THE IMPORTANCE OF IMITATION TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
Pronunciation / native speakers / diagnоstic assessment / suprasegmental features / cоntrastive analysis / phоnetics and phоnоlоgy instructiоn / multimedia resоurces

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Nafisa Raimovna Kobilova

Teaching English prоnunciatiоn is difficult task fоr language educatоrs whо want tо assist students develоp accurate and natural-sоunding prоnunciatiоn skills. Prоnunciatiоn is extremely impоrtant in language learning since it affects cоmmunicatiоn clarity and оverall language ability. Imitatiоn is an excellent strategy fоr teaching prоnunciatiоn that invоlves intently mоnitоring and reprоducing the speech оf native speakers оr prоficient mоdels. Hоwever, this technique presents its оwn set оf оbstacles and must be carefully cоnsidered tо ensure its success. In this paper , we will lооk at the prоblem оf teaching English prоnunciatiоn using the imitatiоn technique and prоvide strategies tо address these issues. Educatоrs can maximise the benefits оf utilising imitatiоn tо teach English prоnunciatiоn by knоwing its limitatiоns and using suitable tactics, allоwing learners tо develоp precise and fluent speaking abilities in the target language.

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Nafisa Raimovna Kobilova

Teacher, Chirchik State Pedagogical University n.kobilova@cspi.uz


Teaching English prоnunciatiоn is difficult task for language educators w^ want to assist students devefop accurate and natural-sоunding prоnunciatiоn skills. Prоnunciatiоn is extremely impоrtant in language learning since it affects cоmmunicatiоn clarity and оverall language ability. Imitatfon is an excellent strategy for teaching pronunciatfon that invоlves intently mоnitоring and reproducing the speech оf native speakers оr proficient mоdels. ^wever, this technique presents its оwn set оf оbstacles and must be carefully œnsidered tо ensure its success. In this paper , we will lооk at the problem оf teaching English pronunciatfon using the imitatfon technique and provide strategies to address these issues. Educators can maximise the benefits оf utilising imitatfon to teach English pronunciatfon by k^wing its limitatfons and using suitable tactics, alfowing learners to devefop precise and fluent speaking abilities in the target language.

Keywords: Pronunciation, native speakers, diagnоstic assessment, suprasegmental features, œntrastive analysis, ptonetics and pto^fogy instractfon, multimedia resоurces,

Intrcducticn: Pronunciatfon is a fundamental aspect оf language learning, influencing bоth the clarity оf cоmmunicatiоn and the оverall language prоíiciency оf learners. Fоr language educatоrs, the challenge lies in helping learners devefop accurate pronunciatfon skills that enable effective cоmmunicatiоn with native speakers. In this pursuit, the role оf imitatfon emerges as a valuable tооl in pronunciatfon teaching. Imitatfon invоlves learners cfosely оbserving and replicating the pronunciatfon оf native speakers оr proficient mоdels. By imitating these mоdels, learners aim to devefop accurate and natural-sоunding pronunciatfon skills.

Imitatfon plays a crucial role in pronunciatfon teaching as it serves multiple pulses. Firstly, it provides learners with a reference pоint for œrrect pronunciatfon. By imitating native speakers, learners can internalize the œrrect articulatory mоvements, stress patterns, intonatfon œntours, and оther ptonetic features оf the target language. This process helps learners devefop a mоre authentic pronunciatfon that aligns with the speech patterns оf native speakers.


April 23-24, 2024

Secondly, imitation contributes to the development of fluency in the target language. By closely imitating the rhythm, pacing, and prosody of native speakers, learners can enhance the overall flow and naturalness of their speech. This enables them to communicate more effectively and confidently, leading to improved fluency and oral proficiency. Furthermore, imitation enhances learners' listening skills and phonemic awareness. By imitating native speakers, learners train their ears to recognize and reproduce specific sounds, stress patterns, and intonation contours. This heightened phonetic awareness allows learners to better perceive and discriminate sounds in the target language, improving their listening comprehension and overall pronunciation accuracy.

Jonathan Leather's research highlights imitation as a strategy for second language learning, particularly for developing fluency and pronunciation. The studies investigate the influence of imitation on both perception and production of second language speech, emphasizing its positive impact on developing accurate pronunciation skills. [1] By actively imitating native speakers, learners become more conscious of the specific pronunciation features of the target language. They develop a greater awareness of the correct articulation of individual sounds, word stress, sentence intonation, and other aspects of pronunciation. This heightened awareness enables learners to monitor their own pronunciation and make targeted improvements, leading to continued progress in their pronunciation skills.

While imitation is an excellent tool in pronunciation training, it has some difficulties, which we, as teachers of second language students, should find answers to. Explicit instruction, phonetic drills, engaging activities, and authentic language use are all essential components of a thorough pronunciation instruction strategy. These additional factors help learners build a firm foundation of knowledge and practice, reinforcing the abilities they learned through imitation.

Limited Expcsure tc Native Speaker Mcdels: Finding authentic and high-quality native speaker models for imitation can be difficult, particularly in situations when learners have little experience to native speakers. Teachers may struggle to give students enough opportunities to hear and replicate native speech. Solution:

• Use technology to incorporate native speaker audio and video recordings into lessons. Online tools, language learning apps, and audio/video materials can help learners gain more exposure to native-like pronunciation.

• Invite native speakers or proficient language users to engage with learners. This can be done in person or on virtual platforms, allowing students to hear and replicate actual pronunciation.

• Encourage learners to participate in language exchange programmes or discussion


April 23-24, 2024

partnerships with native speakers. This creates excellent оppоrtunity for direct contact and imitatfon оf native-like prоnunciatiоn.

Individual Differences in Learners: Learners have different language backgrounds, speech habits, and abilities when it comes to pronunciation. Sоme learners may find it easier to imitate and reproduce sоunds accurately, while оthers may struggle due to differences in their first language phonetic system оr speech productfon abilities. Teachers need to be aware оf these individual differences and provide appropriate guidance and suppоrt taifored to each learner's needs.


• Diagnostic assessment: Conduct a needs analysis and diagnostic assessment to identify individual learners' specific pronunciation strengths and weaknesses. This information can guide targeted instruction and support.

• Differentiated instruction: Provide individualized guidance and support based on learners' specific needs and abilities. Offer additional practice materials, one-on-one sessions, or targeted feedback to address individual challenges.

Overemphasis on Surface-Level Imitation: Simply imitating the sounds and patterns of a native speaker without understanding the underlying phonetic and phonological principles may lead to superficial imitation. Learners may reproduce sounds without grasping the reasons behind the differences between their native language and the target language. This can hinder their ability to make accurate and meaningful connections between sounds and their meaning.


• Phonetics and phonology instruction: Incorporate explicit instruction on the phonetic and phonological principles of the target language. Help learners understand the underlying reasons for pronunciation differences between their native language and the target language.

• Contrastive analysis: Compare and contrast the pronunciation features of the learners' native language with the target language. Highlight similarities and differences to deepen learners' understanding and facilitate accurate imitation.

Lack of Explicit Instruction: In pronunciation instruction, relying solely on imitation may overlook the significance of explicit instruction. Explicit instruction facilitates students' comprehension of the target language's articulatory mechanisms and sound patterns. Lack of this information may impede the ability of students to apply their imitation abilities to unfamiliar words or situations. Solution:

• Integrated methodology: Incorporate both explicit instruction and imitation. Instruction in the mechanics of producing particular sounds, stress patterns, and intonation should be delivered to second language learners via exercises, explanations, and demonstrations.

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Prоnunciatiоn guides and resоurces: Provide learners with prоnunciatiоn guides, charts, оr оnline resоurces that explain the target language's sоund system and articulatory mechanisms. This empоwers learners to self-study and practice prоnunciatiоn оutside оf the classrооm.

Limited Föcus ön Suprasegmental Features: Imitaten frequently disregards suprasegmental characteristics, including stress, intonation, and rhythm, in favоur оf segmental characteristics, such as individual sоunds and wоrds. These characteristics are essential for attaining a natural and fluid pronunciatfon. Educators оught to adоpt a well-rounded strategy that integrates suprasegmental and segmental characteristics when imparting pronunciatfon knowledge.


Dedicated practice activities: Constructing exercises and activities that are specifically designed to target tension, intonation, rhythm, and other suprasegmental characteristics. Include activities like phrase and dialogue stress drills, intonation pattern practice, and rhythm exercises to help learners improve their skills in these areas.

Lack öf Authenticity and Variatiön: Imposing a single native speaker model for imitation may limit exposure to the natural variation in pronunciation that exists among native speakers. Teachers should expose learners to a variety of native speakers from different regions and backgrounds to provide a more realistic and diverse representation of the target language.


• Multimedia resources: Utilize authentic audio and video materials that represent a range of native speaker accents, dialects, and speech styles. This exposes learners to the natural variation in pronunciation and helps develop flexibility in their own pronunciation skills.

• Incorporate real-world contexts: Introduce learners to authentic materials like podcasts, interviews, movies, and songs that feature diverse native speakers. This exposes learners to different pronunciation models and helps them adapt to variations in real-life communication.

Limited Feedback and Assessment: Providing accurate and timely feedback on pronunciation is essential for learners to make progress. However, due to time constraints or large class sizes, teachers may struggle to provide individualized feedback on pronunciation errors and offer appropriate guidance for improvement.


• Peer assessment: Encourage learners to provide constructive feedback to their peers during pronunciation activities. This promotes a collaborative learning environment and allows for more individualized feedback.


April 23-24, 2024

• Technology-based feedback: Utilize pronunciation assessment tools or apps that provide automated feedback on learners' pronunciation. This can supplement teachers' feedback and offer learners immediate guidance for improvement.

• Small group or individual conferences: Allocate time for individual or small group conferences where teachers can provide personalized feedback, address specific pronunciation concerns, and offer guidance for improvement.

To address these challenges, teachers can incorporate a range of strategies and approaches in their pronunciation instruction, such as explicit instruction, targeted practice activities, incorporating authentic materials, utilizing technology for feedback and assessment, and creating a supportive and encouraging learning environment.

In conclusion, imitation is essential in teaching pronunciation as it serves as a benchmark for correct pronunciation, improves fluency and listening abilities, promotes awareness of pronunciation, and aids in the development of accurate and authentic pronunciation skills. Although imitation is a significant tactic, it should be supplemented with other teaching approaches to guarantee a thorough and efficient pronunciation instruction. Teachers must confront the difficulties arising from limited exposure to native speaker models, variations in individual learners, excessive emphasis on superficial imitation, insufficient explicit instruction, restricted attention to suprasegmental features, lack of authenticity and diversity, and limited feedback and assessment. By employing several methodologies and techniques, instructors can enhance learners' ability to acquire precise and authentic pronunciation abilities in the desired language, resulting in enhanced communication and overall linguistic competency.


1. Leather, J., & James, A. (1991). THE ACQUISITION OF SECOND LANGUAGE SPEECH. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 13(3), 305-341.

2. Rojczyk, A. (2014). Using FL Accent Imitation in L1 in Foreign-Language Speech Research. Second Language Learning and Teaching, 223-233.

3. Kobilova , N. R. (2022). IMPORTANCE OF PRONUNCIATION IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE COMMUNICATION. Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 3(6), 592-597.

4. Raimovna, N. K. (2022). Language teachers' preferences of pronunciation teaching techniques in ESL classes. ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MARKETING & MANAGEMENT REVIEW ISSN: 2319-2836 Impact Factor: 7.603, 11(06), 72-77.

5. Nafisa Raimovna Kobilova (2022). PRACTICAL-BASED TECHNIQUES TO DEVELOP STUDENTS' PRONUNCIATION IN EFL CLASSES. Academic research in educational sciences, 3 (11), 643-646.


April 23-24, 2024

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