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Davronov I.O. , Fayziyeva S.K. , Isomov B.S. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: [email protected]
1Davronov Istamkhuja Olimovich - Lecturer; 2Fayziyeva Sayyora Kudratovna - Lecturer; 3Isomov Bekmurot Sayfitdinovich- Associate Professor, TOURISM AND HOTEL BUSINESS DEPARTMENT, BUKHARA STATE UNIVERSITY, BUKHARA, REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN
Abstract: the restaurant business plays a vital role in the hotel industry in tourism. Marketing analysis plays an important role for restaurant business in determining the present or future potential of a new product or restaurant. The restaurant also helps identify potential customers in the new product. In this article, we will review the marketing analysis restaurants in Bukhara hotel. Tourist restaurants in Bukhara are mainly decorated in oriental style and serve mainly for foreigners. Therefore, marketing analysis plays an important role in how a business operates and what it uses to develop it. We conduct marketing analysis into several parts.
Keywords: restaurant, catering service, marketing analysis, new product, competitive analysis, type of services, competitors, visitors.
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Давронов И.О. , Файзиева С.К. , Исомов Б.С. (Республика Узбекистан)
'Давронов Истамхужа Олимович - преподаватель; 2Файзиева Саййора Кудратовна - преподаватель; 3Исомов Бекмурод Сайфитдинович - доцент, кафедра туризма и гостиничного бизнеса, Бухарский государственный университет, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан
Аннотация: ресторанный бизнес играет очень важную роль в сфере туризма в гостиничном хозяйстве. Маркетинговый анализ является важным в определении текущей и будущей ситуации в новом продукте или ресторанном потенциале для деятельности ресторанного бизнеса. В то же время ресторан будет служить для определения спроса потенциальных клиентов на новый продукт. В этой статье мы рассмотрим в основном маркетингавей анализ ресторанов гостиниц в Бухаре. Туристические рестораны Бухары оформлены в восточном стиле и служат в основном туристам. Таким образом, цель проведения маркетингового анализа играет важную роль в том, как предприятие работает и что оно использует для его развития. Мы проводим маркетинговый анализ, разделив его на несколько частей. Ключевые слова: ресторан, общественное питание, маркетинговый анализ, новый продукт, конкурентный анализ, вид услуг, конкуренты, посетители.
UDC 338.48
"Malika Bukhara" began service in the spring of year 2005. Located not far from the Labi Khaus, the hotel gives a warm and a national atmosphere. The hotel consists of two floors with 45 rooms, a restaurant for 85 people and a conference hall for 50 people. In addition, "TEA-house" has been set up in order to have a rest after a long and exciting tour in the heat of summer time.
Tourist restaurants in Bukhara are mainly decorated in oriental style and serve mainly for foreigners. Therefore, marketing analysis plays an important role in how a business operates and what it uses to develop it. We conduct marketing analysis into several parts [2, 126].
Multidimensional analysis of product acceptance.
At present, restaurant of Malika hotel continues to operate in other part of Uzbekistan such as, in Tashkent, Samarkand and Khiva (two). That is, 80% of the customers are around the hotel.
a) Competitive analysis.
The question that can be addressed in the competitiveness of restaurant business is to determine who exactly the restaurant is. We know that any restaurant strives to create its own individuality, atmosphere and comfort. When identifying the restaurant's competitors:
- The range of dishes offered;
- Cost;
- Purpose of the kitchen;
- Identify where you want your ads to be.
Those are also help in determining the classification of the restaurant. Again, when analyzing competition, answers to the following questions are needed:
- Who are the main competitors?
- Competitor's strategies (what is their main mission)?
- Organizational structure and management;
- Competitor's Marketing and Advertising Strategy;
- Methods used in competition;
- A set of services.
Comparing the Malika restaurant, this restaurant differs from other competitors by its many conveniences [6, 12]. The main competitors of this restaurant are:
- Asia restaurant (by its location and management);
- Old Bukhara restaurant (by its price policy and assortment);
- Badruddin restaurant (by its atmosphere);
- Adras (in interior design and assortment);
- Chinar (price policy).
All this information was revealed by personal practice.
Their advertising and marketing strategy is mainly through the internet. That is, via Facebook social networking site, TripAdvisor and other promotional sites. In addition, the subjects are also tourists. They are offered good service and low cost so they can offer their friends after they leave [7, 64]. Similar social networks and web pages are used here. Free guides will be provided for the tour guides. This is because the visitor is mostly communicating with the guide. Therefore, this method is used for the guide group. There are also various cocktails, drinks, snacks and desserts [1, 63].
The range of services provided by competitors also varies. That is, each restaurant has its own set of services. But Malika restaurant is at the top. Because all of the Offices have at least 3 years of experience in tourism and training. As you can see, the level of service can also be appreciated.
b) Production of new services and goods.
You have to be very careful about new services and products, that is, you should balance the attractiveness of your restaurant, which is reserved for regular customers and offer additional services and products [4, 25].
Conclusion: The purpose of marketing research is to get information about the mood in the communication community, to anticipate the most likely actions against the firm, and to
choose the tools to build effective partnerships with the community. Consequently, hotels operate not only in the restaurant market, but also in different environments and influences that create an outside marketing environment. The relationship between the environment and the firm varies and may be controlled or uncontrolled by the firm's influence.
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