Научная статья на тему 'The influence of synchronized swimming means on the swimming readiness of University students'

The influence of synchronized swimming means on the swimming readiness of University students Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
synchronized swimming means / swimming / students / individual choice of the kinds of sport / elective discipline / physical culture and sport / swimming readiness

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yuliya A. Postolnik, Natalya A. Belonozhkina, Aleksandr A. Orekhov, Larisa B. Bokova

The article presents the analysis of research works connected with the individual choice of the separate kinds of sport or systems of physical exercises among students for the elective academic discipline “Physical Culture and Sport” mastering. The conducted research has shown that it is necessary to modernize the process of physical upbringing and improve the separate educational programs at a higher educational establishment. In order to support the interest of university students in sports swimming, as well as to improve swimming skills by expanding their motor horizons, we created a technology for teaching swimming skills and skills, with available means of synchronized swimming introduction. The students, who trained according to an experimental innovative method of teaching swimming, with synchronized swimming exercises inclusion, had the advantage over the control group students in all indices of swimming fitness at the end of the experimental work. Materials. This article presents the results of the work effectiveness on available means of synchronized swimming use in swimming skills formation. It had positive results in the swimming readiness improvement among university students. Research methods. Information sources corresponding with the research topic analysis; pedagogical observation; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The effectiveness of the swimming training technology is proved by the increase of all indices in the students of the experimental group in comparison with the control group. Innovative approach to elective disciplinePhysical culture and sport” in “Swimming” course was in great arsenal of synchronized swimming means use. It proved swimming readiness improvement among University students. Conclusion. Using wide arsenal of synchronized swimming means in a swimming skill formation helped not only to increase the level of swimming knowledge, abilities and skills, but also support necessary level of physical and functional readiness during the period of studying at higher educational establishment.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The influence of synchronized swimming means on the swimming readiness of University students»

UDC 797.1 (075.8) BBK 75717

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-185-190

The influence of synchronized swimming means on the swimming readiness

of University students

Yulia .A. Postolnik1*, Natalya A. Belonozhkina1, Aleksandr A. Orekhov2, Larisa V. Bokova2

'Moscow City Pedagogical University Moscow, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-4053-2784, postolnik.julia@yandex.ru* ORCID: 0000-0002-2005-8942, postolnik.julia@yandex.ru 2Russian State University of Justice Moscow, Russia ORCID: 0000-0001-8966-1785, postolnik.julia@yandex.ru ORCID: 0000-0001-8140-4709, postolnik.julia@yandex.ru

Abstract: The article presents the analysis of research works connected with the individual choice of the separate kinds of sport or systems of physical exercises among students for the elective academic discipline "Physical Culture and Sport" mastering. The conducted research has shown that it is necessary to modernize the process of physical upbringing and improve the separate educational programs at a higher educational establishment. In order to support the interest of university students in sports swimming, as well as to improve swimming skills by expanding their motor horizons, we created a technology for teaching swimming skills and skills, with available means of synchronized swimming introduction. The students, who trained according to an experimental innovative method of teaching swimming, with synchronized swimming exercises inclusion, had the advantage over the control group students in all indices of swimming fitness at the end of the experimental work. Materials. This article presents the results of the work effectiveness on available means of synchronized swimming use in swimming skills formation. It had positive results in the swimming readiness improvement among university students. Research methods. Information sources corresponding with the research topic analysis; pedagogical observation; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The effectiveness of the swimming training technology is proved by the increase of all indices in the students of the experimental group in comparison with the control group. Innovative approach to elective discipline "Physical culture and sport" in "Swimming" course was in great arsenal of synchronized swimming means use. It proved swimming readiness improvement among University students. Conclusion. Using wide arsenal of synchronized swimming means in a swimming skill formation helped not only to increase the level of swimming knowledge, abilities and skills, but also support necessary level of physical and functional readiness during the period of studying at higher educational establishment

Key words: synchronized swimming means, swimming, students, individual choice of the kinds of sport, elective discipline, physical culture and sport, swimming readiness.

For citation: Yuliya A. Postolnik*, Natalya A. Belonozhkina, Aleksandr A. Orekhov, Larisa V. Bokova. The influence of synchronized swimming means on the swimming readiness of University students. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2022; 17(2): 146-150. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2022-17-2-185190.


In elective course of educational discipline "Physical culture and sport" general university departments of physical education offer students to choose the separate kinds of sport and popular systems of physical exercises [2].

Modern systems of physical exercises present specially selected motor actions and poses, directed toward a complex or selective influence on the definite functional systems of an organism and also

on students' motor activity increase [1, 9].

In order to increase the motivation of students to master the disciplines, connected with physical culture and motor activity, scientists need not only motives study, but also personal needs, interests, beliefs and axiological orientations examination


The analysis of personal needs study showed that the priority kinds of motor activity and sport among students of the ist-3rd courses at Moscow

Municipal Pedagogical University (n= 2116 people) are the following: fitness - 611 people (28,8%), hatha yoga - 564 people (26,6%), swimming - 385 people (18,1%), adaptive physical culture- 347 people (16,3%), step-aerobics - 343 people (16,2%), dancing sport- 225 people (10,6%). The rest of students distributed their choice between such kinds of sport, as basketball, volleyball, handball, mini-football, track and field, combats, table tennis, badminton [3].

Having swimming abilities and skills provides life and health safety in extreme conditions and swimming use as a physical exercise during life increases mass health-improving effect and is the means of adaptation, correction, treatment, cold hardening, development. [5, 6, 7].

We offered to consider the possibility of educational-training process variability in "Swimming" course of "Physical culture and sport" elective discipline in terms of higher educational establishment in order to keep up students' interest. As sports swimming, being a cyclic kind of sport, is considered monotonous physical culture and sport activity by some students, and broaden the limits of means of teaching swimming abilities and skills owing to the separate elements, exercises and the components from synchronized swimming arsenal inclusion.

We supposed that synchronized swimming means introduction into the process of physical upbringing of students would increase the level of swimming readiness, would vary the process of teaching, and it would have a positive influence on motivational-axiological mindset formation among the students in terms of "Physical culture and sport" elective discipline in "Swimming" course and would increase the amount of students. They want to attend this elective course.

Materials and methods

Students of the 1st course from different faculties

of Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University took part in the research (40 people, who were divided into control (CG) and experimental (EG) groups, 20 people each). All students had medical check-up and were permitted to attend swimming lessons. Expert estimation of the initial level of swimming readiness showed that all students were able to swim and knew the elements of sport ways of swimming. Five years of observation (1356 people) showed that almost 92% of students, who choose "Swimming" elective, have good swimming abilities and skills, almost 5% of students are considered weak in swimming, almost 3% of students can't swim at all and choose this course in order to learn to swim [3].

The process of teaching students swimming was realized in terms of elective discipline "Physical culture and sport" in "Swimming" course. The working program of the discipline was created in accordance with the demands of Federal State Educational Standards of higher education and included sports ways of swimming teaching and improvement - front crawl, back crawl, breast stroke, applied swimming. The methodology of teaching sports and the applied ways of swimming was realized identically in EG and CG according to generally adopted technology of separate- integral method [4,8].

However, the experimental technology provided synchronized swimming means fulfillment at the end of the main part and the final part of a swimming lesson. The first half of the main part of the lesson was devoted to studying the main educational material.

Thus, triform structure of the lesson in water was distributed in the experimental group in the following way:

• preparatory part of a lesson - 20%;

• main part - 70%;

• final part - 10%.

Synchronized swimming means

Movements in water:

• not making splashes;

• " water polo crawl" - swimming with the raised over the water head;

• transfer from one way of swimming to another;

• legs rowing movements together with hands rowing movements: legs fulfill breast stroke movements, hands fulfill crawl movements; legs - "dolphin like", hands - breast stroke, and other variants.

Table 1

Synchronized swimming means, used in the experimental group [5]

Hands rowing movements in the main positions: on breast, back, in grouping (tight, not tight). "Holding rowing stroke" - stretched eights (flat palm); "Pushing on rowing stroke" - stretched eights (unfolded palm); "Reverse rowing stroke"; "Canoe"; "Propeller";


Legs rowing movements: "Water bicycle";

"Dolphin" legs movements in any initial body position;

"Eg-bito" - walking on the spot, moving, edgeways, forward, back, with different hands positions over the water; • Variations of legs rowing movements:

1. One rowing breast stroke- one dolphin rowing sidestroke- breast stroke on the back, then eg-bito 8-16 rowing strokes, then the cycle repeats.

2. Three legs "dolphin" rowing strokes on breast - 4 "кроль" rowing sidestrokes, sideways in eg-bito 4 rowing movements, then "breast stroke" on chest, 2 legs strokes, then the cycle repeats.

Available figures:

spinning in grouping 360, 720; circle-forward; circle-back; roll backward piked; a turn in back grouping; a turn in forward grouping

Results and discussion swimming readiness testing among the students

At the end of the experimental work we organized from the experimental and control groups.

Table 2

Comparing time of 50 meters distance overcoming by chosen way of swimming among students from CG and EG at

the end of the experiment

Index Girls Boys P


Х ± a Х ± a Х ± a Х ± a

Time of 50 meters distance overcoming, s 0,62±0,05 0,73±0,10 0,54±0,10 0,64±0,08 < 0,05

Table 3

Comparing the results of swimming readiness by K. Kuper among the students from CG and EG at the end

of the experiment

Index Girls Boys P


Х ± a Х ± a Х ± a Х ± a

Distance (m), which was overcome within 12 min. 478,3±38,8 382,6±34,3 595±50,97 509±38,5 < 0,05

Physical working capacity estimation, (points) 4±0,49 3, 09±0,51 4±0,47 3,05±0,22 < 0,05

Table 2 shows that the results of the control 50 meters distance overcoming by students from the experimental group are validly higher than the results of the control group (p<0,05). It proves higher level of swimming readiness among the students from the experimental group.

The average results of Kuper test (12-minutes swimming) showed that the girls form the EG swam 478 meters distance and their opponents from the CG - 383 meters, which is 95 meters less than in the EG. Boys from the EG in the average swam 595 meters within 12 minutes. In the CG boys swam 511 meters, which is 84 meters less than in the EG (table 3).

Thus, carried out research showed that using wide arsenal of synchronized swimming means in a swimming skill formation helped not only to increase the level of swimming knowledge, abilities and skills, but also support necessary level of physical and functional readiness during the period of studying at higher educational establishment. During the experimental lessons students mastered new system of practical abilities and skills. They would provide health strengthening and preservation and would actively show up in social-creative, professionalapplied activity and would vary active rest.


Innovative progressive approach to swimming abilities and skills teaching and improvement in elective discipline "Physical culture and sport" means the opportunity to use a great arsenal of synchronized swimming means. It was proved by swimming readiness improvement among University students and was demonstrated in the need formation for physical culture and sport lessons; in mastering means, methods, knowledge, abilities and skills. They are necessary for physical self-development; in desire to use them creatively in practice of physical culture and health-improving activity and a healthy life style organization.


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Submitted: 20.05.2022 Author's information:

Yuliya A. Postolnik — Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University, 129226, Russia, Moscow, the 2nd Selskokhozyaystvenny proezd, House 4, e-mail:postolnik. julia@yandex.ru

Natalya A. Belonozhkina — Senior Lecturer, Moscow Municipal Pedagogical University, 129226, Russia, Moscow, the 2nd Selskokhozyaystvenny proezd, House 4, e-mail:postolnik.julia@yandex.ru Aleksandr A. Orekhov — Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor; Russian State University of Justice, 117418, Russia, Moscow, Novocheremushkinskaya str., House 69, e-mail:postolnik.julia@ yandex.ru

Larisa B. Bokova - Senior Lecturer, Russian State University of Justice, 117418, Russia, Moscow, Novocheremushkinskaya str., House 69, e-mail:postolnik.julia@yandex.ru

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