Научная статья на тему 'The influence of English language on Russian gaming Internet community'

The influence of English language on Russian gaming Internet community Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Sapronova Elena

The article contains a of the atic situation in fields of runet users’ slang. The analysis of different categories users’ content information, presented experience of cultural and phenomena in gaming environment.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The influence of English language on Russian gaming Internet community»

The influence of English language on Russian gaming Internet community Sapronova E. (Russian Federation) Влияние английского языка на российское игровое Интернет сообщество Сапронова Е. А. (Российская Федерация)

Сапронова Екатерина Алексеевна /Sapronova Ekaterina - аспирант, кафедра английской филологии и межкультурной коммуникации, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет, г. Белгород

Abstract: the article contains a description of the problematic situation in the fields of runet MMORPG users' slang study. The data analysis of the different categories of users' content information, presented practical experience of these cultural and linguistic phenomena in the gaming environment.

Аннотация: статья содержит характеристику проблемной ситуации в сфере использования английского языка сленга в среде пользователей рунета, и, в частности, пользователей MMORPG. Приведены данные контент анализа информации различных категорий пользователей, представлен практический опыт применения данных культурных и языковых явлений в игровой среде.

Keywords: videogame industry, slang, English, Russian, massively multiplayer online role-playing, the Internet, community, reference group.

Ключевые слова: игровая индустрия, сленг, английский язык, русский язык, массовые многопользовательские ролевые онлайн игры, Интернет, комьюнити, рефернтная группа.

Game Industry is a set of different companies, communities and individuals, as well as technology and processes that together form a complete cycle of computer games production (development, sale, promotion, consumption).

At the moment, the problem of forming gaming community as a separate cultural phenomenon is not sufficiently studied and requires a detailed consideration by the scientific community.

In today's society there is a lack of attention to the process of formation and communication in reference groups associated with the entertainment industry, and in particularly groups of computer games users.

The formation and development of the gaming industry occurs on a global scale, as their basis is online communication between participants in certain game processes based on various gaming platforms, social networks, blogs, vlogs.

The content analysis of the information provided on the official websites of gaming communities, confirms the relevance of the development issue and the impact of reference groups' activities on contemporary cultural space, and in particular on the formation of a new slang dialect as a part of the Russian language.

The comparative analysis of the Internet users groups shows the continuity of the computer slang formation and its development and integration into modern society. Since the birth of the gaming industry in the 70s gaming terminology began, in conjunction with the sale of the first computers designed for the mass market, which today is also a major driving force for development, it should be assumed that there is a gradual increase of the impact on the user.

The gaming industry in Russia is growing rapidly and already seriously competes with other entertainment markets. Over the last year the market of digital products in Russia increased by 30 % and amounted to 41.9 billion rubles. The main share fell on video games, the revenue of this segment in 2014 amounted up to 35.4 billion rubles [5].

Actual figures for 2015 - the selected information of gaming industry (mobile and online games):

- 58 % of Russians play certain genres of games;

- The average age of players is 30 years;

- 68 % of all players are adults (over 18 years);

- 45 % of all Russian players are women;

- 51 % of households have at least one device with access to the game;

- Around 89 % of parents play games with their children (mostly children's games);

- 77 % of all players play at least 1 hour per week;

- 36 % play games on smartphones [2].

With the global use of the Internet, each new phenomenon should get its verbal designation and a name. And since almost all of them (with few exceptions) appear in the USA and Europe, in Russia and CIS users get the information on the dominant English.

When the unit gets this type of slang in Russian language, for the vast majority it is not equivalent. Almost all English words become slang neologisms by means of transliteration and adaptation in Russian gaming society. Therefore, Russian users of MMORPG (Massively multiplayer online role-playing game, further - MMORPG) have to use the original version of a particular unit of language. There comes a filling of cultural gaps by using English terms. Thus, Russian-English slang units increasingly have filled Russian language.

The lack of Russian language is an existence of sufficiently standardized translation norms of this type of vocabulary and a large number of branded gaming terms resulted in a trend towards the emergence of a separate youth slang group. This slang sounds and looks like a mixture of Russian and English. That's why it is so hard to understand.

Speech behavior of online games users, as well as in some national-cultural community is a complex phenomenon which requires a comprehensive review. Specifics of verbal behavior in this community is largely determined by its cultural traditions.

Among the cultural features of communication are the following:

- The distance between the interlocutors;

- Activity in the use of verbal communication means;

- Use of emoticons to express emotions;

- Set formulas and verbal signs for everyday situations;

- The intensity of stereotyped speech formulas;

- The degree of activity between the sender and the recipient;

- The trend towards individualization of standard speech means;

- The role of the speaker in the communication process;

- Attitude to the interlocutor;

- Typical for the community degree of politeness.

Researchers involved in the youth slang, include, within the scope of the study, the age from 14-15 to 24-25 years. The comparative analysis shows that the vocabulary of different age groups coincides only in part. The youth use English more often than elder generation. That explains the frequency of language diffusion.The most detailed Russian-English lexicon prevails among the users of massively multiplayer online role playing games.

In the first place, these words are used for communication between people of one age category. In this case they are used as non-equivalent Russian words, differing from the other sets by culturogical tag.

Aggro (rus. - Аггро) - figure in charge of the likelihood that will attack your character AI controlled buildings or monsters. If enemy units (not heroes) begin to beat your character - congratulations are the words «аггро». The same applies to the towers. Usage Example: «На мне аггро, лечите меня!»

Art (rus. - артифакт, арт) - one of the variants of the name game items. In the broadest sense, «арт» is any object that gives bonuses (to increase performance, unique effects, additional capacity). The correct choice and timely assembly artifacts found the successful development of your character. Usage Example: «Кто-нибудь знает, какие арты моему герою собирать?» [3].

Second, youth MMORPG users slang is «fixed» on the computer games world realities. Considered slang names refer only to this world, thus separating it from the rest, and often unintelligible to people of other social groups.

«Киньте на меня баффы, сейчас будет битва!».

«Надо убить их кэрри, пока не раскачались — иначе проиграем через 10 минут» [3].

«Сиди в лесу и не пались. Сейчас гаврики подойдут — сделаем ФБ».

And, thirdly, in the number of this vocabulary are common vulgarism and argotizmov unique to this reference group.

«На мне куча дотов, лечите, бл#$%!».

«Хватит их кормить, фидеры гребаные! Проиграем же!» [3].

Thus, these aspects do not allow to classify MMORPG slang to any single group of non-literary words and force us to consider the last as a phenomenon, which is characterized by only a few lines of each slang subgroup. This allows to define the term youth MMORPG slang users as word used only by people of a certain age category, replacing everyday vocabulary and different collacations and sometimes differs by rough-familiarity tagging.

As a part of contemporary colloquial Russian slang words are massively used in different fields to define the various game concepts, these include: «аркада» (eng. - arcade game), «бродилка» (eng. - walker), «босс» (eng. - boss) the meaning of the most important enemy in the game, «дотер» (eng. - doter), people who play game 'Dota2', «Контра» (eng.- Contra), Counter-Strike game, «папка» (eng. - daddy), an experienced player World of Tanks, etc.

It should also be noted that the majority of non-professional users do not possess a sufficient level of English language. But, one way or another, they still have to use the new terminology of the English, and often there is a misreading of the English word, and thus appearing words sometimes are firmly fixed in the dictionary. Because of all this, MMORPG users speak the fictional language created by themselves.

In the process of using MMORPG, players use a certain type of communication inherent in a particular game. Within each large-scale multiplayer gamers group, there were created separate reference groups with an unlimited number of users. Such groups are called «комьюнити» (eng. - community).

Комьюнити (translit. - Komyuniti) - a group of people with similar interests who communicate via the Internet with each other. As examples of online communities can be called WOW-community, Google Groups, Yahoo Groups, Dota2-community, chats and so on.

The basis of any community is communication between its participants: common problems solving, familiarity, exchange of useful information, etc. As a rule, they pursue global goals, without geographical and national restrictions.

MMORPG Community users on the social network «Vkontakte», at the moment, are divided into 3 main subspecies, based on the basis of the leading massively multiplayer online games:

- World of Tanks (2,613,321 users);

- Dota2 (952,713 members);

- Counter-Strike (349436 users).

Digital distribution service Steam has been created for the convenience of using online gaming resources and simplify communication between players of the same community. There communication is built by multinational community, that's why it goes by means of English language. But in CIS it involves Eanlish as a terminology base, and Russian acts as a universal distributor of slang unit.

The development of this linguistic phenomenon and its distribution among the increasing number of MMORPG users, is caused by the introduction of the originaly English-speaking game industry in the life of modern Russian society. Not only the participants start using this type of the community slang, but other social groups, not related to the entertainment industry.

Evaluating the influence of English language on Russian slang in general, we can say the following: as with any language or sublanguage, there also arises linguistic relativity. This relativity is purely emotional. Slang is structured (and to), to create the effect of «double suspension» - not just described in the slang of the reality it seems distant, but are themselves media slang debarred themselves from the outside world. With regard to the personal motives of application specific Russian-English vocabulary, it's a property of the function not only of the slang. At this stage, the problem of the introduction of slang in the language goes into the category of cultural phenomena.

Thus, influence of Engligh language on Russian Internet slang should become the object of attention, as it is based on the examples of other jargon systems, special vocabulary penetrates into the literary language and fixes there for many years.


1. [Electronic resource]: Igrotop. Lutshie Obzory. URL: http://igrotop.com/ (date of last entry: 13.03.2016).

2. [Electronic resource]: Issledovanie Insight ONE: Igrovaya Industria v Rossii. URL: https://vc.ru/p/game (date of last entry: 13.03.2016).

3. [Electronic resource]: Rakovy korpus: slovar termonov Dota 2.URL: http://gmbox.ru/dota-2/rakovyy-korpus-clovar-terminov-i-sokrashcheniy-dota-2 (date of last entry: 11.03.2016).

4. [Electronic resource]: Slovar termonov Counter-Strike URL: http://lurkmore.to/Counter-Strike (дата обращения 13.03.2016).

5. [Electronic resource]: Videogames Industry in Russia 2014. URL: http // www.slideshar e.net/AndreyPodshibyakin/i1-games-2014 (date of last entry: 29.02.2016).

6. [Electronic resource]: Webnick URL: http://webnick.narod.ru/sleng/Sleng.html (date of last entry: 5.03.2016).

The specificity of morphological interference in the Russian speech of the Chechen-bilingual on Internet forums Mustapayeva A. (Russian Federation) Специфика морфологической интерференции в русской речи чеченца-билингва на Интернет-форумах Мустапаева А. Д. (Российская Федерация)

Мустапаева Аминат Дукваховна /Mustapayeva Aminat - соискатель, специальность «Теория языка», кафедра русского языка, Северо-Кавказский федеральный университет, г. Ставрополь

Аннотация: в статье анализируются сообщения русскоязычных пользователей чеченской национальности на различных сайтах, форумах и блогах Чеченской республики, а также взаимодействие в русской речи чеченца-билингва русского, чеченского, английского и арабского языков. Показано это явление в рамках морфологической интерференции.

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