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Ключевые слова
popular education / students / ethno-cultural values / ecological thinking / ecological culture / ecological education / народное образование / студенты / этнокультурные ценности / экологическое мышление / экологическая культура / экологическое образование

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Chyngyzbek Kyzy Nurperi

The socio-pedagogical importance of the environmental culture formation of future college specialists. The article is devoted to the use of folk pedagogical experience in the formation of environmental culture of college students. By enriching the educational process with these resources, we can emphasise the main idea which defines the objective of environmental education, which is the respect for the environment and for humanity, which is inextricably linked with nature.

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Социально-педагогическая значимость формирования экологической культуры будущих специалистов колледжа. Статья посвящена использованию народного педагогического опыта в формировании экологической культуры студентов колледжа. Обогащая образовательный процесс этими средствами, можно подчеркнуть главную идею, определяющую цель экологического воспитания, – бережное отношение к окружающей среде и человечеству, неразрывно связанному с природой.



Chyngyzbek kyzy Nurperi, Lecturer

Osh Technological University named after M.M. Adyshev

(Kyrgyzstan, Osh)


Abstract. The socio-pedagogical importance of the environmental culture formation of future college specialists. The article is devoted to the use of folk pedagogical experience in the formation of environmental culture of college students. By enriching the educational process with these resources, we can emphasise the main idea which defines the objective of environmental education, which is the respect for the environment and for humanity, which is inextricably linked with nature.

Keywords: popular education, students, ethno-cultural values, ecological thinking, ecological culture, ecological education.

The environmental education of the college students is a continuous process of the development of the children aimed at the formation of their environmental culture. The final result - the formation of an integral spiritual and moral personality. Environmental education is one of the important aspects of this process.

In the 21st century, ecology as a scientific basis for rational management and protection of nature has gained special importance due to the increasing human impact on nature. Since the seventies of the twentieth century, the theory of human ecology or social ecology has been developed. It studies the laws of interaction between society and the environment from the point of view of the problem of its protection. It includes various aspects: philosophical, sociological, economic and geographical.

The psychological orientation of teaching, its structure in the teaching of natural history subjects, the vision of the interrelationship between man and nature make it possible for students to see themselves as part of nature. Only when they feel that they are part of nature will they begin to understand the importance of acquiring knowledge about nature and their own abilities to improve it, and this is already a step towards ecological culture. Students will then acquire the skills to take care of nature, and finally they can work on improving the environment of their neighbourhood, school, college, etc.

It is impossible to imagine environmental education of young people without historical traditions of those who live in close contact with nature. Traditions of interaction with nature have their roots in the distant past. Over the centuries, one of the main components of the spiritual life and morality of the people has been a deep sense of love for nature [1]. Traditions and customs are the basis for the formation of culture and world view, and reflect the unique characteristics of the people. That is why it is advisable to take into account the folk pedagogical rules and laws created over the centuries when choosing the content and forms of work with pupils.

Environmental education as an educational process is based not only on ecological knowledge, but is also implemented by means of emotions - mental preparation for environmental values. The result of environmental education should be the formation of an ecological world view on the basis of scientific and humanitarian knowledge, which is a reflection of the deep conviction of the individual in the understanding of the unity of man and nature. A complex task of pedagogy is the process of formation of ecological worldview. It determines the system of values, the corresponding attitude and how to behave when it comes to nature, man and society.

Nature is a great, powerful and irreplaceable factor in helping to educate. It is irreplaceable, it is a multi-faceted, multi-

dimensional factor. In different ways, folk educators use nature as a factor influencing personality.

The origins of the culture of the environment lie in the centuries-old experience of the people - in the traditions of a responsible and loving attitude to the natural riches of the homeland.

For many thousands of years, man has been observing nature, understanding its laws and learning to live in harmony with it. He has understood once and for all that he is only a small part of it.

By folk education we mean the historically formed experience of bringing up and educating people, first handed down orally from generation to generation, and then recorded in written monuments in the form of folklore, heroic epics, legends and tales, a set of rules for bringing up children, rules of behaviour, etc. [2]. Fairytales, proverbs and sayings (aphoristic pedagogy) and traditions represent the ideal itself. The immersion of children in the traditional folklore environment is one of the factors of education.

The spirituality of folk pedagogy is significantly enriched by the experience of human communication with nature. The specificity of all structural components of the process of environmental education of preschool children is determined by the positive experience of folk pedagogy.

Ethnopedagogy is a general term that refers to the comparative analysis of educational traditions of different peoples, while folklore pedagogy refers to the educational traditions of particular ethnic groups. It essentially means the theorisation and systematisation of the educational information and experience of the population, developed and accumulated during the process of social development. The transmission of traditions in the process of interaction between generations is one of the determining components of education in folk pedagogy. Folk consciousness clearly expresses the ideas of necessity, natural expediency and continuity of education reflected in folklore. The pedagogy of the people is logical and systematic. The factors of education are fully represented in the folk pedagogy: nature, the word, work, everyday life, cus-

toms, traditions, art, religion, communication, play and example [3].

So, what is it that environmental education offers to students college education? First and foremost, it is a continuous process of education, training and development of human beings, which is aimed at the formation of their ecological culture, which is expressed in an emotional and positive attitude towards nature and the world around them, in a responsible attitude towards their own health and the state of the environment, in compliance with certain moral norms, in a system of values.

The developmental and educational potential of the materials of modern ecology is enormous. Their mastery contributes to the development of ecological methods of working in nature, responsible attitude to life on our planet and ecologically competent behaviour in nature, as well as to the formation of students' understanding of the basics of ecology and rational management of nature. Mastering the basics of modern ecology enriches one's personality with a whole range of moral and humanistic attitudes and implies the formation of a humanistic world view. These include responsibility for all creatures, the construction of a new axiological picture of the world, centred on the importance of all creatures, an understanding of the value of biological variety, an awareness of the importance of life, kindness, beauty, spiritual richness, culture, togetherness, a new understanding of what is good, respect for every human being, a consensual approach, respect for nature as the common property of humanity, a position of working from a position of careful stewardship of nature, and a commitment towards hands-on ecological and ecological activity. All this shows that environmental education is a part of human culture with a strong moral, humanistic and pragmatic content, and not just a set of scientific knowledge, skills and attitudes.

It should be noted, however, that since environmental education is not attractive to the main contingent of students in all fields of education, it does not produce sufficiently reliable results when it is included in the educational process. This is the reason for the development of this direction in extracurricu-

lar activities. For this reason, teachers in educational institutions develop a programme of extracurricular activities. These programmes include a curriculum, forms and methods of teaching each subject and methodological support for the educational process. What makes these programmes different is their use of interactive methods and innovative teaching techniques. This includes development of a sense of careful attitude towards native country, natural resources of country and world, development of a sense of responsibility for state of natural resources, skills and abilities of reasonable nature management, intolerance attitude towards activities harmful to environment.

Such programmes will contribute to the formation of an environmental culture among students. This culture will be based on knowledge and active environmental protection.

The objectives of the extra-curricular programme are as follows:

1. To teach - developing knowledge of ecological systems and how they function under increasing anthropogenic pressures.

2. To develop - to develop a lasting interest in the achievements in the field of ecology; to realise the importance of the competences in the field of ecology for the individual and the society.

3. To educate - in the process of personal activities for the protection of the environment promotion of a careful attitude towards nature [4].

Students became more aware of environmental terms, more interested in environmental problems, understood their causes and consequences after the extracurricular environmental culture activities. In class, students were involved in conscious environmental activity and began to dedicate more of their time to environmental protection. For instance, the students like to go to the woodland parks to do landscaping work, help with reforestation, actively collect waste paper and use the proceeds to purchase items needed for homeless animals, and participate in environmental projects and competitions.

Life itself dictates that the younger generation needs to become environmental educated. There are a large number of legends that

have been created by the people. Legends contain the observations and wisdom of the people. It is therefore an invaluable source of information that can arouse children's interest in the subject, remind them of the signs and properties of plants, and combine scientific data with folk knowledge.

In the formation of the ecological culture of the college students, the dual lines of ecological connections between nature and the human being become obvious: physiology and psychology influence the state of physical and mental well-being. Their rupture leads to the destruction of the unified aura of man and nature, to the violation of the normal bio-rhythms of the interaction of physiological and psychological processes. Only its revital-ization reestablishes the united aura of nature, brings inspiration to the psyche and physiological systems. The state of mind is influenced by spiritual, moral and aesthetic relationships. A source of moral and aesthetic satisfaction and purification for man are expediency, proportionality, harmony and beauty. The functions of physical and spiritual, moral and aesthetic health improvement and personality formation are fulfilled by these two lines of communication.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn from the study of the nature of the formation of the ecological culture of a person:

1. An ecologically educated person is an intelligent and civilised person who is able to think and act ecologically, who actively fights for ecology, and who is armed with modern ecological knowledge of science and the knowledge of his people's past.

2 The main components of the ecological culture of a person are:

- Modern scientific know-how and human experience;

- Emotional and valued relationships with nature, man and society;

- Activity-practical links with reality [5].

Analysis of essence of environmental culture in conditions of vocational education allowed us to understand it to be a level of development of personal values of attitude to nature, orientation to constructive transformation of reality from a position of protection of nature and attitude to it, and motivating

readiness for autonomous actions for protec- sphere. tion of natural environment in vocational


1. Dejnikova, N.S. Environmental education in the context of sociocultural dynamics / N.S. Dejnikova. 2010. - № 10.

2. Mirzoyev Sh.A. Subjects, forms and methods of education in popular pedagogics of Dagestan: Doctoral thesis .... Cand. paed. nauk. - M., NII NSH, 1987. - 22 c.

3. Khusainov Z.A. Creation of ecological culture of students of the national school on the basis of knowledge of nature of the Tatars // Scientific review. Abstract journal. - 2016. - № 1. -C. 69-103.

4. Grechushkin, V.A. Ecological education of medical students / V.A. Grechushkin: Cand. of ped. sciences. - Lipetsk, 2002. - 252 c.

5. Dobson, Andrew. Green Political Thought. Fourth edition / by Andrew Dobson. 4th ed. -Great Britain: Routledge, 2007. - P. 38.


Чынгызбек кызы Нурпери, преподаватель

Ошский технологический университет имени М.М. Адышева

(Кыргызстан, г. Ош)

Аннотация. Социально-педагогическая значимость формирования экологической культуры будущих специалистов колледжа. Статья посвящена использованию народного педагогического опыта в формировании экологической культуры студентов колледжа. Обогащая образовательный процесс этими средствами, можно подчеркнуть главную идею, определяющую цель экологического воспитания, - бережное отношение к окружающей среде и человечеству, неразрывно связанному с природой.

Ключевые слова: народное образование, студенты, этнокультурные ценности, экологическое мышление, экологическая культура, экологическое образование.

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