Научная статья на тему 'The invective function realization of obscene vocabulary in the secondary text'

The invective function realization of obscene vocabulary in the secondary text Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Lazarev V.A.

The article is devoted to the study of such language phenomena as obscene language and methods of realization of such language in the secondary text. The relevance of this article lies in the fact that at present many linguists draw attention to obscene language as a bright example in interpersonal communication on the whole and in international communication in particular. Currently in the literature, newspapers, magazines and films we can often find words related to the class of reduced vocabulary, with obscene nature. Our researching interest is focused on the ways of concerned vocabulary to the Russian language as we can not ignore this problem because of the ambiguity of translation decisions. The aim is to demonstrate how to realize such language in translation as it is impossible to make an equivalent decoding without using translation transformations.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The invective function realization of obscene vocabulary in the secondary text»


УДК 81 V.A. Lazarev

Southern federal university Rostov-on-Don, Russia valazarev@sfedu. ru


[Лазарев В.А. Реализация инвективной функции обсценной лексики

во вторичном тексте]

The article is devoted to the study of such language phenomena as obscene language and methods of realization of such language in the secondary text. The relevance of this article lies in the fact that at present many linguists draw attention to obscene language as a bright example in interpersonal communication on the whole and in international communication in particular. Currently in the literature, newspapers, magazines and films we can often find words related to the class of reduced vocabulary, with obscene nature. Our researching interest is focused on the ways of concerned vocabulary to the Russian language as we can not ignore this problem because of the ambiguity of translation decisions. The aim is to demonstrate how to realize such language in translation as it is impossible to make an equivalent decoding without using translation transformations.

Key words: offensive language, obscene, substandard language, invective, emotionally-expressive words, expressive, stylistic coloring, translation, ways of realization of the translation, a translation transformation.

In the modern world when there is a universal liberalization of customs, behavior, views, freedoms, also the attitude to the use of an offensive language is changing. There is a legalization of this vocabulary. What is considered to be the reduced register is becoming familiar, familiar turns into colloquial, and colloquial passes into neutral, unmarked layer of the dictionary. It should be noted that the lexicon of this kind is heterogeneous. It is supposed that the expansion of spheres of an offensive language use in modern society - its penetration into show business, policy, mass media, literature and art, the everyday speech and so forth, is connected with dynamics of the relation of society and different social groups to the fact of its use. A Soviet joke said that 'each Soviet citizen [knew] three languages - his native tongue, Russian and mat' [4].

Before going into details of such notion as an offensive language, it is necessary to consider this concept from the point of view of linguistics. We start

with historical reference of the Russian 'mat'. One of the most striking features of Russian verbal obscenity is that there is a specific term for it, namely mat. While its etymological origins are not quite clear, it is widely believed that the word mat is closely related to the Proto-IndoEuropean word for 'mother', a correlation that is preserved in the Russian term for 'mother' (mat') and the infamous mother curse (eb tvoiu mat'; 'fuck your mother'), which is one of the core expressions of Russian verbal obscenity. Scholar Boris Uspenskii (1981) traces the origins of the Russian mother curse to the pagan fertility cults revolving around the Slavic earth goddess Moist Mother Earth (mat'-syrazemlia), arguing that the infamous mat formula is, in fact, of mythological origin.

It is accepted to distinguish three main lexical stylistic categories: book lexicon (scientific, official, social and political journalism and poetic), stylistically neutral (interstyle) lexicon and colloquial (colloquial itself and vernacular) lexicon.

The offensive language is socially limited group of words which is outside the literary language. Therefore, this lexicon is beyond any norms and decency, expressing uncultured and ill-bred character of the speech. V. M. Mokiyenko refers to an offensive language as very rough, taboo words and expressions. There is a point of view according to which the person, using an offensive language, expresses thoughts and an emotional condition more precisely. V. M. Mokiyenko in the article "The Russian abusive lexicon: acceptable and obscene" has accurately noted that "... in all layers of the Russian society in the necessary cases "strong words and expressions" were one of the most effective methods "unburden the heart". In many cases, such lexicon not only shows aggression and discontent as it is considered to be, but also a state of mind of the person. Obscene words and expressions also give special coloring of the speech and are marked by the high expressivity. The offensive language is considered nonliterary, tabooed. Therefore, the basis for word formation of obscene character is made by the phenomena and objects about which it is indecent, uncivilized to speak in society or even forbidden. In this regard V. M. Mokiyenko claims that this group of words should be classified by her functional thematical principle, but not by emotional and expressional gradation: The scientist offers the following classification: 1. Names of people with emphasized negative characteristics of type:

a. 'the silly, dull person': fool, idiot; idiot, arsehole, bastard, moron;

b. 'the mean, low person': rascal, bastard, villain, jackass, wanker, fucker, etc.;

c. 'the worthless person, nonentity': riffraff, louse, slag; worthless things, nit, abbreviated piece of nothing, etc.;

d. 'prostitute': idle, loose woman, whore, cheap stuff,; bitch, tramp, slut, whore, etc.

The vocabulary of such lexicon is replenished every day and is quite open. Besides, such lexicon not only expresses swear words, but also expressional and emotional.

2. The name of the "indecent", socially tabooed parts of a body - "shameless words": ass, dick, arse, arsehole; bum, head, ass, etc.

3. The name of physiological functions: crap, shit, piss, take a whizz, etc.

4. 4. Names of "results" of physiological functions: shit, crap [2].

It is worth emphasizing that existence of a substandard class of lexicon can be found in any language. Generally, it is realities which are often used in live communication. They are the sign reflecting features of national culture of a language. It is about a class of the obscene, or lowered lexicon which doesn't belong to literary style. The lexicon of such character is allocated with the excessive expressivity, affectivity and proneness to conflict.

In terms of terminological meaning of the word "obscene", B. Ya. Sharifullin considers that it should be related to such as "obscene, indecent". It characterizes the speech of the speaker, his manner, and also actions. An internal form borrowed word "obscene" (from latin - obscenus) - "dirty, indecent" quite corresponds to the characteristic of the appropriate words and meaning the concepts behind it [3].

Traditional approach to studying of obscene lexicon assumes that the main function of this sort of lexicon is invective. Such terms as "obscene lexicon" and "invective" are rather often interchanged. Nevertheless, these concepts aren't synonymous. The obscene lexicon mostly includes rough words which can be directed as to this or that person, and without address. And the invective in turn all has the addressee, i.e. it is aimed at a certain person. It expresses any obscene, vulgar curse which has evaluative semantics. The invective is concentrated on an insult of the person. The obscene lexicon isn't always beyond polite communication.

As for the functions of an offensive language, it is worth paying attention to the well-known work of V.I. Zhelvis "The field of battle. Foul language as a social problem". In this work the famous linguist considers the invective lexicon the following way:

1. the means directed to decrease the social status of the addressee;

2. the means establishing process of communication between addressees of equal position;

3. the means used for friendly mockery, encouragement;

4. "duel" means;

5. the means expressing the attitude of two people towards the third addressee as to "whipping boy";

6. the narrative group - as means of drawing attention;

7. the means of verbal aggression;

8. as an interjection; [1].

Many linguists claim that the translation of an offensive language is a significant problem for the translator. During transferring words of this kind the translator has to study not only culture of original language, but also to understand intentions and realities of the author himself to choose a correct vector of pragmatical adaptation of the source text.

Translating transformation - a transformation by means of which it is possible to carry out transition from units of the original text to translation units". One of the widespread types of lexical transformation is the translating transcription. It is such a way of the translation of a lexical unit of the original language by creation of her sound form in the translating language. Therefore, each phoneme of the original language is in accordance with the translation language. For example, "to parafinit" - "to paraffin" - «парафинить».

Translating transliteration is a method of the translation of a lexical unit of the original language by creation of its graphic form with the help of translation language letters. Also this method is often called "a method of literal compliances" that completely reflects its essence. For example, "idiot" - "идиот".

Calking is also considered to be the widely used method. The essence of this method consists in transmission of words or expressions of the original language by exact reproduction of the translating language. It is often used during translation of non-equivalent lexicon. For example, "Who would pay for shit?". «Кто заплатит за это дерьмо?»

Specification (the hypernymic translation) - translation method, a type of replacement according to which the word with a wide meaning is replaced with the

word with narrower meaning in the translating language. For example, "Poofs! Nothing heavy" - ". «Хрень. Забей»

Generalization (the hyponymic translation) - the word with narrower meaning in the original language is replaced with the word with a wider meaning in the translating language; complete antithesis to the method of a specification. For example, "He's a fucking thief!" «Он - гребаный вор». This method is also widely used during translation of an offensive language.

Modulation (semantic development) - a method of the translation which belongs to a type of substitution according to which the word in the original language is replaced with the word of the translating language whose meaning is logically brought out of meaning of the initial lexical unit. For example, "Fucking northern monkeys" - "The fucking village!" taking into consideration the context.

Partitioning of the sentence is a division of one compound sentence of the original language into two or several sentences of the translating language by means of punctuation marks (a point or a comma). For example, "I suspect, it is a high time to celebrate the failure" - "We are in a hole now. It's high time to celebrate". The method of combination of sentences means connection of two sentences of the text of the original language in one simple or compound sentence of the translating language. This method is most often used in order to avoid repetitions. For example, "In my opinion, now it is better for you to keep silent. More advantage will be" - "I believe your shut mouth would be more helpful".

The method of grammatical substituion is an approach of the translation according to which the grammema of the original text will be transformed in corresponding grammy of the translating language with another grammatical meaning. For example, "They'd be too scared. I'm a geezer" - "В штаны наложат, если пугнуть". The method of antonymic translation is an approach of substitution of a negative construction of original language by an affirmative one of the translating language, or on the contrary. For example, "I don't give a fuck" - "Мне плевать". The method of descriptive translation is an approach according to which the lexical unit of original language is replaced with the phrase explaining its meaning in the text being translated. For example, "foul-mouth" "person who uses foul, abusive language".

So, relying on the translating methods it allows to the receptor not only to decode situational context of the original text, but also convey the cultural component of this or that language.


1. Zhelvis V.I. Battlefield: Swearing as a social problem in the languages and cultures of the world. Moscow, 2001.

2. Mokiyenko V.M. Russian swearing: censorship and obscene // Russian philology. Berlin, 1994. No 1/2.

3. Sharifullin B.J. Obscene language: terminology notes // Speech dialogue. Vol. 1 (9). Krasnoyarsk, 2000.

4. Timroth W. Russian and Soviet Sociolinguistics and Taboo Varieties of the Russian Language: Argot, Jargon, Slang, and Mat. Munich, 1983.


1. Жельвис В.И. Поле брани: Сквернословие как социальная проблема в языках и культурах мира. М., 2001.

2. Мокиенко В.М. Русская бранная лексика: цензурное и нецензурное // Русистика. Берлин, 1994. № 1/2.

3. Шарифуллин Б.Я. Обсценная лексика: терминологические заметки // Речевое общение. Вып. 1(9). Красноярск, 2000.

4. Timroth W. Russian and Soviet Sociolinguistics and Taboo Varieties of the Russian Language: Argot, Jargon, Slang, and Mat. Munich, 1983.

_21 августа 2016 г.

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