Научная статья на тему 'Effectiveness of hydroaerobics means use at the initial stage of teaching swimming'

Effectiveness of hydroaerobics means use at the initial stage of teaching swimming Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
students / teaching swimming / hydroaerobics / “Swimming” elective course / “Physical culture and sport” discipline

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Yuliya A. Postolnik, Dmitriy V. Maltsev, Elizaveta S. Kumantsova, Nataliya A. Belonozhkina

The article defines the main motives of students to master “Swimming” course in “Physical culture and sport” discipline. We studied the reasons for refutation of a swimming elective choice by students. In the system of physical upbringing at a high school hydroaerobics belongs to modern kinds of students’ motor activity. It was stated that the exercises in hydroaerobics are an effective means of psycho-emotional tension avoidance. It has a positive influence on the initial stage of teaching swimming and provides intensive swimming skills and abilities formation. Materials. The article presents the results concerning the effectiveness of hydroaerobics exercises use at the initial stage of teaching swimming. They were reflected in the average selfestimations of psycho-emotional state increase and students’ swimming readiness improvement. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, questionnaire survey and interview, pedagogical experiment, swimming readiness testing, methods of statistical data handling. Results. We revealed the differences in the experimental group in the level of swimming readiness and psycho-emotional state at the end of the experimental work. Students, who trained according to the experimental innovative methodology with hydroaerobics exercises inclusion at the stage of initial teaching swimming, validly excelled young people from the control group in swimming readiness indices, the average self-estimation of psycho-emotional state at the end of the experiment. Conclusion. Present approach to the process of physical upbringing is in new hydroaerobics exercises introduction. They are directed toward intensive swimming skills and abilities formation. It reflects swimming readiness increase and functional abilities optimization and also psycho-emotional tension avoidance.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Effectiveness of hydroaerobics means use at the initial stage of teaching swimming»

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-3-57-61

Effectiveness of hydroaerobics means use at the initial stage of teaching


Yuliya A. Postolnik1*, Dmitriy V. Maltsev', Elizaveta S. Kumantsova2, Nataliya A.


'Moscow City Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia 2Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Moscow, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-4053-2784, postolnik.julia@yandex.ru*

ORCID: 0000-0002-6930-3101, malcevDM@mgpu.ru ORCID: 0000-0003-0619-7986, postolnik.julia@yandex.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-2005-8042.natali orehova@mail.ru

Abstract: The article defines the main motives of students to master "Swimming" course in "Physical culture and sport" discipline. We studied the reasons for refutation of a swimming elective choice by students. In the system of physical upbringing at a high school hydroaerobics belongs to modern kinds of students' motor activity. It was stated that the exercises in hydroaerobics are an effective means of psycho-emotional tension avoidance. It has a positive influence on the initial stage of teaching swimming and provides intensive swimming skills and abilities formation. Materials. The article presents the results concerning the effectiveness of hydroaerobics exercises use at the initial stage of teaching swimming. They were reflected in the average self-estimations of psycho-emotional state increase and students' swimming readiness improvement. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, questionnaire survey and interview, pedagogical experiment, swimming readiness testing, methods of statistical data handling. Results. We revealed the differences in the experimental group in the level of swimming readiness and psycho-emotional state at the end of the experimental work. Students, who trained according to the experimental innovative methodology with hydroaerobics exercises inclusion at the stage of initial teaching swimming, validly excelled young people from the control group in swimming readiness indices, the average self-estimation of psycho-emotional state at the end of the experiment. Conclusion. Present approach to the process of physical upbringing is in new hydroaerobics exercises introduction. They are directed toward intensive swimming skills and abilities formation. It reflects swimming readiness increase and functional abilities optimization and also psycho-emotional tension avoidance.

Keywords: students, teaching swimming, hydroaerobics, "Swimming" elective course, "Physical culture and sport" discipline.

For citation: Yuliya A. Postolnik*, Dmitriy V. Maltsev, Elizaveta S. Kumantsova, Nataliya A. Belonozhkina.

"Effectiveness of hydroaerobics means use at the initial stage of teaching swimming". Russian Journal of

Physical Education and Sport. 2021; 16(3): 48-51. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-3-57-61.


During recent years we see the interest increase among students in means and methods of psychophysical training improvement, diseases prevention, important skills and abilities development. The leading role in these problems solution belongs to physical exercises. Favorable conditions for physical qualities development and the possibility to prevent dangerous situations in life and professional-applied training make swimming extremely important at physical culture lessons [5, 7]. The influence of swimming on a person's organism is positive and divers. Swimming

has health-improving and the applied meaning. Swimming has two factors. They make it special among other kinds of physical activity: environment - water, and horizontal position of a person during motor activity. Swimming is considered an ideal kind of physical exercises [4, 9, 10,12,13].

However, according to the results of the survey, held in 2021-2022, 480 students (16%) from 3000 students of the 2nd and the 3rd course (Moscow City Pedagogical University) chose "Swimming" course for an elective discipline "Physical culture and sport" mastering. The main motives were the following: desire to learn to swim and breathe

correctly during swimming - 253 people (52,7%); liked swimming (and considered this kind of sport the most optimal means of motor activity for themselves) - 165 people (34,3%); sports improvement of skills in swimming for the highest sports results achievement (these students earlier trained at sports schools for children and teenagers) - 32 people (6,6%); 30 people (6,2%) called their choice accidental (a friend offered or chose like others did).

The reasons for a low amount of students, who want to go to "Swimming" elective course, in the opinion of 205 students, (who didn't choose "Swimming" course), were the following: a low level of swimming readiness- 62 people (24,8%); cold-related diseases after a swimming pool - 45 people (18%); don't like swimming - 37 people (14,8%); allergic reactions to chemistry used for the water cleaning in swimming pools - 34 people (13,6%); inconvenient location of the swimming pool at the University- 24 people (9,6%); 24 people (9,6%) think, that physical exercises in a gym are more effective, than in water; can't swim - 18 people (7,2%); hydrophobia - 4 people (1,6%).

In order to support the interest and form the need for swimming as a vital skill and a form of motor activity, it is necessary to search for innovative forms, means and methods, approaches, especially at the initial stage of teaching students swimming.

Hydroaerobics is a system of physical exercises and complexes in water. Hydroaerobics helps to form motor swimming skill, provides power, endurance, coordination, flexibility development,

increases physical and functional readiness, improves psycho-emotional state [1, 3, 6].

In the system of physical upbringing at a high school hydroaerobics belongs to modern kinds of students' motor activity in the elective course of "Physical culture and sport" subject [2, 11].

The aim of the research is to show the effectiveness of hydroaerobics exercises use at the initial stage of teaching students swimming.


12 girls and 10 boys at the age of 18-23 took part in the main experiment. They were divided into two groups - experimental group and control group, each included 11 people. All respondents were healthy, the initial level of swimming readiness was estimated as "swimming in their own way". The lessons were once a week (45 minutes - water, 45 minutes - gym) during 4 months.

The results of the research were handled with the help of mathematical statistics methods. We calculated X, o and the validity of differences of mean values according to Mann Whitney U-test (U).

During an autumn semester the control group trained according to traditional methodology of teaching swimming [2]. The experimental group mastered a swimming skill according to created by us technology with hydroaerobics means inclusion into the preparatory and the final part of the lessons. The main part of the lesson was dedicated to the technique of swimming studying using "front crawl", "back crawl", "breaststroke".

Table 1 - Using hydroaerobics means during the lessons

The part of the lesson The used means

Preparatory part Complexes for lower extremities muscles- stepping, running, jumping, swinging, striking, swimming exercises Complexes for hands and shoulder girdle muscles: Комплексы на мышцы рук и плечевого пояса: stoop and stretch, swing -back, turns, leans, twisting, swinging, striking, circular rotations, imitating swimming movements

The main part «front crawl», «back crawl», « breaststroke»

The final part Complexes of exercises for relaxation, joints flexibility development, aqua yoga

Results and Discussion

In order to estimate the effectiveness of hydroaerobics exercises use during the initial teaching swimming in girls and boys we used the following methodologies: Health state, activity,

Table 2 - Emotional state indices of girls change during the lessons (points)

mood (HAM) methodology in order to reveal the influence of the exercises on psycho-emotional state and 12-minutes Cooper test (1989) for swimming readiness estimation.

Groups Emotional state Before the lesson After the lesson Increase U

X ± 0 X ± 0

EG Health state 6,73 ± 0,66 8,6±0,21 1,8 <0,05

Activity 5,53±0,67 7,9±0,49 2,39 <0,05

Mood 6,37±0,67 8,82±0,21 2,45 <0,05

CG Health state 6,95±0,64 7,91±0,48 0,95 >0,05

Activity 5,94±0,68 6,94±0,43 1 >0,05

Mood 6,42±0,63 7,55±0,48 1,07 >0,05

Mean values of emotional state self-estimation in girls and boys after the lessons in the experimental and control groups show more significant emotional state shifts among the respondents from the experimental group in comparison with the control group (table 1).

The results of swimming readiness comparison using 12-minutes Cooper test showed that the girls from the experimental group overcame the distance of 367±38,49 meters within 12 minutes, in the control group this distance was 312±17,26 meters.

Swimming results comparison showed that the girls from the experimental group swam in the average 55 meters more, than the girls from the control group. The boys from the experimental group swam 68 meters more in this test, than the boys from the control group.

A wide instruments range of hydroaerobics exercises influence became an effective means for swimming teaching and swimming skills and abilities improvement. It also helped to improve health. Teaching swimming using hydroaerobics means turned out to be more effective than teaching swimming skills with the help of traditional methods.


Improving the process of physical upbringing among students of a higher educational establishment on the basis of modern hydroaerobics means at the initial stage of teaching swimming helped to create a mindset for a healthy life style, broaden motor outlook; master new system of practical skills and abilities. They provide health preservation and strengthening, physical qualities

and functional systems of an organism development. They would be reflected in an active physical-sports and professional-applied activity. Innovative hydroaerobics exercises introduction into the process of the initial swimming skill formation created preconditions for students' motivational-axiological attitude not only to "Physical culture and sport" discipline, but also to mass swimming development.


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Submitted: 15.07.2021 Author's information:

Yuliya A. Postolnik - Candidate of Pedagogics, Associate Professor, Moscow City Pedagogical University, 129226, Russia, Moscow, the 2nd Selskokhozyaistvennyi proezd, House 4, e-mail: postolnik. julia@yandex.ru

Dmitriy V. Maltsev - Principal of water kinds of sports school, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow City Pedagogical University, 129226, Russia, Moscow, the 2nd Selskokhozyaistvennyi proezd, House 4. e-mail: MalcevDV@mgpu.ru

Elizaveta S. Kumantsova - Senior Lecturer, Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation, Russia, Moscow, Kronshtadtskiy blvd., House 20, e-mail: postolnik.julia@yandex.ru Nataliya A. Belonozhkina - Senior Lecturer, Moscow City Pedagogical University, 129226, Russia, Moscow, the 2nd Selskokhozyaistvennyi proezd, House 4, e-mail: natali orehova@mail.ru

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