THE IMPORTANCE OF THE LIQUIDITY OF BANK IN BANK’S PERFORMANCE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Abdullayeva Sh. Z.

The article examined the liquidity impact on the development of banking activities, the main factors determining bank liquidity in the short and long term. Also consider the liquidity of commercial banks of Uzbekistan at this stage of development

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несвоевременного возврата таких кредитов является высоким, что негативно влияет на кредитный портфель банка, требует создания адекватного резерва.

Одним из путей решения вышеуказанных проблем предлагается:

-использование эффективных методов антикризисного управления деятельностью банка с применением эффективных методов ранней диагностики и умением кредитных работников использовать потенциал методов управления кредитным портфелем коммерческого банка. Особое значение при этом кредитными подразделениями банков должно быть уделено таким аспектам кредитования , как :

-качественное проведение маркетинговых исследований на рынке кредитных ресурсов и рынке инвестиционных проектов;

-повышению их роли на стадии экспертизы инвестиционных проектов, как институтов, несущих финансовую ответственность за реализацию проектов;

-качественный анализ финансового состояния заемщиков кредитных ресурсов; -комплексный анализ представленных заемщиком залогов и другого обеспечения; -периодическое тестирование выданных кредитов на предмет его возвратности путем мониторинга состояния заемщика, отслеживания целевых рынков и экономической ситуации в стране;

-ранняя диагностика и выявление проблемных кредитов и разработка мероприятий по ликвидации образовавшихся у клиентов задолженностей;

-формирование достаточного резерва на возможные потери по ссудам, входящим в состав кредитного портфеля;

-снижение риска коммерческих банков в части завышения цены импортного оборудования за счет повышения ответственности коммерческих структур, дающих заключение на закупаемое оборудование в части соответствия цены и качества. Кроме этого целесообразно ограничить сумму валютных кредитов на одного заемщика, в зависимости от или характера инвестиционных проектов.


prof., TFI Abdullayeva Sh. Z.

Abstract. The article examined the liquidity impact on the development of banking activities, the main factors determining bank liquidity in the short and long term. Also consider the liquidity of commercial banks of Uzbekistan at this stage of development

Banks play a central role in all modern financial systems. To perform it effectively, banks must be safe and be perceived as such. The single most important assurance is for the economic value of a bank's assets to be worth significantly more than the liabilities that it owes. The difference represents a cushion of "capital" that is available to cover losses of any kind. However, the recent financial crisis underlined the importance of a second type of buffer, the "liquidity" that banks have to cover unexpected cash outflows. A bank can be solvent, holding assets exceeding its liabilities on an economic and accounting basis, and still die a sudden death if its depositors and other funders lose confidence in the institution. Liquidity at a bank is a measure of its ability to readily find the cash it may need to meet demands upon it. More commonly it comes from holding securities that can be sold quickly with minimal loss. We care about bank liquidity levels because banks are important to the financial system and they are inherently fragile if they do not have sufficient safety margins. Liquidity, or the amount of cash or cash-like assets on the balance sheet, is critical for any bank. Banks must meet funding needs for their operations, they must be able to repay their own debts, and they must have enough cash on hand to meet withdrawal requests, and fund new loans for customers. A lack of liquidity is the fastest path to failure for a bank, so investors should always pay very close attention to bank liquidity positions. The Building and Loan probably had millions of dollars of assets - cash, loans, securities, and more - but all of those assets wouldn't have mattered if it ran out of cash. Without enough cash, banks fail. It's just that simple. Banks can increase their liquidity in multiple ways, each of which ordinarily has a cost, including: -Shorten asset maturities -Improve the average liquidity of assets

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-Lengthen liability maturities -Issue more equity -Reduce contingent commitments -Obtain liquidity protection

Since liquidity comes at a cost, a bank faces a trade-off between the safety of greater liquidity and the expense of obtaining it. This makes it difficult to answer the question of how much liquidity is enough. Worsening the difficulty is the complexity of the financial system and the challenge of predicting its future state and therefore the probability and severity of future cash crunches. Banks try to ensure that they have sufficient liquidity to meet all relevant regulatory requirements, plus a buffer to reduce the likelihood that liquidity falls below these thresholds and triggers a regulatory or market response or creates constraints on the bank's actions. In a similar way, they try to ensure that they have sufficient liquidity to avoid a downgrade from the credit rating agencies to a level below the bank's target rating, although there always remains the option of accepting a lower rating. More sophisticated banks also try to hold the probability of a crippling liquidity crisis to below some fraction of a percent each year, based on their internal modeling. We know, the Liquidity Ratio is a financial metric that measures a company's ability to pay off its short term debts. In the case of banks and credit unions these short term obligations are generally deposits, though a financial institution may carry other forms of short term debt. A higher Liquidity Ratio indicates a greater ability to meet short-term obligations and indicates a larger margin of safety. In the Basel III rules, regulators have, for the first time, designed global standards for the minimum liquidity levels to be held by banks. In practice, very little was done to force banks to shore up liquidity.The Basel III liquidity rules, which will be phased in starting in 2015, rely on two minimum ratios12.

In the analysis of bank performance the impact of the specific features of each country on banking activities should be taken into account. In addition, the ownership structure, major changes in the operational activities, the share of banks in the deposit market, the level of capitalization of banks impacts the efficiency of banks. It is important to note that in the evaluation of the performance of banking activities it is purposeful to calculate and analyze indices of profitability, which include: net profit margin, return on equity, return on assets and overall profitability.

Factors determining this forecast for Uzbekistan are stable world prices for major export commodities of Uzbekistan, significant capital investment by both the public and private sectors, asset quality and capitalization, maintaining of stable liquidity, capital growth from internal resources, good profitability indices, the government's ability to support systemically important banks. Every year from the introduction of international standards of analysis and evaluation of bank activities the experts of «Moody's» agency provide detailed explanations on their own methodology of assigning a credit rating. Recently they shared their opinion on the effectiveness of reforms in the banking sector of Uzbekistan. Agency «Moody's» noted that they are currently cooperating with six CIS countries: Uzbekistan, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, of which only two countries, including Uzbekistan, are forecast for the development of the banking system at the «stable» level13.

In my opinion, the most appropriate strategy for Uzbekistan is to strengthen the banking system, the formation of the necessary foundations for its backbone, which includes: the development of mortgage lending, increased capitalization of banks, the institutional changes. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider the banking system as an important factor of global competition laid down in the financial sector, which should serve the long-term geostrategic interests of the country. The successful solution of this task depends on the coordinated actions of the state and banking system.

12 http://clientportal.ey.com/

13 Material of journal " Market, money and credit"


№ 7(11), Vol.1, July 2016


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