Научная статья на тему 'Main problems of motivation and stimulation of labor in the organization'

Main problems of motivation and stimulation of labor in the organization Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Adetunji Adenike Mary

The article explores the variety of methods of stimulation and motivation of employees. It defines wages. Defines groups of stimulating factors that are used in organizations, such as financial incentives, indirect financial incentives, organizational, and ethical (moral) incentives, as well as stimulation. Noted the role of trade unions as a collective body to resolve disputes between workers and management and organizational issues concerning the interests of employees. It is concluded that the skillful use of the methods of stimulation and motivation of employees leads to increased productivity and engagement in productive work.

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В статье рассматриваются различные методы стимулирования и мотивации работников. Она определяет уровень заработной платы. Определяет группы стимулирующих факторов, которые используются в организации, такие как материальное стимулирование, косвенное материальное стимулирование, организационные и этические (моральные) стимулы, а также стимуляция. Отмечена роль профсоюзов как коллективного органа для разрешения споров между рабочими и руководством по организационным вопросам, касающимся интересов работников. Сделан вывод, что умелое использование методов стимулирования и мотивации сотрудников приводит к повышению производительности труда и вовлечению в производительный труд.

Текст научной работы на тему «Main problems of motivation and stimulation of labor in the organization»

Список литературы / References

1. Петренко И.Н. Роль финансовой разведки в мониторинге движения капиталов/ Прогноз финансовых рисков. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://bre.ru/risk/11700.html/ (дата обращения: 12.04.2017).

2. Глисон Пол. Подразделения финансовой разведки. Обзор./ Пол Глисон, Гленн Готтселиг // Международный Валютный Фонд. Всемирный Банк, 2004. 161 с.

3. ФАТФ объединяет усилия государств в борьбе с терроризмом. Информационный бюллетень ЕАГ. № 24 (май 2015) / Официальный сайт Евразийской группы по борьбе с отмыванием денег и финансированием терроризма. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.eurasiangroup.org/files/EAGBulletin/bulleten24_rus.pdf/ (дата обращения: 12.04.2017).

4. Подразделения финансовой разведки. Группа «Эгмонт» / сайт Национального исследовательского ядерного университета «МИФИ». [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: М1р://ифэб.рф/т<1ех.рЬр/те7Ь11ипаго11пауа-8181ета-ро11-й-ги/рй'-ги/ (дата обращения: 12.04.2017).

5. Публичные отчеты Федеральной службы по финансовому мониторингу РФ с 2010 по 2015 гг./ Официальный сайт Федеральной службы по финансовому мониторингу РФ. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: Шр://%^^е(18^.га/ас1;т1у/аппиа1-геро118/ (дата обращения: 12.04.2017).


IN THE ORGANIZATION Adetunji A.M. (Russian Federation) Email: [email protected]


Abstract: the article explores the variety of methods of stimulation and motivation of employees. It defines wages. Defines groups of stimulating factors that are used in organizations, such as financial incentives, indirect financial incentives, organizational, and ethical (moral) incentives, as well as stimulation. Noted the role of trade unions as a collective body to resolve disputes between workers and management and organizational issues concerning the interests of employees. It is concluded that the skillful use of the methods of stimulation and motivation of employees leads to increased productivity and engagement in productive work. Keywords: salaries, financial incentives, indirect financial incentives, organizational and moral and psychological incentives, involvement.


В ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ Адетунжи А.М. (Российская Федерация)

Адетунжи Аденике Мари — кандидат экономических наук, кафедра государственного и муниципального управления, Кубанский государственный аграрный университет им. И. Т. Трубилина, г. Краснодар

Аннотация: в статье рассматриваются различные методы стимулирования и мотивации работников. Она определяет уровень заработной платы. Определяет группы стимулирующих факторов, которые используются в организации, такие как материальное стимулирование, косвенное материальное стимулирование, организационные и этические (моральные) стимулы, а также стимуляция. Отмечена роль профсоюзов как коллективного органа для разрешения споров между рабочими и руководством по организационным вопросам, касающимся интересов работников. Сделан вывод, что умелое использование методов стимулирования и мотивации сотрудников приводит к повышению производительности труда и вовлечению в производительный труд.

Ключевые слова: заработная плата, материальное стимулирование, косвенно-материальное стимулирование, организационных и нравственно-психологических стимулов, привлечение.

The need for a comprehensive study of motivation of work is dictated by economic necessity. Solving the efficiency problem of motivation, you can see that this is the most efficient and effective method of

management. Managing work through a system of incentives and motivations, we can identify the most effective wage costs of employees to solve social problems and to organize work activities in good conditions and with further development.

By studying the various publications and the work of scientists associated with the stimulation and motivation, we can identify the following groups of factors that stimulate employees in the company [5].

The first group may be given financial incentives. Consider the cost components of the organization to stimulate employees, which are presented in table 1.

Table 1. The cost structure for financial incentives

№ Form of incentive The contents and principal sources

1 Wages 1) the remuneration of the employee, including wages and additional; 2) award; 3) allowance for skill, professionalism; 4) allowance for heavy work; 5) surcharge for work at night; 6) wages teenagers (minors); 7) wages for pregnant and lactating mothers; 8) allowances for work on holidays for overtime; 9) the increase for the management of the Department; 10) compensation for holidays, unused vacation days etc.

2 Bonuses Lump sum payments to employee in the form of incentive (annual bonus, seniority, bonuses for lack of absenteeism, etc.)

3 The system of participation in joint-stock company Acquisition of shares and receipt by it of dividends; acquisition of shares at a low (subsidized) prices or free of charge.

4 Participation in the distribution of capital Set the share of capital, which forms the incentive Fund. Participate in the distribution of the groups of staff who are able to really influence the company's profits. Usually these groups include the administrative personnel, where the distribution associated with the rank of the party and its place in the hierarchy of the enterprise

5 Plans additional payments to the salary Subsidizing business and personal expenses depending on the result of the work

Based on the data presented in table 1, it can be noted that the basic salary of an member of an organization is a fee charged for the waste they time, given the quality and quantity of work. The labor rates labor is also influenced by other factors. For example, the promotion, the availability of shares of the company, participation in the administrative sphere of the company. There is also a system of additional benefits that offset the expenses of the worker on production (e.g. business trips).

It should be noted that in addition to basic salary, there is another kind - more.

Additional wages are wages, including some types of payments:

- payment holidays and vacation days;

- pay maternity leave for pregnant and lactating women;

- Payment in case of dismissal severance pay;

- Wages of minors during the execution of state or public duties;

- Other payments for unearned time provided by law. One of the most important places in the system of material monetary incentives is remuneration. For the vast majority of the population, it is the main source of income. So wages in the long term will be a powerful incentive to increase productivity [2].

Through research it has been proven that the award is an extraordinary reward as paid only in certain cases. This is stated in article 138 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation [1].

Quite often in production is not taken into account social justice, which laid in the basis of remuneration. Even Karl Marx said in his "Critique of the Gotha program" that the distribution of labor is the most important economic law [4]. In practice, the distribution according to work is the most objective reflection of justice in the remuneration system in a market economy.

In the second group of enabling factors to allocate the indirect financial incentives. Read more about indirect material boosts consider in table 2.

№ Form of incentive The contents and principal sources

1 Reimbursement of transport costs The allocation of funds for reimbursement of travel expenses, the purchase of new official vehicles.

2 Provident funds The creation of provident funds for the employees of the organization, the interest rate which must be not less than the SberBank of the Russian Federation.

3 Catering - Providing power for the enterprise - The allocation of funds for food

4 The sales of its own products to employees Sale of products produced at the company's employees. Barter is possible.

5 Scholarship program The allocation of funds to education employees

6 Programs level of education and qualification in the enterprise Retraining or training of employees in various educational organizations at the expense of the company.

7 Medical service Medical service organization at the enterprise or in specialized institutions.

s Counselling Counseling organization in the enterprise.

9 Organization of the housing structure for employees Organizations are providing employees with the means to build their own homes on unit conditions.

10 Воспитание и образование детей сотрудников предприятия The organization allocates funds for the education and training of younger relatives of employees of preschool and school age.

11 Social benefits and bonuses The organization agrees to pay for the mandatory employee social benefits and to apply the required privileges.

12 Life insurance and property The organization, at its expense, insurance of employees, their life and property. For companies there is such a practice as insurance of relatives of employees at preferential prices.

13 Payouts temporarily disabled employees Payments from the social Fund in the form of compensation to the employee due to lost due to illness or other reasons for earnings.

14 Health insurance The guarantor for the employee and his family the free provision of certain medical services if an insured event occurs.

15 Payments to the pension Fund Created a private alternative to the state pension Fund, which contributions.

16 Association lending The organization has the right to establish preferential conditions for crediting of employees to create their own property.

Also based on table data you can add that to the indirectly-the material methods of stimulation include the financial cost of resources for the benefit of employees. These forms of stimulation are used for the determination of remuneration at which the cost of the staff are not sharply growing character. Thus, unlike the material, in such cases, the issue of funds is possible in case of need. They often impact the social side of the issue in addressing the problems of the team or organization. Many authors of textbooks on economic theory say of the indirect financial incentives the "Foundation" for employee engagement in the workforce [2].

It is impossible not to agree that engagement is a huge step in increasing the interest of employees in achieving success in the performance of their duties. Engagement, of course, is directed against passivity in the labor market and against the indifference to her. Involving the employee in the production, the Director works to enhance the employment activity of the employee and productivity. If the person involved in the work, he will be interested in the result of their activities. But there are also disadvantages: the involvement concerns not all participants in the solution of problems of management of the organization. It affects only those categories of employees who are interested in their work [6].

To the last, the third group of enabling factors in the organization include organizational and moral and psychological incentives. Consider in more detail the forms of incentive these factors (table 3).

№ Form of incentive The contents and principal sources

1 Stimulation of labor and the organization as a whole Affect the activity of the worker through changes in wellbeing in the workplace. For example: a) changing working conditions; b) Creativity in the workplace. C) creation of a personnel reserve for the nomination; g) promotion, career planning; d) Creative plans for the team and for individuals themselves.

2 Incentives through free time Affect the activity of the employee through employment: a) increase in leisure time active and creative employees through the provision of additional days off, holidays and other types; b) the introduction into practice of flexible working hours; C) the encouragement of high productivity workers by reducing the duration of the working week.

3 Democracy in the workplace. Democracy at work, creating devotion to the work, collectivism, the desire to improve the end results of its activities Creating a friendly team atmosphere that supports devotion to the common goals and ideas of the company. It should contribute to the improvement of the final result of the activity via: a) active trade unions; b) The organization allows the employees to conclude a collective agreement negotiated and signed at a General meeting. C) permanent notification of employees about the plans and prospects of the company; g) the democratic style of the Manager, taking into account the opinion and initiative of employees; d) Public assessment of the work of the staff personally and the team as a whole.

4 The way of public recognition of the employee and his motives Praise, gratitude in written and oral form, friendly gossip, the expression of flattery and others. This also includes awarding state orders and medals.

5 Disciplinary sanctions Non-performance or improper performance of their duties by the employee, which is punishable by the remark, reprimand or dismissal on corresponding grounds.

The table shows that this group of incentives associated with intangible costs, which are characterized by mostly moral incentives and motivation. They distinguished two types: positive and negative. In the first case, Prime examples of non-material motivation will be considered: Board of honor, a victory in various nominations (e.g. best shop or employee), various diplomas, or even the usual praise. A negative can be attributed to a disciplinary sanction in the remark, reprimand and dismissal.

In foreign countries are usually created representative bodies of employees in the enterprise. Most often it is the trade unions, their rights and responsibilities. Trade unions have the possibility of concluding collective agreements. The main task of trade unions is to settle disputes in the workplace and organizational issues among the employees of the organization.

In developed countries, the large role given to trade unions. So at the time it was in the USSR. At that time they were more meaningful and had more power than at the present time.

Number of organizations with presence of trade unions of Russia took first place. But if to consider their activity and their real part in solving daily difficulties employees, the positions of the Russian trade unions are inferior to the West. They only have the right to participate in discussions and receive information.

This analysis reveals the wide range of challenging and motivating forces in the organization of work. First and foremost, there appears a distribution of benefits in the medium of hired labor, given the situations in the economy:

• the mechanism of supply and demand in the labor market;

• the tax system of wage regulation;

• the dependence of the wage from the results of labor [3].

Conclusion. The business is characterized by a variety of methods and types of motivation and stimulation of employees. Skillful use of these methods will increase both productivity and the share of employees involved in production work. All this together will enable the organization to bring the mercenaries to a new level of production.


1. Vesnin V.R. Management: textbook / V.R. Weight-NIN. M.: Prospect, 2010. 512 c.

2. Efimov O.N. Enterprise economy. [Electronic resource]: a tutorial/ Efimov O.N. Electron, the text data. Saratov: University education, 2014. 732 p. URL: http://www.iprbookshop.ru/23085/ (date of access: 18.04.2017). ABS "IPRbooks" password.

3. Kardashov V. In Motivation of staff: Motivation: theory and practice // V. Kardashov // Man and labor, 2012. № 10. P. 80-83.

4. Marx K. (1961). Critique of the Gotha program // Marks K., Jengel's F. Soch. 2>ed. Vol. 19. M.: Gospolitizdat. P. 9-32.

5. Labor code of the Russian Federation. dated 30.12.2001 № 197-FZ (as amended on 05.10.2015). GL.21.St.138.The size limitation of deduction from wages.

6. Houden John. (2011) the Art of engagement: how to maximize the potential of their employees / per. from English. V.S. Ivashchenko. M.: Eksmo. 300 p.

7. Adetunji A.M. Actual problems of Economics and management of knowledge in the process of neo-industrialization of Russia. Issue 6. Collection of scientific articles of young researchers, 2015. P. 56-62.


INSTRUMENTS IN THE REPUBLIC OF TAJIKISTAN Kurbonova F.Kh. (Republic of Tajikistan) Email: [email protected]


Abstract: in the article the theoretical bases of the research are considered forming the strategy of expanding the directions and tools of public-private partnership in the sphere of services of the Republic of Tajikistan. The strategy of expanding the directions of PPP development is formulated, the mechanism of state regulation and support of PPP development in the sphere of services of the Republic of Tajikistan is improved. Taking into account the analysis of foreign experience and the study of the work of scientific authors, the author substantiates and suggests the main directions of the investment strategy of public-private partnership in the development of the service sector.

Keywords: investment, development, public-private entrepreneurship, services, economy.


Курбонова Фариза Холовна - кандидат экономических наук, кафедра банковской деятельности, Таджикский государственный университет коммерции, г. Душанбе, Республика Таджикистан

Аннотация: в статье рассмотрены теоретические основы исследования формирования стратегии расширения направлений и инструментов государственно-частного партнерства в сфере услуг Республики Таджикистан. Сформулирована стратегия расширения направлений развития ГЧП, усовершенствован механизм государственного регулирования и поддержки развития ГЧП в сфере услуг Республики Таджикистан. С учетом анализа зарубежного опыта и изучения работ научных авторов, автором обоснованы и предложены основные направления инвестиционной стратегии государственно-частного партнерства в развитии сферы услуг.

Ключевые слова: инвестиция, развитие, государственно-частное предпринимательство, сферы услуг, экономика.

В современных условиях расширение направлений и инструментов государственно-частного партнерства в Республике Таджикистан трудно охарактеризовать их роль в обеспечении экономического роста в стране и реализации социально значимых проектов. Проведенный анализ действий экономических реформ в республике показал, что имеются обусловленные положительные сдвиги по ускорению развития рыночных отношений, результативности экономики и повышения

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