Научная статья на тему 'The influence of leadership and motivation of employee performance in UPTD BPKB of Maluku Province, indonesia'

The influence of leadership and motivation of employee performance in UPTD BPKB of Maluku Province, indonesia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
Leadership / work / motivation / employee / performance

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kriekhoff Shella

This research is a research on the scope of human resource management about leadership and motivation on the employees performance of the Learning Activity Development Center/ Balai Pengembangan Kegiatan Belajar (BPKB) of Maluku Province. This study aims to explain the influence of leadership variables (X1) and Motivation variables (X2) on Employee Performance Variables (Y). This type of research is Explanatory Research with a quantitative approach. This study was conducted on 60 employees, with the sampling technique used was the census. Data collected through questionnaires. Data analysis using multiple linear regression approach with the help of SPSS program for Windows 22. The analysis results show that simultaneously the leadership and motivation variables have an influence on the employees’ performance of the BPKB in Maluku Province, and based on the partial test results found leadership variable has a dominant influence on employee performance equal to 6.292. This study recommends the importance of the leader’s role in improving the employees’ performance of BPKB of Maluku Province, which is one of the keys to success for organizational progress.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The influence of leadership and motivation of employee performance in UPTD BPKB of Maluku Province, indonesia»

DOI https://doi.org/10.18551/rjoas.2018-09.13


Kriekhoff Shella, Lecturer State Polytechnic of Ambon, Indonesia E-mail: [email protected]


This research is a research on the scope of human resource management about leadership and motivation on the employees performance of the Learning Activity Development Center/ Balai Pengembangan Kegiatan Belajar (BPKB) of Maluku Province. This study aims to explain the influence of leadership variables (X1) and Motivation variables (X2) on Employee Performance Variables (Y). This type of research is Explanatory Research with a quantitative approach. This study was conducted on 60 employees, with the sampling technique used was the census. Data collected through questionnaires. Data analysis using multiple linear regression approach with the help of SPSS program for Windows 22. The analysis results show that simultaneously the leadership and motivation variables have an influence on the employees' performance of the BPKB in Maluku Province, and based on the partial test results found leadership variable has a dominant influence on employee performance equal to 6.292. This study recommends the importance of the leader's role in improving the employees' performance of BPKB of Maluku Province, which is one of the keys to success for organizational progress.


Leadership, work, motivation, employee, performance.

The human factor is a major problem in any activities of the organization. Organization defined as the cooperation process of group of people toward achieving a specific goal (Biggio & Cortese, 2013). In the process of cooperation, the members interact and influence each other. All actions taken in each activity initiated and determined by humans who are members of the organization. A good organization is an organization that seeks to improve the ability of its human resources, because it is a key factor to improve employee performance (Ramadhani, 2016). Therefore, organizations need potential human resources both leaders and employees in the pattern of tasks and supervision that are determinants of achieving the organizational goals. Human performance in organizations reflects on knowledge, skills, behavior, and values. Because abilities and skills will help the organization through better performance and productivity (Rafiei & Davari, 2015).

Human resources are determinants for the effectiveness and progress of the organization. In order for the effectiveness and progress of the organization could run well, it requires employees who have high knowledge and skills. Instead, the company must be managed optimally so that employee performance increases (Rasul, 2017). Employee performance related to the quality and quantity of a job performed by an employee or subordinate and that relates to the condition of a subordinate or employee in a particular organization. Good performance is an optimal performance that meets organizational standards and supports the achievement of organizational goals (Simatupang, 2012).

The organization certainly wants its employees to have good performance so that the process of achieving the goals goes smoothly. In realizing the desired employee performance, there are many factors that influence employees, among others leadership in the organization, organizational culture, compensation, motivation, work climate and so on. Related to this, in this study will discuss two factors that are identified influencing employee performance, namely, leadership and motivation (Ramadhani, 2016).

The first factor identified as influencing employee performance is leadership. Leadership is the ability to influence the group towards the achievement of a predetermined

goal. Leadership has a strong influence on the progress of the organization. Leader quality is often regarded as the most important factor that determines the success of an organization. Effective leaders are able to influence their followers to have greater optimism, confidence, and commitment to the goals of the organization that has been determined. This has the consequence that every leader is obliged to give serious attention in fostering, mobilizing, and directing all potential employees in its environment in order to realize organizational stability and improve employee performance which oriented to organizational goals. The second factor that is identified as influencing employee performance is motivation. Motivation is a conscious effort to influence a person's behavior so that it leads to the achievement of a predetermined organizational goal. Motivation becomes very important in the achievement of employee performance. Motivation affects a person or individual to engage in activities and work which leads to goals as satisfaction. Employees have strong desires arising from internal encouragement to engage and participate in the organization by doing all the tasks and jobs that are charged and continuously the employees will continue to dedicate themselves through all tasks and voluntary work because of the comfort and pleasure which based on strong motivation (Ramadhani, 2016).

Learning Activity Development Center/ Balai Pengembangan Kegiatan Belajar (BPKB) is a Regional Technical Implementation Unit/ Unit Pelaksanaan Teknis Daerah (UPTD) at the Education, Youth, Sports Service / Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda, Olahraga of Maluku Province whose has the task of carrying out assessment, model development, technical programs, education and training of educators and education personnel in the field of early childhood education, non-formal, and informal. In its duties, BPKB coordinates with the department of Non-Formal and Informal Education/ Pendidikan Non Formal dan Informal (PNFI) of the Education, Youth, Sports Service in Maluku Province and horizontally in collaboration with the Regency/City Education Service and Regency/City SKB and related agencies.

Based on the observations, there are still some BPKB employees who have low performance. This can be seen from the lack of mastery of competencies in completing tasks in accordance with their respective fields of work. The Administration Section of the archives arrangement work field/department is still found the archivists who lack competence in archival matters, so that they are often assisted by other work fields/ department. The results of these observations are supported by the results of interviews with the Head of Administration Section of BPKB which said "there are still employees who have low quality work, lack of independence in completing tasks, and lack of discipline in work". Factors that influence employee performance in addition to low skills and abilities in completing tasks are supervision and motivation from the leaders. Supervision by leaders is very important as a process to ensure that employees carry out tasks according to organizational goals and predetermined performance standards. Head of BPKB has not routinely supervised each field/ department. So, it has an impact on the lack of knowledge of the leadership regarding employee performance issues at BPKB. The low supervision of BPKB leaders on employees has an impact on work morale and the performance of BPKB employees.

Supervision carried out by BPKB leaders is one way to motivate employees to improve employee performance. In addition to supervision, the implementation of the morning roll is also a means to motivate 5 employee, however, in BPKB does not work. In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Home Affairs number 59 Year 2008 Article 3 section 2 "each component is obliged to carry out the morning roll/ session which is followed by all civil servants, with the following conditions: (a) Monday to Thursday at 07.30 WIB and, (b) Friday at 07.30 WIB and continued with morning gymnastics/ sports activities". Morning roll should go according to the ministerial regulation which is used as a means of motivation and information sharing between fields that aim to advance BPKB. The absence of morning roll at the BPKB is one sign of the discipline lack of employee work at BPKB. Based on the above description, this research is entitled "The Influence of Leadership and Motivation on Employee Performance in the BPKB of Maluku Province"

Hypothesis. Based on the theory that connects the three variables, the hypothesis in this study are:

• Leadership and motivation simultaneusly have a significant influence on the employees performance of the BPKB of Maluku Province;

• Leadership has dominant influence on the employees performance of the BPKB of Maluku Province.


This research is a type of explanatory research with analytical survey method, this type of research aims to analyze the relationship of influence between leadership and motivation variables on the employees performance of the BPKB of Maluku Province. In this study researchers used the independent variable (X) includes X1 = Leadership, X2 = Motivation, and the dependent variable (Y) namely Work Performance. Leadership variable (X1) the indicator among others: Capacity (X11), Achievement (X12), Responsible (X13), Participation (X14). Motivation Variable Indicator (X2), namely Existence Needs (X21), Attachment Needs (X22) and Growth Needs (X23). Performance Variable (Y) the indicator namely work quantity (Y11), Work quality (Y12), Timeliness of Work (Y13) and Cooperation (Y14)

Based on the characteristics as the conditions determined by the researcher to be used as a reference as a respondent, then after obtaining information in the form of the number of employees, then the population is all the Civil Servants (PNS) of the BPKB of Maluku Province, as many as 60 people as a population, because the target population is relatively small, so that in this study conducted the census research and did not use sampling techniques. Data analysis in this study using multiple linear regression analysis approach describes the form of linear relationship between independent variables and dependent variables. The multiple regression analysis model:

Y = a + b1X1 + b2X2 + e


Y = Employee Performance a =


b1, b2 = Regression coefficient of leadership and motivation e = Error


This regression analysis is used to Statistic the amount of influence between independent variables, namely leadership (X1) and Motivation (X2) on the dependent variable namely Performance (Y).

Simultaneous Hypothesis Test. Simultaneous test or also called F test in multiple linear regression analysis aims to determine whether the independent variable (X) together or simultaneously influence the dependent variable (Y), kriteria pengujian hipotesis sebagai berikut:

• H0 rejected if F Statistic > F table or significance value <0.05;

• H0 accepted if F Statistic < F table or significance value >0.05.

Table 1 - Simultaneous Test (F test)

Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 1583.053 2 791.527 52.772 .000a

Residual 854.947 57 14.999

Total 2438.000 59

a. Predictors: (Constant), Motivation, Leadership.

b. Dependent Variable: Performance. Source: Primary data processed, 2018.

Based on Table 4.14 the value of F Statistic equal to 52.77. Meanwhile F table (a = 0.05; db regression = 2: db residual = 57) is amounted to 3.16. As F Statistic > F table namely 52.77>3.16 or sig F value (0,000) <a = 0.05 then H0 rejected and H1 accepted so that it can be concluded that simultaneously leadership and motivation influence the employees performance of the BPKB of Maluku Province.

Hypothesis Testing in Partial (t test). Partial test with t test used to determine whether each independent variable partially has a significant effect on the dependent variable. If t Statistic > t table or -t Statistic < -t table at a significance level a 0.05 then H0 rejected and H1 accepted. Meanwhile if t Statistic < t table or -t Statistic > -t table then H0 accepted and H1 rejected. The results of the t test can be shown in Table 2.

Table 2 - Partial Test (t Test)

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig. Collinearity Statistics

B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) 9.875 3.747 2.636 .011

Kepemimpinan .453 .073 .572 6.219 .000 .728 1.374

Motivasi .383 .103 .343 3.731 .000 .728 1.374

a. Dependent Variable: Performance. Source: Primary data processed, 2018.

Based on Table 2, the regression equation obtained as follows:

Y = 9.875+ 0.453X-I + 0.383X2+e

Table 2 obtained the value of t Statistic from Leadership variables equal to 6.22. Whereas t table amounted to 1.67. As t Statistic > t table namely 6.22 > 1.67 or significance value (0.00<0.05) then H0 rejected and H1 accepted so that it can be concluded that partially leadership had influences on the employees performance of the BPKB of Maluku Province. The positive value of regression coefficient indicating that the relation direction is parallel / in the same direction between leadership and employee performance. This means that the better the leadership, the better the employees performance of the BPKB of Maluku Province will be.

Hypothesis testing for motivation variables in Table 2, obtained t Statistic value equal to 6.22. Whereas t table amounted to 1.67. As t Statistic > t table namely 3.73> 1.67 or significance value (0.00<0.05) then H0 rejected and H1 accepted so it can be concluded that partially the motivation has an effect on the employees performance of the BPKB of Maluku Province. The positive value of regression coefficient indicating that the relation direction is parallel / in the same direction between motivation and employee performance. This means that the higher motivation of employees then will improve the employees' performance of BPKB of Maluku Province. To find out the variables that have the most dominant influence can be seen from the value of the regression coefficient on each independent variable. The analysis results show that the leadership variable has a dominant influence compared to the motivation variable. This can be known because the leadership variable has the highest regression coefficient of 0.453.

Determination Coefficient (R2). To find out the magnitude of the contribution of the independent variable to the dependent variable used the R2 value presented in Table 3.

Table 3 - Determination Coefficient

R R Square Adjusted R Square

0.806 0.649 0.637

Source: Primary data processed, 2018.

The determination coefficient is used to Statistic the influence or contribution of the independent variable to the dependent variable. Table 3, correlation coefficient is 0.649, shows that performance is influenced equal to 64.90% by leadership and motivation variables and the remaining 35.10% is influenced by other factors outside this research. This result concludes that the ability or the magnitude of leadership diversity and motivation in explaining performance is 64.90%.


The influence of leadership on the employee of UPTD BPKB of Maluku Province. The results of hypothesis testing show that the relationship direction between leadership and employee performance is positive, it can be concluded that the relationship between the two is in the same direction and strong. This means that the higher leadership which is supported by high motivation will have an effect on the improvement of employee performance, while the dominant variable influencing on the employee performance is the leadership variable. The results of this study are supported by Prussia et al., (1998), McColl-Kennedy, & Anderson (2002), Aragón et al., (2007), García et al., (2008), Schaubroeck & Cha (2007), Walumbwa et al., (2011), García et al., (2012), Sami'an and Aprilian (2012), Inaray (2016) and Shamir & Howell (2018) expressed that leadership influence performance, this is due to the function of the leader is not just guiding and directing subordinates, but the most important thing is how the leader is able to provide a clear vision and mission or direction where the organization will be brought so that the results achieved in accordance with the initial objectives of the establishment of the company. In addition, the leader is able to influence others to be willing to work together in related tasks to achieve the desired goals (Putra, 2011).

Lor and Hassan (2017) and Basit's research, et al (2017) also mentioned that leadership significantly and positively can affect employee performance, this is because leadership shows the ability of leaders in encouraging followers with their vision, enhancing followers' skills and abilities, paying attention to their interests by fostering, training as needed. Leadership has also been linked to results such as innovation, quality improvement and performance. Leadership is the process of influencing the activities of individuals or groups to achieve goals in certain situations (Indriyati and Sutomo, 2017).

Good leadership will encourage or motivate the organization to live more in work and be able to reward subordinates, so they feel useful, so that they will work with high loyalty. Leadership has a huge influence in improving employee performance, because leaders are role models and an example for subordinates. Thus, if in an organization wants to have high performance, it requires leadership that can move subordinates, so that they will be encouraged to do work with high direction and performance (Utomo, 2014).

García et al., (2008) stated that in order to achieve an performance enhancement in the organization, new leaders needed to have knowledge that was supported by the innovation they had so as to achieve organizational goals. This is in line with Siagian's (2011) opinion that leadership is all the resources and tools available to an organization, both human resources and other resources, so that it can be said that the success or failure of an organization achieving its intended goals depends heavily on leaders and its members mobilize the resources of the organization.

The Influence of Motivation on the Employee of UPTD BPKB of Maluku Province. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that the direction of the relationship between motivation and employee performance is positive and significant, it can be concluded that the relationship between the two is in the same direction and strong. Means that, the more motivation increases the employee's performance will also increase. The results of this study are supported by Johan (2017), Shahzadi ET AL., (2014), IbrahiM & Brobbey (2015), Ackah (2014), Setiadi et al., (2016), Kasyoki &George (2013) which states that motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, this is because low motivation can affect employee performance that is not optimal, so that with low work motivation, employees will not be enthusiastic about working and have difficulty completing their work, and vice

versa high motivation can have a maximum effect, so that with high work motivation will cause employees to be enthusiastic in working and easy to complete their work.

In line with Hanafi and Yohana's research (2017), Albeit (2015) and Omolo (2015) also stated that motivation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Mugoho (2013) stated that motivation can also improve employee performance and employee commitment. Motivation is finding employee needs and helping to achieve it in a smooth process. Motivating employees aims to broaden their skills in meeting organizational demands. It can be concluded that the higher the motivation of employees, it will directly improve the performance of these employees. The existence of good motivation in work will obtain optimal employee performance while with less motivation will result in low employee performance. This is consistent with the theory Robins (2010) in Helmida and irianto (2018) which states that" the factors used to improve employee performance include motivation and satisfaction". Based on this opinion shows that motivation is one of the factors that can influence employee performance.


Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that simultaneously and partially found leadership and motivation variables have a significant influence on employee performance. This shows that leadership and motivation variables are important variables in measuring the employee performance of BPKB of Maluku Province, the better leadership supported by high motivation can improve employee performance. The findings obtained the variable leadership is the dominant variable that influence the employee performance of BPKB of Maluku Province. This study recommends the importance of the role of leaders in improving employee performance is one of the keys to success for the success of the entire organization. In improving employee performance it is crucial in directing one's personal attitudes and behavior to be able to has an attitude and behave in accordance with the rules at the BPKB of Maluku Province.


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