Научная статья на тему 'The information and activity-based approach in continuing education'

The information and activity-based approach in continuing education Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Текст научной работы на тему «The information and activity-based approach in continuing education»


N. P. Bezrukova A. A. Bezrukov

T. K. Timirgalieva

Currently, the quality of education in all educational systems that comprise a system of continuing education is seen from the perspective of the competency-based approach. When analyzing the role of the competency-based approach in continuing education, I.A. Zimnyaya considers it to be an approach that sets a goal/result “framework” and notes that it is significant but not exceptional. Approaches related to different aspects of the educational process supplement each other while interacting [3]. Given the need to place a stronger emphasis on the activity-related component of learning, as well as the significance of rapidly developing educational information and communication technologies, it is reasonable to identify an information and activity-based approach to managing the learning process and training aids.

To a certain extent, the information and activity-based approach evolves from the information-based approach, the development of which is directly associated with the use of computers for learning. Additionally, what is special about the information-based approach is that it identifies information interactions as prevailing in educational systems, enabling the application of laws of informatics when considering various aspects of mastering knowledge and managing training. The information-based approach draws on ideas of cognitology and cognitive psychology, which see the human brain as a complex information system which continuously receives, processes, stores and reproduces information, as well as managing various processes in the body [5]. We have used an analysis of the information-based and activity-based approaches in education to identify the essential characteristics of the information and activity-based approach. These include the following: the design of training taking into account the information basis of learning based on psycho-physiological features of perception, processing, storage and reproduction of information; the wide utilization of the capacities of modern information and communication technology in learning; the enhancement of the activity-related aspect of training by the introduction of modern educational technology in the traditional system of education to ensure cooperative activities between actors of the didactic and educational process in order to bring learners to the level of self-organization and self-realization in the educational process.

In the context of the above characteristics, information and activity-based learning is understood as a method of managing cooperative learning activities between the teacher and the learner on the basis of the wide use of educational information and communication technology (hereinafter ICT), where the teacher shapes motives to provide necessary conditions for active self-guided learning activity of learners by the introduction of modern educational techniques based on ideas of humanization, individualization, and problem-based training into the traditional teaching system [1]. Criteria for the selection of educational techniques


for information and activity-based learning are determined depending on the specific characteristics of a particular educational system.

We have investigated opportunities for information and activity-based learning in the systems of general education, higher education of teachers, and additional education. The analysis used a tool of the systemic approach -conceptual modeling. It should be noted that the use of ICT in education is dealt with in many papers by Russian and foreign authors. Didactic principles for the use of ICT in the educational process both in general and higher education have been the subject of multiple research studies. At the same time, due to the increasing speed of computer-based processing of information of all kinds and the emergence of new peripheral devices and related software, there is a need to rethink didactic capabilities and functions of computers in training. What is particularly relevant is the optimal distribution of educational information between different sources, management of educational activities, and the development of didactic materials for the implementation of effective learning using modern computers.

When designing the educational process with the use of computers, the traditional “teacher-learner” interaction is supplemented by two new lines of information interaction: “teacher-computer” and “learner-computer.” There are a number of well-known patterns for optimal information distribution between the three process actors [4, 5]. These include an “object-oriented” pattern where the learner uses a computer to process information, a “problem-oriented” pattern which is reasonable for use by learners for solving an educational problem, and a “subject-oriented” pattern where the computer directly controls the learner’s operations. The work [6] offers an information interaction pattern where the teacher can use authorial electronic educational resources. We have developed a combined approach involving the use of authorial electronic educational resources and a video projector, as well as the object-oriented, problem-oriented, or subject-oriented patterns of interaction, and tested them in the framework of the educational process [7].

In the case of general education, criteria for the selection of educational techniques to implement information and activity-based learning include the focus on developing motivations for learning and academic research competencies in students. Problem-based learning methods and techniques are most suitable for the goal. In addition to ICT, we have justified the use of the project research technique. An analysis of the effectiveness of information and activity-based interactions in combination with the project research technique in teaching chemistry has shown that information and activity-based learning has a positive impact on the development of both chemical competencies and universal learning procedures among senior class students [7].

Capabilities of the information and activity-based approach in training teachers in the system of higher education were studied through the example of a teacher of chemistry [1]. To implement information and activity-based learning in this educational system, it is reasonable to supplement ICT with other methods, such as module-based training, an individual cumulative index, project research, and academic research in student groups. The ways of integrating these techniques into traditional training have been developed and tested successfully. There is a classification of electronic educational resources for a course of


lectures, self-guided work of students, and monitoring training quality. These have been taken as a basis for the development of a relevant set of electronic educational resources and methodology for its use. The results of the educational experiment enabled us to conclude that the system of information and activity-based learning by enhancing the activity-related component of learning provides conditions for the effective development of both chemical and methodological competencies of future teachers, makes a significant contribution to the development of their information competence, and provides real conditions for the development of their creativity.

As for additional adult education in Siberia and the Far East, given the scale of the regions, distance learning technology plays a special role here [2]. When considering methodological issues regarding the implementation of distance learning in the system for upgrading skills and professional retraining, we should certainly take into account the specifics of adult education. An educational process is a way to solve difficulties encountered by an individual in real life. Essential characteristics of adult education are well known. Adults only absorb knowledge that is obtained to a certain degree independently, because it is only such knowledge that the learner can use in a situation that is different from that presented by the teacher or in theory. In this respect, the process of designing the educational content for adults and their learning activity is in line with the logic of the information and activity-based approach.

Experience implementing programs using modern distance-learning technology enables us to conclude that wide variations in the level of ICT competence of students (from zero to rather high values) impose a substantial limit on their use. This necessitates a search for the most effective ways of integrating distance-learning technologies and traditional training techniques. What is of interest in this respect is our experience implementing programs for upgrading skills of specialists in military-patriotic education of students and young people

(2010) , and of managers and specialists of youth centers in Krasnoyarsk Territory

(2011) . The results of the implementation of these programs have been used to develop integration schemes that to some extent offset the varying levels of ICT competence in students and ensure successful mastery of the program content by all students.

An analysis of the use of distance-learning technology in the implementation of additional professional retraining programs in “Management in Education” (more than 1,000 hours and more than 500 hours), along with the extensive experience developing computer-based lectures acquired by the authors of this article while teaching full-time university students have enabled us to identify approaches to the modernization of lectures as a component of distance learning and identify requirements for online video lectures.

In additional education, we used the information and activity-based approach to design a network research community comprising teachers, masters, and postgraduate students of a university, secondary school students and teachers. The main purpose of the community is to provide conditions for the development of creative thinking and research competence of students, regardless of their place of residence, and for development of the professional competence of teachers, masters, and postgraduate students in managing the research activities of


students. We have developed a concept and information and activity-based model for the network community operation [8]. We have also developed and implemented programs for upgrading the skills of teachers involved in the community and modules for the “Information and Communication Technology in Professional Activity” program for masters students aimed at developing their competencies in using distance technologies for managing students’ research activities. The effectiveness of different information and activity-based interactions between community participants is currently under investigation.


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Translated from Russian by Znanije Central Translations Bureau


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