Научная статья на тему 'The influence of transformational leadership, organizational culture and organizational commitment on employee satisfaction of Pt. Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk of Jember Area'

The influence of transformational leadership, organizational culture and organizational commitment on employee satisfaction of Pt. Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk of Jember Area Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
Transformational leadership / organizational culture / organizational commitment / work satisfaction

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Dewi Yunita Puspa, Holis Muhammad Nur, Tobing Diana Sulianti Kristiani Lumban, Hana S. Sri Wahyu Lelly

The purpose of this research is to know the influence of transformational leadership, organizational culture, and organizational commitment on performance through work satisfaction of Mandiri Bank employees of Jember Area. Sampling uses census method to all employees of L5 Mandiri Bank of Jember Area amounted to 70 people. This research uses quantitative research method with explanatory research approach. The data obtained from the questionnaires of respondents tested using path analysis test (Path Analysis). The result of this research shows that transformational leadership has a direct influence on work satisfaction of employees of Mandiri Bank in Jember Area. The results also explain that transformational leadership affects on performance through work satisfaction, organizational culture affects the performance through work satisfaction, and organizational commitment affects the performance through work satisfaction.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The influence of transformational leadership, organizational culture and organizational commitment on employee satisfaction of Pt. Bank Mandiri (Persero), Tbk of Jember Area»

DOI https://doi.org/10.18551/rjoas.2018-04.11


Dewi Yunita Puspa*, Holis Muhammad Nur, Tobing Diana Sulianti Kristiani Lumban,

Hana S. Sri Wahyu Lelly

University of Jember, Indonesia

*E-mail: [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0002-3969-0788


The purpose of this research is to know the influence of transformational leadership, organizational culture, and organizational commitment on performance through work satisfaction of Mandiri Bank employees of Jember Area. Sampling uses census method to all employees of L5 Mandiri Bank of Jember Area amounted to 70 people. This research uses quantitative research method with explanatory research approach. The data obtained from the questionnaires of respondents tested using path analysis test (Path Analysis). The result of this research shows that transformational leadership has a direct influence on work satisfaction of employees of Mandiri Bank in Jember Area. The results also explain that transformational leadership affects on performance through work satisfaction, organizational culture affects the performance through work satisfaction, and organizational commitment affects the performance through work satisfaction.


Transformational leadership, organizational culture, organizational commitment, work satisfaction.

Banking is one of the sectors that sustain the Indonesian economy in the non-oil sector. The development of the banking industry according to the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) in the Economic and Banking Report 2016, itgrows to 5.04% in December 2016 compared to December 2015.Mandiri Bank as a red plate bank in Indonesia certainly has a big share in the growth increase in the banking industry.With a market share of 25.24% of the total banking in Indonesia, and it successfully books a profit of Rp.20,3 trillion with total assets of Rp. 900,56 trillion, then Mandiri Bank deserves the title as the largest bank in Indonesia.

PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk was established on October 2, 1998 and it continues to transform the organization. The stage of reorganization of Mandiri Bank has now entered the third transformation which began in 2015 with a primary vision to become one of the best banks in Asia. The real step of reorganization is with the addition of managerial level closer to the local level and to the implementing staff. Originally, the nearest managerial level for branches in the region was the 3rd layer (L3) leadership officer domiciled in the region / provincial capitals. This third transformation establishes the leadership of layer 4 (L4) based in big area or city in charge of Branch and Business Unit placed in big area or city.L4 employees as employees of leadership in addition to obtaining authority from the Region, they also served to oversee the L5 leaders and executives to meet the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) by sticking to the organizational culture of Mandiri Bank, namely TIPCE. The L4's Chief officer is the head of Branch and Head of Business Unit which coordinates directly with the 5th Layer Manager (L5) that is the Customer Service Officer and Professional Staff Officer. Based on this, the researchers are interested in examining the leadership attitude of leadership transformational L4 employees with respondents from the L5 leadership as direct subordinates of L4 leadership employees.

The organizational culture of Mandiri Bank is a guide for all employees in running their respective job descriptions. Employees who hold customer trust and integrity and professional meet the needs of customers in the service will certainly lead to work satisfaction for employees. For customers, Mandiri Bank will also have confidence and a sense of comfort which will affect Mandiri Bank's performance in terms of service, business, and profit.

Organizational culture according to Zhang and Li (2013) is a system of values, beliefs, and habits with its formal structure to produce organizational behavior norms as a guide in carrying out tasks to achieve organizational goals, so it can be correlated that the organizational culture which is implemented properly will support achieving organizational goals effectively and improving company performance. The statement is supported by the results of Sabri et al (2011) research showing that organizational culture plays a role in improving the work satisfaction of teachers at universities and higher education institutions in Lahore, Pakistan.In line with the results of Owoyemi and Ekwoaba (2014) research, it reveals that organizational culture has a significant effect on both financial and non-financial performance for local government employees in Lagos, Nigeria.

Mandiri Bank certainly realizes that employees are also a valuable asset to develop the company. Employees are living organisms that enable the functioning of an organization and become an important element in management to achieve goals, so that the involvement and sense of ownership of employees within the company should also be considered to increase organizational commitment of employees. Mandiri Bank always involves all layers of its employees in determining the bottom-up policy, either in the form of formal meetings or representatives of the Mandiri Bank Employees Union (SPBM). In addition, Mandiri Bank also yearly rewards employees from each region who perform well in the Mandiri Excellence Award (MEA) event. It is done to increase the organizational commitment of employees and make employees feel to be the part of Mandiri Bank, so that it will increase employees' work satisfaction followed by increasing employee performance.

In the midst of today's global banking competition, Mandiri Bank as a State-Owned Bank with the greatest asset in Indonesia certainly still needs to improve the management of good human resources, especially from the side of transformational leadership, organizational culture, organizational commitment, and work satisfaction. Leaders who have transformational traits will increasingly improve work satisfaction and employee performance after this third stage of Mandiri Bank's transformation in 2015, as the new leadership level of layer-4 (L4) allows leaders closer to their employees and coordination areas. The organizational culture of Mandiri Bank in the form of TIPCE that is already inherent, can help accelerate Mandiri Bank in achieving internal and external performance with customers and stakeholders. Massive organizational commitment among employees, enable to increase employee satisfaction and performance. Similarly, work satisfaction that is good enough to be felt by employees, will encourage Mandiri Bank to achieve the main objectives of the company in the field of service improvement, business or market share, and profit.

Research related to transformational leadership, organizational culture, and organizational commitment, work satisfaction, and performance has been widely applied in various business sectors, both in academic, communications, and government. This research is a renewal because it covers all the variables mentioned above which is also a factual phenomenon that is related to reorganization in Mandiri Bank of Jember Area. Based on this, the researchers are interested in examining the influence of transformational leadership, organizational culture, and organizational commitment on performance through work satisfaction of employees of Mandiri Bank of Jember Area.

Research Problems. Based on the background, the following problems can be formulated: 1) does transformational leadership have direct influence on work satisfaction of employees?, 2) does organizational culture have a direct influence on employee satisfaction?, 3) Does organizational commitment directly affect employee satisfaction?

Research Objectives. Starting from the description that has been explained in the background, then the objectives of this study are: 1) to know the direct influence of transformational leadership on work satisfaction of Mandiri Bank employees; 2) to know the

direct influence of organizational culture on employee work satisfaction of Mandiri Bank; 3) to know the direct influence of organizational commitment on work satisfaction of Mandiri Bank employees;


Research Conceptual Framework. Based on research conducted by Sardjono et al (2014), it reveals that transformational leadership has a positive influence on work satisfaction. The results of Chamariyah et al (2015) suggest that transformational leadership has a significant influence on performance. It is supported by Ngadiman et al (2013) on the nature of transformational leadership that is the leader who devotes his attention to the problems faced by his followers and the development needs of each of his followers by giving encouragement and motivation to achieve his goals.

Ariyani et al (2016) states that all dimensions of organizational culture have a significant positive relationship on work satisfaction, as well as the results of research Chamdan (2013) which expresses organizational culture has a positive influence on employee performance. Organizational culture that is socialized with good communication can determine the company's overall strength, performance, and competitiveness in the long term. The establishment of good employee performance is generated when there is a good communication between all employees to form a strong internalization of organizational culture and is understood in accordance with organizational values that can lead to positive perceptions between all levels of employees to support and influence the climate satisfaction impact on performance (Mangkunegara, 2009).

Thamrin's (2012) study suggests that organizational commitment has a significant influence on work satisfaction and performance, supported by previous research from Koh at al (1995) that high organizational commitment can result in work satisfaction in employees, thus, it affects performance. Commitment can reduce the level of turn-over of employees because employees who are committed to the organization, work, colleagues, and leaders will be able to identify and have more efforts to increase their involvement in achieving organizational goals (Ariyani, 2016).

Kurniawan et al (2014) in his research states that work satisfaction has a significant influence on performance. In line with the research results of Thamrin (2012) that there is a positive influence on employee performance. Employee satisfaction can provide maximum benefits to the company in the long term because work satisfaction contributes to great improving employee performance indicators.


H1: Transformational leadership has a significant influence on work satisfaction.

H2: Organizational culture has a significant influence on work satisfaction.

H3: Organizational commitment has a significant influence on work satisfaction.


This research activity is conducted on officer of L5 layer of Mandiri Bank in Jember Area. This research is a kind of quantitative research. It intends to explain the influence between variables through hypothesis testing and simultaneously explanation of how many variables, so that this research method utilizes explanatory method (explanatory research) which explains the causal relationship between independent variable and the dependent variable.

Data collection time is conducted in June 2017. The research location is Mandiri Bank of Jember Area which includes Mandiri Bank Branch of Probolinggo, Mandiri Bank Branch of Jember Alun-Alun, Mandiri Bank Branch of Sultan Agung, Mandiri Bank Jember Branch of Wijaya Kusuma, Mandiri Bank Branch of Jember Tanggul, Mandiri Bank Branch of Jember Ambulu, Mandiri Bank Branch of Bondowoso, Mandiri Bank Branch of Situbondo, Mandiri Bank Branch of Lumajang, Mandiri Bank Branch of Genteng, and Mandiri Bank Branch of Banyuwangi.

Population of this research is all officer of layer-5 (officer L5) of Mandiri Bank Area of Jember counted 70 people. The sampling technique used in this study is the census that uses the entire population as a sample. Data analysis method is done by Data Normality Test, Validity Test, Reliability Test, Path Analysis, Classical Assumption Test, and t-Test.


Hypothesis Test. To determine whether or not there is a direct influence between the independent variables on the intervening and the intervening variable on the dependent, or the indirect influence of the independent variable on the dependent through the intervening, the path analysis is analyzed using SPSS 20. In the causal step strategy, the hypothesis criteria (Ha) is accepted if Sig <0.05 for direct influence, either simultaneously (Fcount), or partial (tcount value). To see the significance of indirect influence, Product of Coefficient strategy is used by looking at the value of z > 1,96. Here are the results of the path analysis test:

Table 1 - Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Organizational Commitment

Influencing Work satisfaction (R 2 )

Model R. R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of The Estimate

1 ,416a ,173 ,135 2,046

Predictors: (Constant), KO, KT, BO.

According to the table 1, it is known that the number of R square (R 2) is 0.173 which means that the influence of transformational leadership, organizational culture, and organizational commitment on work satisfaction is 17.3%, while the remaining 82.7 % is influenced by other factors.

Table 2 - Analysis of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture, Organizational Commitment Path Analysis on Work Satisfaction (Output Coefficient)

.. , , Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients .

Model --0., -- t Sig.

_B_Std. Error_Beta_a

1 (Constant) 34,372 3,397 10,225 ,000 KT ,135 ,049 ,309 2,731 ,008 BO ,092 ,042 ,298 2,560 ,023 _KO_,083_,040_,264_2,055_,044

Hypothesis 1 (H1): Transformational leadership has a significant influence on work satisfaction of employees of Mandiri Bank in Jember Area. Based on Table 2, it is known that transformational leadership variable (abbreviated as KT) significantly affects work satisfaction directly with Sig value 0.008 (< 0.05). It means that the transformational leadership variable (X1) has a significant influence on work satisfaction variable. The first hypothesis is accepted.

Hypothesis 2 (H2): Organizational culture has a significant influence on work satisfaction of employees of Mandiri Bank in Jember Area. Based on Table 2, it is known that organizational culture variable (abbreviated as BO) significantly affects work satisfaction directly with Sig 0,023 (< 0,05). It means that the organizational culture variable has a significant influence on the variable of work satisfaction. The third hypothesis is accepted.

Hypothesis 3 (H3): Organizational commitment has a significant influence on work satisfaction of Mandiri Bank employees in Jember Area. Based on Table 5.19, it is known that organizational commitment variable (abbreviated as KO) significantly affects work satisfaction directly with Sig 0.044 (<0,05). It means that organizational commitment variable has a significant influence on work satisfaction variable. The fifth hypothesis is accepted.


The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Work Satisfaction. Based on descriptive analysis of transformational leadership variable and work satisfaction at Mandiri Bank employees of Jember Area, it is known that 65,7% of respondents state that leadership attitude has fulfilled transformational leadership characteristic, 65,1% respondents agree that work satisfaction has been reached. The level of staff education is also associated with the acceptance of transformational attitudes of leaders who then affect work satisfaction. All employees of L5 Mandiri Bank of Jember Area have been obtaining bachelor degree, both S1 (Undergraduate Program) and S2 (Master Program), so that the vision and mission, motivation, and encouragement of the leader's idea can be accepted well, which then it leads to the employees' satisfaction with their work.

Based on the calculation of the path, it can be seen that the leadership transformational positively affects employees' work satisfaction. It means that the more a leader has a transformational attitude, the more satisfied the employee will be for his work. Likewise on the contrary, the more a leader does not have a transformational attitude, then the satisfaction of the work is difficult to feel. The path calculation shows that the value of pX1Z is 0.309, meaning that transformational leadership directly affects 30.9% of work satisfaction. 69.1% of work satisfaction influenced by variables other than transformational leadership variables, such as organizational culture, organizational commitment, motivation, compensation, training, and others.

After the reorganization, the L5 leadership officer as the respondent in this study is under the coordination of the L4 leadership officer who has the same authority and duty as the L3 leadership officer in the region or provincial capital. The closer the managerial level to employees and coordination areas in the area make employees easier to perform escalation of operational problems and human resources. Solicative answers submitted by L4's employee are faster to be obtained by employees than before the reorganization, so that work satisfaction increases.

Submission of the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) as Mandiri Bank's annual work objective by the L4 leadership officer is presented clearly making the team work more focused. The success of the KPI achievement step makes employees optimistic and satisfied with their work. Praise, awards in the form of a charter, and the announcement of the best employee during the morning briefing as a performance recognition initiative and employee award given by L4's employee are often conducted in branches or work units at Mandiri Bank; thereby, it increases employees' work satisfaction. The proximity and the open condusive atmosphere have been there between the employer (L4 employee) and subordinate (L5 employee) at Mandiri Bank of Jember Area, as well as the recognition for the employee who achieved the target makes the employee also achieve work satisfaction. To further improve employee work satisfaction, it can be exposed to a more intense presentation, evaluation, and monitoring of KPI in semi-formal environment, so that the atmosphere is open and conducive. Giving praise and recognition of employee achievement must also remain considered by way of appreciation in the form of a charter or announcement of outstanding employees at the closing of the forum.

The results of research are in line with previous research conducted by Belios and Koustelios (2014) examining transformational leadership and work satisfaction in the banking sector, namely that transformational leadership proves to have a positive influence in increasing work satisfaction. Charismatic managers, clear mission vision, work appreciation, and employees' intellectual stimulation obtain positive reactions from their employees. Long et al (2014) in his research also proves that transformational leadership positively affects employment satisfaction of employees of local government companies in Johor, Malaysia. Leaders who have the goal of accomplishing and accompanying employees in achievement increase employees' satisfaction with their work.

The Influence of Organizational Culture on Work Satisfaction. Zhang and Li (2013) argue that organizational culture is a system of values, beliefs, and habits with its formal structure to produce organizational behavior norms as a guide in performing tasks to achieve

organizational goals. Organizational culture that is well implemented will support the achievement of organizational goals effectively. Given the history of Mandiri Bank which is a merger of 4 previous legacy banks, of course it is not an easy thing to equate the organizational culture of 4 different companies. The success of Mandiri Bank to build a strong corporate culture since 1998 is an indicator that the TIPCE culture of Mandiri Bank has been well implemented.

Descriptive analysis of organizational culture variables and work satisfaction in Mandiri Bank employees of Jember Area shows that 59.8% of respondents state that organizational culture has been implemented well in Mandiri Bank of Jember Area. In addition, 65.1% of respondents agree that work satisfaction has been achieved. The length of employment of employees is also related to the implementation of a consistent organizational culture that will trigger work satisfaction. All L5 employees of Mandiri Bank of Jember Area have been working at Mandiri Bank and have been in the leadership position of L5 for more than 1.5 years. The research result shown by Ekwutosi and Moses (2013) states that individuals who are in the organization for at least one year means have been aware, understand, judge, accept, and implement the culture of the organization.

The results reveal that organizational culture has a positive influence on work satisfaction. It means that the more an employee works by holding the organizational culture, employee work satisfaction will increase. On the contrary, the more employees ignore the organizational culture, then work satisfaction is not achieved. The calculation of the path shows that the value of pX2 Z of 0.298; it means that organizational culture directly affects 29.8% of employee's work satisfaction. 80.2% of work satisfaction is influenced by variables other than organizational culture variables, such as transformational leadership, organizational commitment, motivation, compensation, training, and so forth.

The organizational culture of Mandiri Bank is guided by all employees in running their respective job descriptions. Employees who hold customer trust and integrity and professional meet the needs of customers in the service will lead to work satisfaction for employees. Mandiri Bank's organizational culture also regulates mutual respect among employees. In addition, it is also to maintain mutual integrity of employees, both with subordinates and supervisors, so that employees' work satisfaction is maintained. The efforts to improve employees' work satisfaction through the implementation of TIPCE culture can continue to be developed, especially in the way that Corporate Culture Group of Mandiri Bank has set with 4: 1 cultural groups. Cultural group of TIPCE 4: 1 is implementing supervision among employees within the same work unit and reminding each other when there is an action in work that is not in accordance with the culture of Mandiri Bank's TIPCE.

The results of this study are consistent with Zhang and Li's (2013) research on the influence of organizational culture on employee satisfaction at a family company in coal production in Shanxi Province, China, outlining the result that there is a specific relationship between organizational culture and work satisfaction. In line with the results of research conducted by Sabri et al (2011) that organizational culture plays a role in improving work satisfaction of teachers at universities and higher education institutions in Lahore, Pakistan. Organizational cultures that are made are supportive for teachers, thereby enhancing trust, respecting peer opinion, and high curiosity among teachers. The role of leadership that facilitates the way of organizational culture also makes the teacher's work satisfaction increasing.

The Influence of Organizational Commitment on Work Satisfaction. Based on descriptive analysis of organizational commitment variable and work satisfaction at employees of Mandiri Bank of Jember Area, it is known that 54.8% of respondents state commitment to the company and 65.1% of respondents agree that work satisfaction has been achieved. Furthermore, based on the value of path calculation, it can be seen that the leadership transformational positively affects employees' work satisfaction. It means that the higher the organizational commitment the employee has, the more satisfied the employee will be to his work. Likewise, on the contrary, the lower the organizational commitment the employee has, the satisfaction of the work is difficult to feel.

The path calculation shows that the value of pX3Z is 0.264, it means that organizational commitment directly influences 26,4% of work satisfaction of employee. 73.6% of work satisfaction is influenced by variables other than organizational commitment variables, such as transformational leadership, organizational culture, motivation, compensation, training, and so on.

One of indicators of the high organizational commitment at Mandiri Bank is the low turn-over of employees. At L5 leadership level, there are 53 employees, which means 75% of L5's employees have been working for more than 5 years. The length of the employment period is followed by a sense of belonging and a sense of becoming the part of Mandiri Bank. To increase the organizational commitment of employees, Mandiri Bank also involves all layers of its employees in determining the bottom-up policy, either in the form of formal meetings or representatives of Mandiri Bank Employees Union (SPBM). The high organizational commitment of employees, especially the sense of belonging or affective commitment, makes employees satisfied with their work, both from colleagues, supervisors, work environment, and the work itself.

The results of this study support the results of previous research conducted by Inanc and Ozdilek (2015) on the academic staff of the Private University in Ankara, Turkey, revealing that to improve employees' work satisfaction; it is by increasing the organizational commitment of academics, especially affective commitment. To achieve this, the university conducts activities to enhance sense of belonging of the organization because academics who are emotionally attached to universities will be more satisfied with their work. Similarly, the study of Lok and Crawford (2001) on paramedics in Sydney exposing that 32 organizational commitment has a positive influence on work satisfaction.


Based on the results of the study conducted on Mandiri Bank employees of Jember Area, the conclusions are as follows:

Transformational leadership directly affects work satisfaction of employees of Mandiri Bank of Jember Area. The results of this study indicate that transformational leadership has a significant influence on work satisfaction. The higher the attitude of transformational leadership, the more increasing the work satisfaction.

Organizational culture directly affects work satisfaction of Mandiri Bank employees of Jember Area. The results of this study indicate that organizational culture has a significant influence on work satisfaction. The better the organizational culture which is applied, the more increasing the work satisfaction.

Organizational commitment directly affects employee satisfaction of Mandiri Bank employees of Jember Area. The results of this study indicate that organizational commitment has a significant influence on work satisfaction. The higher the organizational commitment, the more increasing the work satisfaction.


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