THE IMPORTANCE OF MEDIA LITERACY IN ADOLESCENCE Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
Media awareness / Western society / Media Literacy / TeenStation explained / Parents / life skills / TV / DVD / streaming / handheld / console / internet. / Осведомленность СМИ / Западное общество / Медиаграмотность / Объяснение TeenStation / Родители / жизненные навыки / ТВ / DVD / потоковое вещание / портативное устройство / консоль / Интернет.

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Djumakulova, Shakhlo Davlyatovna

In our increasingly connected world, it is nearly impossible to go a full day without using or experiencing some type of media. Imagine a day without reading (email, blogs, billboards, books, magazines), listening to recorded music (radio, streaming), watching recorded video (TV, DVD, streaming), or playing a video game (handheld, console, internet). Screens are increasingly common in all sorts of restaurants and large retailers. The use of most cell phones requires at least a basic level of media literacy: identifying the correct icon in order to open the desired app or function. “Media awareness and awareness of the content these produce is paramount today, and not only where young people are concerned. It thrills me to see how many young people nowadays show such deep social and societal commitment to creating content of value”, Deputy Foreign Minister Georg Georgiev said, speaking to the crowd on behalf of Minister Zaharieva.

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В нашем все более взаимосвязанном мире почти невозможно прожить целый день без использования или использования каких-либо средств массовой информации. Представьте себе день без чтения (электронная почта, блоги, рекламные щиты, книги, журналы), прослушивания записанной музыки (радио, потоковое вещание), просмотра записанного видео (телевидение, DVD, потоковое вещание) или видеоигр (портативное устройство, консоль, Интернет) . Экраны все чаще встречаются во всевозможных ресторанах и крупных магазинах розничной торговли. Использование большинства мобильных телефонов требует хотя бы базового уровня медиаграмотности: определение правильного значка, чтобы открыть нужное приложение или функцию. «Осведомленность СМИ и осведомленность о контенте, который они производят, сегодня имеют первостепенное значение, и не только в том, что касается молодежи. Меня восхищает то, как много молодых людей в наши дни проявляют такую глубокую социальную и общественную приверженность созданию ценностного содержания», — сказал заместитель министра иностранных дел Георг Георгиев, выступая перед собравшимися от имени министра Захариевой.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7


Djumakulova Shakhlo Davlyatovna

Termez Engineering and Technological Institute Academic Lyceum


In our increasingly connected world, it is nearly impossible to go a full day without using or experiencing some type of media. Imagine a day without reading (email, blogs, billboards, books, magazines), listening to recorded music (radio, streaming), watching recorded video (TV, DVD, streaming), or playing a video game (handheld, console, internet). Screens are increasingly common in all sorts of restaurants and large retailers. The use of most cell phones requires at least a basic level of media literacy: identifying the correct icon in order to open the desired app or function. "Media awareness and awareness of the content these produce is paramount today, and not only where young people are concerned. It thrills me to see how many young people nowadays show such deep social and societal commitment to creating content of value", Deputy Foreign Minister Georg Georgiev said, speaking to the crowd on behalf of Minister Zaharieva.

Key words. Media awareness, Western society, Media Literacy, TeenStation explained, Parents, life skills, TV, DVD, streaming, handheld, console, internet.

В нашем все более взаимосвязанном мире почти невозможно прожить целый день без использования или использования каких-либо средств массовой информации. Представьте себе день без чтения (электронная почта, блоги, рекламные щиты, книги, журналы), прослушивания записанной музыки (радио, потоковое вещание), просмотра записанного видео (телевидение, DVD, потоковое вещание) или видеоигр (портативное устройство, консоль, Интернет) . Экраны все чаще встречаются во всевозможных ресторанах и крупных магазинах розничной торговли. Использование большинства мобильных телефонов требует хотя бы базового уровня медиаграмотности: определение правильного значка, чтобы открыть нужное приложение или функцию. «Осведомленность СМИ и осведомленность о контенте, который они производят, сегодня имеют первостепенное значение, и не только в том, что касается молодежи. Меня восхищает то, как много молодых людей в наши дни проявляют такую глубокую социальную и общественную приверженность созданию ценностного содержания», — сказал заместитель


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

министра иностранных дел Георг Георгиев, выступая перед собравшимися от имени министра Захариевой.

Ключевые слова. Осведомленность СМИ, Западное общество, Медиаграмотность, Объяснение TeenStation, Родители, жизненные навыки, ТВ, DVD, потоковое вещание, портативное устройство, консоль, Интернет.


"I commend you for this initiative which is being held in a time when not an insignificant part of a student's daily life is spent online. What this shows is that digital skills are key, not only in education or the path to employment; they are life skills. Media literacy occupies an equally important place in education as reading literacy. Regardless of age, everyone needs the right skills necessary to read, understand and look at online content critically, as well as being able to discern what might be hiding behind that content", the Bulgarian EU Commissioner said, addressing the public.


The most famous approach to understanding media's effects may be Cultivation Theory, proposed by George Gerbner and his colleagues in the 1970s (Gerbner et al., 2002). Noting that television shows rely on a small number of storylines repeated with infinite variations, the theory argues that repeated and heavy exposure leads people to believe the real world behaves like the world-on-TV. Although today's media are more varied in content and storylines, the basic premise holds, particularly when a single genre is examined. Other approaches focus on how and why people use particular forms of media. Issues of active vs. passive engagement, identification with particular characters or individuals, perceived realism, viewing motives, and interpretation of media messages have been examined, and each has an effect on adolescent consumers. These factors can impact an individual's understanding and incorporation of media and thus may impact a teen's beliefs, behaviors, or identity (Ward, 2003).

"According to Eurostat data, Bulgaria and Romania are on the bottom of the ranking where the digital skills of young people are concerned, with 58 and 56 percent of youth having basic online skills, compared to 97 percent in Croatia. This is why I consider all of you young people with your conceptual projects to be ambassadors of digital skills and media literacy among your peers. Your task is to inspire them and help them acquire the necessary skills, while fighting the challenges

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

that have been presented to us by the coronavirus crisis together. This is why I have two questions for you: What are the new skills that young people must develop in order to adapt to a post-COVID-19 reality? And how can these skills be acquired remotely and digitally?" UNICEF Representative for Bulgaria Dr Jane Muita said, speaking to the crowd of youths.

The unique advantage of these projects is that they are aimed at teenagers and have been developed entirely from their point of view, albeit after a thorough preparation process and mentoring by experts.

"Teenagers having the ability to use the internet and social networks safely will allow them to quickly identify false information, protect themselves from people with malicious intents, identify online bullies and avoid them, so that they will be able to make the most of technologies which, where knowledge, databases and a means of communication are concerned, are otherwise extremely beneficial and have become ingrained into our daily lives. These skills have become a key element in education, active participation in society and employment. This is why we at Sofia Tech Park will continue to support similar initiatives that contribute to the furtherance of the digital security and literacy of our children", said Todor Mladenov, Executive Director of Sofia Tech Park, who hosted the event.

"For several years now, the digitalisation of education is one of the main causes VIVACOM has supported. This is precisely why we are so pleased with the large number of interesting and exciting proposals we received for using technology to solve current problems", Ekaterina Buzalakova from VIVACOM said.

"These young people have demonstrated so much skill, perseverance and creativity, and I am convinced that great things lie ahead of them. I hope their ideas will get the support they deserve", said Kristina Hristova, Chairperson of the Media Literacy Coalition.

It is important to give the floor to young people, instead of poking around trying to understand what is important to them. When young people collaborate, they accumulate a great potential. Our role is to support them in this process", Evelina Blagoeva from TeenStation explained.

What sets this hackathon apart is that, due to the emergency situation, everything was done online, from the preparation the students did to their work on the conceptual projects, and the students had never met previously to their participation in the hackathon, and did not interact in a physical environment. Despite these challenges, the youngsters managed to exceed the most daring expectations of the

Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

event organisers, as they worked together to create original and well-thought-out projects.


Parents, as well as representatives from national institutions, the business sphere, the private sector and the media were all present during the unveiling of the ideas. The aim is to develop these ideas into real projects with the help of all of the beforementioned in order to reach as many young people in Bulgaria as possible and to increase their media literacy, digital skills, social activism and civic awareness -all valuable components of the so-called '21 century skills', which support every developed and inclusive society that has children's and youths' best interests at heart.


1. Center for Media Literacy. (n.d.). Five key questions form foundation for media inquiry. Retrieved from http://www.medialit.org/reading-room/five-key-questions-form-foundation-media-inquiry

2. https://www.unicef.org/bulgaria/en/press-releases/media-literacy-teenagers-present-their-solutions

3. Andrew Smiler, PhD is the author of Challenging Casanova: Beyond the Stereotype of the Promiscuous Young Male. As a developmental psychologist, Smiler's training and research highlight adolescence and early adulthood. Visit his website at: www.andrewsmiler.com

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Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences Scientific Journal Impact Factor Advanced Sciences Index Factor

VOLUME 2 | ISSUE 11 ISSN 2181-1784 SJIF 2022: 5.947 ASI Factor = 1.7

8. Pinkleton, B. E., Austin, E. W., Cohen, M., Chen, Y.-C., & Fitzgerald, E. (2008). Effects of a peer-led media literacy curriculum on adolescents' knowledge and attitudes toward sexual behavior and media portrayals of sex. Health Communication, 23, 462-472. doi:10.1080/10410230802342135

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