Научная статья на тему 'The labor market in modern Russia in the era of digital economy'

The labor market in modern Russia in the era of digital economy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Fedyaeva O.A., Obukhova L.Yu.

The article discusses the features of the labor market in modern Russia, it’s structure and availability of vacancies; analyzes the correlation between the size of the city and the level of people’s income (the larger the city the higher the rate of remuneration).Furthermore, the study reviews the chances of optimizing and adapting of the human resources market in Russia to the era of scientific and technological progress and digital economy. It also shows that the government supports the idea of widespread introduction of innovative technologies and stimulates the population to retraining, as well as additional training in the field of computer literacy and other most popular spheres. The profile of the “employee of the future ” is presented according to HR specialists requirements as a highly flexible person ready for retraining, able to respond quickly to socio-economic challenges, able to work in a team, assess risks and build new models. The article concludes that digitalization ,as well as scientific and technological progress give a powerful impetus to the development of the economy.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The labor market in modern Russia in the era of digital economy»

UDC: 331.08



Fedyaeva O.A., student Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

E-mail: olesia.fedyaewa@yandex.ru Supervisor: Obukhova L.Yu., Senior teacher Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

E-mail: lora.yur@mail.ru

Abstract. The article discusses the features of the labor market in modern Russia, it's structure and availability of vacancies; analyzes the correlation between the size of the city and the level of people's income (the larger the city - the higher the rate of remuneration).Furthermore, the study reviews the chances of optimizing and adapting of the human resources market in Russia to the era of scientific and technological progress and digital economy. It also shows that the government supports the idea of widespread introduction of innovative technologies and stimulates the population to retraining, as well as additional training in the field of computer literacy and other most popular spheres. The profile of the "employee of the future " is presented according to HR specialists requirements as a highly flexible person ready for retraining, able to respond quickly to socio-economic challenges, able to work in a team, assess risks and build new models. The article concludes that digitalization ,as well as scientific and technological progress give a powerful impetus to the development of the economy.

Keywords: scientific and technological progress, digital economy, labor market, vacancy, unemployment.


Modern society is on the threshold of a new era in its development - the fourth industrial revolution, which is characterized by the mass introduction of cyberphysical systems into production, the use of quantum systems, the implementation of protected teleportation channels, the creation of the Internet of things. All spheres of social life - economic, political systems, technological production, living environment and labor market-will undergo transformation. The labor market in the new system is given a special place, as significant changes in its structure and composition are expected. Due to global digitalization, some professions that have existed in the labor market for several centuries will die. Consequently, there is a risk of a significant increase in the unemployment rate. According to the forecast of the Global Institute Mspefor2036, there may be up to 50% of the automated work, and by 2066 it may have achieved 99% [2, p. 58].

Over the past years, the Russian labor market has not undergone significant changes. The unemployment rate for November 2018was 4.5% [13].


Today the Russians are offered more than 1274638 vacancies in various types of activity. In October 2018, the largest numbers of vacancies were proposed to the owners of the Manager qualification.

According to the 'City of Works' site, the average salary of the Russians for November 2017 -October 2018 accounted for34590 rubles (table 1) [11].

Table 1. Average salary in Russia, RUB

Month Average salary in Russia, RUB.

November 2017 32441

December 2017 31979

January 2018 32837

February 2018 33658

March 2018 33427

April 2018 35045

May 2018 34609

June 2018 34354

July 2018 33691

August 2018 33867

September 2018 35494

October 2018 35530

In August 23-30, Levada center conducted a sociological survey, which was aimed at identifying the factors hampering the Russians to be happy. According to the findings of the study, more than

half of the respondents are not satisfied with their

As a rule, the wage level keeps the ratio - the larger the city-the higher the salary. According to the Mosgorstat, the average monthly salary in Moscow is approximately RUB 81841, while the average monthly salary in Tambov is only RUB 24900. Similarly, the price of the consumer basket in Moscow is around RUB 4887.04, while the average in Russia it is lower - RUB 3969.88.The statistics proves, that the situation on the labor market is not perfect; however, employers offer a large number of vacancies. Starting from 2018, the Russian state statistics service conducted a sample study of the labor force in Russia among citizens over the age of 15 years. By the "unemployed" they mean a person who does not have a job but is actively seeking it and is ready to take up professional duties. There was a downward trend in the unemployment rate in the period from January to August, from 5.5% to 4.9% respectively. However, the data are approximate due to the factors of hidden unemployment such as: very low salary, downtime at work without pay, the shadow business. According to the report made in the State Duma, the real unemployment rate is about 30%.

In July 2017, the "Digital economy" program was approved, which was aimed at the transition to the intensive development of the economy, the use of modern technologies in most areas of activity. However, a bit earlier- in 2016 - at the world economic forum a report "Global information technologies" provided the information that Russia ranked the 41st place in readiness for the introduction of digital technology [9, c. 100].

Despite this, Russia has launched a program in several areas - creating conditions for the training of competent personnel and reforming the system of education, which should produce specialists who are ready to work in the conditions of digitalization to improve the labor market, based on the requirements of the new economic era [4, p. 18 -19].

The "Digital economy"suggested8 directions:

> Government regulation;

> Information infrastructure;

> Research and development;

> Personnel and education;

> Information security;

> Public administration;

> Smart city;

> Digital health.

The "Training and education" program determines the number of tasks for the period until 2025:

> Participation of scientific organizations, higher educational institutions and companies in international associations in the field of fundamental and applied research;

> Creation of a living scientific environment in Russia, which involves long-term operation of centers to widely use digital equipment, as well as the creation of centers for technology development;

> Creation of attractive working conditions for specialists in the field of IT-technologies;

> Addressing the issues of retraining, including the inclusion in the digital economy for civil servants, disabled people of I and II groups, pensioners [7, c. 20].

In addition, it is planned to create competence centers that will coordinate research conducted in the country, and a mechanism to support the bilateral exchange of employees between research organizations and universities with companies in the field of digital economy. It is also planned to increase the number of graduates in the field of IT-technologies: by 2020 - more than 150 000 people, and by 2025 - more than 500 000 people [3, c. 17].

Along with the reform of the education system, changes in the labor market are expected. According to the "Personnel and education"

work and wages (table 2) [12]. Table 2.Results of the "Happiness" sociological survey

Category % of total

Uninterested in theirjob due tolow 54


Dissatisfaction with the authorities 17

and the situation in the country

Health 15

Family problems 11

Lack of joy and love in life 9

Fear for the future of the country 4

Poor housing 2

Other 7

Difficult to answer 4

program, by 2020 it is planned to use a personal development path instead of a work book, and the competence profiles of retired specialists will be transferred to new employers. By 2025, more than 80% of employees will have a digital record [1, c. 24 - 25].


The study has shown that changes are also expected in the composition and structure of the labor market. Already today we can see a gradual decrease in the demand for such professions, as an accountant, a lawyer, an economist, while the demand for IT-specialists, on the contrary, is increasing. According to experts, more than 50% of professions will disappear by 2030-2040. It should be noted that this may lead to higher unemployment rate in the country and deeper social stratification. Moreover, as it followers from the report of the "The Future of Jobs" world economic forum, by 2020, automation will destroy more than 5 million jobs. Active robotics may also have an impact on the labor market - the driver, the seller, the technologist can be replaced by a bot. In 2013 scientists from Oxford University conducted an experiment, which revealed that robots can replace scientists, engineers, actors, managers and teachers. Robotics will, most probably, may replace people in the service sector. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev persuades not to link the risk of mass unemployment with the digital economy. According to Kuksova O. D., unemployment occurs only in a falling economy with a decrease in demand and production, while new technologies do not cause unemployment [5, c. 4 - 5], as they immediately create new professions and jobs instead.

One of the problems of the modern labor market is the lack of a sufficient number of people with innovative ideas, capable of extraordinary thinking. The introduction of new technologies will improve labor productivity in industrial sectors by 30%, and work efficiency - by 25%. Thus, there will be a big technological shift, which is planned to be completed by 2025. The labor market will reduce more than 610,000 jobs, but there will be about 1,000,000 new vacancies [10, c. 230 - 232]. Employers in the production sector will not need

people; these functions will be assigned to robots. But creativity, programming, invention, teaching cannot be robotic. The bots themselves should be managed by people - the profession of an online operator will be in demand among women, pensioners, teenagers and disabled people. Consequently, the digital economy, automation of production and computerization of society does not mean the complete extinction of professions, and the government, implements the socio-economic programs by investing in human capital. [8, p. 380 -382]. According to the Atlas of new professions, the employee of the future should have the following characteristics: readiness for training and retraining, should have a quick response to technical, social and economic challenges, the ability to work in a team, quickly and effectively assess risks, design models and absorb a large amount of information. In some industries, it is expected to be a steady growth in demand for the specific professions (table 3) [6, c. 102].

Table 3. Forecast of the growth of demand for professions in the digital economy by 2024


It can be noted that robots and bots can replace routine production work, but all creative and innovative activities will never be automated. Digitalization of the economy gives a powerful impetus to the development of production, the dynamics of GDP growth, higher living standards and other socio-economic indicators. The massive introduction of robots and computers allows the labor market to reach a new level, and domestic workers can meet international criteria and standards. Business is actively developing, and entrepreneurial ideas are implemented through the effective use of technology and innovation. Within the framework of the "Digital economy" program, a number of significant changes in the direction of

Profession The rate of demand growth, %

Web SITE developer 24

Analyst in the computing field 21

Analyst in the field of information 18


Software development specialist 17

Data processing specialist 16

"personnel and education" are expected, which will solve the problem of irrational use of labor resources and will raise the level the country's economy.


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