Научная статья на тему 'The increase of effectiveness of the system of state regulation of development of enterprises of the food industry of Russia'

The increase of effectiveness of the system of state regulation of development of enterprises of the food industry of Russia Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Dokholyan Sergey Vladimirovich

The present article discusses the main areas of focus to increase the effectiveness of the system of state regulation of development of enterprises of the food industry of Russia directed towards providing the competitive potential of the industry. That is the use of traditional levers of economic regulation of development in new conditions the budget, tax, credit, investment policy, state orders, purchasing and product interventions in the food market, development of state targeted programs, as well as arrangements directed towards the improvement of the investment climate in the industry, the development of the mechanism of private-state partnership, regulation of the labor market, regulation of related and supporting industries, formation of clusters, etc. The effectiveness of the system of state regulation is determined not only by the amount of direct budget subsidies of economic subjects but more through the creation of conditions to form the institutes of growth.

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Текст научной работы на тему «The increase of effectiveness of the system of state regulation of development of enterprises of the food industry of Russia»




Аннотация. В настоящей статье рассматриваются основные направления повышение эффективности системы государственного регулирования развития предприятий пищевой промышленности России, направленные на обеспечение конкурентного потенциала отрасли. Это использование в новых условиях традиционных рычагов экономического регулирования развития — бюджетной, налоговой, кредитной, инвестиционной политики, государственных заказов, закупочных и товарных интервенций на рынке продовольствия, разработка государственных целевых программ, а так же мероприятия направленный на улучшение инвестиционного климата в отрасли, развитие механизма частно-государственного партнерства, регулирование рынка труда, регулирование родственных и поддерживающих отраслей, формирования кластеров и т.д. Эффективность системы государственного регулирования определяется не только и не столько размерами прямого бюджетного субсидирования хозяйствующих субъектов, сколько созданием условий для формирования институтов роста.

Ключевые слова: государственное регулирование, предприятия пищевой промышленности, развитие, конкурентный потенциал, рынок труда, политика, инвестиционный климат, кластер, бюджетное субсидирование, рост, производственные условия.



Abstract. The present article discusses the main areas of focus to increase the effectiveness of the system of state regulation of development of enterprises of the food industry of Russia directed towards providing the competitive potential of the industry. That is the use of traditional levers of economic regulation of development in new conditions - the budget, tax, credit, investment policy, state orders, purchasing and product interventions in the food market, development of state targeted programs, as well as arrangements directed towards the improvement of the investment climate in the industry, the development of the mechanism of private-state partnership, regulation of the labor market, regulation of related and supporting industries, formation of clusters, etc. The effectiveness of the system of state regulation is determined not only by the amount of direct budget subsidies of economic subjects but more through the creation of conditions to form the institutes of growth.

Keywords: state regulation, enterprises of the food industry, development, competitive potential, labor market, politics, investment climate, cluster, budget subsidies, growth, production conditions.

The competitive potential of the food industry is formed on different levels: at the level of food enterprises, at the level of the potential and the resources of the industry, and, finally, at the state level. The competitive potential of the industry is determined, in many ways, by its external competitive advantages, i.e. factors determining the action of competitive forces at the national level. The impact of these determinants can be found in every country and in every industry that determine the action of competition forces inside industries, "The determinants of the national advantage support each other and grow with time, fostering the growth of competitive advantage in the industry" [12, p.225]. National competitive advantages include the following: production conditions1; demand conditions2; the presence of supporting or related industries3; the character of the strategy of the company4.

State policy and chance are two additional variables. The problem of combining the market mechanism of self-regulation and active state policy including various instruments of tax, monetary credit systems, national property, human resource, structural and industrial policy is a relevant problem for

1 the existence in the country of such necessary for production factors as qualified workforce, land, natural resources and capital

2 the nature of domestic demand for domestic products, typical features of a specific product or service

3 suppliers or distributors that are competitive in the world market

4 the features of competition with other companies including such factors as the organizational and managerial climate, as well as the level and nature of domestic competition

discussion both during the period of intensive transformation of Russian economy, and at the present

moment. The impact of state policy is seen in all four components of state competitive advantages

through the legislation, management of state property, etc. The main areas of focus of state regulation

of forming the competitive potential of the food industry are shown in table 1.

Table 1.

The areas of focus of state regulation of forming the competitive potential of the food industry

The determinants of competitive advantages Competitive advantages The instruments of state influence

Production conditions Resource competitive advantages (the presence of workforce, capital) Investment competitive advantages Innovative competitive advantages Creating a favorable investment climate

Demographic policy and employment policy

Science and technology policy of the state

Demand conditions Resource competitive advantages Regulating income of the population

Perfecting the system of state orders

Direct food support of the population

Related and supporting industries Resource competitive advantages Technological competitive advantages State regulation of agriculture

Creating conditions for the development of domestic machine-building for the food industry

Regulating prices for energy resources

Competition inside the industry Technological competitive advantages Investment competitive advantages Regulating foreign economic activity

Technical regulation

Taxation policy

Stimulation and support of clusters

State targeted programs

Anti-trust regulation

Traditional levers of economic regulation of the development of enterprises of the food industry are the budget, taxation, credit, investment policy, state orders, purchasing and product interventions in the food product market, the development of state targeted programs. [7]

The influence of the state on production conditions is complicated and contradictory. Despite the great number and variety of areas of focus of state programs and significant investments, the effectiveness of the influence is often insignificant. Regulating production conditions, the state creates the foundation of forming competitive advantages (resource, investment, innovation-based) for all industries of the economy. [4, 8, 14]

In the economic situation that transpired characterized by the deficit of resources for production investing and modernization of the economy despite the activization of the investment policy, the importance of investments for the Russian economy is hard to overestimate. The food product industry in Russia also needs financial resources that would provide for the implementation of new technologies and modern methods of management.

The investment climate in Russia is still staying somewhat unfavorable. The investment activity in almost every one of the Russian regions excluding the large ones is lacking due to the underdevel-opment of market institutes (the banking sector and the insurance services sector). In the majority of cases investments in the fixed assets do not contain any innovation and preserve the technological underdevelopment of manufacturing oriented on the domestic market.

Investment climate improvement can be achieved through an optimal combination of a market mechanism with flexible and active impact of the state on all the levels of economic management. The priority focus areas may include the following: simplification of taxation and reduction of the tax burden on the economic activity related to investing into production, providing low interest rate loans, discounted rate crediting of food industry enterprises [2, 6]. For the same reason growth of direct investments into fixed assets of enterprises needs to be provided for from budgetary funds of all levels, as well as state insurance of private, foreign investments into food and processing industry. When importing equipment, spare parts and advanced technologies that are not manufactured on the territory of Russia, it is necessary to relieve food and processing enterprises from customs duties, expand the volume of available for lease funds, make leasing services cheaper. It is necessary to increase the volume of investments coming through venture funds and companies which will provide

for both financial and non-financial support of enterprises. The development of a mechanism of private-state partnership will create guarantees of reliability, simplify the search of a strategic investor, etc.

The implementation of the listed focus areas of the investment policy will allow to create favorable conditions for an investment spurt in the food industry.

The main condition of an intensive economic growth in manufacturing industries is technical progress. If organizational and social-economic factors of growth of production have limits, then the technical progress gives an opportunity of unlimited growth of labor production. At the present moment in Russia expense on scientific research and developments has secondary importance compared with the other budget expenses.

In order not to lose the scientific potential Russia needs to increase governmental expense on scientific research, promote the growth of the prestige of science in the society, provide for a continuous connection of science and production which will allow to quickly intensify the processes of technological renewal of enterprises. At the same time it is necessary to provide for a connection of science and business in the following forms: research and development production complexes, innovative subdivisions, venture companies, research cooperatives, consulting firms, studying venture mechanisms of financing innovations and use of technological transfers. It is necessary to activate the work of a venture fund as a market mechanism of financial support of small innovative enterprises, to expand its sources of financing through attracting funds of similar foreign and domestic organizations. [13]

One of the important national competitive advantages is the presence in the country of workforce of a certain level of professional training. Today Russia entered the period of absolute reduction of population of working age, which in combination with the growing deficit of qualified personnel and engineers is becoming a serious obstacle in economic growth. The main way of increasing the supply of work resources in the country, in our opinion, is a balanced demographic policy of the state and the employment sphere policy.

State regulation of the employment market assumes four main areas of focus of impact: programs stimulating growth of employment and increase of the number of work places; programs directed towards training and re-training of workforce; programs of assistance of hiring workforce and programs of social insurance of unemployment (providing funds for unemployment assistance). In addition to these there are measures of indirect regulation of the market of workforce - taxation, monetary-credit and investment policy that at the same time are measures of overall economic regulation and impact on the dynamics of employment and unemployment through the market conditions of the economy in the region. Besides, assistance to the development of small and medium private business providing additional employment of employable population is effective.

State policy in the educational sphere should be directed towards close connection of the system of professional education of specialists for the food industry with regional needs in them which will allow to form work resources overall and improve their quality.

The state of domestic demand assists the formation of competitive advantages of enterprises of the food industry because the corresponding segment of the industry in the domestic market is much larger than in overseas markets. The typical features of the domestic demand for food products are, first of all, determined by consumer preferences, buyers' requirements, as well as the level and dynamics of their income.

Overall, conditions of domestic demand motivate Russian companies of the food industry for innovations, development and prediction of needs that arise. Real income of the population increasingly grow, which leads to the expansion of consumer demand as well as its transition to a new qualitative level. The main efforts of the state in this area have to be directed towards more effective regulation of population income, improvement of the system of state orders and organization of direct food support of low-income population.

State regulation of income is set to promote the restoration of buying ability and saving potential of citizens. The main ways of its impact should be the following:

- increase of the minimum wage to the minimum living wage level in order to set its amount at the level of the cost of workforce5;

- the increase of the role of income, savings and earnings indexation as the main means of preserv-

5 This will lead to the restoration of the replenishment function of the wages, more effective use of working resources at enterprises, reduction of extra workers and growth of production

ing the purchasing ability of monetary funds in the conditions of inflation6;

- improvement of social partnership implemented through making rate agreements more mandatory, giving them the status of laws, as well as coordination of timelines for making agreements and distinguishing the circle of issues resolved by each agreement;

- improvement of the method of determining the minimum living wage which is the base for many social calculations7;

- regularization of the system of providing social transfers (pensions, assistance and compensations).

The most important financial-credit tool of economic management is a governmental order. Increasing the percentage of the governmental order at the present moment is connected with its efficacy in solving various social-economic tasks. The functions of a governmental order are the strategic, reproductive, stimulating, price, social and control functions8.

Improvement of the system of governmental orders of food products will allow the following:

- increase the total demand assisting economic growth of the food industry and increasing its competitive potential;

- purchase food for governmental needs in the set volumes and with the required level of quality;

- create new work places reducing therefore the level of unemployment and social tension in the society;

- provide stabilizing impact on prices on food.

The formation of regional reserve funds of grain has a special importance in modern conditions. We suppose that the main goal of a governmental order has to be the support of industry areas of the food complex in order to provide for growth of their competitive potential, and we are suggesting complementing the system of governmental orders with state programs of direct food support of low-income population that is widely used in developed countries9.

Governmental regulation of related and supporting industries is significant for the food industry

6 At the present moment indexation at enterprises is not performed systematically only taking into account the economic opportunities of the employer.

7 It is advisable to make Russian methods correspond to recommendations of the International Labor Organization, i.e. to reevaluate the structure of the grocery basket for the minimum living wage (that at the present moment is primarily oriented on carbohydrate-based nutrition) and the percentage of expenditures to pay for utilities and other services, as well as purchasing long-term use products. Today the structure of the grocery basket is calculated not based on rational standards recommended by the Institute of Nutrition of the AMS but rather based on physiological standards enacted by the Ministry of Labor in 1992 calculated for the survival of humans in extreme conditions (hunger, war, etc). They are also used in other countries but usually for short-term periods (0.5-1 years). In Russia these standards are still being used. If we take into account that up to 60% of the minimum living wage is the food cost we can explain the demographic situation in the country.

8 The maximum volume of governmental purchases in Russia was seen in 1997-1998 when the state was supporting the economy after a crisis. In the subsequent period of stabilization the volume of governmental purchases significantly decreased in the budget of the Russian Federation.

9 Hence, at the present moment in the USA more than a dozen various programs of food assistance are being implemented. These programs are directed to resolve two main tasks: provide food security and maintain the standard of living on the one hand, and expand the total demand for food on the other hand (the food stamp program, the school lunch program, etc). In order to make food assistance programs more effective, the US Food and Nutrition Service works together with state administration. Within this cooperation states regulate the issues of determining the participants of the programs and food distribution issues, and the Food and Nutrition Service finances payments within programs and compensates a part of administrative expenses of states. Recently the new function of this Service became a wider distribution of information about public programs (which specific categories of population can participate in them and how they can get access to assistance). The most significant program of food support in the USA is the Food Stamp Program started in 1964 (at the present moment the total number of participants of the program is around 20 million people). This program is the key element in the provision of social protection of the poor (including employees with low wages), the disabled and the elderly; it quickly responds to all changes in the economy of the country. The method used to set the criteria of participating in the program evaluates both the income and the mandatory expenses of the family which allows to guarantee assistance to families who need it the most.

This program is implemented by the Food and Nutrition Service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the USA in cooperation with states. The federal government pays assistance and shares administrative expenses of program organization with states. In the majority of the states the food stamp program is implemented using an electronic system of assistance payments that allows program participants to use plastic cards (similar to bank cards) to receive access to assistance. Participants have an open account in the amount of their monthly assistance payment. They give their cards to pay for food in grocery stores; the payment reduces the amount left on the account. The funds are automatically transferred on the account of the grocery store, and an electronic record is made on the transaction; therefore, participants do not receive either money or change on their food stamps.

Program participants can purchase the following types of products: bread, fruits and vegetables, meat and dairy products. One cannot buy alcohol, cigarettes, vitamins, medications, or hot food on food stamps.

In our opinion, the implementation of similar programs in Russia will significantly increase the level of total demand for food, increase the standard of living of the population and lead to the increase of the competitive potential of the food industry.

with developed inter-industrial connections. The factor of effective development of agriculture - the main supplier of raw goods - is quite important. At the present moment agriculture is one of the biggest losing and unstably developing industries. It is impossible to return to pre-reform volumes of production of food products without the state regulating impact.

Today the development of agriculture in Russia is recognized to be one of the national priorities of the social-economic policy. The formation of effective competitive agroindustrial production providing for the food security of the country and expanding the volume of export of specific types of agricultural products and food is recognized to be the main strategic goal in the economic sphere.

The modern system of governmental support of agriculture includes the following:

1. Subsidizing interest rates on short-term and medium-term (up to 5 years) credits taken out by agricultural enterprises in Russian banks, paying them on account of federal budget funds at % of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation rate which increased the availability of credit resources;

2. Financial-credit servicing of agricultural enterprises10;

3. Providing agricultural enterprises with machine-building products on lease terms11;

4. Using protective measures through implementing quotas and duties on imported food and raw materials used by domestic enterprises to make food products (especially on meat and raw sugar imports);

5. Implementing targeted federal programs12 and the national project "AIC Development"

Despite this, the effectiveness of state regulation of agriculture is not high yet.

Support of machine-building enterprises producing machines and equipment for food and processing industries should also become the priority direction of state regulation. At the present moment Russia makes an insignificant share of food producing equipment that corresponds to modern requirements of cost and efficiency. Military enterprises that were converted into food industry equipment producing facilities are not able to resolve this issue either. Advanced equipment is mostly imported, and it costs much more than its domestic counterparts. Besides, the volume of the food equipment market in Russia is such that it is more effective to produce your own equipment than to import it. If these enterprises are not supported now, in 5-10 years Russia will be significantly behind developed countries in this area, and there will be a non-correctible dependency of food industry on imported equipment.

The most important component in providing for the functioning of productive forces in any industry is the energy complex. The foundation of management of the national market of energy resources is the energy policy of the state.

The main peculiarities of the Russian market of energy resources is its lack of transparency, instability, higher than anticipated growth of prices on energy resources, lack of correspondence of the technical state of energy equipment to the standard requirements, technical limitation on the development of competition in energy resource markets. The over reliance on natural gas in the fuel balance is also a potential threat of security due to technical and economic factors. The price level of natural gas that is supported and subsidized by the government determines the advantages of using it. Stopping subsidizing natural gas, making its domestic market price achieve the level of profitability of extraction and transportation of it in accordance with the Energy strategy of Russia for the period up to 2020, the development of the market of natural gas and the increase in it of the percentage of "independent" suppliers, as well as Russian entering the WTO may significantly change the proportion of prices on energy sources in the domestic market.

Due to this, the energy policy of the state should, first of all, be directed towards providing effective and reliable energy supply of all industries, regulation and limitation of growth of prices on energy resources taking into account Russian future entry into the WTO.

An important area of focus of state regulation is improving conditions for the creation and management of enterprises and the character of inter-industry competition. Inter-industry competition takes a special place among the determinants of national competitive advantages because this specific competition stimulates the formation and development of unique competitive advantages (especially if all of the competitors are located in one region) and makes national companies enter the external

10 the functioning of Rosselkhozbank that uses in its work exclusively the interests of the governmental policy in the production sphere

11 the functioning of the state leasing company "Rosagroleasing"

12 For example, "Increasing soil fertility" and "Social development of the rural area up to 2010"

market and achieve success there.

Despite the fact that the foundations of market economy have been created in Russia quite a while ago, the role of the state in regulating inter-industry competition is significant. We suppose that at the present moment the main levers of the regulating state impact on the inter-industrial competition in the food industry should be the regulation of foreign economic activity, industry technical regulation, financing of state targeted programs, taxation and anti-trust policy, and, finally, indirect support of cluster development.

Regulation of foreign activity of enterprises of the food industry is especially important in the conditions of Russia entering the World Trade Organization (WTO). Multipartite consultations about Russia entering the WTO continued for more than 17 years, since the summer of 1995. Throughout this time the stress in substantiating the relevancy of Russia joining the WTO significantly changed. There was a shift from ideological arguments to political and economic arguments, mainly related to the hopes of improving conditions of international trade and receiving the impulse of overall development of the economy of the country based on import of foreign capital and technologies.

The formal tasks of the WTO are the development of universal rules of international trade, reduction of limitations on goods movement and evening out conditions of competition, however, the essence of the activity of this organization, based on the opinion of many experts, is significantly different from the stated goals, corresponding to the maximum to trade interests of developed countries in the implementation of their competitive advantages. The mechanism of making decisions used in the WTO allows the largest developed countries (the USA, members of the EU) to completely control the activity of the Organization. Under the pretext of anti-dumping procedures developed countries set protection for the industries competitively lacking in their own economy. Therefore, the idea about the equal rights of all WTO countries-participants is not fulfilled.

According to M.Porter, "international trade ... may be an obstacle for the growth of productivity... An industry will incur losses if its productivity is not higher than its foreign competitors have" [12, p.213]. The food industry of Russia, having a fairly low competitive potential will face a number of threats due to the entry into the WTO from large international companies and financial structures:

- a possibility of a takeover of segments in markets of high degree of processing leading to closing of the import-oriented structure of the economy;

- setting control over resources to make food from foreign competitors;

- monopoly of developed countries on production of highly technological equipment for food production;

- growth of production costs and costs of product selling13;

- worsening of conditions of innovative activity of Russian food enterprises14.

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These threats are so serious that the competitive ability of the Russian food industry may be disrupted, and the options for its further development will be limited. The biggest risk for the food industry is an influx of cheap imported food products, the production of which is subsidized due to special funds by the European countries and the USA. In many countries of the world cheap import had already disrupted the stability of domestic production and, as a result, when the number of imported food products was reduced, led to a threat of hunger or even growth of prices for them, and, therefore, a limitation of consumption. [11]

In order to overcome the existing break in the competitive ability of food production with developed countries it is necessary to accelerate the modernization of the industry, increase its competitive ability and resistance to outside impact. And this means that, overall, Russian joining the WTO goes against the resolution of this task.

In the situation that occurred the task of state regulation of the food production industry in to try to at least partially neutralize the threats due to Russia joining the World Trade Organization and to adjust the industry to functioning in new conditions. We believe that the first and foremost measures in this sphere should be the following measures:

1. Creating conceptually new mechanisms of support of domestic producers of food products, cor-

13 due to the growth of prices of energy to the international level as one of the conditions of Russia joining the WTO

14 use in Russian conditions of the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of International Property Rights (TRIPS) (mandatory patenting, forced licensing, etc) without adopting adequate compensating measures may increase the outflow of the existing scientific and research developments overseas

responding to the requirements of the WTO: together with subsidies, allowances, using discount and fixed prices, taxes, federal targeted programs and discounts, a system of non-rate protection, quotas, environmental requirements, etc has to be developed.

2. Providing state support to depressed regions using new instruments15.

3. Provisional agreement of points with countries-members of the CIS on the issue of joining the WTO, customs duties and economic means.

An important instrument of regulation of the development of food industry is the taxation policy of the state. The taxation system that is active in Russia now has such drawbacks as instability, fiscal focus, contradiction of separate provisions of the Taxation Code, a possibility of tax evasion, contradiction and lack of clarity in the Code itself. The instability of taxation does not allow enterprises to do tax planning.

At the present moment food industry enterprises do not have tax breaks. A large overall amount of taxes and the high cost of raw materials in price (though it is a loss for agriculture) do not allow enterprises of the food industry to have the necessary level of profitability. First of all, this concerns the primary raw material processing industries (meat, milk, vegetables, grain). Therefore, the taxation mechanism has to be as flexible as possible, has to take into account the requirements of competitive markets that may be either supported by regulation, or would be quite disrupted due to thoughtless action of both strategic (on the federal level), and tactical (on the local level) kind. Based on principles of taxation of a well-known American economist (Nobel prize winner in 1996) W.S.Vickrey "Taxes do not have to be liked, they should at least be fair; the bigger is the income, the bigger is the tax. But some income necessary for the livelihood needs of a worker and his family should be free of taxation, therefore the needs of the state are only satisfied after the taxpayer's livelihood needs are provided for. A ruler charging his constituents unfair or extremely high taxes risks to be left either without taxes or without constituents".[10] The gist of the last principle in regards to the system of taxation of food industry enterprises is more than relevant and requires thorough studying of possible consequences of the system used at the moment, which is acceptable to be called "the final burden of tax", i.e. it is necessary to clearly understand who the final bearer of taxes is, what its overall impact is on production effectiveness (whether the tax is reducing the business activity of producers), work stimulating, prices of production factors and goods, structure of consumption and price of the consumer basket that is 80% formed based on products of the food industry. [9, 13]

Therefore, a cautious and differentiated approach is needed to set the upper limits of taxation on industries of the economic complex depending on the state of the economy and the state burden on it16. During the period of reduction of speed of economic growth the burden is naturally growing and, first of all, it is growing on material production subjects. It is necessary to take up the following measures in the sphere of taxation of the food industry enterprises: restructuring of the debt of strategically important enterprises on taxes, deferred payment of debts on payments into non-budgetary funds, organization of payments taking into account the seasonality of activity of enterprises, reduction of the taxation burden on enterprises of the food industry. The reduction of the taxation burden on food product producers will increase the investment potential of enterprises and will create conditions for financing the technical re-equipment of production.

Creating competitive conditions for the functioning of enterprises of the food industry and preventing their monopolizing position in the food market is the goal of the anti-trust policy of the state. The problem of monopolization in the food industry is directly related with the deformed regional industry structure and quite a high level of concentration in many of its industry branches (sugar, butter and fat). The tools of anti-trust regulation are the following: simplification of conditions for easy opening of new enterprises in the monopolized sphere of business; absence of a tough intervention into the overseas trade of the company; forced fragmentation of monopolist enterprises; state control over mergers and acquisitions of enterprises; in specific cases - direct control over prices and wages, etc.

In Russia the beginning of the use of anti-trust regulation refers back to 1993 when the Law of "On competition and limitation of monopolistic activity in product markets" was adopted. At the present moment the functions of the anti-trust regulation are given to the Federal Anti-Trust Service

15 the system of targeted support of problem regions and providing social guarantees that are equally available to all citizens of the country regardless of their place of residence

16 the contents of the state standard, defence, medicine, education, demographic situation, etc.

(FAS) that chooses the optimal instruments of regulation for specific manufacturing industries.

Resource competitive advantages of the food industry are the basis of cluster formation - complexes of geographically close companies and related to them organizations functioning in a certain sphere, characterized by the similarity of activity and complementing each other. The formation of the cluster system is based on creating a production chain, and preservation of industrial connections, which is the prerequisite of the stable development of the food industry. [1]

The cluster approach as the world practice shows serves not only as a means of achieving the goals of the industrial policy17, but also serves as a powerful tool of stimulating regional development. Due to this, regulation of cluster development in the production sphere of food products is necessary and relevant. We think that the impact of the state has to be directed towards the development of interrelations between subjects that are included in clusters, finding priority, strategically important and competitive clusters, stimulating specialization, outsourcing, contract-based work.

Besides the measures of economic type, state regulation of the formation of competitive potential of the food industry includes the development of technical regulation of the industry, i.e. legislative foundations of raw material and food product quality control.

The beginning of the reform of the national system of technical regulation was introduced on July 1, 2003 by the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" providing for the development of special technical regulations that would include all quality and raw material safety and ready-made products safety following European requirements, which will allow Russian standards match the international standards.

According to the Law, a system of technical regulations that have the status of law has to be developed and adopted within the transitional period of 7 years. GOST standards are still mandatory only in relation to the requirements of safety until the corresponding new regulations are adopted. Outdated requirements have to be cancelled, reviewed and set to correspond to international standards in the new regulations as long as it corresponds to the interests of the national economics. That is, the reform provides for, on the one hand, preservation of continuity of the existing legislation, and, on the other hand, its correction in accordance with the international standards and laws in the food sphere.

Since the time that the law "On technical regulation" has been adopted, significant results have been achieved in the system of technical regulation of the food industry: a large number of general and industry-specific technical regulations, national standards, etc have been developed and implemented. The general indicator of standard harmonization on food products and food ingredients makes up about 30% of the current fund18.

The technical regulation sphere includes three aspects:

- safety standards;

- environmental standards;

- standards assuming honest positioning of products in the market.

In regards to technical safety and environmental requirements, the corresponding standards of active at the present moment Sanitary standards and rules suit everyone related to technical regulation of subjects (the food industry, medicine, oversight structures)19.

We believe that the majority of large Russian food industry enterprises are honest producers, and setting such positioning standards are in the sphere of their interests.

The further activity of the state on technical regulation of food products has to be directed, first of all, towards providing unification and uniformity of requirements of standards, procedures of their implementation. It is probable that a governmental organization is necessary that would be coordinating these issues, attracting competent specialists from the industry.

17 structural changes, increasing competitive ability, reinforcement of innovative focus, etc.

18 The program of national standardization includes the development of standards for terms and definitions (21 standards); products (54); methods of product testing (55); packaging, labelling, transportation and storage (5 standards). 32 technical committees (TC) are developing national standards for food products. As a result of the reorganization started of the active TC due to merging of related committees (2 on dairy products, 2 on meat products, etc), 20 TC are planned to be organized and new ones are planned to be created.

19 The relatively new for Russia issue of setting up standards of honest positioning of products in the market including problems of terminology and consumer informing is a debatable issue. A consumer has to be confident that the product is genuine: that is what the fight with product falsification is based upon. In the past, neither domestic standards or Sanitary norms included such requirements. Therefore, there were problems that arose in many industries (the situation with soft butter, "Zhigulevskoe" beer, juices with pulp and sugar, called nectars all over the world, etc).

Hence, the achievement of stable economic growth in the food industry is impossible without improving the mechanism of industry management. In our view, the management mechanism includes both objectives of relations between management subjects, and tools (instruments, forms) of impact on these relations. The strategic goal of development of the food industry is the implementation of its potential in terms of development of export of products with the high degree of value added, producing environmentally clean products, import substitution in the domestic markets of food products, first of all, processed animal products to achieve threshold parameters of the food independence of the country. The implementation of this goal supposes searching and implementation of effective management instruments of industry development in the conditions of intensification of competition and further integration in the world food market. The effectiveness of the system of governmental regulation is determined not only and not particularly by the sizes of direct budget subsidising of economic subjects, but by creating conditions to form institutes of growth.


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