Научная статья на тему 'The influence of different forms and norms of phosphate on the yield of maize and winter wheat on eroded sierozems'

The influence of different forms and norms of phosphate on the yield of maize and winter wheat on eroded sierozems Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
corn / winter wheat / irrigation erosion / typical gray soil / ammonium phosphate / ammonium polyphosphate / liquid fertilizers / fodder units / the quality of the crop

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Mahmatmurodov Alisher Ulmasovich, Muminov Komil Muminovich

The article shows that in Uzbekistan the area exposed to erosion reaches 851.9 thousand hectares. The effect of ortho — and polyphosphate fertilizers on maize yields and the effect on winter wheat was studied in typical eroded sierozem conditions. It was found that grain yield increased with the application of phosphorus fertilizers at very low (10–15 mg/kg of P2O5 in the soil) and average (30–35 mg/kg of P2O5 in the soil) quantities. Introducing 60 and 100 kg/ha of liquid complex fertilizers (HCS) –10 : 34 : 0, and solid ammonium polyphosphate (PFA) was the equivalent of making Frames in the norm of 140 and 180 kg/ha of P2O5. The efficiency of the solid and liquid forms of phosphate fertilizers appears both in action and in the aftermath.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The influence of different forms and norms of phosphate on the yield of maize and winter wheat on eroded sierozems»

The influence of different forms and norms of phosphate on the yield of maize and winter wheat on eroded sierozems

Mahmatmurodov Alisher Ulmasovich, Samarkand agricultural Institute, Uzbekistan

Muminov Komil Muminovich, Samarkand agricultural Institute, Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected]

The influence of different forms and norms of phosphate on the yield of maize and winter wheat on eroded sierozems

Abstract: The article shows that in Uzbekistan the area exposed to erosion reaches 851.9 thousand hectares. The effect of ortho — and polyphosphate fertilizers on maize yields and the effect on winter wheat was studied in typical eroded sierozem conditions. It was found that grain yield increased with the application of phosphorus fertilizers at very low (10-15 mg/kg of P2O5 in the soil) and average (30-35 mg/kg of P2O5 in the soil) quantities. Introducing 60 and 100 kg/ha of liquid complex fertilizers (HCS) -10 : 34 : 0, and solid ammonium polyphosphate (PFA) was the equivalent of making Frames in the norm of 140 and 180 kg/ha of P2O5. The efficiency of the solid and liquid forms of phosphate fertilizers appears both in action and in the aftermath.

Keywords: corn, winter wheat, irrigation erosion, typical gray soil, ammonium phosphate, ammonium polyphosphate, liquid fertilizers, fodder units, the quality of the crop.


In Uzbekistan 851.9 thousand ha. [3; 6] covered by irrigation erosion: including Samarkand region 121.9 thousand hectares [5]. In a production environment annual losses of soil by watering reach up to 200-240 t/ha, which takes away up to 600-700 kg/ha of humus, 100-115 kg/ha of nitrogen, 120-155 kg/ha of phosphorus, 190-210 kg/ha ofpotassium and other nutrients [5]. In the consequence of the loss of nutrients, degradation of water, physical, agrochemical properties, reduction in biological activity, the soil productivity capacity decreases, and crop yield reduction reaches 30-50 % [2; 3].

The development of measures to increase the fertility of eroded soils is essential. Until recently, however, questions of application of phosphate fertilizers to irrigated and eroded soils were studied very poorly.

The adequate provision of phosphorus into the soil is the most important factor for fertility. Phosphate nutrition is especially important in the initial phase of plant development. When fertilizer is applied, it is necessary to know or predict the content of mobile phosphorus in the soil in the period of maximum, in order to obtain the planned yield, and in autumn to set the desired rate and form of phosphorus in the same field for the following crop.

The aim of this study is to examine the growth and development of maize and other crops in the rotation of forage crops depending on the level of provision of mobile phosphorus, the use of new forms of phosphate compound fertilizers and liquid complex fertilizers brand

HCS 10 : 34 : 0 on irrigated and eroded typical sierozem soils of the Samarkand region of Uzbekistan.

Materials and methods

To explore this question field experiments were carried out in Uzbekistan (Urgut region) on an awash part of a sole with a 3-4° incline. Field experiments were held four times, with the systematical allotment. The total area of a plot was 100 m2, with a record plot — 50 m2. The soil of the awash part the slope was typical sierozem, semiloamy soil containing 0.51-0.94 % of the humus, total nitrogen 0.05-0.07 %, phosphorus 0.11-0.13 %, potassium 1.93-2.15 %, nitrate nitrogen 11.2-13.6, available phosphorus (by Machigin) 13.4-17.8, metabolic potassium — 210-230 mg/kg.

Norms of nitrogen and potassium fertilizers for corn cultivated for grain totaled N220K100, for winter wheat cultivation — N220K100 kg/ha in nutrient content. To study the effects of phosphate fertilizers, the introduction of crops of winter wheat was not planned. The object of the study was eroded typical soils, “Dnieper-TV" corn, “Intensive" wheat and various forms of liquid and solid phosphate fertilizers: RAM — ammophos (N - 11 %, P2O5 - 46 % ): HCS 8 : 24 : 0 — liquid complex fertilizer on the basis of phosphoric acid; the PFA — ammonium polyphosphate (N - 9 %, P2O5 - 52 %); utility services 10 : 34 : 0 — liquid complex fertilizer on the basis of polyphosphoric acids. All records and biometric measurements during the experiment were carried out according to the methodical recommendations on conducting field experiments with corn and wheat [4], treating them according to the variance analysis by A. B. Dospekhov [1].


Section 5. Agricultural sciences


The cultivation of maize on eroded soils at different content of P2O5 in the soil resulted into the formation ofvarious yields. At a very low content, phosphate fertilizers improved the grain yield compared to the control

variant at the average of 1.30 t/ha, while on average it amounted to 0.74 t/ha. This regularity stipulates a differentiated application of phosphate fertilizers depending on the level of phosphorus combination available for plants (table 1).

Table 1. - The yield and quality of maize grain depending on the forms and norms of phosphate fertilizers on eroded typical sierozems (3-year average)

№ Experience options Norm P2°5 kg/ha Not awash soil Heavily awash soi

Grain yield, t/ha Increase, t/ha The output feed unit, t/ha Output of the digested protein, t/ha Corn crop, t/ha Increase, t/ha The output of fodder units, t/ha Output of the digested protein, t/ha

1 N220K100 - 5.67 - 7.60 0.44 5.35 - 7.17 0.42

2 N220K100+ Pam 60 6.33 0.66 8.48 0.49 6.07 0.72 8.13 0.47

3 N220K100+ Pam 100 6.95 1.28 9.31 0.54 6.73 1.38 9.02 0.52

4 N220K100+ Pam 140 7.28 1.61 9.76 0.57 7.16 1.81 9.59 0.56

5 N220K100+ Pam 180 7.48 1.81 10.0 0.58 7.34 1.99 9.84 0.57

6 N„,nK,0n+ HCS 8 : 24 : 0 60 6.39 0.72 8.56 0.50 6.17 0.82 8.24 0.48

7 N„,0K,00+ HCS 8 : 24 : 0 100 7.05 1.38 9.45 0.55 6.92 1.57 9.27 0.54

8 N^,00+ PFA 60 6.70 1.03 8.93 0.51 6.63 1.28 8.88 0.52

9 N,2^00+ PFA 100 7.33 1.66 9.82 0.57 7.28 1.93 9.76 0.57

10 N22nK,00+ HCS 10 : 34 : 0 60 6.81 1.14 9.13 0.52 6.74 1.39 9.03 0.53

11 N220^00+ HCS 10 : 34 : 0 100 7.42 1.75 9.94 0.57 7.36 2.01 9.86 0.57

HCP„<= t/ha 0.28 0.29

S= % х 2.1 2.0

Among studied during the experiments forms of phosphate fertilizers according to their influence on the formation of grains yield, effective ones were polyphosphates (PFA and HCS 10 : 34 : 0). The corn yield with the established level (10-15 mg/kg of P2O5) in the soil increased by 0.39 t/ha, and average — to 0.34 t/ha, compared to orthophosphate (Ram and HCS 8 : 24 : 0). Solid and liquid forms of phosphate fertilizers on the basis of phosphoric acid, when applied in the same quantities, provided the same grain yield. It should be noted that the introduction of 100 kg/ha P2O5 polyphosphoric fertilizers on the level (10-15 mg/kg of P2O5 in the soil) was more effective than introducing the ammophos in following quantities 140 and 180 kg/ha P2O5, and on soils with the availability of phosphate (30-35 mg/kg of P2O5 in the soil) introduction of 60 kg/ha P2O5 in the form of the PFA and HCS 10 : 34 : 0 give the yield at the level of introduction of 100-140 kg/ha of P2O5 in the form of Ram.

While testing the protein content increase with phosphoric fertilizers application and particularly the PFA and HCS 10 : 34 : 0 in relation to phosphoric fertilizers

ensured the protein increase in the corn by 0.5-0.6 % at a very low level and by 2.4 and 2.6 — 0,5-0,6 % at an average. The fat content varied in the range of 3.6 to 4.5 %, fiber 2.8 to 3.5 %, but their output per hectare under the influence of the PFA and HCS 10 : 34 : 0 was higher.

The highest yields of fodder units and digestible protein per hectare of the crops, as well as the largest increase in grain yield of maize on both not awash and highly awash slope were ensured by phosphate polyphosphate type-PFA and HCS 10 : 34 : 0. The output of fodder units and digestible protein from the use of these fertilizers on not awash soil increased in comparison with the control variant, respectively by 1.32 and 1.51 t/ha, and on a heavily awash soil by 1.72 and 1.86 t/ha, while comparing to the variants with orthophosphate fertilizers (RAM and utility services 8 : 24 : 0), respectively by 0.31 and 0.50; and 0.72 and 0.76 t/ha.

Thus, the application of phosphoric fertilizers in the form of polyphosphates ensured better grain yield of maize. The increase of nitrates was not observed in maize seeds and green mass, meaning that the final product is


The influence of different forms and norms of phosphate on the yield of maize and winter wheat on eroded sierozems

environmentally friendly and can be used for food purposes and for animal feed.

It is known that phosphate fertilizers, applied in the year of action, in a certain way affect the crop yield in the rotation of forage crops in subsequent years. During the recent years, the effectiveness of phosphate fertilizers on crops was studied on various soil differences. However, the effects of different forms of phosphate fertilizers in terms of Samarkand region on eroded typical

sierozem soils on the growth, development of winter wheat sown after maize were studied for the first time, which is of a particular theoretical interest and practical importance for the agricultural production of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The data obtained show that a lack of full utilization of phosphorus by maize in previous years, due to adverse conditions, allowed us to obtain a higher yield of winter wheat in subsequent years (table 2).

Table 2. - The grain yield of winter wheat depending on the forms and norms of phosphate fertilizers in the aftereffect on eroded typical sierozems (3-year average)

№ Options experience Norm Р2 О5 dispensed to maize, kg/ha Unwashed field Highly-eroded soil

Corn crop, t/ha Increase, t/ha Corn crop, t/ha Increase, t/ha

1 N200K150 - 5.53 - 4.06 -

2 N K -Р 200150 am 60 5.62 0.09 4.29 0.23

3 N200K150-Pam 100 5.84 0.31 4.32 0.26

4 N200K150-Pam 140 5.92 0.39 4.40 0.34

5 N200K150-Pam 180 5.86 0.33 4.38 0.32

6 N200K150-HCS 8:24:° 60 5.71 0.18 4.33 0.27

7 N200K150-HCS 8:24:° 100 5.88 0.35 4.47 0.41

8 N200K150-PFA 60 6.11 0.58 4.68 0.62

9 N200K150-PFA 100 6.33 0.80 4.89 0.83

10 N200K150-HCS 10:34:° 60 6.07 0.54 4.66 0.60

11 N200K150-HCS 10:34:° 100 6.30 0.77 4.87 0.81

HCP„= t/ha 0.33 0.36

S= % х 2.2 2.4

Significant yield increase on highly awash soils due to ammophos was observed by introducing this fertilizer in following quantities: 140 and 180 kg. P2O5 per 1 ha., HCS 8 : 24 : 0 - 100 kg. P2O5 per 1 ha., the PFA and HCS 10 : 34 : 0 when introducing 60 and 100 kg/ha P2O5. On not awash soil the above pattern was preserved. These data indicate a high efficiency of polyphosphoric fertilizers in the aftermath, because even when introducing 60 kg. P2O5 per ha. the yield increase was reliable and statistically provable, whereas from introduction of the same quantities of orthophosphate fertilizers, the significant yield increase of wheat grain was obtained only by the application of high quantities.

Various forms of phosphate fertilizers had consequently significant effect on the formation of grain yield of wheat. Thus, from introduction of polyphosphate fertilizer on highly awash soil, the obtained yield was higher by an average 4.78 t/ha, which is 0.72 above reference

point and 0.42 t/ha above cases, where phosphoric fertilizers were applied. On not awash typical sierozem soils the yield increase was slightly lower, however, the overall trend of the advantages of phosphate fertilizers on the basis of polyphosphoric acid was preserved.

Thus, irrigation erosion on typical sierozem soils leads to changes in some soil properties: a decrease in the content ofhumus, nitrogen and phosphorus, volume weight, density, and porosity. In this regard, irrigation on differently eroded soils situated on slopes with various levels of fertility, it is necessary to introduce phosphate fertilizers according to levels of mobile P2O5 in order to ensure equal growth, development and yield. At the same time, quantities of ammonium polyphosphate and liquid complex fertilizers, 10 : 34 : 0, to be introduced, should be 60-100 kg/ha, which provides the yield equal to the one with the introduction of 140-180 kg/ha P2O5 of ammophos. Along this, costs per unit of output decrease.


1. Dospekhov B. A. The methodology of field experiment. - Moscow: Kolos, 1985. - Р. 271-282.

2. Zaslavsky M. N. Erosivity fundamentals of conservation agriculture. - M.: Higher school, 1987. - Р. 290-322.


Section 5. Agricultural sciences

3. Maksudov H. M., Shamsiddinov T. W. Eroded soil and ways to improve their fertility.//Chief agronomist. -Moscow, 2004. - № 11. - Р. 24-25.

4. Methodical recommendations on conducting field experiments with corn. - Dnepropetrovsk, 1990. - 54 p.

5. Muminov K. M., Mahmadmuradov A. U. Changes flushing of nutrients from the soil, depending on the norms of fertilizer.//Agriculture of Uzbekistan. - Tashkent,1999. - No. 5. - Р. 39-40.

6. Hashimov I. N. The yield of wheat on soils susceptible to water erosion.//Agricultural science. - Moscow, 2002. - No. 8. - Р. 18-19.


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