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Ключевые слова
speech activity / monological speech / dialogical speech / discourse and text

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Gulyamova Shakhzoda Bahtiyor Kizi

Following article illustrates speech activity and its types in modern linguistics. Besides, it includes data about comparations and variations of monological and dialogical speech activities. Obviously, speech activity of a person is associated with a variety of phenomena that appears not only in individual languages, but also in dialects and other positions. Dialects of separate social groups and individual dialects, as well as a certain language, (even the dialect of a certain person) are determined by all the complex factors of human speech function. With this in mind, it is unbearable to learn the language directly without considering these factors.

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^sll ISSN 2310-5720 ppublishing.org

DOI: 10.29013/EJLL-23-4-56-58


Gulyamova Shakhzoda Bahtiyor kizi 1

1 Tashkent Management and Economics Institute Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Cite: Gulyamova Sh. B. (2023). The Importance of Comparations and Variations of Monological and Dialogical Speech Activities. European Journal of Literature and Linguistics 2023, No 4. https://doi.org/10.29013/EJLL-23-4-56-58


Following article illustrates speech activity and its types in modern linguistics. Besides, it includes data about comparations and variations of monological and dialogical speech activities. Obviously, speech activity of a person is associated with a variety of phenomena that appears not only in individual languages, but also in dialects and other positions. Dialects of separate social groups and individual dialects, as well as a certain language, (even the dialect of a certain person) are determined by all the complex factors of human speech function. With this in mind, it is unbearable to learn the language directly without considering these factors. Keywords: speech activity, monological speech, dialogical speech, discourse and text


Communication is divided into concepts of monological speech and dialogical speech. At the same time, it is vital to distinguish the forms of monologue and dialogue from discourse in modern linguistics. It can be acknowledged that the process of communication is a person's need as a carrier of consciousness as a social and mental being. The need for communication plays an important character in the system of all human needs. It is obvious that one or more people can participate in speech activity. It is common when the one speaks, others listen to the speaker. In order to identify the forms of monologue and dialogue speech, it is essential to take into account of the participants of speech activity. If one person takes the turn to speak and others just attend to listen this can be form of monological speech.

The interpretive dictionary of the Uzbek language describes the monologue as follows: Monologue mono + logos define words or speeches. Monologue is a type of speech by participants in a stage or other literary work that is directed to themselves or others and do not demand answer to it. According to Russian linguist L. V. Sherba monologue is not any kind of replication, but it is a system of oral thoughts that has already been established to deliberately influence to the audience.

In the work "Treasure of Ulugbek" by Odil Yakubov, Ulugbek's mental and psychological state is mostly expressed through his monologues. "Mirzo Ulg'bek bog'lar ortidan elas-elas ko'ringan suyukli shahriga suqlan-ib tikilar ekan, beixtiyor ko'ziga yosh oldi". Nahot kindik qoni to'kilgan, mas'ud bola-

lik yillari o'tgan, obod qilaman deb umrini baxsh etgan bu suyukli shahri azim qo'lidan ketsa? Dong'i butun rubi maskunga ketgan rasadxonasi-chi? Faxr-iftixori bo'lmish yil-lik urinishlari shamolga sovrilsa? Qirq yil yiqqan nodir xazinasi-chi? Shogirdlari-chi? Ularning taqdiri ne bo'ladi?...

Undoubtedly, monologic speech always implies a high level of language development of the speaker. Monologues are a more complex speech type than dialogues both in terms of content and language structure. According to L. V. Sherba, monological speech aware control over its oral structure works continuously, because a monologue is an organized system of thoughts created in oral form. In this respect, monologue is the most important form of speech. A monologue has a much greater tradition than dialogue in both the selection of language tools for conveying the content of speech and its construction. With this in mind Russian linguist V. Vinogradov stated "Fluency in monologic speech forms is an art". It can be widely acknowledged that sincerely and deeply felt oral speech always captivates listeners and enthralls them more incomparably than the written pieces. A person's living voice can be powerful means of influencing a person with its nature. Any speaker or orator is considered as a creator that generates in the presence of the listener, with a direct effect on him. Therefore, live words and speech are of great importance not only for the speaker, but also for the listeners. The complexity of the monological speech is determined not only by the content. Besides, the emotional coloring of the speech of tonality and intonation of expressiveness are depended on the target source.

Materials and Methods

On the contrary, dialogical speech is a type of speech which demands the replication of the partner. From the point of view of modern science, dialogue is not only the result of human mind, but it is also an interesting phenomenon of existence and consciousness. According to Russian linguists M.M. Bakhtin, the process of human thinking and self-understanding has a dialogic character. His famous works are dedicated to global understanding of communication and

dialogical relations. The researcher emphasized dialogical relations separately and it is an almost universal phenomenon and all relationship views of human life has acquired its meaning and significance.

It should be stated that communication is a very complex and multifaceted phenomenon. At the same time, dialogical speech is the field of activity of a number of linguistic fields such as: philology, rhetoric, philosophy (anthropology, sociology, logic), psychology, and others. The inherent anthropocentricity of this type of speech is of great importance. In most cases of dialogical communication is carried out by face-to-face communication, which creates conditions for self-disclosure of the language. In addition, primary dialog-ical speech is always a product of collective creativity and created by several authors. The addressee always acts as an active participant in the conversation.

Result and discussion:

It should be stated that monological type of speech is distinguished by the level of preparation and formality. An oratorical speech is always a pre-prepared monologue in a formal setting. However, to a certain extent, monologue is an artificial form of speech that always strive for dialogue. In this regard, any monologue can be means of dialogue. However, unlike a dialogical speech, a monological speech is not intended for the direct verbal reaction of the speakers and exchange of answers. Monological speech is mostly one side communication and do not demand answer and reaction to from the listeners. This explains the features of the monologue as an oral form of speech. Thus, a monological speech is much more complicated than a dialogue both in terms of the topic and in terms of its structure. A monologue is a coherent speech that organized according to the rules of logic and grammar: all parts of the monologue are connected by resources of meaning and grammar. This means that it is not enough to know grammar in order to master a monological speech, it is important to acquire knowledge about the things and real phenomena that you are going to talk about and acquire a large stock of words, as well as the means of expression (linguistic, adverbial - intonation, facial expressions, gestures and signs).


The term speech is widely used in modern linguistics and rhetoric. However, its essence is determined by researchers in different ways. The vagueness of the interpretation of the term is clearly seen when comparing its semantic content in works representing different scientific orientations. Speech activity is any kind of text which can be oral and written, modern and historical,

real and artificially constructed and consider its completeness and vagueness, polyphony and polyfunctionality, real and potential. It is content design that includes the whole complex of knowledge about communication codes and their interactions. Speech activity can be considered as a communicative situation that includes the tone of the communicants and the text created in the process of communication.


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submitted 22.10.2023;

accepted for publication 08.11.2023;

published 16.01.2024

© Gulyamova Sh. B.

Contact: gulyamovashakhzoda@mail.ru

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