Научная статья на тему 'Rosa aphids (Homoptera, Aphidinea), spreading and their peculiarities of the use the feeding plant'

Rosa aphids (Homoptera, Aphidinea), spreading and their peculiarities of the use the feeding plant Текст научной статьи по специальности «Биологические науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по биологическим наукам, автор научной работы — Akhmedov Madaminbek Hatamovich, Khusanov Alijon Karimovich

In article is considered a specious discrepancy, life cycle, choice of inhabitance on feeding plant, peculiarities of subdivision and forming sequences of the ecological branches in guild Rosa aphids.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Rosa aphids (Homoptera, Aphidinea), spreading and their peculiarities of the use the feeding plant»

Rosa aphids (Homoptera, Aphidinea), spreading and their peculiarities of the use the feeding plant

Section 2. Biology

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.20534/ESR-16-9.10-7-8

Akhmedov Madaminbek Hatamovich, scientific doctor from biology, professor of Zoology division in Andijan State University, Uzbekistan

Khusanov Alijon Karimovich, the eldest scientific co-worker of Zoology division in Andijan State University, Uzbekistan E-mail: a-xusanov75@mail.ru

Rosa aphids (Homoptera, Aphidinea), spreading and their peculiarities of the use the feeding plant

Abstract: In article is considered a specious discrepancy, life cycle, choice of inhabitance on feeding plant, peculiarities of subdivision and forming sequences of the ecological branches in guild Rosa aphids.

Keywords: Rosana aphids, ecosystems, life cycle, monoecious cycle, obligate, dioecious cycle, migration, entomotsenoz, fodder plants, ecological niche, ecological specialization, phytophage, strong competitor, a weak opponent, the gradient of the plant, morphological differentiation of species, guild, density, abundance, habitat.

Rosana aphids in Central Asia such us, bring together a widespread and sparse spreod forms of species and genus rank which plays an important role in the functioning of mountain ecological. Some species commonly was founded in lowland areas where serious harm of cultivated roses.

Types of diversity and distribution. Nowadays, the number of species of aphids, which well-known to the roses and wild roses in Central Asia, it reached to 10, 8 genera belonging to Lachnidae-Aphididae families.

In particular, aphids Maculolachnus submacula (Walk.) and M.jachonthovi Kan & Juchn., are belong to Lachnidae family. The other 8 belongs to Aphididae family: Aphiduromyzus rosae Umar & Ibr., Amphorophora catharinae Nevs., Chaetosiphon chaetosiphon Nevs, Myzaphis rosarum (Kalt.), M.turanica Nevs., Myzus distinctus Nevs., Metopolophium dirhodum (Walk.), Macrosiphum rosae L.

Maculolachnus submacula sporadically distributed throughout the Palearctic in Central Asia which known from the mountain area (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan). Types of M.jachonthovi was marked in the gorge Uch — Bulak Djambul region of Kazakhstan [4]. Aphiduromyzus rosae known only in the Tien Shan (Issyk-Kul — the gorge Akterek) [6].

In Central Asia Myzaphis turanica and M.rosarum are widespread in both valleys and mountain area. Myzus distinctus was marked in Tashkent [7] and in Southern Kazakhstan [5]. Chaetosiphon chaetosiphon widespreod in Central Asia, Azerbaijan, and Western Europe [6]. Areal Macrosiphum rosae covers Central Asia, which introduced in all countries. Metopolophium dirhodum and Amphorophora catharinae occurs mainly in the valley in the foothill zone and the bottom of the strip middle belt of mountains.

Life cycle. According to the life cycle of aphids classifications [8; 9] Rosana aphids from Central Asia, have a normal cycle monoecious Amphorophora catharinae, Myzaphis rosarum, M.turanica, Maculolachnus submacula, M.jachonthovi, Chaetosiphon chaetosiphon, Myzus distinctus and obligated dioecious cycle have Aphiduromyzus rosae, Metopolophium dirhodum, Macrosiphum rosae.

Meanwhile, under favorable conditions, supply part of the colony of aphids Macrosiphum rosae and Metopolophium dirhodum remain on roses and rose hips in the course of the season. Consequently, these species belong to the group and optionally — Migratory aphids.

Selection of habitats and ecological niches division. Each species of aphids has its place in entomotsenoze and host plants. If the range of the species as the geographic rank determines its distribution in space, the environment — mean its distribution and ecological niche.

Selective aphids attitude to environmental factors, and gives rise to discrimination to the habitat, which, ecological specialization. Habitat or station aphids — a set of conditions meet environmental requirements within the range of the species: part of the host plant or a certain type of environment where it occurs.

Often taxonomically close species, settling near to a biological group, occupy different ecological niches. At the same time, they specialize not only on plants of the same species, but also to perform certain parts of the plant — leaves, stems, roots, etc. One forage plants can simultaneously inhabit several species of aphids.

On the base of the biological characteristics ofaphid occurs division of ecological niches in the direction of specialization of the various parts of the host plant. This reduces the competitive tension among them and confirms the position that the smaller supplyed with plants, the smaller the scale of irregularities which it can specialize [3].

Observations show that Rosa Fedtschenkoana during the season a live 6 species of aphids. So, Amphorophora catharinae settling lives in large colonies on the tips of thin branches and shoots. Macrosiphum rosae lives on stems, leaves and axils of the shoots. Chaitosi-phon chaitosiphon and Metopolophium dirhodum live in small colonies on the tops of young branches and on the underside of leaves.

We marked that two species of aphids can occupy the same position in a particular part of the plant, with one of them acts as a strong competitor, the second, as the weaker opponent, usually propagated before the first.

Section 2. Biology

So, Metopolophium dirhodum and Chaitosiphon chaitosiphon develop together, spring in the at the bottom of the leaves and shoot tips. Then the parameters of ecological niches of the species cover each other. According to our observations of the development and reproduction Metopolophium dirhodum occur somewhat earlier and in their colonies to develop mass nymphs and winged migrants and they are fully migrate to secondary host plants.

This Metopolophium dirhodum prevents roses and wild roses from excessive migration of two types of aphids on one of the host plant.

It conforms one more on remarks confirms the findings M. H. Ahmedov [2], which, if two species, one of which acts as a strong competitor, and the second as a weak opponent occupy the same niche in a particular part of the hast plant, one of them is migratory, which using a forage plant in the short term development.

Aphids Myzaphis turanica diffused colonies, often singly suck on the top and underside ofthe leaves on the tops ofthe shoots and buds middle tier of the plant. Maculolachnus submacula mainly lives in the root of the wild rose. The division of ecological niches aphids roses and wild roses are determined by the following parameters.

The first position of aphids — the location of their plants along the altitudinal gradient or the separation of niches in space. So, Maculolachnus submacula lives at a height of 0-5 sm from the soil surface. Myzaphis turanica at a height of80-100 sm, Metopolophium dirhodum and aphids Chaitosiphon chaitosiphon found at a height of 100-120 sm fodder plant. At the very top of rosehip lives Ampho-rophora catharinae and below Macrosiphum rosae.

The second group of ecological niches which dependencies habitat is characterized by aphids. Amphorophora catharinae populates the top thin branches and shoots, Macrosiphum rosae is in the bottom of the upper tier. In the middle tier of leaves Chaitosiphon chaitosiphon and live Metopolophium dirhodum and root parts of the plant Maculolachnus submacula.

Thus, several species of aphids, living on the same food plants, share resources and form a gradient sequence niches. The third parameter is the ecological niches of aphids morphological differentiation of species.

Separation niches Rosa aphids as members of one guild [11], corresponds to a certain level of morphological differences. It appears common to all these types of property — adjacent along the

gradient of host plants of aphids consistently different body sizes.

For example, Maculolachnus submacula, discriminate a larger body, longer than Macrosiphum rosae 0.19 mm. Length body Amphorophora catharinae 0.50 mm shorter are Macrosiphum rosae. Metopolophium dirhodum morphological parameters significantly different from Chaitosiphon chaitosiphon (252x1.42 against 1.74x0.92 mm).

Analogical data were obtained when comparing the width of the body. According to the rule Hutchinson [10], a number of animal species in the neighboring sequence of potential competitors differ in the length of about 1.3 times. Approximately the same ratio observed in guilds Rosana aphids. Thus, the ratio of body length Rosa aphids ranges from 1.11 to 1.44 (mean — 1.28 times), width — 1,21-1,41 (average — 1.31 times).

Depending on the size of the habitat of aphids, it is the density of their population. As a rule, the latter is in inverse proportion to body size. Thus, the largest Maculolachnus submacula in the root of the plant is found in small colonies, whereas aphids Amphorophora catharinae and Macrosiphum rosae form dense colonies on top of the host plant.

In entomological group and host plants differentiated ecological niches increasingly goes in the direction of each other complement, not compete directly in the direction of the user the space ecological system which host plants and the possible types of interactions [1; 2].

Disutility of aphids on roses and rose hips. From aphids roses plantations cause considerable damage aphids Macrosiphum

rosae and Amphorophora catharinae. Since april young shoots of

roses covered by large colonies of aphids.

Won the mass of their reproduction in april — may the shoots of host plants wilt and the leaves fall off. Wingless virgin forming in october in fairly large colonies occur in December, some years in January.

More favorable environmental conditions, the absence of other species of aphids on host plants, leads to an intense breeding Macu-lolachnus submacula.

At the same time, large colonies of aphids live on the stem and the top of the shoots and in the root of the wild rose. In consequence it is the observed mass falling of the leaves of the plant. The harmfulness of other species of aphids on roses and rose hips are observed, which belong to their way of life.


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