Научная статья на тему 'Features of electronic online market in tourism'

Features of electronic online market in tourism Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Khurramov Ortikjon Kayumovich, Fayzieva Sayyora Annamuradovna, Saidova Feruza Kamalovna

The article deals with the role and place of the global Internet in tourism. Tourism today is a global computerized business, which involves the major airlines, hotel chains and tourist corporations around the world. In contrast to the traditional means of communication, whose main function is to deliver information, the Internet is not just a transmitter of information, and much more a global virtual market. The existence of the electronic market in the online environment due to the possibility of the implementation of the Internet payment system allows interactive paying goods and services.

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В статье рассматриваются роль и место глобального интернета в туризме. Туризм сегодня это глобальный компьютеризированный бизнес, в который вовлечены крупнейшие авиакомпании, гостиничные сети и туристические корпорации по всему миру. В отличие от традиционных средств связи, основной функцией которых является доставка информации, интернет это не просто передатчик информации, а гораздо больше глобальный виртуальный рынок. Существование электронного рынка в онлайн-среде обусловлено возможностью внедрения системы интернет-платежей, позволяющей осуществлять интерактивную оплату товаров и услуг.

Текст научной работы на тему «Features of electronic online market in tourism»


FEATURES OF ELECTRONIC ONLINE MARKET IN TOURISM Khurramov O.K.1, Fayzieva S.A.2, Saidova F.K.3 Email: Khurramov678@scientifictext.ru

1Khurramov Ortikjon Kayumovich - Senior Lecturer; 2Fayzieva Sayyora Annamuradovna - Senior Lecturer;


Abstract: the article deals with the role and place of the global Internet in tourism. Tourism today is a global computerized business, which involves the major airlines, hotel chains and tourist corporations around the world. In contrast to the traditional means of communication, whose main function is to deliver information, the Internet is not just a transmitter of information, and much more - a global virtual market. The existence of the electronic market in the online environment due to the possibility of the implementation of the Internet payment system allows interactive paying goods and services. Keywords: internet, information technology, communication systems, tourism, e-commerce, tour agent, tour operator.



1 2 3

Хуррамов О.К. , Файзиева С.А. , Саидова Ф.К.

1Хуррамов Ортикжон Каюмович - старший преподаватель;

2Файзиева Сайёра Аннамурадовна - старший преподаватель;

3Саидова Фируза Камаловна - преподаватель, кафедра экономики сферы услуг, Бухарский государственный университет, г. Бухара, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: в статье рассматриваются роль и место глобального интернета в туризме. Туризм сегодня - это глобальный компьютеризированный бизнес, в который вовлечены крупнейшие авиакомпании, гостиничные сети и туристические корпорации по всему миру. В отличие от традиционных средств связи, основной функцией которых является доставка информации, интернет - это не просто передатчик информации, а гораздо больше - глобальный виртуальный рынок. Существование электронного рынка в онлайн-среде обусловлено возможностью внедрения системы интернет-платежей, позволяющей осуществлять интерактивную оплату товаров и услуг.

Ключевые слова: интернет, информационные технологии, коммуникационные системы, туризм, турагент, туроператор.

UDC 338.48

DOI: 10.24411/2312-8089-2019-12410

Today, the Internet is the beginning of the era of e-commerce. If the original environment of the Internet is a means of dissemination of information, and the ensuing development of a number of programs that provide various kinds of networking, operating systems and programs navigators Internet allowed the fullest use of the new information environment, today an information network concept starts to take second plan.

The market online is more efficient compared to its traditional forms, as it provides consumers the most complete information about products and services, providing significantly greater control over the process of searching and selecting information from a much larger in its volume than, for example, in publications, advertising on television or radio.

Features of electronic online market are that first, it is open, that is available for businesses of all sizes, and consumers, and secondly - the global, that is, its access from anywhere of the world. The openness of the market is also due to the fact that it is characterized by relatively low barrier to entry on its firms.

Today we perceive tourism as the mass phenomenon of XXI century, as one of the most striking phenomena of our time, which really gets into all areas of our lives and change the world and the landscape around us. Tourism has become one of the most important factors in the economy, so we see it not just as a trip or vacation.

This concept is much broader and is a set of relations and unity of relations and phenomena that accompany the person travels. Rapid development of tourism, large amounts of foreign exchange earnings to actively influence the various sectors of the economy, which promotes the formation of their own tourist industry. In the tourism industry accounts for about 6% of the world gross domestic product, 7% of world investment, every 16th job, 11% of global consumer spending. Thus, nowadays one cannot ignore the huge impact that the tourism industry in the world economy.

An important feature of the present stage of development of tourism and changing its organizational forms is the penetration of the tourist transport business, commercial, industrial, banking, insurance and others. Companies, travel agencies, hotels and airlines are eyeing with great interest to the possibilities of the Web. If not so long ago online orders were small experimental brook, now they have become a powerful stream, which brings up to a quarter of all revenues. This information sounds for the tourist business even more optimistic, because the numbers characterize the situation in conservative Europe. The possibility of online ordering services, according to the European Commission, providing 36% of all tour operators and 62% of hotels. Almost a third of them received more than 25% of all orders by Internet users. Giants of the European tourism industry has long acquired the online service for booking tours, tickets and hotel rooms, but high return forces them to invest in the development of new means of online destinations.

Moreover, the use of each segment of tourism informational technology systems has implications for all other parts. For example, internal management of the hotel may be associated with computer global networks, which provide, in turn, is the basis for communication with hotel reservation systems, which are already in the reverse direction, to travel agents may be available through their computers. Therefore, we have to deal with an integrated system of information technology, which is distributed in tourism. From the foregoing, it is clear that the tourism industry is not subject to the computers, nor phones, video terminals are not alone - there operates a system of interrelated computer and communication technologies.

In addition, the individual components of the tourism industry are closely linked to each other - in fact many tour producers involved in each other's activities. All of this allows us to consider tourism as a highly integrated service that makes it even more affordable for the application of information technology in the organization and management.

Intense competition in the sector of tourism services makes the search for original solutions. One of the ways to improve the efficiency of promotion here - the use of online advertising. More recently, a rather innovative means of promoting modern internet advertising turns into affordable and effective communication, and the choice of the company is the tool in the arsenal of marketing is increasingly dictated by common pragmatism. In recent years, the rapidly increasing demand for new and modern and the most effective forms and methods of advertising provide various types of tourism. Among them is the use of Internet technology, demonstrating the increasingly high performance.

Modern tourist sites accepted conditionally divided into sites, business cards, websites, storefronts and online shopping. For tourism companies is the most effective placement of banners on specialized sites, or sites that have sections for tourists.

Many tourist portals now have the opportunity to place targeted banner advertising, which is more expensive type of promotion, but the costs are compensated by the fact that the effect is the desired target audience. In order to maximize the efficiency of the tourist site of the enterprise as an advertising medium to work on them should be involved in the most professional designers and marketers.

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