THE ISSUES OF MOTIVATION OF STAFF IN THE DIFFERENT COUNTRIES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Babenko Inna, Zalogina Viktoria, Samsonenko Yulia, Gromova Tatyana

The paper describes the main features of labor motivation. In modern time very often the companies and a number of many enterprises ask a question of stimulation of personnel, of their interest, and also effective participation in production. The main task any of the organizations to achieve the maximum success in the market and to overcome not the weak competition. All this depends on work of personnel, and also his stimulation.

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The paper describes the main features of labor motivation. In modern time very often the companies and a number of many enterprises ask a question of stimulation of personnel, of their interest, and also effective participation in production. The main task any of the organizations to achieve the maximum success in the market and to overcome not the weak competition. All this depends on work of personnel, and also his stimulation.


school of human relations, lifelong hiring. human resource management, production efficiency, material, nonmaterial motivation


Inna Babenko Viktoria Zalogina

PhD in Economics, Assistant Professor Student

Department of Economics Southwest State University

and Management Kursk, Russia

Southwest State University miss.lera,valeria@vandex.ru

Kursk, Russia

babenkoinnv@gmail. com

Yulia Samsonenko Tatyana Gromova

Student Lecturer, Department of Economics

Southwest State University and Management

Kursk, Russia Southwest State University

Vulia.rudakova.95@mail.ru Kursk, Russia


The efficiency of the management of the enterprise in modern conditions is largely determined by the state of the system of motivation and stimulation of personnel. The problem of improving the system of motivation was studied in numerous scientific papers. They identified and the principles and classification of labor motivation, the issues of reforming and improving organization forms and methods of material and moral incentives in our country and abroad. The most significant advances in the field of motivation and stimulation of personnel achieved in the United States and Japan. Consider the features of formation of system of motivation in these countries.

The American school of "'human relations" was in 1924, its founder, believes Professor E. Mayo, who together with his group for many years has studied the psychological factors that have a major impact on the efficiency of work of subordinates and workers. "A good Manager...", said Mayo, "should not only think about the technique of production, but also to be a "guardian" of their subordinates, to think about them." (Allin, 2014).

In the 70ies of XX century in the American system emerged the concept of "human resource management" instead of "personnel management" (Bakirova, 2013). The emergence of this concept was due to the increase of the role of labour in production, as decisive factors of competitiveness were considered to be secured by qualified workers and the level of their motivation.

In the United States were formed a number of programmes truamatised effect in the U.S., the main ones are:

1) programs aimed at attracting workers to production management (participative management);

2) professional development programs of the workforce;

3) methods of moral and material incentives;

4) programs designed to reconstruct the labour process (extension of the set of responsibilities, production staff rotation, etc.).

The main motivating factor in the American system of motivation is considered to be incentives, and the greatest attention is paid to flexible systems of remuneration, such as Commission plans, special individual reward program profit sharing.

In Japan, unlike the American system of motivation is prevalent psychological stimulation. In Japan there are many regulations governing the actions of a Manager in relation to subordinates, for example, the master should be the first to greet the workers, necessarily interested in the health of the spouse and children certainly is required to determine a person's mood. Working with a bad, depressive mood is not allowed to work, he can pay for this day, to give a ticket to the theater. Believe that the losses will be much greater if he his bad mood spoil the mood of other workers.

In turn, the master has no right to dress differently than a work, acquire a different set of furniture than workers. Three complaints about the rudeness of the master production enough for his dismissal. The Japanese believe that by creating good mood of the team, you can improve performance by 15,20 %, and according to some sources , even by 35 %.

Japanese managers first invest in staff, and further in technology and technical equipment.

In Japan it is considered unacceptable to change the company. For this reason, there is one of the main systems life hiring.

Lifelong recruitment is one of the elements of the Japanese labour organization, which is used by many firms, too costly to lose minutes that can bring profit. Do not allow the waste of time and the employees themselves.

Lifetime employment helps to increase the efficiency of production, not only because of increasing the productivity, but also due to the fact that workers who are secure in lifetime employment, not oppose the introduction of new technologies into production.

In the presence of unemployment in the country is the guarantee of lifetime employment presents a huge blessing, for which of course, it is legitimate to expect high performance. For this reason, 35 % of large Japanese companies retain life employment, and 51 % adheres to it partially.

A sense of nobility to the companies test their employees and for the opportunity to get benefits of loans for the construction of housing, use of health services for an incomplete cost where firms pay part of the cost accounts of clinics and hospitals.

Summing up, we note again the fact that the motivation in personnel management is understood as the process of enhancing the motivation of staff (internal motivation) and incentives (extrinsic motivation) for the prompting to work more efficiently. The purpose of motivation is the formation of a complex of conditions that motivate a person to implement actions aimed at achieving goals with maximum effect. The process of motivation can be simplistically divided into the following stages: identification of needs, formation and development of motives, manage to change people's behavior necessary to achieve the goals, the adjustment of the motivational process depending on the degree of achievement. The theoretical foundations were laid of motivation, content and procedural theories of motivation. The main trends of development of systems of personnel motivation of economic entities in modern conditions are: the focus on strategic approaches, interest in the inner motives of labour activity, the implementation of a hike

to the motivational process, the active development of economic and socio,psychological methods of stimulation.

As all already know, there is a material and non,material motivation.

The material motivation is for the company of the most expensive. Employees can be stimulated only with money in the form of a salary, awards, payments. But it won't rescue a situation in general. Will appear from behind it big expend in the salary fund, it will increase up to the fabulous sizes. A number of scientists have conducted research that material stimulation works only within three months, then such methods become less effective.

Payments which are made for performance of objectives the most widespread type of motivation. To them payments can belong to a salary, most often are awards. But some companies, the enterprises, firms enter additional payments to a salary for maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, namely refusal of smoking, alcohol, visit of the gym now, and also not missed any working day within a year on an etiology. Unfortunately, not all master the enterprises and support such method of stimulation.

Special individual remunerations it is a special type of payments which is paid in the form of an award for possession of the additional skills necessary for the company (Bakirova, 2013).

Regarding non,material motivation, it has a big range of ideas and opportunities for any head and his encouragement for his subordinates. By means of non,material stimulation of the company can easily save on material encouragement to the worker.

The main in system of non,material motivation of personnel is an attention and care of employees. The care and gratitude has only conditional character. But in order that employees have attached it special significance, heads need to create such policy in the company that their workers became an integral part of production, to equal them with chiefs only formally to reach the desirable.

Huge number of the enterprises realize system of non,material motivation which promotes economy of payments, and also growth of productivity and efficiency of work. The list of these "economic" actions for achievement of the purpose was revealed by firms which managed to achieve desirable results. They can be considered in more detail:

1. The motivating conferences at which working inform on their progress, praise them, notify on innovations, they are part of the company.

2. Congratulation on significant dates. It is meant as everything that will come to mind to the administration, it can be the end of a trial period, date of employment for work, increase in a position, well and, of course, birthdays, anniversaries, birthdays of children, relatives. Here workers can creatively prove: to draw the poster, to congratulate personally, it is possible even to give an award.

3. Advanced training courses. The most important and necessary point of material stimulation. The employer how his subordinates have coped with a task, can send someone for training, on seminars, at conference as encouragement.

4. Possibility of feedback. Each employee has to feel that he is important for the company that many therefore have entered system of the statement reckon with his opinion. It can be connected with questions of the organization of work up to carrying out rest and various actions. For especially interesting ideas and offers it is possible to encourage workers financially or purely symbolically.

5. Informing on achievements and estimates of the caused a stir workers. Many enterprises issue newspapers where in detail write about changes, about achievements, about innovations. The example of such enterprise can serve Kursk JSC Aviaavtomatika of V. V. Tarasov". This enterprise Aviaavtomatika issues the corporate newspaper ". py" where are lit equipment , economic indicators of work, social youth policy, and also personal achievements of employees of society (rewarding with the State awards, participation in public life of area), also the newspaper is a possibility of the top officials

(the CEO, the general designer and the deputy) to address labor collective: congratulation on significant dates and Public holidays.

6. Competitions and competitions. Experience of the companies and enterprises shows that it is worth holding once the competition "The Best Seller of Month", "The Most Attentive Employee" as the personnel begin to compete among themselves to hold the position wished them.

7. Discounts for services or goods of the company. Such type of motivation is capable to accustom the workers to the choice of production of the enterprise moreover and at reduced price.

8. Incentive and corporate actions. To create command spirit, it is enough to organize a visit of cinema, on a skating rink, in theater, but popularity takes carrying out active recreation recently. So JSC Aviaavtomatika of V. V. Tarasov" increases the traditions which have developed at the enterprise. Already 2 years in a row the administration of society will organize for workers and members of their families a winter corporate holiday. This year it has taken place on February 13, 2016 and has received only positive reviews of workers. During the holiday ski competitions (cross,country skiing), a competition for the best lunch, the competition "Snow Figures" were held, for children of employees driving on horses has been organized. Thus the personnel pleasantly and have spent time with pleasure, have eliminated the collected fatigue, have rallied.

Thus, interest of workers in work of the organization and its successful economic activity a camp above when the big list of material and non,material motivation is offered. It leads to reduction of turnover of staff, these methods provide the additional income for personnel, form social policy of the enterprise, to create command spirit, to rally collective, and at the same time to compete, achieve desirable results, both for the enterprise, and for workers.

Motivation and stimulation it is necessary always, it is only necessary to formulate correctly and accurately methods and their use.


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