goes, when reporting about it, the authors use stylistic means, primarily attributives, to characterise the scale of the bankruptcy - 'a gigantic failure' (Gigantischer Flop) - with the attitude to the event being defined as 'a hell of a

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marriage' (Hochzeit des Grauens).

Notably, Mercedes employees were concerned lest people should find out that Mercedes was equipped with the Chrysler and Mitsubishi parts, with the colloquial emotionally-charged 'primal fear' (Heidenangst) being used to reflect the feeling of dread. Further in the article the author utilises irony comparing the merger to a wedding when the future spouse says, 'Ich heirate dich, aber du darfst mich nicht anfassen' (We are going to marry but you must not touch me) (Gammelin, 2010).

A big merger such as this one was sure to attract the attention of mass media: the event itself and its protagonist are emblematic and, in a way, symbolise a certain stage of economic development, which is why it can be beneficial to look into the language used by the main actor in the merger, the head of Daimler Jürgen Schrempp. Notably, the purpose here is purely to analyse the language means used by the article's author in describing Mr Schrempp, as it was him who fulfilled one of the most large-scale mergers and is therefore a symbolic figure of the mergers and acquisitions era. To create Schrempp's image, Jungbluth (1998) uses the metaphor 'a genius architect of the concerns' (genialer Konzernarchitekt), and a comparison with the Ancient Greek heroes suggesting that 'Schrempp took a Herculean task upon himself for the next

years' (eine Herkulesaufgabe hat er sich für die nächsten Jahre aufgeladen). While these two comparisons could be stylistically attributed to the domain of literary language use, expressions such as superstar, macho manager, or a Rambo heading the flagship of German industry come from show business and the movies starring Silvester Stallone.

Schrempp's quotes are also a valid object for the analysis as a person's characteristics stand out more comprehensively through the language they use. For example, by quoting Schrempp as stating that Daimpler-Benz needed him more than he need it, the author utilises the full quote followed by the response to that statement in mass media. A full quote seems to be the best option to give assessment to a character based on their own statement, an assessment that was clearly explicated through linguistic evaluations such as 'exorbitant self-glorification' (grenzenlose Selbstüberschätzung) and 'the arrogance of someone who has risen too high and too fast' (die Hybris eines zu hoch und zu schnell Aufgestiegenen). Schrempp also wishes to see himself 'an absolutely ordinary guy' (ganz normalen Jungen), but the author slips out that the character himself 'does not believe that' (aber das glaubt er selbst nicht). The author comes to the conclusion:

'Er ist kein Intellektueller und auch kein kalter Kapitalist, vielmehr ein lebensfroher und offener

study of the German print media) by Tatyana F. Krivtsova and Valentina V. Kucheryavenko

Typ, der vor Energie zu platzen scheint. Ein kettenrauchender Macher, immer unter Strom, vom Ehrgeiz getrieben' (He is no intellectual but no cold-blooded capitalist either, he is much more of a cheerful and easy-going bloke, bursting with energy. He is a chain-smoker macho, always under pressure, moved by ambition) (Jungbluth, 1998).

The authors of the 2001 article write of Schrempp that 'he emits an aggressive spirit' (Er sprüht vor Angriffslust) (Hawranek & Kurbjuweit, 2001). And further:

'Er ist laut, angriffslustig, ist Boxer, Bulle, Cowboy, alles gleichzeitig und im Wechsel. Seine Schultern schwingen, links, rechts, links, als wolle er die Fragen abfedern. Er lacht, er grinst, er hat so viel Spaß, Jürgen E. Schrempp zu sein, Chef von Europas größtem Konzern' (He is loud-voiced, aggressive, a boxer, a bull, a cowboy, this all is present in him concurrently and flows into one another. His shoulders surge to the left, to the right, to the left, as if he wants to shake off the questions. He laughs, grins, he is so much enjoying being Jürgen E. Schrempp, the chief of Europe's largest concern) (Hawranek & Kurbjuweit, 2001).

Süddeutsche Zeitung quotes Business Week that referred to Schrempp as 'the bulldozer of DaimlerBenz' (Der Bulldozer von Daimler-Benz) (Gammelin, 2010). In this case, a bulldozer is

symbol incorporating all of Schrempp's key features, along with the three adverbs used to describe the impression of Schrempp's statement when he was announcing the companies' merger: 'too exaggerated, too loud, too boastful' (zu groß, zu laut, zu prahlerisch), with the particle too emphasising the exaggerated nature of Mr Schrempp's statement in terms of form and content. Jungbluth's article ends with the remark:

'Und wenn er dann noch von der Firmenhochzeit spricht als Ehe, wie im Himmel geschlossen wird, dann beschleicht einen das Gefühl, hier hebt einer ab' (And when he speaks of the concerns' wedding as of the marriage made in heaven, then the listeners start having a feeling that someone has ground slipping away from under their feet) (Jungbluth, 1998).

The article came out the year the 'concerns wed'. And it was the same year that Jungbluth in the last remark of his article about the marriage made in heaven metaphorically predicted the career collapse for Schrempp, who, in his opinion, had lost touch with reality. The author's thought prompts a conclusion that coming down to reality may be something of a rude awakening.

In Schrempp's image, the positive connotations characteristic of his image in the period of the concerns' merger were replaced with the opposite ones, with the attributives being mostly superlative

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'Language of print media bears the imprint of the attitudes towards globalisation processes that have forced large enterprises in the leading industrial states to merge into a transnational concern which plays an important role in the economies of those states'

ones: 'the worst manager of the year' (der schlechteste Manager des Jahres), 'the biggest capital killer of all times' (der größte Kapitalvernichter aller Zeiten), 'whipping boy' (Prügelknabe) (Ramge, 2007). Characterising Schrempp's manner of actions, the authors use the particle 'too' (zu) and it was the same pattern that was used to describe Schrempp's actions before the collapse, with the same negative connotations: 'too loud' (zu laut), 'too pushy' (zu aufdringlich). The authors of the article point out that he has a penchant for exaggeration:

'Zu laut hatte er große Erfolge angekündigt. Zu weit hatte er auf Hauptversammlungen die Arme ausgebreitet, um für seine Global-Visionen zu werben. Zu aufdringlich hatte er sein Ego in der ersten Reihe platziert' (He ushered in the great successes too loud, stretched his arms too wide at the general shareholder meetings when advertising his global vision and positioned his Ego in the first

row in too pushy a way) (Ramge, 2007).

The coverage by Hawranek and Kurbjuweit (2001) contains stylistic techniques which are not common for the average texts of that genre. It describes a service in the basilica of Saint Peter's Cathedral in Rome, where Mozart's Requiem is performed by celebrity artists and a star is shining above all that, however not the Bethlehem star as is normally the case in a church, but the one from Stuttgart. Daimpler-Chrysler sponsored the premiere of Mozart's The Requiem. This description contains an allusion to the Bible. The Mercedes star replaces the Bethlehem star. That S-class service was sponsored by Daimpler-Chrysler. The S-class service is also an example of an allusion to the S-class Mercedes. The authors call this service a symbol of omnipresence of DaimlerChrysler. Omnipresence (Allgegenwart) is a yet another allusion to the Bible.

Along with allusion, the authors utilise allegory. Thus, in 2000 even a question about the stock rate was not able to prevent Schrempp from enjoying his Cohiba cigars (Im Frühsommer 2000 konnte ihm nicht einmal die Frage nach dem Aktienkurs den Genuss seiner Cohiba verleiden). The theme of cigars appears again when the situation with the concern worsens. Then Schrempp constantly chain-smokes thin cigarillos and is always running out of them (Schrempp raucht dünne Zigarillos, und die gehen ständig aus). In this case, the

study of the German print media) by Tatyana F. Krivtsova and Valentina V. Kucheryavenko

authors readdress the theme of cigar, but in a different situation, thus pointing out to the recent changes (undesirable for Schrempp).

Mergers and acquisitions in the era of globalisation get much attention in academic literature, which can be explained by the highly pressing problem of transnational companies. More often than not, the mergers of major concerns have resulted in a failure, in a loss of thousands of jobs, and exorbitantly huge severance pays for bosses of bankrupt enterprises. At one of the symposiums on the subject, Thomas Minder said that it was not only bank and insurance companies' managers who personally benefited in the case of merger and acquisition deals. Daimler, Siemens and Novartis, as well as other major industrial companies all have displayed such excesses and enrichments (Auch bei Daimler, Siemens und Novartis und vielen weiteren Industriegesellschaften finden wir solche Exzesse und Bereicherungen) (Müller, 2009). Thus, Mr Minder speaks not just about enrichment, but the egregious examples of the enrichment of industrial concern managers.

The study will further on suggest some more examples of the language explicating the attitudes towards the large-scale concern mergers, to the role of top managers in the operation of transnational concerns, and to the prospects of economic development in defiance of the

financial liability principle.

'Vor allem auf der Ebene der grossen börsenotierten Unternehmen gab es Beispiele eklatanten Versagens. Das Spektrum reichte von einer unverantwortlichen

Selbstbedienungsmentalität bis hin zu regelrechten Missbrauchstatbeständen. Das Fatale hieran ist, dass das Fehlverhalten einiger weniger TopManager auf alle rechtschaffenden Unternehmer und Manager übertragen wird. Damit nicht genug: das Handeln der schwarzen Schafe wird der sozialen Marktwirtschaft selbst angelastet. Das liegt auch daran, weil die öffentliche Wahrnehmung einseitig von nicht haftenden Manager-Unternehmern vor allem der grossen DAX-Konzerne dominiert wird. Vergessen wird darueber, dass weit über 90% der deutschen Firmenlenker vollhaftende EigentümerUnternehmer sind' (First of all, there are examples of eye-catching failures at the level of major publically traded companies. They ranged from the mentality of irresponsible self-service to the facts of real abuses. The fatality of that all is that the vicious behaviour of few managers is now attributed to all the managers and entrepreneurs working in the legal field. And there is more to it. The very social market economy is accused of actions of the 'black sheep'. This is explained by the fact the perception of society is one-sidedly dominated by the image of manager-entrepreneur who bears no financial liability, first and foremost,

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the managers of DAX concerns. But what is forgotten is that over 90% of companies' heads are company proprietors) (Schulhoff, 2009, p. 14).

In this statement, which we are quoting in full, the lexemes chosen by the author to characterise the activities of the managers of large transnational companies are marked with distinctly negative connotations. Those lexemes include the French borrowing 'eklatant' preceding the word 'Vorsagen' (failure, breakdown). Further in the text we have the word combination 'the mentality of irresponsible self-service', which is a clear case of irony. 'The mentality of irresponsible self-service' is nothing else but stealing. The range of the managers' 'sins' starts with the mentality-ingrained habit to use the company's finance for personal purposes and ends with blatant examples of one's position's abuse. The component of the lexeme Missbrauchstatbestand (Tatbestand)' is a legal term, so in this case the legal language is utilised. The statement starts with irony and finishes with a legal term (the fact of abuse).

The next example speaks of the self-purification in the economy:

Wer hier auf die Selbstreinigungskrafte der Wirtschaft vertraut, verschiebt das Thema auf den Sankt Nimmerleinstag' (They who rely on the forces of self-purification in the economy, postpones the issue until the cows come home)

(Schulhoff, 2009, p. 15).

This statement used the colloquial Sankt Nimmerleinstag which translates as put off until a day that will never come, postpone infinitely, i.e. it contains a relatively pessimistic forecast regarding the changes in the liability culture of the major companies' management. Köster (2009) sees the way out in the return to the basics of social market economy:

"Soll uns das Aufwachen aus dem Dornröschenschlaf nicht eines Tages böse erwischen, müssen wir uns endlich rückbesinnen auf die Grundlagen unserer Marktwirtschaft und sie konsequent zum Tragen bringen' (To prevent ourselves from being taken unawares after waking up from the Sleeping Beauty dream, we should go back to the basics of our market economy and make them work) (Köster, 2009).

The Sleeping Beauty here is an allegoric figure characterising the contemporary state of society that does not see danger in departing from the principles of social market economy. The result of the liability principles violation is summarised by Prof Schulhoff:

'Das Fehlen bzw. das Nichtanwenden jeglicher Haftungstatbestaende brachte für einen Teil unserer wirtschaftlichen Eliten eine beneidenswerte Ausgangsposition mit sich, eine

study of the German print media) by Tatyana F. Krivtsova and Valentina V. Kucheryavenko

'More often than not, the mergers of major concerns have resulted in a failure, in a loss of thousands of jobs, and exorbitantly huge severance pays for bosses of bankrupt enterprises'

Ausgangslage, die jeden gewöhnlichen Hinterzimmerzocker vor Neid erblassen laesst: Mitspielen und nur gewinnen, den Verlust tragen andere, was übrig bleibt, wird sozialisiert. Wohin uns das geführt hat, wissen wir; ich will das hier nicht näher ausführen' (Their absence and nonimplementation have put a part of our economic elite in an envious starting position, in a situation where any small-time profiteer would go green with envy: to play and only win, let others pay for the loss and the remaining debt be socialised. We know where this has taken us; I shall not labour the point further) (Schulhoff, 2009, p. 14).

Prof Schulhoff likens an ordinary profiteer, living cooped up in a tiny room behind the counter, to a part of the economic elite. The relations between these two extremes are defined by one word -envy, and an envy so strong that it makes one go green. The envy can be explained by the fact that a representative of the elite, unlike a petty profiteer, only wins, no matter how successfully or unsuccessfully they play. Their loss, unlike a petty

profiteer's loss, does not get socialised. The words about the socialisation of the loss are followed by a short remark suggesting that 'we know where this has taken us'. This comment contains no comparisons, legal terms and even complicated words, yet it startles us with its brevity. It states a fact of life (we do know where this has taken us). The author does not wish to elaborate on this sensitive subject for the German society in a circle of people who are aware of the state of things ('we know').

The Neue Zürcher Zeitung reports about the similar problems of Swiss banks (Fischer, 2017). The financial crisis has shown that the managers of major banks have demonstrated 'a reckless joy of risk' (unbedachte Risikofreude) and 'a criminal behaviour' (kriminelles Fehlverhalten). An exorbitant level of bonuses is also mentioned in the headline of the article (masslose Boni-Kultur). The article came out in 2017, yet the attributives (exorbitant, reckless, criminal) could have been applicable to the DAimpler-Chrysler merger.

As globalisation processes evolve, the downsides predicted by some economists back at their onset stages are becoming increasingly palpable. Based on the events in the world of finances and economy, one could, perhaps, imagine such an associative flow: globalisation, financialisation, hedge funds, mortgages, toxic securities, bankruptcy, global financial and the economic

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crisis. The list of the negative sides to globalisation is dominated by the lexemes which, coupled with economic terms characterising the state of economy, are depicting reality in gloomy shades: reduction, slowdown, breakdown, decline, slump. The lexeme growth, when used with the unemployment, is a yet another element creating the negative image of globalisation. An important role in conveying negative attitudes towards globalisation in the German print media is played by attributives, such as 'enormous' (enorm), 'uncontrollable' (unaufhaltsam), 'inevitable' (unweigerlich), 'unjust' (ungerecht), 'pointless' (sinnlos), 'oppressive' (deprimierend).

Former Federal Chancellor Helmut Schmidt compared the financial markets of the globalisation era with a monster (Schmidt, 2007). Professor Niko Paech called globalisation 'irresponsible' (verantwortungslos) and 'vulnerable' (verwundbar) (Paech, 2019). An article devoted to the results of the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre quotes a renowned third world economist Walden Bello, who believes that a historic chance has arrived to further weaken the hierarchical, undemocratic institutions such as the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO (Dilger, 2001). The negative attitude to the typical institutes of globalisation era is expressed through the words 'hierarchical' and 'undemocratic'. In the context of Bello's statement, the lexeme 'hierarchical' has a negative connotation, as he is talking about the

'The concept of deglobalisation includes such traits as orientation towards national markets and allies in the economic region, the visibility of interconnections among business entities, and ensuring democratic control over their activities '

stale, hierarchically structured, bureaucratic financial institutions, highly influential yet hardly controllable. Bello calls deglobalisation an alternative to globalisation, speaks of the decrease of dependence of national economies from such processes and of the development of national economies oriented towards domestic and regional market. Deglobalisation is not an aspiration for autarchy and breaking up with international markets. The concept of deglobalisation includes such traits as orientation towards national markets and allies in the economic region, the visibility of interconnections among business entities, and ensuring democratic control over their activities (Dilger, 2001). Some authors refer to the process of deglobalisation as 'Entglobalisierung'. The prefix de- is borrowed from Latin, while ent- is a German one, yet both prefixes mean departure, removal, withdrawal.

The attitude towards globalisation is controversial. Some economists warn about the possible

study of the German print media) by Tatyana F. Krivtsova and Valentina V. Kucheryavenko

'The postulation of the positions of deglobalisation as the negation of globalisation may be based on the opposition, too: declining prosperity — growing prosperity, production slowdown —production growth, establishment of supranational connections — rupture of supranational economic interlacing, etc.'

unpredictable consequences, as in "Auch die Entglobalisierung produziert Verlierer' (Deglobalisation will have its losers, too) (Schaffner, 2017), or 'Vorsicht, EntglobalisierungI' (Watch Out, Deglobalisation!) (Müller, 2009). In listing the characteristic features of globalisation, it is important to mention the essential properties of this concept such as justice, security, solidarity, protection of own national state. These properties are different form the features normally used to characterise the notion of globalisation in that they do not belong to the economic vocabulary which shows the shift in the systems of values towards moral and legal aspects. The difference between globalisation and deglobalisation manifests itself in the attributives 'local' and 'regional', instead of 'world economic' (weltwirtschaftlich), supranational

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(grenzüberschreitend), 'globally operating concerns' (weltweit operierende Konzerne) and 'domestic producers' (heimische Produzenten). The postulation of the positions of deglobalisation as the negation of globalisation may be based on the opposition, too: declining prosperity - growing prosperity, production slowdown - production growth, establishment of supranational connections - rupture of supranational economic interlacing, etc. The same trend towards counter-position can be traced on the level of attributives: 'supranational' and 'transnational' are replaced with 'national', 'regional' and 'local'.


The article looked into the language explicating the attitudes towards globalisation and deglobalisation in the German mass media, and highlighted the shift from the positive or reserved to negative stances. The global nature of the processes is emphasised by the attributives, such as 'worldwide', 'all-embracing', 'reaching the remotest corners of the world', 'supranational', 'boundless'. The expected positive effects of globalisation are indicated by words and word combinations, such as 'benedictory', 'spread prosperity', etc. One of the consequences of globalisation was the emergence of transnational concerns. Such mergers and their architects were often discussed in mass media, as exemplified by the 'wedding of the giants' Daimpler-Chrysler, spearheaded by the head of Daimler-Benz Jürgen

Volume 3 Issue 3, 2019


Schrempp. The marriage made in heaven was described using the superlative adjectives, expressive vocabulary, comparisons and metaphors. Along with the topics of mergers and acquisitions, the subjects for discussion include exorbitant pays of managers in large-scale joint-

stock companies and transnational concerns. The process of globalisation associated with the process of mergers and acquisitions, the earnings of managers bearing no liability for the results of their actions have received a distinctly negative assessment.


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