Научная статья на тему 'The influence of vertical zonation on changes in the ecological niches of aphids'

The influence of vertical zonation on changes in the ecological niches of aphids Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Ключевые слова
entomocenosis / niche / ecological niche / interpretation / deformation / determine / species / vegetation / honeysuckle leaves / phytophagous species

Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Akhmedov Madaminbek Hatamovich, Khusanov Alizhon Karimovich, Zokirov Islomzhon Ilkhomzhonovich

This article is devoted to the presentation of the data obtained in the investigating of the influence of vertical zoning changes ecological niches aphids and taken up in connection with the problem of ecological niches insects. In this it should be noted that the aphids, insects, closely related to their host plants within its habitat occupies a certain position in space and time relative to that of other species of plants and animals.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The influence of vertical zonation on changes in the ecological niches of aphids»

The influence of vertical zonation on changes in the ecological niches of aphids

8. Склюев В. В., Мозговой Д. П. Особенности поведения и динамика численности лисицы обыкновенной (Vulpes vulpes) в Красноармейском районе Самарской области//Вестник Самарского государственного ун-та. Естественнонаучная серия. 2009. № 2 (68).

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14. Osterholm H. The significance of distance receptors in the feeding behavior of the fox, Vulpes vulpes L.//Acta zoological fennica. 1964. V. 106.

15. Servin J., Rau J. R., Delibes M. Activity pattern of the red fox Vulpes vulpes in Donana, SW Spain//Acta therio-logica. 1991.

16. Tester J. R. Changes in daily activity rhythms of some free-ranging animals in Minnesota//Canadian Field-Naturalist. 1987. V. 101. № 1.

17. Theuerkauf J., Jedrzejewski W., Schmidt K., Okarma H., Ruczynski I., Sniezko S., Gula R. Daily patterns and duration of wolf activity in the Bialowieza forest, Poland//Journal of Mammology. 2003. V. 84. № 1.

18. Travaini A., Aldama J. J., Laffitte R., Delibes M. Home range and activity patterns of red fox Vulpes vulpes breeding females//Acta theriologica. 1993. V. 38.

Akhmedov Madaminbek Hatamovich, Andizhan state university, professor of department of zoology and biochemistry.

Khusanov Alizhon Karimovich, senior teacher of department of zoology and biochemistry.

Zokirov Islomzhon Ilkhomzhonovich, Fergana State university, associate professor of zoology.

E-mail: a_xusanov75@mail.ru

The influence of vertical zonation on changes in the ecological niches of aphids

Abstract: This article is devoted to the presentation of the data obtained in the investigating of the influence of vertical zoning changes ecological niches aphids and taken up in connection with the problem of ecological niches insects. In this it should be noted that the aphids, insects, closely related to their host plants within its habitat occupies a certain position in space and time relative to that of other species of plants and animals.

Keywords: entomocenosis, niche, ecological niche, interpretation, deformation, determine, species, vegetation, honeysuckle leaves, phytophagous species.

Each species of aphids has its place in entomocenosis and feed the plant. If the species range as the geographical rank determines its distribution in space, the environment — its distribution and ecological niche.

Originally, the term “ecological niche" was interpreted as a concept close to the habitat [8, 51-294]. By defi-

nition, J. Grinella ecological niche, this outcome small unit distribution within which each view is held due to their structural and instinctive limitations [9, 115-128, 10, 429-450]. Subsequently, Ch.Elton [6, 207] defined the ecological niche as the situation of the species in a community, highlighting the importance of its trophic


Section 1. Biology

relations. By now the concept, ecological niche multidimensional hyper-volume, separate dimensions which define the factor of environment [7, 415-429]. At present this concept became one of the cornerstones of theoretical ecology [3, 447].

As is known, the interpretation of the division of ecological niches of aphids is important for the identification of the ways of their adaptation to the environment and the role of these insects in entomocenosis. It should be noted, to our works in aphidological literature data on the study of ecological niches aphids quite absent [1, 45].

This article is devoted to presenting the data obtained in the study of influence ofvertical zonation on changes in the ecological niches ofaphids and discuss the related problems of ecological niches insects. At the same time is a continuation of the previously published paper [1, 45].

Therefore, selective attitude of aphids to environmental factors generates and selectivity to the habitat,

i. e. ecological specialization. Habitat or places. aphids is a set of ecological conditions within the species range: the part of a forage plant, or a certain type of environment where it occurs.

As a widely-used and narrow localized species of aphids in different parts of area distributed in the various habitats. So, living in the Southeast of Central Asia on a dandelion medicinal (Taraxacum officinale) aphid Aphis plantaginis Goese, on plains (Asaka, 450 m. abs. high.) forming large colonies in a radical part of dandelions growing under the trees and bushes along the river, forming a typical shadow form. In the mountains (Du-goba: Alai range, 2000-2200 m. abs. high.) it becomes luminous meeting on the open slopes with a southern exposure and living at the bottom and at the base of the young leaves of this plant. A show in the mountains this aphid species, as well as a number of other, change me-sophilic habitat on xerophilic.

At the same time it should be noted that the insect, as insects, closely related to their host plants, within their habitats occupy a specific position in space and time relative to other species of plants and animals.

So, inside the collapsed young leaves of a sorrel (Rumex drobovii) inhabits Aphis acetosae L. (Avval, Asaka, Shahrihan), on the drier slopes of the Central band of the mountains ofJordan, Dugoba) he develops in large colonies on top of a host plant. Therefore, there is a rule change stations, installed G.Ya.Bey-Bienko [2, 5-21]. Later this phenomenon in relation to тлям noted M. N. Narzikulovs [5, 123-128] and found its further development in research A. A. Mukhamediev [4, 41].

The position of one kind or another aphid in ento-

mocenosis is its ecological niche, i. e. the last is a specialization of the view inside the biocenosis and certain parts of the host plant, with a specific way of life and a certain way of nutrition.

On the plains (Asaka Bank, Kuvasay, Vuadil) green Apple aphid (Aphis pomi De Geer.) in the early growing season (April-may) is found in the lower tier of Apple trees — on the leaves of fruit-bearing shoots; in the second half of the summer, in connection with deterioration of conditions of supply, it goes to the root shoots. In the mountains (Abshir, Jordan, Syrt-Alai range) during the whole vegetation period this kind is found on the annual young shoots of the upper tier of Apple and never goes to feed on root growth. Although in the mountains of the upper tier of the plant is improved the regime light, a moisture, heat, and other favorable factors, the number of green Apple aphid in it is considerably below, than on the plains. Such a division of ecological niches of green Apple aphid on various tiers of host plants, depending on the vertical belts can be viewed as a mechanism of self-regulation of the number of individuals of this species in space.

On the plains of green willow aphid (Aphis farinosae Gmel.) in mid-summer ( July-August) goes on young sprouts growing near irrigation networks Yves (Avval, Shahrihan); in the mountains (Beck-yurti, Abshir, Kara-John-Alai range) it from spring to autumn dwells on the tops of shoots. Thus, on the plains of widely-distributed species of aphids develop on lower and middle layers of the host plant, in the mountains — prefers the upper tiers. On the upper altitudinal belts their harmfulness decreases substantially: deformation of leaves, stems and shoots weakened, the number of aphids is relatively low. So, Semiaphis lonicerina Shap., living on upper side of leaves honeysuckle, on the plains (Fergana, Vuadil, Asaka) is strongly twists them in the mountains of the (Khurjun, cook-su — Alai ridge; Kyzyl-Tu, Aflotun-Chatkal ridge) under the action of aphids honeysuckle leaves are formed along midrib, not twisting and not being deformed. Under the influence of aphids Rhopalo-myzus ferganica Mukh. et. Akhm. honeysuckle leaves of Lonicera nummulariifolia twisted into a spiral and turn yellow (foothills ofAlai — Guzal-Ata); in the mountains (Abshir, Shaimkul, Khurjun-Alai range), it inhabits inside sports weakly deformed of honeysuckle leaves.

Under the influence of aphids Rhopalomyzus ferganica Mukh.. et. Akhm. honeysuckle leaves of Lonicera nummulariifolia twisted into a spiral and turn yellow (foothills of Alai — Guzal-Ata); in the mountains (Abshir, Shaimkul, Khurjun-Alai range), it inhabits inside sports weakly deformed of honeysuckle leaves.


The influence of vertical zonation on changes in the ecological niches of aphids

On the medium and higher altitudes many species of aphids inhabit the tops of forage plants, not causing them harm.

This is typical species of the genera Uroleucon Mordv. and Macrosiphoniella de Guerc., dwelling on Artemisia, types of birth Cavariella del Guerc. occupying Hogweed (Heracleum lehmanianum).

The same is observed in aphid Metopolophium mukhamedievi Akhm., inhabiting the honeysuckle on Lonicera microphilla Acyrthosiphon glaucii (Narz.) on Glau-cium elegans, Ephedraphis ephedrae (Nevs.) — ephedra, Cinara thujafilina del Guerc. on different species ofjuniper (Juniperius) and thuja (Thuja), and other, for example, thuja aphid (C.thujafilina) on the plains ofnumerous forms dense colonies in the spring on the trunks of Thuja occi-dentalis, in summer-autumn, moreover, on the branches and trunks (Fergana, Cimyon, Asaka) causes shrinkage of host plants, and in the mountains (Khurjun-Alai ridge — Ferghana range, Salom-Alik) is not large accumulations of lives only in the end ofgreen shoots and leaves of species of juniper (Juniperius seravshanica, J.semiglodosa, J.turkestanica) without causing significant harm.

Often similar in a systematic relation species, inhabiting in biocoenosis and occupy different ecological niches. They specialize not only on the plants of the same species, but also on very specific parts of the plant — leaves, stem, roots etc; i. e. on the same feed plant simultaneously can dwell several species of aphids.

Based on the biological characteristics of aphid occurs division of ecological niches in the direction of their specialization to different parts of the host plant. This leads to the reduction of competitive tension between

them and confirms the position that the smaller phytophagous species, the less and scale inhomogeneities on which he can specialize (Bigon and others, 1989). For example, we noted that on the root neck of the cow-parsnip Lehmann (Heracleum lehmannianum) (Jordan, Alai ridge) live aphid Anuraphis subterranea (Walk.), in the axils of leaves — Dysaphis crataegi (Kalt.), and on the inflorescence — Cavariella theobaldi (Gill. et Bragg.). Flowers of cumin persicum form colonies Cavariella bunii Narz. et Mukh., on the radical part and sinuses leaves her — Dysaphis bunii Shap. (Sellik, Khurjun-Alai ridge). The honeysuckle (Lonicera tatarica) live together Hyadaphis tataricae (Aiz.) and Semiaphis lonicerina Shap. The latter occurs on the lower leaves, shoots, and tophoneysuckle aphid — inside the heavily deformed leaves of green cone honeysuckle (Fergana, Asaka). A similar phenomenon is observed in conditions of protected ground. So, on lemon Aphis gossypii Glov. forms a colony on leaves and young twigs and buds lemon leaf peach aphid (Myzuspersicae (Sulz.)) — small clusters only the tops of young shoots of the same plant.

From the above it follows:

• In different parts of the range, depending on the height gradient of the same species of aphids can hold different habitats and habitat change on the tiers of host plants, consequently, the harming activity of the species is considerably reduced in the mountains compared with plains.

• On the basis of bio-ecological peculiarities of aphid occurs division and change in ecological niches in the direction of their specialization to different parts of the host plant.


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