Научная статья на тему 'The language picture of the world in modern linguistics'

The language picture of the world in modern linguistics Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Shusharina Galina Alexeyevna

The article investigates the understanding of the term «language picture of the world» in modern Russian and foreign linguistics. The author points to classical theories of it and the latest researches concerning different languages.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The language picture of the world in modern linguistics»



УДК 801.73

Shusharina Galina Alexeyevna

PhD in Linguistics, assistant professor KnASTU, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, RF E-mail: Galinalmk@yandex.ru



The article investigates the understanding of the term «language picture of the world» in modern Russian and foreign linguistics. The author points to classical theories of it and the latest researches concerning different languages.


Language picture of the world, concept, perception of the world.

The concept of "world view" is widely developed in the writings of G.V. Kolshansky, Y.N. Karaulov, G.A. Brutyan, N.I. Sukalenko and others. For the first time the idea of the existence of the special language worldview was expressed by Humboldt in his book about the inner form of the language and the spirit of the people. He wrote, «Languages are different nation bodies for their original thinking and perception» [4].

The term «picture of the world» was introduced by Ludwig Wittgenstein, but into semiotics it came from works of the German scientist Leo Weisgerber.

The study of a language picture of the world is among the priorities of modern linguistics. This problem combines different directions.

Ethnolinguistic research has gained substantial popularity over the last two decades. A leading metaphor for the focus of these research efforts is that of the «linguistic picture of the world». The visual metaphor of pictures implies that speakers can step out of the world and view (and name) it from outside. Hence, the researchers discuss two problematic consequences of this metaphor. Firstly, the detachment of language from the world of activities of which it is part leads to the adoption of a cognitivist model of linguistic meaning as a separate stream of communication. Such a model is inconsistent with the experienced transparency of language in everyday life. Secondly, the detachment of language from life supports the use of 'timeless' methods, the study of words outside of their situation (if not out of their 'context') of use [10].

Scholars of modern linguistics of Tomsk State University headed by Professor Z.I. Rezanova formulated the concept of a discursive view of the world, which is presented in a series of monographs. The researches remodel Russian language picture of the world and its varieties: folk picture of the world, metaphorical, scientific, and others. The problem of variability of Russian picture of the world considers representatives of different personal linguistic areas. Thus, the present cultural linguistics studies the functional options of linguistic forms incarnation into cultures, especially regional and subculture [2, p. 112].

A.A. Vorozhbitova, G.I. Issina substantiate and disclose the category of «Linguistic and rhetorical (LR) picture of the world», which is postulated as a universal of discursive level. Its principles of rhetorical hierarchization of value judgments, generated from linguistic units at different levels, forms the basic discourse-universe of ethnocultural and educational space in which a collective linguistic identity of a particular ethnic group operates and develops. In the process of intercultural communication the overlap of LR pictures of the world of all languages' representatives occurs; the understanding takes place on the basis of integrated essential features, universal core of value hierarchy (achieving of communicative effect), distinctive features are becoming the determinants of different types of barriers (private manifestations of communication failure)[9, p. 156].


The language plays an important role in the perception of the world, so there is a concept of the picture of the world in linguistics. Linguistic picture of the world is an integral part of a coherent picture of the world that is not chaotic, but strictly organized system, which allows looking at the world from different perspectives.

Linguistic picture of the world is the division of the world and the consolidation of this division primarily by verbal means of the natural language. Interpretation of the world is carried out by separate entities that are different from each other, so the researchers (Gurevich, Wierzbicka, Apresyan, Telia, Arutyunova) recognize that the linguistic picture of the world reflects particular national-spiritual activities of the people.

Y.D. Apresyan emphasized the pre-scientific nature of linguistic picture of the world, calling it naive picture. It «reflects the material and spiritual experience of the people» [1]. In addition, it may be specific in two ways. Firstly, a naive view of the world can be strikingly different from the logical, scientific picture of the world that is shared by people who speak very different languages. Secondly, the naive view of the world, extracted by analyzing the meanings of words from different languages in the details may be different from each other, while the scientific world does not depend on the language in which it is described [1].

Speaking of linguistic picture of the world, linguists usually involve the lexical level. Understanding the picture of the world as «a specific means of representation of the value of the language», A.B. Mikhalev highlights several layers of linguistic picture of the world, namely: 1) phonetic; 2) paremic (proverbs, sayings, phraseological expressions); 3) grammatical, or categorical; 4) discourse, or situational [6]. That consideration of linguistic picture of the world as a multilayer formation adequately reflects the different aspects of language consciousness and stages of its development.

As human knowledge of the world is not free of mistakes and errors, its conceptual view of the world changes over time, whereas linguistic picture of the world, according to V.A. Maslova, bears traces of mistakes and error for a long time [5]. However, as indicated by V.B. Kasevich and E.A. Filippenko, the world encoded by means of the language semantics may eventually be provided in varying degrees. Changing linguistic picture of the world may result from rethinking words because of the development of public relations; of the development of science and technology; of cultural contacts of languages, their interaction and the borrowing of lexical units.

In recent years, many researchers consider concepts as the minimum units of linguistic picture of the world. However, according to Yu. L. Vorotnikov, this approach to the description of the picture of the world is doubtful: «First, every word of the language is the name of the so-understood concept. Therefore, we have to admit that the number of elements of a language picture of the world is the number of words of the language. Secondly, the concepts vary greatly in their complexity (The concepts of «soul» and «apple»). In addition, between different concepts exist unequal power relations such as «whole - part» and others» [3].

There exists a vast variety of the concept researches. For example, Badrutdinova L. A., Ziatdinova G. I. deal with the Tatar language and the Tatar language picture of the world. The scientists point to the fact that the objective reality is reflected in our consciousness in concepts, and concepts are put into words. The content of concepts as forms of knowledge of objective reality is identical to all people irrespective of, what language they speak. However, ways of verbal expression of concepts of different languages are not identical: for expression of the same concepts different images symbols can be used. For example, needle's ear (in Tatar language - инэ KY3e) - needle eye; shovels - арка калагы - back of spoon. Various languages not simply differently designate the same subject, and reflect different visions of this subject, i.e. national vision of the world [8, p. 24].

O.V. Chibisova conducts a cross-cultural study of linguocultural concept «mother» in terms of intercultural communication. The researcher analyses entries and sayings, representing universal language tools and offering a large amount of valuable national and cultural information. The deepening cooperation with China highlights the research of Chinese mentality and culture. Knowledge of universal and national-specific characteristics of this concept in Chinese and Russian linguocultures help the contacting parties avoid misunderstanding and conflicts related to the field of marriage and family relations [7, p. 311].

Therefore, the problem of studying linguistic picture of the world is closely linked with the problem of the world picture, which shows the specificity of the man and his life, his relationship with the world, the conditions of its existence. Linguistic picture of the world explicates different picture of the world of man and shows an overall picture of the world.



ISSN 2410-700Х


1. Апресян Ю.Д. Лексическая семантика. Синонимические средства языка. - М.: Наука, 1974. - 251 c.

2. Башкова И.В. Творческая языковая личность и вариативность русской языковой картины мира // Вестник ТГПУ, 2015. №4 (157). С.112-116.

3. Воротников Ю.Л. Языковая картина мира как лингвистическая категория // Международная научная конференция «Язык и Культура», Москва, 14.09. 2001г. - 17.09.2001г.

4. Гумбольдт В. Язык и философия культуры. - М., 1985.

5. Маслова В.А. Лингвокультурология. - М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2001. - 208 c.

6. Михалев А.Б. Слои языковой картины мира // Международная научная конференция «Язык и Культура», Москва, 14.09.-17.09.2001г.

7. Чибисова О.В. Семантическое пространство концепта «мать» в русской и китайской лингвокультурах // Успехи современного естествознания. 2015. №1-2. С. 311-315.

8. Badrutdinova L. A., Ziatdinova G. I. To the question of national language picture of the world // Science time. 2014. № 12 (12). Pp. 24-26.

9. Vorozhbitova А.А., Issina G. I. Linguistic and rhetorical picture of the world of collective linguistic personality as the basic discourse-universe of ethnocultural and educational space // European Researcher. 2014. Vol. (67). № 1-2. Pp.156-162.

10.Zinken, J. Linguistic pictures of the world or language in the world? Metaphors and methods in ethnolinguistic research // http://eprints.port.ac.uk/4231/1/Zinken_(2008)_Language_in_the_world_.pdf

© Г.А. Шушарина, 2016

УДК 81'33

Бондарь Анастасия Сергеевна

студентка кафедры лингвистического образования ИТА ЮФУ,

г. Таганрог, РФ E-mail: anastasiabondar2010@mail.ru Научный руководитель: Каширина Наталья Алексеевна доцент кафедры лингвистического образования ИТА ЮФУ,

г. Таганрог, РФ



Статья посвящена исследованию функционирования усечений в текстах современных американских средств массовой информации. Раскрыто понятие термина "усечение". Особое внимание уделено сравнению частотности употребления усечений в печатных изданиях разного типа. На основе анализа усечений в газетных и журнальных статьях определены основные функции усечений в текстах современных СМИ.

Ключевые слова

Средства массовой информации; усечения; солидные, демократичные и "желтые" издания; хрестоматийные

усечения; воздействие на читателя.

В настоящее время средства массовой информации играют огромную роль в жизни общества. Они служат как для информирования людей, так и для оказания воздействия на читателя. Стремление к усилению экспрессивности речи и стремление к упрощению языковых форм приводит к возникновению все новых лексических единиц. Одной из таких единиц является усечение. В толковом словаре иностранных слов Л.П.Крысина [1] усечение (апокопа) определяется как отпадение

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