UDK 36
Abdurakhmonova M., candidate of economic sciences
associate professor Azamjonova Z., master Fergana state university Uzbekistan, Fergana
Annotation: In this article, the concepts of activity and social activity are studied from a scientific point of view, in which the Uzi-specific aspects of raising the social activity and tolerance of young people are studied.
Key words: activity, social activity, tolerance, adaptasiya.
In the process of reforming the development of a new society in Uzbekistan, it is important to study the theoretical and practical aspects and experiences of the creation of the foundations of civil society in different countries of the world at different levels and periods. Civil society is a certain social system that guarantees every citizen of this country full freedom to build his economic and political life at his own discretion. Civil society is formed in harmony with the increase in self -awareness of people, their ability to feel a sense of responsibility in the object.
Social activity in civil society expresses the level of conscious, unselfish analysis of social relations and their desire to change those or those elements. In the event that a person has faced any serious problems of social importance and understands that it is necessary to adopt new laws or to improve the existing laws in order to solve them, the pursuit of social activity becomes more difficult. Social activity of members of society can manifest itself in various forms. By the nature of its manifestation, it is divided into constructive and destructive types. Constructive social activity is the social system in which members of society have these contradictions in conflict with certain contradictions. Seeks to eliminate using legitimate legal programs. It establishes public associations to express its interests, solve problems on the basis of existing laws.
The content of social activity, which can be defined as desturoktiv, is different. Such activity is directed against the existing social system, manifested in the desire to destroy it. It arises in a situation where it is believed that with the existing legal programs it is impossible to achieve its goal, solve problems of social significance. In such cases, social activity will not have clear legal limits. And this can lead to a sharpening of the social situation. This type of social activity is observed in periods of instability in social relations. Social activity is proportional to social tolerance.
Tolerance - this does not mean that the thoughts, views and actions of others are subjected in a non-effective, natural way. Perhaps it represents an active
moral advantage and psychological readiness towards understanding, positive cooperation between individual people, different groups, peoples, social groups.
Tolerance serves as the basis for the Prevention of destructive actions of young people in relation to other cultures as well as to other thinkers.
It is necessary to formulate in a person the ability to perceive another person from childhood, in some way, with complexities in his thoughts, nature, culture, views. by absorbing such an idea to young people through education and training, it should mean that people are mutually equal, despite their lifestyle, culture, social origin, material self-esteem, etc.
To be aware, not to remain indifferent to what is happening is the social activity of young people in the current period. This will revive the formation of such characteristics as the upbringing of young people in the spirit of kindness, justice, democracy, the formation of a sense of self - education and development in them, the need for social activity, the correct assessment of information on a wide and varied scale and the development of new areas of knowledge. One of the tasks of modern education is the development of social activity and tolerance among young people.
Some young people are faced with difficulties in the sense that they do not understand the opinion of others and do not want to understand. They can not even imagine that a person standing opposite them has his own way of thinking and acting. Often they try to transfer their opinion to others, in addition, they are illiterate in matters of tolerance. Formation of students ' tolerance the use of the basic principles of cooperation between the teacher and the students in communication in the course of the lesson gives a good effect.
In order for the youth of society to be socially active and tolerant, it would be appropriate to ratify the existing international conventions on human rights in the Republic, along with the adoption of laws that ensure the implementation of youth policy, to create and introduce into the minds of all strata of our society and individual persons even more extensive opportunities for
Raising the social activity of young people and nurturing them in the spirit of tolerance should be directed against the effects that arouse a sense of love and affection towards others. It is necessary to teach young people to think independently, to think critically, to help them formulate views based on moral values. This means raising the level of pedagogical training, the content and essence of curricula, textbooks and lessons, other educational materials, including new educational technologies, and the purpose of which is to educate citizens who are open and benevolent to other cultures, conscious and responsible, who appreciate freedom, respect the dignity and individuality of a person, solve conflicts with the means of prevention or In the current environment, we witness the increasing social activity and tolerance of young people in the process of forming civil society.
Sources used:
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