Научная статья на тему 'The influence of the origin of fodders on pig production results'

The influence of the origin of fodders on pig production results Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Bożena Wojtyra, Marek Balcerak

AbstractStudy aimed at evaluation of feed origin effect on pigs performance-economic results. Farms, which average purchased about 62.5% of concentrates had lowest feed, metabolic energy (MJ) and total protein consumption as well as highest income on 1kg of the body mass gain.Among pig farms with the highest share of feed purchase the highest agricultural income per farm and 1 hour of labour, and lowest labour expenditures per 100kg gross of pork.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The influence of the origin of fodders on pig production results»

Bozena Wojtyra, Marek Balcerak ©

Warsaw Agricultural University, Poland




Study aimed at evaluation of feed origin effect on pigs performance-economic results. Farms, which average purchased about 62.5% of concentrates had lowest feed, metabolic energy (MJ) and total protein consumption as well as highest income on 1kg of the body mass gain.

Among pig farms with the highest share of feed purchase the highest agricultural income per farm and 1 hour of labour, and lowest labour expenditures per 100kg gross of pork.

Key words: farms, fodders, pig production, feeding


In Poland there is one of highest headage of pigs in Europe, which needs to be appropriately fed. There is a lot to be improved, while not always the high quality concentrates and mixes are being used for intensive meat production. In many European countries, in spite of the smaller headage of animals, there is a greater scale of feed production than in Poland (Netherlands, Italy, Great Britain). So far the production of industrial fodders in Poland is quite stable and averages 5 mln. tons. Fodders for poultry are in majority (68%), then for pigs (27%), while in old EU countries - 15 the production for every species fluctuates around 30% [Kujawiak, 2005].

In Poland production of industrial fodders in 2006 averaged about 5.8 mln. tons and was about 9.9% higher than in 2005 [Lopaciuk, 2007]. There is a common statement that at low price of pork breeders who prepare fodder in farm are able to gain any income. Undoubtedly a possibility of using own grains is a benefit to the farm. Additionally, the farmer is not incurring transport costs of bought blends and cereals, also he exactly knows what the content of the feed. Own blend is usually cheaper and better than purchased. If the breeder applies the appropriate prescription and the good premix. When the cereals are cheap, it is better to allot them to the pig feed.

The aim of this article was an assessment of the influence of the origin of applied fodders in pig feeding on their performance-economic results.

Fodders applied in pig feeding

In the majority of Polish farms specializing in the pig production a cereal fattening is being practiced. Preparing and setting fodder in the cereal fattening is less laborious than in technologies with using different fodders.

© Bozena Wojtyra, Marek Balcerak, 2009


Among cereals, the wheat is most important, a little bit less participation have barley and the triticale. According to Frankiewicz [2008a], in blends of concentrates the share of the wheat should not constitute more than 60%. A grain of wheat belongs similarly, as the maize, to fodders with the high concentration of the metabolic energy (EM). In the pig feeding energy value of the wheat amounts about 13.9 MJ EM/kg [Pig nutrition norm, 1993]. High content of carbohydrates influence such high concentration of EM (mainly of starch) and low content of crude fiber.

Wheat is a valued component of feed blends for pigs, for its beneficial taste, the high digestibility and the concentration of the energy. In diets wheat gives satisfying production results. However, there should be mentioned that reduction of the wheat's share in blends in the second period of the fattening (above 70 kg of the body weight) is required, because the excess can influence to the height of the adiposity.

Barley is a typical cereal crop fodder, willingly taken by pigs and improving the quality of the animal raw material. The average protein content in 1kg of the barley amounts 111g [Pig nutrition norm, 1993]. This protein similarly to different cereals is characterized by the low nutritional value. It has average protein content, nevertheless it constitutes over 50% of total amount of the protein in fodder blends. Starch is the major carbohydrate in the cereal grains. Content of starch in the barley are differs from 43 to over 70% [Frankiewicz, 2008].

Due to the ban on applying the animal origin meals in farm animals nutrition, imported soya meal is a primary source of the protein. Because of its high price, soya meal is being replaced partly by domestic feeds, originating from the rape processing. Rape meal is cheaper than soya, therefore applying it is possible to lower costs of pig feeding. Rape applied in the form of meal or oilcake, as much as seeds and oil is an important source of the protein in pig diet. Total protein content (378g) in rape meal shows that this fodder is an abounding source of this nutrient. Admittedly the level of the protein is lower than in soya meal (388g), it is clearly higher than in the pulse (pea, Vicia faba), except for the yellow lupine [Pig nutrition norm, 1993]. Content of the total protein in rape meal demonstrate the great constancy, while level of this element in soya meal is more variable. Rape meal due to high content of crude fiber has lower energy content compared to the majority of high protein fodders. It can be applied in blends for piglets up to 5%. In farm animal diets (sows, young boars) is not recommended adding rape meal. A considerable issue in rape processing products application are their anti nutritional traits [Hanczakowska, 2007]. Even slight amount of anti nutritional factors has the negative influence on the health of animals, and their effect can accumulate. Applying rape meal in blends for sows in level of 10% is not affecting the litter size and mass at birth and weaning [Lipinski, 2008a].

Meals (soya and rape) can partly replace grains of pea who constitute one of elements of the pig feed in two examined farms. Leguminous plants, including pea is the only feed beside cereals which can be produced by the farmer. Pigs eat willingly seeds of pea and well digest it, the digestibility of the total protein amounts 85-90% [Konarkowski, 2008]. Pea compared with different leguminous seeds has the


maximum energy value for pigs. Seeds of pea contain relatively high level of protein with high content of the lysine, but the low level of methionine, tryptophan and cystine. However, mixing pea with cereals supplements essential amino acids, and the blend characterizes of high nutritional value.

For digestion and intestine peristalsis a ballast of fiber is necessary. Heavy cereals in the diet (wheat, triticale, rye and maize) may result in fiber deficiency despite of balanced feeding pigs will be hungry. Wheat bran is a by-product of the processing of wheat. Due to high content of crude fiber they have limited applicability in pig feeding. Bran is valuable fodder in feeding in pregnant and milking sows [Frankiewicz, 2008a].

It should be noticed, that the fodders inadequate for pigs (rye, rape, bran and pea), should be applied in the limited amount up to 5%.

Only few of polish pig farms apply potatoes in diets. According to Baranski [2008] fattening with the appropriately balanced add of potatoes has a positive effect on the meat quality, enabling exceptional valor of products. However the labour intensity of the cultivation, preparing and distributing potatoes is greater than for cereals. Therefore this kind of fattening is less favored, both with the number of farms the headage of pigs.

Some farms practice the fattening with silage from corn cobs from supplemented with the add of concentrate. Silage from grinded entire corn cobs (CCM) is very popular. The good CCM should be made of corn cobs, collected in the wax phase of the maturity with 50-65% content of the dry matter [Grela, 2007].

For fast growth and mineralization of the skeleton vitamin-mineral supplements are needed. Correct supply with mineral ingredients is one of the basic factors for effectiveness of animal production. An availability of mineral elements is an important problem. It determines production results, the health of animals, an influences the meat quality. Analyzing the influence of nutrition on meat quality the role of vitamins and mineral elements is disscussed. The vitamin E influences meatiness and extends the shelf life of the meat [Lipinski, 2008].

Performance-economic results depending on the share of purchase fodders

From an economic point of view, the profitable is the fattening of pigs with high gain and low feed consumption. With the grow of body weight feed consumption also grows when fat deposition prevails on deposition of protein. For deposition of 1kg of body fat 4 times more feed is needed than for 1kg of protein. With more expensive fodder the fattening should be shortened, best by 100-110 kg of body weight. It will give the optimal values of feed efficiency with higher meatiness.

On farms presented in table 1, with the lowest share of purchased fodders mainly cereal meal were used produced on farm.. When the feed purchase ratio grew, the pre-mixed blends percentage increases. In all farms blends were prepared of cereal grains supplemented with concentrates and vitamin-mineral additives.


Table 1

Indices of the performance-economic efficiency of pig production on farms grouped depending according to the participation of fodders from the purchase _in diets for pigs_

Specification Feed purchase share

lowest medium highest

Number of farm in groups 27 22 18

Concentrated feed purchase (%) 15,9 62,5 90,6

Daily gain of body weight (kg/day) 0,708 0,711 0,742

Concentrated feed consumption for 1kg of body weight gain (kg/kg) 3,86 2,46 3,25

EM consumption for 1kg of body weight gain (MJ/kg) 52 32 42

Total protein consumption for 1kg of body weight gain (kg/kg) 0,51 0,36 0,51

Protein g/1 MJ 9,72 11,27 12,16

Cost of 1MJ of EM (zl/MJ) 0,04 0,04 0,05

Cost of 1kg of protein (zl/kg) 0,04 0,04 0,04

Cost of 1kg concentrated feed (zl/kg) 0,50 0,57 0,62

Cost of 1kg of concentrated feed produced on farm (zl/kg) 0,45 0,43 0,39

Cost of 1kg of concentrated feed purchased (zl/kg) 0,76 0,65 0,65

Total labour expenditures on 100kg of pork gross (h/100kg) 5,7 5,0 2,0

Income (zl/ha rural areas) 2606 7560 14692

Agricultural income for 1kg of pork gross (zl/kg) 1,61 1,85 1,04

Gross pork production per 1 h of total labour (kg/h) 18 20 51

Agricultural income for 1 h of total labour (zl/h) 28,35 37,33 53,20

Source: Szymanska, 2008

In the studied collection of farms cost of the 1kg of farm made concentrate was lower than 1kg of fodder from the purchase. Higher cost of purchased concentrate feed was influenced by - concentrate cost (average 1.64 zloty/kg) and the cost of industrial blends (average 0.86 zloty/kg). Purchased cereals were cheaper than produced in the farm.

In 2006 average direct costs of the production of the late wheat in 145 farms examined by the Institute were 19.74 zl/dt., and average in 163 farms planting the 266

triticale direct costs amounted 17.83 zl/dt. For 1 dt of the triticale were sold average by 42.13 zloty, which is about 14.2% more than average in the purchase point (36.88 zl/dt) [Augustynska - Grzymek, 2007].

1 dt of the triticale, in examined farms, average sum of 40.08 zloty was paid, but price for 1 dt of triticale produced on farm was 42.72 zloty. The rye was bought on average for 33.89 zl/dt. In studied by Cholewa [2007], 126 individual farms the selling price of the rye amounted 39.67 zl/dt and was about 3% higher than data published for the rye by the GUS (41.72 zl/dt).

In presented farms flock pigs were fed with blends, where cereals were the main content (in the group with the lowest share of fodders from the purchase) and of the purchased concentrates. The concentrate consumption on 1kg of the body weight gain in porkers was lowest in the group of farms „ average " and highest in the group of farms with the smallest share of fodders from the purchase (3.86 kg). Similarly, the EM and total protein consumption per 1kg of the gain in the livestock respectively 32 MJ and 0.36 kg (farms with the average purchase share) and 52 MJ and 0.51kg (farms the lowest purchase share). The cost of 1 MJ of EM and 1kg of the total protein in fodders applied in feeding the pigs was on the similar level.

At present the feed consumption should not excess 3 kg on 1kg of the body weight gain. In Denmark feed consumption on 1kg of the gain does not exceed 2.87kg. Piglets are fattened from about 33kg of body weight, final weight of the fattening is 100 kg [Reason, 2008].

Feed consumption of fodder on 1kg of the increase in the body weight depends not that much on the concentration of the energy and protein content, but on the relationship protein/energy in the feed. Poorest balance had the diet in the group with the smallest participation of fodders from the purchase, because the amount of the total protein on 1 MJ to the metabolic energy was too narrow (9.72g/1MJ EM). In remaining groups the amount of the protein on 1 MJ EM was appropriate and was in the group of farms: with the average share of fodders from the purchase - 11.27 and with the high share - 12.16. In the entire fattening period the amount of the protein on 1 MJ EM should average about 11.0-13.0g [Pig nutrition norm, 1993].

In pig nutrition cereals are most often applied, therefore relations between prices of cereals and prices of the purchase of the pork let express the profitability of the production. Variation in the rate of growth of the pig headage are correlated with variations of the relation of prices cereals/pork. In analyzed farms this relation in farms: with the lowest participation - 1:8.2, with medium share - 1:8.9 and the highest - 1:10.2.

Profitable relation pork/concentrate is 1:7. Broader range e.g. 1:8, 1:9, creates good economic terms particularly for the breeding of pigs, having an influence on direction of the growth of the headage. In examined farms by Wojtyra and Balcerak [2008] relation pork/feed was even more beneficial, because it was 1:8, 1:13.

In first half of 2006 prices of the pork were about 10% lower than in the same period of 2005, but prices of cereals were on the same level, and the price of industrial fodders were lower about 10%. Relations of price pork/rye and pork/barley,


Науковий вгсник ЛНУВМБТ iMeni С.З. Гжицького Том 11 № 2(41) Частина 5, 2009

respectively 1:9.3 and 1:7.9 were limiting. At the end of 2006 these reports narrowed in the case of the relation pork/rye to 1:6.1, and pork/barley to 1:5.5 [Malkowski and Rycombel; 2007].

According to the greater production of pork, the higher average agricultural income was noted in farms with a high share of fodder from the purchase. The agricultural profit in this group of farms was highest as converted to the farm (466767 zloty), on 1ha of the arable land (14692 zloty), 1 total labour hour (53.20 zloty). The lowest profit on 1ha of the arable land (2606 zloty), was for 1 labour hour (28.35 zloty) in farms the lowest share of fodders from the purchase.


Presented results of farms show that the source of the fodder did not matter. Probably adverse conditions had an influence in 2006:

- decrease of pork price,

- lower cereal harvest,

- increase of cereal price in the greater degree than of price of fodder blends.

Farms that bought average about 62.5% concentrates had lowest consumption

of the concentrate, metabolic energy and total protein for 1kg of the body weight gain and the highest income on 1kg of pork. In the group of farms with the highest share of fodders from the purchase in pig nutrition the biggest agricultural profit was achieved per farm and 1 labour hour, with the labour expenditures on gross 100kg of pork.

On farms feeding mainly own fodder, only 15.9% of fodders from the purchase, was the largest consumption of the concentrate, the metabolic energy and the total protein per 1kg of the gain. In this group of farms the greatest labour expenditures were made on 100kg of pork as well as the lowest agricultural income was achieved for 1 total labour hour. Their diet balance was also the poorest, while the amount of the total protein on 1 MJ of the metabolic energy was not enough (9.72g/1 MJ EM).

Fulfilling of pig nutritional needs for is essential, expressed with demand for the energy and nutrients and the appropriate relationship protein/energy in the fodder.


Augustynska - Grzymek and., 2007: Przenica winter. Winter triticale. In the set: the Production, costs and the direct surplus of beloveds of agricultural products in 2006, IERiGZ-PIB: 29 - 55 Baranski B., 2008: mess the Return of the potato fattening up? Flock chlewna. 11: 54 - 55 Leg M., 2007: winter Rye. In the set: the Production, costs and the direct surplus of beloveds of agricultural products in 2006, IERiGZ-PIB: 56 - 66 Frankiewicz and., 2008: in feeding mess the Barley up. Flock chlewna 7: 50 - 52 Frankiewicz and., 2008 and: the Wheat and products of for her processing in feeding the flock chlewnej. Flock chlewna. 6: 56 - 58 Grela R. Oh., 2007: is it possible to feed pigs without the participation of cereal crops? Flock chlewna 9: 72 - 73 Hanczakowska oh., 2007: in feeding mess by-products of producing biofuels up., Industrial Fodders 4: 28 - 31 Konarkowski and., 2008: Pea


and peluszka in the pig feed. Flock chlewna. 5: 52 - 55 Korol in., Rubaj J., Bielecka G.; 2007: wheat Bran - fodder material requiring the standardization. Industrial fodders. 4: 17 - 19 Reason M., 2008: Risk of the business activity in the sector trzodowym. Flock chlewna 6: 18 - 21.

Inhabitant of Kujawy R., 2005: Poland - chances in the animal production and in the production of fodders. Industrial fodders. 1: 27 - 29 Lipinski K. 2008 and: Mealrape meal in feeding mess up. Flock chlewna 11: 48 - 52 Lipinski K., 2008: Influence of mineral elements on the quality of the meat. Flock chlewna 6: 66 - 70 Lopaciuk in., 2007: Market of cereal crops and fodders. In the set: Analysis produkcyjno - of economic situation of the farming and the food economy in 2006. IERiGZ - PIB P. 158 - 168 Malkowski J., Rycombel D., 2007: Current and predicted state of the market of the pork. Market of the meat; p. 7 - 17 mess Norms of feeding up, 1993, Poland the Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Physiology and feeding im. Animals Of Jan Kielanowski. Omitech Press Warsaw Szymanska oh., 2008: New challenges organizacyjno - economic and ecological in the breeding of the flock chlewnej in Poland. KBN Wojtyra B., Balcerak M., 2008: Influence of feeding on the economic efficiency of the production of the flock chlewnej. In the set. Market conditioning of the competitiveness of enterprises. UWM Olsztyn: 305 - 310 Summary in hereby working out fodders applied in feeding pigs and results were presented produkcyjno - economic of farms depending on the participation of fodders from the purchase. Presented results of farms from the purchase are proving fodders grouped depending on the participation the source of the origin of fodders didn't have the significant influence on achieved indices of.

Cmammx nadiumna do peda^ii 17.04.2009


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