THE IMPORTANCE OF INTEGRATED PARENTING IN PRIMARY SCHOOL Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Avazova D.E.

This article presents information about the role of the subject of education in the formation of the worldview of the younger generation, intersubject relations and the importance of integrative education in the lessons of education in primary classes.

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Avazova D.E., master Pedagogical University Tashkent State University named after Nizami



Annotation: This article presents information about the role of the subject of education in the formation of the worldview of the younger generation, intersubject relations and the importance of integrative education in the lessons of education in primary classes.

Keywords: The concept of education, personal-personal development, elements of methods of education-methods of education.

Today in our country, our people, especially the younger generation, must continue to carry out education, which is invaluable in raising the spiritual and intellectual potential, consciousness and worldview, educating a harmoniously developed person who lives with love and devotion to the motherland and its people. special attention is paid. As a result of ongoing reforms and international qualification requirements, in recent years, extensive work has been done to ensure the content and quality of education, the use of modern educational technologies, the development of a culture of communication. At the same time, there is a need to improve the pedagogical skills of future teachers in accordance with the requirements of the globalization process. One of the priorities in the Comprehensive Development of the Higher Education System in the Action Strategy for the Further Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 20172021 is "continuous improvement of the quality and level of professionalism of teachers" 11 One of the most important tasks is to pay special attention to the development of pedagogical professional reflection in future teachers, which is an important part of pedagogical skills. The concept of upbringing is to shape the worldview of young people, to shape their behavior, to develop their aesthetic religion and to bring them up to physical maturity.

Education has a social character. For the development of society, it needs a young generation that can preserve and further develop its material and spiritual wealth, using it effectively. All this is achieved through education. The essence of upbringing is to reflect the deep connections, internal relationships that determine the main signs and trends in the development of a particular event. A person is a whole being as a legitimate result of upbringing. In the process of upbringing, the child's personality develops as a whole, not individually. As a child learns and develops, the phases of upbringing become more complex, deeper, and stratified. That is why "Tarbiya" lessons have been introduced for all

11 Узбекистан Республикаси Президентининг 2017 йил 7 февралдаги "Узбекистон Республикасини янада ривожлантириш ПФ-4947 - сон Фармони.

classes of the school. In this regard, the lessons of education in the primary school serve as a basis for future knowledge. It is necessary to create and implement a pedagogical system that combines individual, group and mass forms of organization. The science of education plays an important role in the development of the individual, preparing him for life in various activities. This science shapes human psychology.

Methods of upbringing are the methods of influencing a child's system of consciousness, emotions, will, behavior, and attitudes in order to shape the child's personality. Elements of parenting methods are called parenting methods. Appropriately organized methodological ways of solving this or that educational task are called educational methods. Visual aids, books, radio, television, and children's activities can be tools for reading, work, play, physical education, and sports. As you can see, the subject of "Education" covers several disciplines.

In the process of integration into society, human integration can be understood as the collection of individual elements, their integration, integration. Also, many scholars and methodologists have commented on the nature of the problem of integration. 'given in reefs.

"A.Gulamov and H.Nematov emphasize that integrative processes are the ability to use comprehensive knowledge from other disciplines to provide students with comprehensive knowledge. In this case, students will study the artistic style in the field of literature, the scientific style in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, the method of working papers on the basis of materials from the basics of law"12.

The essence of integration is in line with Farididdin Attor's words:" 13. Methodists B.Ziyomuhammedov and Sh.Abdullaeva emphasize that the technology of the educational process should be developed for a single lesson, a single topic or a part of the subject, the whole subject, and shows that it has 5 principles:

The first is to formulate the main goal expected of a particular lesson, topic, section, subject;

The second is to divide the lesson or subject into modules and identify the system of issues to be addressed within the objectives and modules expected from each module;

The third is to compile test questions within the module;

The fourth is to identify ways to achieve goals,

The fifth is to pay special attention to the necessary connections and interdisciplinary connections between the parts of the lesson, based on the principle of integrity"14.

Integration creates opportunities and conditions for the development of thinking. Integration is an important tool for individual work with the student and

12 Fуломов А., Неъматов У. Она тили таълим мазмуни.-Т.: Укитувчи, 1995.-Б. 38.

13 Кдранг: Рузиму^аммад Б. Буюк шахслар силсиласи // Маърифат. - 2002. -№26. -Б.6.

14 Зиёму^аммадов Б., Илгор педагогик технология.-Т.: Абу Али ибн Сино, 2001.-Б. 24-25.

his activation. As a result of the organization of interdisciplinary communication in the classroom, the number of subjects will be reduced, the results will be more effective, it will be easier to involve students in independent work. answers can be arranged. The main purpose of the use of such modern types of lessons is to activate the activities of students in the learning process, to achieve a high level of mastering the material. Such technology teaches students to imagine the world differently, to connect practice with life, not to memorize theoretical rules, to understand the harmony of the individual and society, to achieve diversity of ideas, non-standard thinking as well as to understand the ways of self-development.

In integrative education - deepening and increase of interdisciplinary knowledge, their formation. During integration, the volume of interdependence increases and is regulated, which regulates the operation of parts and the integrity of the object of study. The main goal of education integration is to lay the foundations for a good understanding of nature and society in primary school and to form an attitude to the laws of their development" 15.

One of the most pressing issues today is the ability to identify hidden connections and connections in the formation of the scientific worldview, to ensure interdisciplinary connections. Because with interdisciplinary connections, a teacher who is able to organize a lesson not only increases students' interest in their subject, but also helps them to master the subject. As a result of the systematic implementation of interdisciplinary links, the relevance of the educational process will increase significantly. Students develop dialectical thinking skills. Modular lesson technologies can be used to teach primary school lessons in connection with the native language, education, as well as painting, natural sciences, labor sciences. Because such lessons teach students to be creative, to think independently.

Currently, several methods of integration are used. One of them is the idea of combining several disciplines into one discipline. Today, this can be seen in the fact that many foreign scholars do not study the problems of integration of the specifics of primary schools. Let's look at some of the teachings they put forward. The main goal of integrative education is to engage the child in a conversation with nature, society, science, art, in short, the world., the idea of directing the use of language used by scientists, to help a small school student to acquire a basic knowledge of the art of communication with a wide range of ideas. This literacy includes everything from interacting with people to interacting with oneself and with events in the environment. help, to give a broad and, most importantly, understanding of the diversity of material and cultural, about the inner (spiritual) and (social) world of man, about the laws that govern the universe (natural, scientific, historical, moral). The main emphasis is placed not only on the acquisition of certain knowledge, but also on the development of figurative

15 Abdullayeva Q, Ochilov M, "Boshlang'ich maktab darsliklarini yaratish mezonlari, -T.: 1999-yil

thinking. methods, techniques and tools depend on the extent to which they correspond to the tasks and objectives set in the field of education, the extent to which they provide a complex impact on the child's personality.


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